Arrowsmith School is a world leader in using cognitive programming and neuroplasticity to strengthen the brain.
Want to learn more about what we do? Join us for key events on strengthening the brain through cognitive enhancement.
Learning difficulties and disabilities do not have to be life-long. By strengthening the child’s capacity to learn with cognitive exercises tailored to their unique learning profile, students of all ages can transform their ability to learn.
Most parents agree that the last few years have disrupted and had a negative impact on their child’s learning, confidence, and emotional well-being. This has impacted this generation’s opportunities to thrive in school and life. The road to recovery is not out of reach. Strengthen your child’s brain with evidence-based Arrowsmith cognitive exercises and bridge the learning gap today.
Our brains are at the heart of our every move, thought, and interaction. Its intricate design shapes how we participate in the world, see ourselves, and understand others. This first of a 5-part series examines both our brain’s complexity and its uniqueness. We will explore the concept of ‘cognitive function’ and describe how specific intellectual processes work together to achieve the simplest to complex tasks. Our own cognitive profiles are as distinct as fingerprints. Gaining insight through a cognitive lens, therefore, allows us to better understand ourselves and others.
Building a stronger brain means achieving your best through cognitive enhancement. By engaging in targeted cognitive exercises, we can increase our cognitive capacity and lead a better life. This second part of the 5-part series analyzes the brain's role at school, in the workplace, at home, and throughout our lives. We will discuss the benefits of cognitive programming for all.
The first 10 years of school life are pivotal. What and how a child learns during this period determines the life they will create for themselves, and how they will contribute to the world. It is encouraging that many educators, professionals, and policymakers are recognizing that school curricula must evolve to meet the needs of today’s students. In fact, we would argue that a revolution is due. Part 3 of the Webinar Series will consider how the skills identified essential for our modern world, such as critical thinking, flexibility, emotional intelligence, are directly connected to specific cognitive functions. We will examine how a cognitive program can enhance underlying brain processes responsible for acquiring these 21st-century skills, fundamentally preparing students to be the leaders and shapers of tomorrow.
As we learn, our brains continually change. From toddlerhood to early childhood, all of life’s natural learning experiences—from lullabies to balancing blocks – are shaping the function and structure of circuits in the brain. When children go off to school, they need to adapt these circuits of their brains in new and profound ways as they learn how to translate letters into words, words into ideas, and numbers into mathematical concepts. This presentation examines this very exchange – how do our brains learn? What is happening as we read, write, or solve a math problem? How might this perspective shape our understanding of our own experiences, and that of our children and students? Is there really such thing as a “math person”? Join us to consider the brain’s role in learning, the science behind acquiring fundamental academic skills, and the potential to change the trajectory of traditional learning processes through a neuroplastic approach.
So far we’ve examined the role of the brain from different perspectives and different scenarios. This webinar takes us back to a core principle – how does it operate? What does its instructional manual look like? Unique from traditional educational assessments, a cognitive assessment goes beneath skills and performance and examines the functioning of the core cognitive functions that shape our lives. This assessment can be a user’s guide to understanding ourselves and others. Join us to learn more about how cognitive assessments can become an essential tool for understanding and improving our lives.
Learn how improving critical cognitive functionss can significantly change your brain’s ability to learn and process information. Join renowned brain change expert, Barbara Arrowsmith-Young, for a virtual event.
Barbara Arrowsmith-Young discusses her journey of discovery and innovation that lead to the creation of the Arrowsmith Program and the research outcomes of a neuroplastic approach to addressing learning disabilities.
An inspiring and uplifting story of a woman who overcame severe learning difficulties using cognitive exercises to improve brain function, as featured in Norman Doidge's book, The Brain That Changes Itself. She has gone on to help others through her learning programs based on practical applications of neuroplasticity. Barbara Arrowsmith-Young, Canada, best-selling author of The Woman Who Changed Her Brain; Director, Arrowsmith School and Arrowsmith Programs.
Brain Power Conference “Join the Revolution in Childhood Development” sponsored by The Brain Power Initiative The Royal Conservatory TELUS CENTRE FOR PERFORMANCE AND LEARNING Toronto, Ontario Conference website (speakers’ list and ticket information): Arrowsmith Program will be hosting a booth in the exhibition space Video introduction “The Woman Who Changed Her Brain” by Barbara Arrowsmith-Young preceding the panel, From the Family Room to the Classroom to the World”
The Canadian Arrowsmith Program is founded on the philosophy that it is possible to treat learning disabilities by identifying and strengthening cognitive capacities. Based on the personal experience of its developer, Barbara Arrowsmith-Young, the program uses a series of exercises designed to strengthen weak cognitive capacities and improve associated learning dysfunctions. In this presentation designed for parents and teachers of children with learning disabilities, Arrowsmith Young, whose autobiography The Woman Who Changed Her Brain was published this year, will outline the principles and practices of her program.
Barbara Arrowsmith-Young turned her life-defining learning disabilities into an unlikely asset. Unable to process language or decode symbols, she compensated with her fierce determination to learn, fuelled by a formidable memory. In graduate school, she chanced on research that held the key to reprogramming her own brain. This was in the 1970s and 80s, before neuroplasticity became a widely accepted fact. Her pioneering Arrowsmith Program has since helped countless children and adults with learning disabilities to unlock their potential. ‘In most traditional special education programs, the premise is that the learner’s fixed. The learner is the learner, with their strengths and weaknesses,’ says Barbara. ‘The premise of our work is, we’re going to take this learner, and we’re going to change the capacity of the learner.’ Norman Doidge shared Barbara’s story in his bestseller The Brain That Changes Itself; she speaks for herself in her new book, The Woman Who Changed Her Brain.
The pioneer of neuroplasticity was born with severe learning disabilities. Undaunted, Barbara Arrowsmith-Young used her strengths to develop brain exercises to overcome her neurological deficits. She has gone on to change countless lives and inspire Miraculous Transformations from the Frontier of Brain Science.
Barbara Arrowsmith-Young, the Creator and Director of Arrowsmith School and Arrowsmith Program, and the author of the international best-selling book The Woman Who Changed Her Brain (, speaks at TedX Toronto about her pioneering work in the field of neuroplasticity. The Arrowsmith Program is based on the application of Barbara’s neuroscientific research, and for 40 years it has worked to help students strengthen the weak cognitive capacities underlying a range of learning difficulties.
Barbara is thrilled to be in Guelph to accept the 2012 Alumna of Honour Award from her Alma Mater, the University of Guelph, on Wednesday, March 27. On Thursday, March 28, Barbara will give a public presentation on how the Arrowsmith Program uses neuroplasticity to address learning disabilities, hosted by Guelph Christian School.
Barbara Arrowsmith-Young, author of “The Woman Who Changed Her Brain” will present on her work on Shaping the Brain at the Fourth Annual Queensland Epilepsy Symposium Thinking Outside The Box: Epilepsy
The Arrowsmith Program is not tutoring. It is a program within a school that addresses the underlying cognitive challenges that prevent our kids from learning. Within 2-4 years, the majority of kids with mild to severe learning and attention challenges join their classmates at grade level without compensations or aides. Pretty great stuff! Through neuroplasticity (changing the brain), the Arrowsmith program actually increases the learning capacities of students with learning and attention challlenges. So instead of compensating, the program actually changes the brain so a child can learn. There are over 30 years of proven life-changing results! The Arrowsmith Program could be the answer for your child or student.
Arrowsmith-Young’s lecture covers the personal and the universal. The personal is Arrowsmith-Young’s journey of discovery driven by her hunt for a solution to her own debilitating learning disorders leading to the integration of two lines of neuroscience research. The universal is that we all have a brain and by furthering our knowledge of how our brain shapes us through mediating our understanding of the world we can gain insight into our functioning and that of others. And most promising, that through our growing understanding of neuroplasticity, we now have the knowledge to develop treatments to shape our brains. It is a journey of understanding and transformation. Copies of Barbara’s book will be available for purchase and autographing.
In her presentation entitled “The Arrowsmith Program: Addressing Learning Disabilities—A Cognitive Approach,” Barbara Arrowsmith-Young will talk about her journey of discovery, the lines of research she combined, and the outcomes achieved over her 35 years as an educator and researcher. She will describe a number of learning disorders, from those that impact the learner in school to those that affect us in life. The focus will be on learning disorders that impact academic performance such as reading and writing, and some of the outcome studies demonstrating cognitive and academic performance change in these areas as a result of students engaging in the Arrowsmith Program's cognitive exercises. There will be a book signing after the event. Attendees may bring their own, or purchase a copy of The Woman Who Changed Her Brain at the door for $10.
Debbie Gilmore will talk about the Arrowsmith Program, the lines of research that were combined to develop the program and the outcomes achieved for individuals with learning difficulties over 35 years. Built on the principle of neuroplasticity, the Arrowsmith Program identifies, intervenes and strengthens the weak cognitive capacities that affect learning. A number of cognitive functions and dysfunctions will be described and how these impact on the learner in school to those that affect individuals in life. The focus will be on learning disorders that impact academic performance such as reading and writing and some of the studies demonstrating cognitive and academic performance change in these areas as a result of students engaging in the Arrowsmith Program's cognitive exercises.
St Andrew's College hosts An Evening with Barbara Arrowsmith-Young Barbara Arrowsmith-Young, author of the International Bestseller The Woman Who Changed Her Brain, and founder of the Arrowsmith Program, tells the compelling story of how she tapped into neuroscience research and used neuroplasticity to transform her brain and life, then went on to found the Arrowsmith Program. A cognitive program that addresses learning disabilities through neuroplasticity, the Arrowsmith Program is currently in 50 schools worldwide, including six in Australia and three in New Zealand.
Samuel Marsden Collegiate School hosts An Evening with Barbara Arrowsmith-Young. Barbara Arrowsmith-Young, author of the International Bestseller The Woman Who Changed Her Brain, and founder of the Arrowsmith Program, tells the compelling story of how she tapped into neuroscience research and used neuroplasticity to transform her brain and life, then went on to found the Arrowsmith Program. A cognitive program that addresses learning disabilities through neuroplasticity, the Arrowsmith Program is currently in schools worldwide, including Australia and New Zealand.
The Catholic Education Office presents The Link between Mental Health and Learning Difficulties. In this riveting lecture, special guest Barbara Arrowsmith-Young (author of international bestseller The Woman Who Changed Her Brain) will focus on the research findings linking mental health outcomes related to learning disabilities supported by the 'voices' of individual students, aged 11 to 63, describing their experiences. Barbara will also describe her own personal struggle with learning disabilities and its impact on her mental health in context with the research findings in this area. As the founder and Director of the Arrowsmith Program, Barbara continues to develop programs for students with learning disabilties and her program of cognitive exercises is implemented in schools in Canada, the U.S, Australia and New Zealand. She holds a B.A.Sc in Child Studies from the University of Guelph and a Master's degree in School Psychology from the University of Toronto. The lecture will also feature Debbie Gilmore (Arrowsmith Australian representative) and Dr Kate O'Brien (Assistant Director: Teaching & Learning, CEO Sydney) who will be exploring the Arrowsmith program, the cognitive functions the program can address and changes in learning characteristics. "Barbara Arrowsmith-Young is a pioneer, a bold and ingenious woman, deeply empathic and utterly determined. Rarely is hte person who makes a discovery the one with the defect. Barbara is the exception" - Normal Doidge, M.D., author of The Brain That Changes Itself Prepare to be engaged and inspired! Learn how the brain has an incredible ability to change and overcome learning problems. Deepen your understanding of the workings the brain and its profound impact on how we participate in the world. Please note that this is Barbara's only Sydney lecture for 2014.
Come out and learn about the revolutionary Arrowsmith Program. Learn how focused cognitive exercises can repair the areas of the brain that are hindered by a learning disability. The mission, and future, of Neuroplasticity in education will also be discussed. Dr. Andrea Sywulak is a child and family psychologist. She treats children from pre-school age through adolescence. Dr. Sywulak assesses children for ADD/ADHD and learning problems. She has spent over 20 years in practice, and is a supporter of Arrowsmith and ATG. ATG's Arrowsmith teachers, Rachel Oakley and Kate West will also be present at the event to speak to you about the classes, answer questions, and share student success stories.
In this presentation, Barbara Arrowsmith-Young will talk about her journey of discovery, the lines of research she combined and the outcomes achieved over her 35+ years as an educator and researcher. She will describe a number of learning disorders, from those that impact the learner in school to those that affect us in life. The focus will be on learning disorders that impact academic performance such as reading and writing and some of the outcome studies demonstrating cognitive and academic performance change in these areas as a result of students engaging in the Arrowsmith Program’s cognitive exercises.
In this presentation, Barbara Arrowsmith-Young will talk about her journey of discovery, the lines of research she combined and the outcomes achieved over her 35+ years as an educator and researcher. She will describe a number of learning disorders, from those that impact the learner in school to those that affect us in life. The focus will be on learning disorders that impact academic performance such as reading and writing and some of the outcome studies demonstrating cognitive and academic performance change in these areas as a result of students engaging in the Arrowsmith Program’s cognitive exercises.
Can Changing Your Brain Change Your Life? Implications of Neuroplasticity for Success – A Personal and Universal Journey Barbara Arrowsmith-Young will discuss the social, educational, mental health and economic costs for students with specific learning disabilities and the implications of using a cognitive program that drives neuroplastic change to address these difficulties. Barbara will talk about her journey of discovery, the lines of research she combined to create a cognitive program to address her specific learning problems along with the outcomes achieved over her 35 years as an educator and researcher. Barbara will describe how different cognitive functions impact learning and academic skill acquisition and discuss the outcomes/cognitive transformation related to a capacity based treatment approach to addressing specific learning disabilities.
Can Changing Your Brain Change Your Life? Implications of Neuroplasticity for Success – A Personal and Universal Journey Barbara Arrowsmith-Young will discuss the social, educational, mental health and economic costs for students with specific learning disabilities and the implications of using a cognitive program that drives neuroplastic change to address these difficulties. Barbara will talk about her journey of discovery, the lines of research she combined to create a cognitive program to address her specific learning problems along with the outcomes achieved over her 35 years as an educator and researcher. Barbara will describe how different cognitive functions impact learning and academic skill acquisition and discuss the outcomes/cognitive transformation related to a capacity based treatment approach to addressing specific learning disabilities.
Delight in the books & writers you love, & discover new ones at the Brisbane Writers Festival. Open your mind to a wide range of ideas & new ways of thinking with QLD’s most exciting annual celebration of stories & ideas. Brisbane Writers Festival, will engage your mind, body & soul with hundreds of events, featuring outstanding artists from around the world. Are you ready to open you mind? Festival highlights include Inspire, remarkable & thought-provoking presentations to make you think, feel and act.
Barbara Arrowsmith-Young, author of the International Bestseller The Woman Who Changed Her Brain, and founder of the Arrowsmith Program, will be coming to England in October 2014 and she will be presenting her story at UCL in London. The Woman Who Changed Her Brain tells the compelling story of how Barbara tapped into neuroscience research and used neuroplasticity to transform her brain and life, then went on to found the Arrowsmith Program (a cognitive program for students with learning disabilities). The Woman Who Changed Her Brain was the bestselling book at the Sydney Writer’s Festival and a Best Seller in Canada and Australia.
Barbara Arrowsmith Young speaking at the Neuroplasticity and Education: Strengthening the Connection conference presented by the Eaton Educational Group at the Westin Bayshore Hotel on October 25, 2013.
The conference planning team at the Learning Assistance Teachers Association (LATA) is excited to offer an outstanding professional development opportunity at the annual LATA conference, Neuroscience Meets Education: Success for Struggling Students. This year's keynote speaker approaches learning struggles from an optimistic point of view that, while it stems from her personal experience with learning difficulties, is supported by current brain development research. Workshop facilitators cover a range of intervention strategies that will equip BC educators working in a multi-faceted RTI environment to ensure that all students maximize their learning potential.
Born with severe learning disabilities that caused teachers to label her slow, stubborn, or worse, Barbara Arrowsmith-Young read and wrote everything backwards, struggled to process concepts in language, continually got lost, and could make no sense of an analog clock. But through her formidable memory and determination, she made her way to graduate school, where she chanced upon research that inspired her to invent cognitive exercises to "fix" her brain. Now the Director of Arrowsmith School, the author interweaves her personal tale with riveting case histories from her more than 30 years of working with both children and adults to restructure their own brains. The Woman Who Changed Her Brain powerfully and poignantly illustrates how the lives of children and adults struggling with learning disorders can be dramatically transformed. This remarkable book by a brilliant pathbreaker deepens our understanding of how the brain works and of the brain’s profound impact on how we participate in the world. Our brains shape us, but this book offers clear and hopeful evidence of the corollary: we can shape our brains.
Join us for an inspiring and informative discussion regarding Barbara Arrowsmith-Young’s journey of discovery, the lines of research she combined and the outcomes achieved over her 35 years as an educator and researcher in the field of Learning Disabilities. Barbara Arrowsmith-Young is the creator and director of Arrowsmith School and the Arrowsmith Program, and the author of the international best-selling book “The Woman Who Changed Her Brain”. Introduction by Howard Eaton, Ed.M. - Founder/Director Eaton Arrowsmith School and Author of Brain School.
Barbara Arrowsmith-Young returns to Holy Trinity Parish to share further her amazing story and the continued success of the Arrowsmith Program. The Holy Trinity Arrowsmith Program will share their journey to date with reflections from parents, students and teachers on the implementation of the Pilot and will announce the ongoing program.
The esteemed Barbara Arrowsmith, founder of the internationally acclaimed Arrowsmith Program and author of 'The Woman Who Changed Her Brain', is visiting Oakleigh Grammar in March 2017 to talk about her book and the program itself. This is an incredible opportunity to hear about how the Arrowsmith Program was formed, and its benefits to all who undertake it. It is also an amazing opportunity to meet Barbara, ask her questions. The evening will consist of an official opening of the Oakleigh Grammar Centre for the Arrowsmith Program by Barbara, followed by a talk and a Q&A session and book signing.
Barbara Arrowsmith-Young discusses her journey of discovery and innovation that lead to the creation of the Arrowsmith Program, and the research outcomes of a neuroplastic approach to addressing learning disabilities.
As lifelong learners we are all looking for an edge. You may be a student looking to achieve better grades or an employee looking to move up the corporate ladder. You may even be retired and looking for a means to improve and strengthen your cognitive capacities to ensure you are protecting/enhancing your most important asset, your brain. We welcome you to join us on Monday, April 10th at 6:45 pm as Arrowsmith School Peterborough will be hosting a conference on Enriching Minds, Changing held at the Peterborough Golf and Country Club (1030 Armour Road, Peterborough, Ontario). Our Executive Director, Debbie Gilmore will be presenting on our new Enrichment Program that will be available at the Peterborough School for learners of all ages. This program is designed to enhance your higher order reasoning and processing to understand and quickly grasp what is read and heard, insight, logical reasoning, seeing connections between ideas, cause and effect processing and mathematical reasoning. We encourage all who are interested in learning about our new program or would like to educate themselves further on the Arrowsmith Program and its positive neuroplastic effect to change the current capabilities/capacities of your brain.
Barbara Arrowsmith-Young discusses her journey of discovery and innovation that lead to the creation of the Arrowsmith Program, and the research outcomes of a neuroplastic approach to addressing learning disabilities.
Barbara Arrowsmith-Young discusses her journey of discovery and innovation that lead to the creation of the Arrowsmith Program, and the research outcomes of a neuroplastic approach to addressing learning disabilities.
Arrowsmith School hosts an evening with Sonia Nicolucci. Sonia will be joining us to help shine a light on Understanding Your Child’s Behaviour; How to Support Socialization, Independence, and Communication; and Preparing for Future Changes and Challenges.
Join Executive Director (and Arrowsmith Parent) Debbie Gilmore as she shares with you the latest updates on the ongoing Arrowsmith Program Research Projects. Debbie will also be outlining some of the new directions Arrowsmith School and Arrowsmith Program will be taking in order to make this powerful work more accessible.
The year 2017 marks the 115th anniversary of Alexander Luria's (1902-1977) birth, and the 40th anniversary of his death. To commemorate the life and scientific achievements of this world-renowned psychologist, the Yeltsyn Ural Federal University and the Moscow Lomonosov State University are collaborating with the Russian Psychological Association (RPA), the American Psychological Association (APA), the Tomsk State University, the Kemerovo Federal University, the International Society of Applied neuropsychology (ISAN), the International Society of Cultural-historical Activity Research (ISCAR), the Institute of Vygotsky in Portugal, the Center for Integrating Neuropsychology and Psychology (CINAPSI) in San Paulo, the Moscow Research Center of Developmental Neuropsy?hology, and the Irkutsk Research Center of Family Health and Human Reproduction. The congress will include plenary and thematic sessions (oral and poster presentations), round table discussions and evening lectures of the leading specialists in psychology and neuroscience from Russia and other countries.
In this presentation, Barbara Arrowsmith-Young talks about her journey of discovery, the lines of research she combined and the outcomes achieved over her 40 years as an educator and researcher. She will describe a number of learning disorders, from those that impact the learner in school to those that affect us in life. She will discuss ‘cognitive glitches’ – those areas of weakness that we are all familiar with and often explain away by saying, “I am just not good at navigating, recognizing faces, (fill in the blank).” She will discuss ‘cognitive mismatches’ – situations we find ourselves in where the demand of the task is incompatible with our cognitive functioning and the challenges this presents. Principles of neuroplasticity and the factors leading to both positive and negative brain change will be discussed as well as current research on outcomes of the methodology she developed.
Join the Eaton Arrowsmith community as we welcome Barbara Arrowsmith-Young, founder of the Arrowsmith Program, to Vancouver! She will be available for a question and answer session on Thursday July 12th from 3:30pm-4:30pm. The session will be held at the Univerity of British Columbia in the Pharmaceutical Sciences Building, located at 2405 Wesbrook Mall, Vancouver, BC V6T 1Z3.
Interested in brain health? If that is the case come to this session in Burnaby as we will have leaders in health care and health improvement speaking! We will have a panel of specialists present their approach to cognitive recovery. Our guest presenters will include: Heather Branscombe: Clinical Director of Abilities Neurological Rehabilitation. Heather has built a very successful career in rehabilitative medicine and is a leader in the greater rehabilitative health community as a physical therapist. Heather will serve as the master of ceremonies for the evening. Barbara Arrowsmith-Young: Barbara is a world-renowned leader in neuroplasticity and cognitive remediation. Dr. Gerry Ramogida: Will discuss how aerobic training impact cognition. Paul Peel, Registered Psychologist: A registered psychologist with a wide-ranging background in counselling and cognitive behavioural therapy. Paul will be presenting on meditation and brain health. Mark Watson: Will discuss why a integrated multi-modal approach is important to consider when seeking to improve outcomes to complex problems.
The Illawarra Grammar School offers the Arrowsmith Program, a program to help students with learning difficulties achieve their potential. Executive Director of the Arrowsmith Program, Debbie Gilmore will be visiting TIGS to share her personal experience and current research into neuroplasticity.
Arrowsmith School Toronto hosted an evening of learning about nutrition and brain health with Lubna Nazarani. The presentation helps us understand how foods can affect the brain. Lubna discusses ingredients that compromise learning and memory, explores optimal foods for brain function, covers what to look for on food labels, and discusses strategies to improve brain health. Participants are given simple tools to help them optimize their family's brain health. About Lubna Nazarani, MS, NNCP Lubna Nazarani has a Masters in Nutrition and Integrative Health from the Maryland University of Integrative Health. MUIH is one of the leading academic institutions in the United States for Integrative Health, uniting healing and wellness traditions with modern science-based research. She is a registered Natural Nutrition Clinical Practitioner, registered with the Canadian Association of Natural Nutritional Practitioners.
In this presentation, Barbara Arrowsmith-Young talks about her journey of discovery, the lines of research she combined and the outcomes achieved over her 35+ years as an educator and researcher. She describes a number of learning disorders, from those that impact the learner in school to those that affect us in life. She discusses 'cognitive glitches' - those areas of weakness that we are all familiar with and often explain away by saying, "I am just not good at navigating, recognizing faces, (fill in the blank)." She will discuss 'cognitive mismatches' - situations we find ourselves in where the demand of the task is incompatible with our cognitive functioning and the challenges this presents. Principles of neuroplasticity and the factors leading to both positive and negative brain change will be discussed.
In this presentation, Matthew will discuss how being connected to devices can have a negative impact on mental wellness. Based on recommendations from the Canadian Pediatric Society’s Digital Health Task Force, this presentation will cover how to get a good start by managing young children’s screen use, how to help older kids get the positive benefits of networked devices while avoiding their drawbacks, and how to teach teenagers to manage the digital stress that comes with their connected lives.
In this presentation, Debbie Gilmore, Arrowsmith's Executive Director, explores the neuroplastic paradigm, the concept of cognitive enhancement, and how targeted cognitive exercises can be used in the classroom to enhance the learning of all students. By enhancing the learner’s capacity to learn, the rate of learning can be accelerated across academic disciplines.
In this presentation, Debbie Gilmore, Arrowsmith's Executive Director, describes a number of learning difficulties, from those that impact the learner in school as well as in daily life. The focus will be on learning difficulties that impact academic performance, such as reading and writing, and some of the research studies demonstrating brain-related change and enhanced cognitive and academic performance as a result of engaging in a cognitive approach to addressing learning difficulties.
In this presentation, Debbie Gilmore, Arrosmith's Executive Director, describes a number of learning difficulties, from those that impact the learner in school as well as in daily life. The focus will be on learning difficulties that impact academic performance, such as reading and writing, and some of the research studies demonstrating brain-related change and enhanced cognitive and academic performance as a result of engaging in a cognitive approach to addressing learning difficulties.
In this presentation, Debbie Gilmore, Arrowsmith's Executive Director, explores the neuroplastic paradigm, the concept of cognitive enhancement, and how targeted cognitive exercises can be used in the classroom to enhance the learning of all students. By enhancing the learner’s capacity to learn, the rate of learning can be accelerated across academic disciplines.
This event involves presentations by three researchers currently investigating outcomes of the Arrowsmith Program. Dr. Greg Rose from Southern Illinois University, and Drs. Lara Boyd and Rachel Weber, both from University of British Columbia.
The 2019 SharpBrains Virtual Summit featured over forty of the world’s top experts and innovators working to improve brain health for all. Dr. Greg Rose, Director of the Center for Integrated Research in Cognitive and Neural Sciences at Southern Illinois University presented on How to promote brain health at scale: Examples in the workplace, K12 education and consumer tech
In this presentation, Barbara Arrowsmith-Young will talk about her journey of discovery, the lines of research she combined, and the outcomes achieved over her 40 years as an educator and researcher. She will describe a number of learning disorders, from those that impact the learner in school to those that affect us in life. She will discuss ‘cognitive glitches’ – those areas of weakness that we are all familiar with and often explain away by saying, “I am just not good at navigating, recognizing faces, (fill in the blank).” She will discuss ‘cognitive mismatches’ – situations we find ourselves in where the demand of the task is incompatible with our cognitive functioning and the challenges this presents. Principles of neuroplasticity and the factors leading to both positive and negative brain change will be discussed.
Dr. Greg Rose presents: The Benefits of Arrowsmith Training on Brain Connectivity and Neuropsychological Measures. Dr Greg Rose from Southern Illinois University presents his latest research findings on outcomes of the Arrowsmith Program. Dr Rose is currently undertaking three research studies on the Arrowsmith Program. He is also involved in an international systematic research effort to understand how the Arrowsmith Program changes brain functioning and how this translates into improved cognition.
In this presentation Barbara Arrowsmith-Young talks about how harnessing the principles of neuroplasticity leads to changes in the brain and how each individual can create a new reality for their future. She also discussed the latest research on the Arrowsmith Program which shows changes in the brain as well as academic, emotional, social and cognitive changes.
Does your child have a learning disability? The Arrowsmith Program can help! Come listen to our expert panel: Debbie Gilmore (Executive Director, Arrowsmith Program), Halton Hills Christian School Educations, Alumni, and current Arrowsmith students and parents for information on how this program can help to overcome your child’s learning difficulty
Come to Trent University's annual Ethics Lecture where Debbie Gilmore will raise the awareness of the impact of learning disabilities on education and society. Debbie Gilmore is the Executive Director of Arrowsmith Program in Canada. Her work is concerned with the fact that students with learning difficulties need more support in schools. Her work as a teacher, literacy adviser, assistant principal, and principal helped her understand the need to ‘unlock’ the potential of these students. She holds a Masters of Education and various Graduate Certificates in Education in a range of areas of diverse learning. She is this year’s speaker for the annual Kenneth Mark Drain Chair in Ethics lecture, which yearly celebrates a perspective on values or ethics in a way that engages with real-world situations.
Please join our Eaton Arrowsmith and Eaton Arrowsmith Adults community for a presentation by Barbara Arrowsmith-Young, Founder of the Arrowsmith Program. Barbara's presentation will be followed by a panel discussion with Barbara, Howard Eaton, Founder/Director of Eaton Arrowsmith and co-Founder of The Watson Centre Society for Brain Health and ABI Wellness and Mark Watson, co-Founder of The Watson Centre Society for Brain Health and ABI Wellness . Both Watson Centre and ABI Wellness use the Arrowsmith Program as an integral part of their platform to assist adults as they reclaim their lives after brain injury.
In this presentation Barbara Arrowsmith-Young talks about how harnessing the principles of neuroplasticity leads to changes in the brain and how each individual can create a new reality for their future. She discusses the latest research on the Arrowsmith Program which shows changes in the brain as well as cognitive, academic, and social-emotional well-being changes. She describes how a learning difficulty impacts the learner in school as well as in life and that the research shows that this reality is not lifelong and can be changed. The audience will gain insight into and begin to look at behaviour through a cognitive lens. They will build an understanding that through harnessing the principles of neuroplasticity we can change the brain and overcome learning challenges.
In this presentation Barbara Arrowsmith-Young will talk about her journey of discovery, the lines of research she combined to develop her innovative Program and the outcomes achieved over her 40 years as an educator and researcher. She will describe a range of learning disorders, from those that impact the learner in school to those that affect us in life. ‘Cognitive glitches’ – those areas of weakness that we are all familiar with and often explain away by saying, “I am just not good at navigating, recognizing faces, (fill in the blank) – will be discussed. Barbara will also explore ‘cognitive mismatches’ – situations we find ourselves in where the demand of the task is incompatible with our cognitive functioning and the difficulties this presents. The audience will gain insight into the principles of neuroplasticity and begin to look at behavior through a cognitive lens. They will build an understanding that through harnessing the principles of neuroplasticity we can shape our brain and overcome challenges.
The focus of this session is on describing various learning disabilities, from those that impact academic performance to those that affect us in life. Outcome studies demonstrating cognitive and academic performance change in these areas as a result of students engaging in the Arrowsmith Program’s cognitive exercises will be presented. Learner Outcomes - Participants will be able to: 1. Describe how learning and behavior can be viewed through a cognitive lens to gain better insight into a student’s cognitive profile, leading to better student support in the classroom. 2.Understand the brain’s ability to change leading to strengthened cognitive functions through targeted cognitive exercises using the application of neuroplasticity.
In this presentation Barbara Arrowsmith-Young talks about how harnessing the principles of neuroplasticity leads to changes in the brain and how each individual can create a new reality for their future. She discusses the latest research on the Arrowsmith Program which shows changes in the brain as well as academic, emotional, social and cognitive changes. She describes how a learning difficulty impacts the learner in school as well as in life and that the research shows that this reality is not lifelong and can be changed. The audience will gain insight into and begin to look at behaviour through a cognitive lens. They will build an understanding that through harnessing the principles of neuroplasticity we can change the brain and overcome learning challenges.
In this presentation Barbara Arrowsmith-Young talks about how harnessing the principles of neuroplasticity leads to changes in the brain and how each individual can create a new reality for their future. She discussed the latest research on the Arrowsmith Program which shows changes in the brain as well as academic, emotional, social and cognitive changes. She describes how a learning difficulty impacts the learner in school as well as in life and that the research shows that this reality is not lifelong and can be changed. The audience will gain insight into and begin to look at behaviour through a cognitive lens. They will build an understanding that through harnessing the principles of neuroplasticity we can change the brain and overcome learning challenges.
In this presentation Barbara Arrowsmith-Young talks about how harnessing the principles of neuroplasticity leads to changes in the brain and how each individual can create a new reality for their future. She discussed the latest research on the Arrowsmith Program which shows changes in the brain as well as academic, emotional, social and cognitive changes. She describes how a learning difficulty impacts the learner in school as well as in life and that the research shows that this reality is not lifelong and can be changed. The audience will gain insight into and begin to look at behaviour through a cognitive lens. They will build an understanding that through harnessing the principles of neuroplasticity we can change the brain and overcome learning challenges.
In this presentation Barbara Arrowsmith-Young talks about how harnessing the principles of neuroplasticity leads to changes in the brain and how each individual can create a new reality for their future. She discussed the latest research on the Arrowsmith Program which shows changes in the brain as well as academic, emotional, social and cognitive changes. She describes how a learning difficulty impacts the learner in school as well as in life and that the research shows that this reality is not lifelong and can be changed. The audience will gain insight into and begin to look at behaviour through a cognitive lens. They will build an understanding that through harnessing the principles of neuroplasticity we can change the brain and overcome learning challenges.
In this presentation Barbara Arrowsmith-Young talks about how harnessing the principles of neuroplasticity leads to changes in the brain and how each individual can create a new reality for their future. She discussed the latest research on the Arrowsmith Program which shows changes in the brain as well as academic, emotional, social and cognitive changes. She describes how a learning difficulty impacts the learner in school as well as in life and that the research shows that this reality is not lifelong and can be changed. The audience will gain insight into and begin to look at behaviour through a cognitive lens. They will build an understanding that through harnessing the principles of neuroplasticity we can change the brain and overcome learning challenges.
In this presentation Barbara Arrowsmith-Young talks about how harnessing the principles of neuroplasticity leads to changes in the brain and how each individual can create a new reality for their future. She discussed the latest research on the Arrowsmith Program which shows changes in the brain as well as academic, emotional, social and cognitive changes. She describes how a learning difficulty impacts the learner in school as well as in life and that the research shows that this reality is not lifelong and can be changed. The audience will gain insight into and begin to look at behaviour through a cognitive lens. They will build an understanding that through harnessing the principles of neuroplasticity we can change the brain and overcome learning challenges.
In this presentation Barbara Arrowsmith-Young talks about how harnessing the principles of neuroplasticity leads to changes in the brain and how each individual can create a new reality for their future. She discussed the latest research on the Arrowsmith Program which shows changes in the brain as well as academic, emotional, social and cognitive changes. She describes how a learning difficulty impacts the learner in school as well as in life and that the research shows that this reality is not lifelong and can be changed. The audience will gain insight into and begin to look at behaviour through a cognitive lens. They will build an understanding that through harnessing the principles of neuroplasticity we can change the brain and overcome learning challenges.
In this presentation Barbara Arrowsmith-Young talks about how harnessing the principles of neuroplasticity leads to changes in the brain and how each individual can create a new reality for their future. She discussed the latest research on the Arrowsmith Program which shows changes in the brain as well as academic, emotional, social and cognitive changes. She describes how a learning difficulty impacts the learner in school as well as in life and that the research shows that this reality is not lifelong and can be changed. The audience will gain insight into and begin to look at behaviour through a cognitive lens. They will build an understanding that through harnessing the principles of neuroplasticity we can change the brain and overcome learning challenges.
In this presentation Barbara Arrowsmith-Young talks about how harnessing the principles of neuroplasticity leads to changes in the brain and how each individual can create a new reality for their future. She discussed the latest research on the Arrowsmith Program which shows changes in the brain as well as academic, emotional, social and cognitive changes. She describes how a learning difficulty impacts the learner in school as well as in life and that the research shows that this reality is not lifelong and can be changed. The audience will gain insight into and begin to look at behaviour through a cognitive lens. They will build an understanding that through harnessing the principles of neuroplasticity we can change the brain and overcome learning challenges.
Watch Barbara present her latest research into the science of learning to a sold-out audience in Auckland New Zealand. This presentation provides insight through a cognitive lens into the range of cognitive ‘glitches’ leading to a learning challenge. It details Barbara’s journey of discovery, the lines of research she combined and the factors leading to brain change using the principles of neuroplasticity.
In this presentation Barbara Arrowsmith-Young talks about how harnessing the principles of neuroplasticity leads to changes in the brain and how each individual can create a new reality for their future. She discussed the latest research on the Arrowsmith Program which shows changes in the brain as well as academic, emotional, social and cognitive changes. She describes how a learning difficulty impacts the learner in school as well as in life and that the research shows that this reality is not lifelong and can be changed. The audience will gain insight into and begin to look at behaviour through a cognitive lens. They will build an understanding that through harnessing the principles of neuroplasticity we can change the brain and overcome learning challenges.
In this presentation Barbara Arrowsmith-Young talks about how harnessing the principles of neuroplasticity leads to changes in the brain and how each individual can create a new reality for their future. She discussed the latest research on the Arrowsmith Program which shows changes in the brain as well as academic, emotional, social and cognitive changes. She describes how a learning difficulty impacts the learner in school as well as in life and that the research shows that this reality is not lifelong and can be changed. The audience will gain insight into and begin to look at behaviour through a cognitive lens. They will build an understanding that through harnessing the principles of neuroplasticity we can change the brain and overcome learning challenges.
In this presentation Barbara Arrowsmith-Young talks about how harnessing the principles of neuroplasticity leads to changes in the brain and how each individual can create a new reality for their future. She discussed the latest research on the Arrowsmith Program which shows changes in the brain as well as academic, emotional, social and cognitive changes. She describes how a learning difficulty impacts the learner in school as well as in life and that the research shows that this reality is not lifelong and can be changed. The audience will gain insight into and begin to look at behaviour through a cognitive lens. They will build an understanding that through harnessing the principles of neuroplasticity we can change the brain and overcome learning challenges.
In this presentation Barbara Arrowsmith-Young talks about how harnessing the principles of neuroplasticity leads to changes in the brain and how each individual can create a new reality for their future. She discussed the latest research on the Arrowsmith Program which shows changes in the brain as well as academic, emotional, social and cognitive changes. She describes how a learning difficulty impacts the learner in school as well as in life and that the research shows that this reality is not lifelong and can be changed. The audience will gain insight into and begin to look at behaviour through a cognitive lens. They will build an understanding that through harnessing the principles of neuroplasticity we can change the brain and overcome learning challenges.
In this presentation Barbara Arrowsmith-Young talks about how harnessing the principles of neuroplasticity leads to changes in the brain and how each individual can create a new reality for their future. She discussed the latest research on the Arrowsmith Program which shows changes in the brain as well as academic, emotional, social and cognitive changes. She describes how a learning difficulty impacts the learner in school as well as in life and that the research shows that this reality is not lifelong and can be changed. The audience will gain insight into and begin to look at behaviour through a cognitive lens. They will build an understanding that through harnessing the principles of neuroplasticity we can change the brain and overcome learning challenges.
In this presentation Barbara Arrowsmith-Young talks about how harnessing the principles of neuroplasticity leads to changes in the brain and how each individual can create a new reality for their future. She discussed the latest research on the Arrowsmith Program which shows changes in the brain as well as academic, emotional, social and cognitive changes. She describes how a learning difficulty impacts the learner in school as well as in life and that the research shows that this reality is not lifelong and can be changed. The audience will gain insight into and begin to look at behaviour through a cognitive lens. They will build an understanding that through harnessing the principles of neuroplasticity we can change the brain and overcome learning challenges.
In this presentation Barbara Arrowsmith-Young talks about how harnessing the principles of neuroplasticity leads to changes in the brain and how each individual can create a new reality for their future. She discussed the latest research on the Arrowsmith Program which shows changes in the brain as well as academic, emotional, social and cognitive changes. She describes how a learning difficulty impacts the learner in school as well as in life and that the research shows that this reality is not lifelong and can be changed. The audience will gain insight into and begin to look at behaviour through a cognitive lens. They will build an understanding that through harnessing the principles of neuroplasticity we can change the brain and overcome learning challenges.
In this presentation Barbara Arrowsmith-Young talks about how harnessing the principles of neuroplasticity leads to changes in the brain and how each individual can create a new reality for their future. She discussed the latest research on the Arrowsmith Program which shows changes in the brain as well as academic, emotional, social and cognitive changes. She describes how a learning difficulty impacts the learner in school as well as in life and that the research shows that this reality is not lifelong and can be changed. The audience will gain insight into and begin to look at behaviour through a cognitive lens. They will build an understanding that through harnessing the principles of neuroplasticity we can change the brain and overcome learning challenges.
In this presentation Barbara Arrowsmith-Young talks about how harnessing the principles of neuroplasticity leads to changes in the brain and how each individual can create a new reality for their future. She discussed the latest research on the Arrowsmith Program which shows changes in the brain as well as academic, emotional, social and cognitive changes. She describes how a learning difficulty impacts the learner in schoool well as in life and that the research shows that this reality is not lifelong and can be changed. The audience will gain insight into and begin to look at behaviour through a cognitive lens. They will build an understanding that through harnessing the principles of neuroplasticity we can change the brain and overcome learning challenges.
In this presentation Barbara Arrowsmith-Young talks about how harnessing the principles of neuroplasticity leads to changes in the brain and how each individual can create a new reality for their future. She discussed the latest research on the Arrowsmith Program which shows changes in the brain as well as academic, emotional, social and cognitive changes. She describes how a learning difficulty impacts the learner in school as well as in life and that the research shows that this reality is not lifelong and can be changed. The audience will gain insight into and begin to look at behaviour through a cognitive lens. They will build an understanding that through harnessing the principles of neuroplasticity we can change the brain and overcome learning challenges.
The author of the game-changing book, The Woman Who Changed Her Brain, Barbara Arrowsmith-Young developed the Arrowsmith Program, which has helped thousands of families and is taught in schools around the world. Her book interweaves her personal story with case histories she has gathered from more than 40 years of working with both children and adults. We are thrilled to have Barbara Arrowsmith-Young sharing her incredible story with us.
Does your child have a learning disability? The Arrowsmith Program can help! Come listen to our expert panel: Debbie Gilmore (Executive Director, Arrowsmith Program), Halton Hills Christian School Educations, Alumni, and current Arrowsmith students and parents for information on how this program can help to overcome your child’s learning difficulty
Dr. Angela Peddle is an optometrist with a focus on vision therapy, neuro-rehabilitation, sports vision enhancement, pediatrics and special needs examinations. Dr. Peddle’s presentation, “Vision and Learning”, covers the following key areas: How vision develops and how development affects vision; important visual skills necessary for learning; signs of visual problems in school-age children; vision-related learning problems; and visual perceptual processing.
In this Meetup, Barbara Arrowsmith-Young discusses a cognitive function framework of understanding behaviour, the principles that drive neuroplastic change, insights into learning difficulties from current imaging research and research outcomes of a neuroplastic approach to addressing learning difficulties.
The Ontario Brain Injury Association (OBIA) and Brain Changes Initiative (BCI) are pleased to announce the development of a Distinguished Speaker’s Webinar series designed to inform front-line health care workers and professionals in the field of brain injury. This webinar in the 7-part series features Barbara Arrowsmith-Young, who will present Shaping the Brain: The Woman Who Changed Her Brain, and Enrico Quilico who will present Exercise for Rehabilitation after Brain Injury.
We go to school to learn and we learn with our brains. Barbara Arrowsmith-Young discusses how 'putting the brain in the education equation' transforms the learning capacities of all students and leads to indpenedent self-confident learners for life.
Imagine a place where neuroplasticity (brain plasticity) and education meet. Imagine schools where students are enhancing their cognitive functions in combination with learning and applying content and skills within the academic curriculum. This is a very real possibility using a capacity-based program involving the principles of neuroplasticity.
The concept of neuroplasticity brings hope – the brain is plastic and can change. What is difficult for educators is adopting the principles into their everyday work. There is a huge divide between education and neuroscience. This is the challenge currently facing education. This session will explore the neuroplastic paradigm, the concept of cognitive enhancement, and how targeted cognitive exercises can be
used in the classroom to enhance the learning of all students. Educators can learn about how student behavior can be viewed through a cognitive lens; about neuroplasticity and how and why it works, and how to integrate new knowledge into common practices.
It is possible to change the cognitive capacity of the learner in order to enhance learning of content, curriculum and academics more efficiently. It is possible to enhance reasoning and processing ability to understand and quickly grasp what is read and heard, insight, comprehension, logical reasoning, cause and effect processing, problem solving, mathematical reasoning, motor function and auditory memory, among many other cognitive functions. As the learner’s capacity to learn is enhanced using a cognitive program, the rate of learning can accelerate across academic disciplines.
The Arrowsmith Program is based on the philosophy that it is possible to enhance specific cognitive functions through targeted cognitive programs.
Join us as we unravel the fascinating ability of the human brain to adapt, rewire, and improve memory functions. Uncover how strengthened cognitive capacities through neuroplasticity can enhance your ability to recall and help you succeed in school, workplace, and in life.
Whether you're a student striving for academic excellence, a professional seeking to remember crucial details, or an individual looking to improve memory, this event will offer you the opportunity to unlock the full potential of your memory and help you regain control of your life.
Join us for a profound exploration of how neuroplasticity can reshape and enhance executive function. Discover the incredible adaptability of the human brain and how strengthening cognitive capacities through neuroplasticity can optimize your executive functions, leading to improved decision-making, strategic planning, and overall effectiveness.
Whether you're a professional aiming to excel in leadership roles, a student seeking to enhance organizational skills, or an individual looking to boost efficiency in daily tasks, this event will offer you insights that will empower you to harness the full potential of your executive functions.
Join us to unravel the profound ability of the human brain to adapt, rewire, and enhance key aspects of emotional intelligence, including self-awareness, empathy, and effective interpersonal relationships.
This event is tailored for professional seeking to thrive in team dynamics, a student navigating social interactions, or an individual looking to cultivate deeper connections. Learn how enhancing cognitive functions will empower you to navigate the complexities of social-emotional interactions with ease.
Join us as we explore the fascinating realm of neuroplasticity and its profound impact on ADHD, focus, and attention difficulties. Learn about the remarkable ability of the human brain to adapt and rewire itself, leading to enhanced focus, improved attention, and greater overall well-being.
Whether you're a student striving for academic success, a professional seeking to optimize your productivity, or an individual looking to feel more organized, this event is tailored to provide you with invaluable insights in how this can be done by strengthening cognitive capacities. From conquering the challenges of ADHD to thriving in various domains of life, including education, work, and personal pursuits, this event serves as a catalyst for your journey towards mastering focus and maximizing your potential.
Join us for this session where we delve into the remarkable world of neuroplasticity and its transformative impact on overcoming dysgraphia and dyslexia. Discover how neuroplasticity, the human brain’s extraordinary ability to rewire itself, can strengthen reading, writing, and comprehension capabilities.
Whether you are a student, a professional, or an individual seeking personal growth, this event will provide invaluable knowledge to help you navigate the world with confidence. From conquering the complexities of language to finding success in school, the workplace, and in all aspects of life, this event promises to be a catalyst for your journey toward unleashing your full potential.
Join Debbie Gilmore (Executive Officer at Arrowsmith) and Rita Margarita (European and Middle East Representative at Arrowsmith) as they present at The Developing Child Centre in Dubai, United Arab Emirates. If you're a professional seeking to recommend a program to parents, consider the Arrowsmith Program. Discover how the Arrowsmith Program can make a difference in your child’s life. Attend this information session to learn more about the program, meet the team, and connect with other parents and professionals. Unlock your child’s potential and pave the way for a brighter future.
Join Debbie Gilmore (Executive Officer at Arrowsmith) and Rita Margarita (European and Middle East Representative at Arrowsmith) as they present at The Developing Child Centre in Dubai, United Arab Emirates. If you are parents seeking a supportive, effective alternative to traditional learning methods, consider the Arrowsmith Program. Discover how the Arrowsmith Program can make a difference in your child’s life. Attend this information session to learn more about the program, meet the team, and connect with other parents and professionals. Unlock your child’s potential and pave the way for a brighter future.
Join us for this session where we delve into the remarkable world of neuroplasticity and its transformative impact on overcoming dyscalculia and math difficulties. Prepare to explore the fascinating realm of neuroplasticity and its remarkable ability to reshape the brain's numerical pathways, establishing a solid foundation in math.
This event is tailored for students, professionals, and individuals seeking personal growth, equipping them with invaluable knowledge to confidently navigate the intricate world of numbers. By unraveling the complexities of dyscalculia, participants will discover groundbreaking insights into harnessing the power of neuroplasticity to strengthen numerical fluency and problem-solving skills.
Calling all global educators, administrators and thought leaders – join this fascinating event on May 8th – either in Madrid or online!
Global Education Forum’s “EducAItion: Shaping the Future, Keeping Us Human” promises to be a dynamic event we contemplate the challenges and opportunities faced by education today.
Arrowsmith’s own Debbie Gilmore will be hosting a panel talk during the event - “AI and LifeLong Learning” will invite discussion and debate around the role of AI in learning. Don’t miss the opportunity to be inspired by leaders in the field, and consider how students can be prepared to be active learners and leaders.
Join us for an exclusive Question and Answer session with Debbie Gilmore, Executive Director of Arrowsmith Program Worldwide and Rita Margarita, UAE and Europe Representative to learn how to empower your child's cognitive growth. Discover more about the incredible Arrowsmith Program!
Join us as we unravel the fascinating ability of the human brain to adapt, rewire, and improve memory functions. Uncover how strengthened cognitive capacities through neuroplasticity can enhance your ability to recall and help you succeed in school, workplace, and in life.
Whether you're a student striving for academic excellence, a professional seeking to remember crucial details, or an individual looking to improve memory, this event will offer you the opportunity to unlock the full potential of your memory and help you regain control of your life.
Is your child having difficulty at school? Having trouble learning to read, understand or focus? Does your child have a diagnosis for learning difficulties including dyslexia, dyscalculia, dysgraphia, auditory processing, ADHD etc.. – try to reference a number of different disorders not just dyslexia
During Debbie’s presentation, you will discover how a learning difficulty does not have to be lifelong. Using a proven cognitive program, it is possible to overcome the learning difficulty combined with the nurturing environment and excellence of The Silkwood Way, you will discover a totally new approach to learning, setting your child up for success, not only at school but for their future.
Join us for a profound exploration of how neuroplasticity can reshape and enhance executive function. Discover the incredible adaptability of the human brain and how strengthening cognitive capacities through neuroplasticity can optimize your executive functions, leading to improved decision-making, strategic planning, and overall effectiveness.
Whether you're a professional aiming to excel in leadership roles, a student seeking to enhance organizational skills, or an individual looking to boost efficiency in daily tasks, this event will offer you insights that will empower you to harness the full potential of your executive functions.
This summer you can improve your chances for success with the Arrowsmith Program’s renowned methods for improving reasoning, processing speed, attention, and comprehension. Our Symbol Relations – Cognitive Intensive Program strengthens participants’ capacity to learn in school and engage meaningfully in life. Start your Arrowsmith journey this summer!
The Arrowsmith programme has been changing brains and lives at St Mark's School since 2015. We are excited to welcome Debbie Gilmore, Executive Director of Arrowsmith, back to Wellington. This presentation will focus on the stories of Arrowsmith at St Mark's, hearing the experiences of staff, and parents of students who are in the programme. We will also discuss more about what the Arrowsmith programme is and how can it benefit your child. There will also be an opportunity for you to ask questions and chat with staff and Debbie Gilmore.
Free PD sessions with practical solutions for help your learning support department.
During this presentation you will discover how every student can increase their attention and focus using a proven cognitive program provided at Plenty Valley Christian College. Discover the incredible adaptability of the human brain and how strengthening cognitive capacities can optimize executive functions, leading to improved decision-making, strategic planning and overall effectiveness.
Join Debbie Gilmore, Executive Director of the Arrowsmith program, on Monday, 17 June at midday for an insightful event designed for parents & people struggling with dyslexia or other forms of neurodiversity. Discover how our innovative approach addresses the underlying cognitive causes, helping bright students who are currently unable to thrive in the traditional education system. Learn about our full-time support options for young adults who may be refusing school due to trauma or consistent academic failure. Ensure a brighter future for your child’s mental health and educational success.
Is your child having difficulty at school? Has your child been diagnosed with dyslexia or dyscalculia? Does your child have attention difficulties?
During this presentation, you will discover how a learning difficulty like dyslexia or dyscalculia does not have to be lifelong. Using a proven cognitive program to overcome the learning difficulty combined with the nurturing environment at Teen Challenge, you will discover a totally new approach to learning, setting your child up for success, not only at school but for their future.
Is your child having difficulty at school? Has your child been diagnosed with dyslexia or dyscalculia? Does your child have attention difficulties?
During this presentation, you will discover how a learning difficulty like dyslexia or dyscalculia does not have to be lifelong. Using a proven cognitive program to overcome the learning difficulty combined with the nurturing environment at Teen Challenge, you will discover a totally new approach to learning, setting your child up for success, not only at school but for their future.
Join us to unravel the profound ability of the human brain to adapt, rewire, and enhance key aspects of emotional intelligence, including self-awareness, empathy, and effective interpersonal relationships.
This event is tailored for professional seeking to thrive in team dynamics, a student navigating social interactions, or an individual looking to cultivate deeper connections. Learn how enhancing cognitive functions will empower you to navigate the complexities of social-emotional interactions with ease.
This summer you can improve your chances for success with the Arrowsmith Program’s renowned methods for improving reasoning, processing speed, attention, and comprehension. Our Symbol Relations – Cognitive Intensive Program strengthens participants’ capacity to learn in school and engage meaningfully in life. Start your Arrowsmith journey this summer!
This summit, organized by James Lange, includes an incredible array of speakers who will share their advice and recommendations drawn from their respective fields of expertise. All speakers work in areas that help parents of children with disabilities either directly or through adjacent services.
Featured speakers include the three co-authors of the best-selling book, Retire Secure for Parents of a Child with a Disability. All three authors and many reviewers believe this is the best financial book for parents of a child with a disability. Their advice, recommendations, and guidance will help you optimize a long-term financial plan to provide for your child’s life-long security. Other speakers will focus on non-financial topics aimed at improving the family’s lifestyle, reducing anxiety and stress, and providing resources you can access after the Summit.
This event is designed to help you understand your / loved one's challenges with attention, reading, and learning difficulties.
During this presentation, you will discover how a learning difficulty like dyslexia or dyscalculia does not have to be lifelong. Using a proven cognitive program to overcome the learning difficulty combined with the nurturing environment at CoreSenses, you will discover a totally new approach to learning, setting your child up for success, not only at school but for their future.
Say goodbye to distractions and hello to action as we offer you the tools and strategies to enhance focus and comprehension. Don't miss out on this opportunity to take control of your / your loved one's learning journey. See you there!
At Arrowsmith, we understand learning disabilities and address them – head on – literally! Our students overcome learning challenges that are impeding their success by engaging in a program that activates neuroplastic change. By understanding your child through a cognitive lens, Arrowsmith can provide a program that addresses your child’s unique profile and learning needs.
At Arrowsmith, we understand learning disabilities and address them – head on – literally! Our students overcome learning challenges that are impeding their success by engaging in a program that activates neuroplastic change. By understanding your child through a cognitive lens, Arrowsmith can provide a program that addresses your child’s unique profile and learning needs.
We are thrilled to invite you to an exciting day of exploration, learning, and community. Experience Arrowsmith School and discover what makes our school a special place for individuals to thrive.
Join this 30-minute virtual session to equip yourself with key lessons and inspiration from the field of neuroscience and neuroeducation.
Learn about the brain processes that shape your students’ learning, performance and behaviours. Explore the research that shows these processes can be improved through targeted brain-based approaches.
Arrowsmith School is different from a traditional school, we see your child's potential beyond the classroom. We want to help your child succeed and thrive not only in academics but in life. Join our Online Open House to learn more about our program options and find out how we help transform our students' lives.
Empower your child to succeed at school through the Arrowsmith Program.
While many students attend Arrowsmith School Full-Time, Online and In-Person, others join Arrowsmith after their regular school day for 40 minutes daily, Monday to Friday, enhancing their capacity to learn and succeed. Flexible scheduling available and options from 7:45 am to 8:20pm Eastern Time Zone.
Learn more about the Arrowsmith Program and how your child can enhance their learning journey and academic success through a personalized program by attending this session.
Join this 30-minute virtual session to equip yourself with key lessons and inspiration from the field of neuroscience and neuroeducation.
Learn about the brain processes that shape your students’ learning, performance and behaviours. Explore the research that shows these processes can be improved through targeted brain-based approaches.
Empower your child to succeed at school through the Arrowsmith Program.
While many students attend Arrowsmith School Full-Time, Online and In-Person, others join Arrowsmith after their regular school day for 40 minutes daily, Monday to Friday, enhancing their capacity to learn and succeed. Flexible scheduling available and options from 7:45 am to 8:20pm Eastern Time Zone.
Learn more about the Arrowsmith Program and how your child can enhance their learning journey and academic success through a personalized program by attending this session.
Join us as we explore the fascinating realm of neuroplasticity and its profound impact on ADHD, focus, and attention difficulties. Learn about the remarkable ability of the human brain to adapt and rewire itself, leading to enhanced focus, improved attention, and greater overall well-being.
Whether you're a student striving for academic success, a professional seeking to optimize your productivity, or an individual looking to feel more organized, this event is tailored to provide you with invaluable insights in how this can be done by strengthening cognitive capacities. From conquering the challenges of ADHD to thriving in various domains of life, including education, work, and personal pursuits, this event serves as a catalyst for your journey towards mastering focus and maximizing your potential.
Join us for this session where we delve into the remarkable world of neuroplasticity and its transformative impact on overcoming dysgraphia and dyslexia. Find out how neuroplasticity, the human brain’s extraordinary ability to rewire itself, can strengthen reading, writing, and comprehension capabilities.
Whether you are a student, a professional, or an individual seeking personal growth, this event will provide invaluable knowledge to help you navigate the world with confidence. From conquering the complexities of language to finding success in school, the workplace, and in all aspects of life, this event promises to be a catalyst for your journey toward unleashing your full potential.
We are thrilled to invite you to an exciting day of exploration, learning, and community. Experience Arrowsmith School and discover what makes our school a special place for individuals to thrive.
Curious about brain’s role in the IB Programme and how cognitive programs can enrich the learning and teaching experience?
Join educators around the world to learn more about bringing the brain into IB classrooms.
Reserve your seat today.
Curious about brain’s role in the IB Programme and how cognitive programs can enrich the learning and teaching experience?
Join educators around the world to learn more about bringing the brain into IB classrooms.
Reserve your seat today.
Curious about brain’s role in the IB Programme and how cognitive programs can enrich the learning and teaching experience?
Join educators around the world to learn more about bringing the brain into IB classrooms.
Reserve your seat today.
Join us for this session where we delve into the remarkable world of neuroplasticity and its transformative impact on overcoming dyscalculia and math difficulties. Prepare to explore the fascinating realm of neuroplasticity and its remarkable ability to reshape the brain's numerical pathways, establishing a solid foundation in math.
This event is tailored for students, professionals, and individuals seeking personal growth, equipping them with invaluable knowledge to confidently navigate the intricate world of numbers. By unraveling the complexities of dyscalculia, participants will discover groundbreaking insights into harnessing the power of neuroplasticity to strengthen numerical fluency and problem-solving skills.
Does your child struggle with Math? Has your child been diagnosed with dyscalculia? Let’s explore the brain and what lies beneath this label.
In this webinar, parents will:
Join us as we unravel the fascinating ability of the human brain to adapt, rewire, and improve memory functions. Uncover how strengthened cognitive capacities through neuroplasticity can enhance your ability to recall and help you succeed in school, workplace, and in life.
Whether you're a student striving for academic excellence, a professional seeking to remember crucial details, or an individual looking to improve memory, this event will offer you the opportunity to unlock the full potential of your memory and help you regain control of your life.
Transforming student success begins with Social and Emotional Learning (SEL). Understanding the brain’s role in learning, educators can bring greater awareness and impact to their students’ resilience, emotional regulation, and communication.
It’s clear: social and emotional wellness is essential not just for academic achievement, but for preparing our students to thrive in an ever-changing world.
Join this webinar to discover how integrating brain-based approaches into your teaching can unlock the full potential of every student and create a supportive learning environment. Don’t miss this opportunity to lead the way in education.
Does your child struggle with memory? Has your child been diagnosed with working memory or auditory memory problems?
Let’s explore the brain and what lies beneath these labels.
In this session you will learn:
Join us for a profound exploration of how neuroplasticity can reshape and enhance executive function. Discover the incredible adaptability of the human brain and how strengthening cognitive capacities through neuroplasticity can optimize your executive functions, leading to improved decision-making, strategic planning, and overall effectiveness.
Whether you're a professional aiming to excel in leadership roles, a student seeking to enhance organizational skills, or an individual looking to boost efficiency in daily tasks, this event will offer you insights that will empower you to harness the full potential of your executive functions.
Join us to unravel the profound ability of the human brain to adapt, rewire, and enhance key aspects of emotional intelligence, including self-awareness, empathy, and effective interpersonal relationships.
This event is tailored for professional seeking to thrive in team dynamics, a student navigating social interactions, or an individual looking to cultivate deeper connections. Learn how enhancing cognitive functions will empower you to navigate the complexities of social-emotional interactions with ease.
Join us as we explore the fascinating realm of neuroplasticity and its profound impact on ADHD, focus, and attention difficulties. Learn about the remarkable ability of the human brain to adapt and rewire itself, leading to enhanced focus, improved attention, and greater overall well-being.
We are thrilled to invite you to an exciting day of exploration, learning, and community. Experience Arrowsmith School and discover what makes our school a special place for individuals to thrive.
Does your child struggle with attention and focus? Has your child been diagnosed with ADHD? Let’s explore the brain and what lies beneath this label.
Join Debbie Gilmore, Executive Director, Arrowsmith Program, as she dives into the factors behind focus and attention difficulties, including ADHD. Gain valuable insights into how these challenges affect daily life and well-being, and learn about innovative ways to support concentration and reduce distractions.
Is something getting in the way of your child's success in learning? Learning difficulties do not have to be lifelong. Your child can overcome their struggles through Arrowsmith. Find out more at our upcoming webinar.
We are thrilled to invite you to an exciting day of exploration, learning, and community. Experience Arrowsmith School and discover what makes our school a special place for individuals to thrive.
Join us for this session where we delve into the remarkable world of neuroplasticity and its transformative impact on overcoming dysgraphia and dyslexia. Find out how neuroplasticity, the human brain’s extraordinary ability to rewire itself, can strengthen reading, writing, and comprehension capabilities.
Interested in better understanding the root cognitive cause of learning disabilities?
Curious about the history of special education, and how modern science can inform a different approach?
Want to better understand how a brain-based solution can measurably improve the impact of learning disabilities?
In this webinar we will explore:
Does your child struggle with reading and writing? Has your child been diagnosed with dyslexia and dysgraphia? Let’s explore the brain and what lies beneath these labels.
Join us for this session where we delve into the remarkable world of neuroplasticity and its transformative impact on overcoming dyscalculia and math difficulties. Prepare to explore the fascinating realm of neuroplasticity and its remarkable ability to reshape the brain's numerical pathways, establishing a solid foundation in math.
Does your child struggle with understanding the world around them? Do they find it hard to make friends? Do they have poor self-esteem? Let’s explore the brain and what lies beneath these feelings and emotions.
Is something getting in the way of your child's success in learning? Learning difficulties do not have to be lifelong. Your child can overcome their struggles through Arrowsmith. Find out more at our upcoming webinar.
Join us as we unravel the fascinating ability of the human brain to adapt, rewire, and improve memory functions. Uncover how strengthened cognitive capacities through neuroplasticity can enhance your ability to recall and help you succeed in school, workplace, and in life.
Does your child struggle with planning and organizing? Do they find it hard to make decisions? Has your child been diagnosed with executive function difficulties? Let’s explore the brain and what lies beneath these labels.
In this webinar, we will examine the neuroscience behind diverse learners, including how and why students experience learning differently. We’ll explore how the brain processes information and how students’ unique cognitive profiles determine their school experiences.
Educators will also learn about the brain's adaptability, and how neuroeducational approaches can address diverse learning needs within an inclusive classroom. We’ll discuss research and share examples of schools providing cognitive programs as part of their equity and inclusion goals, and their dedication that all students succeed academically and socially.
Join us for a profound exploration of how neuroplasticity can reshape and enhance executive function. Discover the incredible adaptability of the human brain and how strengthening cognitive capacities through neuroplasticity can optimize your executive functions, leading to improved decision-making, strategic planning, and overall effectiveness.
We are thrilled to invite you to an exciting day of exploration, learning, and community. Experience Arrowsmith School and discover what makes our school a special place for individuals to thrive.
Learn about the Arrowsmith Program provided at IngoC Cognitive Enhancement Centre.
Get insight into the principles of neuroplasticity and the factors leading to brain change.
Learn how we can look after our brain throughout our lives.
Learn about the range of cognitive functions and begin to see behaviour through a cognitive lens.
Join us to unravel the profound ability of the human brain to adapt, rewire, and enhance key aspects of emotional intelligence, including self-awareness, empathy, and effective interpersonal relationships.
Join us as we explore the fascinating realm of neuroplasticity and its profound impact on ADHD, focus, and attention difficulties. Learn about the remarkable ability of the human brain to adapt and rewire itself, leading to enhanced focus, improved attention, and greater overall well-being.
Join us for a discussion on the neuroscience behind lifelong learning and human potential. Learn how the brain is responsible for both foundational academic skills as well those increasingly important competencies like problem-solving, collaboration, and perseverance.
This session will explore how cognitive programs can optimize the brain to promote a lifetime of academic and professional excellence, resilience, and personal growth across the lifetime. We’ll examine research and applications of programs that target the most important predictor of success and quality of life: the brain.
Join us for this session where we delve into the remarkable world of neuroplasticity and its transformative impact on overcoming dysgraphia and dyslexia. Find out how neuroplasticity, the human brain’s extraordinary ability to rewire itself, can strengthen reading, writing, and comprehension capabilities.
Whether you are a student, a professional, or an individual seeking personal growth, this event will provide invaluable knowledge to help you navigate the world with confidence. From conquering the complexities of language to finding success in school, the workplace, and in all aspects of life, this event promises to be a catalyst for your journey toward unleashing your full potential.
We are thrilled to invite you to an exciting day of exploration, learning, and community. Experience Arrowsmith School and discover what makes our school a special place for individuals to thrive.
Explore the challenges and opportunities AI presents for students' academic success and wellbeing. In this webinar, we will explore how a strong, resilient brain is essential for students. Presently – so they can thrive academically and social-emotionally, and soon – to navigate in a new world and workforce shaped by AI. Already, AI is reshaping the way students learn, engage, and interact with the world.
While AI offers opportunities, it also presents distractions, content overload, and misinformation. A brain capable of navigating this new landscape is essential. We will discuss programs that strengthen processes like cognitive flexibility, attention, and emotional regulation—all fundamental to learning and flourishing.
Join us for this session where we delve into the remarkable world of neuroplasticity and its transformative impact on overcoming dyscalculia and math difficulties. Prepare to explore the fascinating realm of neuroplasticity and its remarkable ability to reshape the brain's numerical pathways, establishing a solid foundation in math.
Join us as we unravel the fascinating ability of the human brain to adapt, rewire, and improve memory functions. Uncover how strengthened cognitive capacities through neuroplasticity can enhance your ability to recall and help you succeed in school, workplace, and in life.
In this webinar, we will examine the neuroscience behind diverse learners, including how and why students experience learning differently. We’ll explore how the brain processes information and how students’ unique cognitive profiles determine their school experiences.
Educators will also learn about the brain's adaptability, and how neuroeducational approaches can address diverse learning needs within an inclusive classroom. We’ll discuss research and share examples of schools providing cognitive programs as part of their equity and inclusion goals, and their dedication that all students succeed academically and socially.
We are thrilled to invite you to an exciting day of exploration, learning, and community. Experience Arrowsmith School and discover what makes our school a special place for individuals to thrive.
Join us for a profound exploration of how neuroplasticity can reshape and enhance executive function. Discover the incredible adaptability of the human brain and how strengthening cognitive capacities through neuroplasticity can optimize your executive functions, leading to improved decision-making, strategic planning, and overall effectiveness.
Join us to unravel the profound ability of the human brain to adapt, rewire, and enhance key aspects of emotional intelligence, including self-awareness, empathy, and effective interpersonal relationships.
Learning difficulties and disabilities do not have to be life-long. By strengthening the child’s capacity to learn with cognitive exercises tailored to their unique learning profile, students of all ages can transform their ability to learn.
Most parents agree that the last few years have disrupted and had a negative impact on their child’s learning, confidence, and emotional well-being. This has impacted this generation’s opportunities to thrive in school and life. The road to recovery is not out of reach. Strengthen your child’s brain with evidence-based Arrowsmith cognitive exercises and bridge the learning gap today.
Our brains are at the heart of our every move, thought, and interaction. Its intricate design shapes how we participate in the world, see ourselves, and understand others. This first of a 5-part series examines both our brain’s complexity and its uniqueness. We will explore the concept of ‘cognitive function’ and describe how specific intellectual processes work together to achieve the simplest to complex tasks. Our own cognitive profiles are as distinct as fingerprints. Gaining insight through a cognitive lens, therefore, allows us to better understand ourselves and others.
Building a stronger brain means achieving your best through cognitive enhancement. By engaging in targeted cognitive exercises, we can increase our cognitive capacity and lead a better life. This second part of the 5-part series analyzes the brain's role at school, in the workplace, at home, and throughout our lives. We will discuss the benefits of cognitive programming for all.
The first 10 years of school life are pivotal. What and how a child learns during this period determines the life they will create for themselves, and how they will contribute to the world. It is encouraging that many educators, professionals, and policymakers are recognizing that school curricula must evolve to meet the needs of today’s students. In fact, we would argue that a revolution is due. Part 3 of the Webinar Series will consider how the skills identified essential for our modern world, such as critical thinking, flexibility, emotional intelligence, are directly connected to specific cognitive functions. We will examine how a cognitive program can enhance underlying brain processes responsible for acquiring these 21st-century skills, fundamentally preparing students to be the leaders and shapers of tomorrow.
As we learn, our brains continually change. From toddlerhood to early childhood, all of life’s natural learning experiences—from lullabies to balancing blocks – are shaping the function and structure of circuits in the brain. When children go off to school, they need to adapt these circuits of their brains in new and profound ways as they learn how to translate letters into words, words into ideas, and numbers into mathematical concepts. This presentation examines this very exchange – how do our brains learn? What is happening as we read, write, or solve a math problem? How might this perspective shape our understanding of our own experiences, and that of our children and students? Is there really such thing as a “math person”? Join us to consider the brain’s role in learning, the science behind acquiring fundamental academic skills, and the potential to change the trajectory of traditional learning processes through a neuroplastic approach.
So far we’ve examined the role of the brain from different perspectives and different scenarios. This webinar takes us back to a core principle – how does it operate? What does its instructional manual look like? Unique from traditional educational assessments, a cognitive assessment goes beneath skills and performance and examines the functioning of the core cognitive functions that shape our lives. This assessment can be a user’s guide to understanding ourselves and others. Join us to learn more about how cognitive assessments can become an essential tool for understanding and improving our lives.
Learn how improving critical cognitive functionss can significantly change your brain’s ability to learn and process information. Join renowned brain change expert, Barbara Arrowsmith-Young, for a virtual event.
Barbara Arrowsmith-Young discusses her journey of discovery and innovation that lead to the creation of the Arrowsmith Program and the research outcomes of a neuroplastic approach to addressing learning disabilities.
An inspiring and uplifting story of a woman who overcame severe learning difficulties using cognitive exercises to improve brain function, as featured in Norman Doidge's book, The Brain That Changes Itself. She has gone on to help others through her learning programs based on practical applications of neuroplasticity. Barbara Arrowsmith-Young, Canada, best-selling author of The Woman Who Changed Her Brain; Director, Arrowsmith School and Arrowsmith Programs.
Brain Power Conference “Join the Revolution in Childhood Development” sponsored by The Brain Power Initiative The Royal Conservatory TELUS CENTRE FOR PERFORMANCE AND LEARNING Toronto, Ontario Conference website (speakers’ list and ticket information): Arrowsmith Program will be hosting a booth in the exhibition space Video introduction “The Woman Who Changed Her Brain” by Barbara Arrowsmith-Young preceding the panel, From the Family Room to the Classroom to the World”
The Canadian Arrowsmith Program is founded on the philosophy that it is possible to treat learning disabilities by identifying and strengthening cognitive capacities. Based on the personal experience of its developer, Barbara Arrowsmith-Young, the program uses a series of exercises designed to strengthen weak cognitive capacities and improve associated learning dysfunctions. In this presentation designed for parents and teachers of children with learning disabilities, Arrowsmith Young, whose autobiography The Woman Who Changed Her Brain was published this year, will outline the principles and practices of her program.
Barbara Arrowsmith-Young turned her life-defining learning disabilities into an unlikely asset. Unable to process language or decode symbols, she compensated with her fierce determination to learn, fuelled by a formidable memory. In graduate school, she chanced on research that held the key to reprogramming her own brain. This was in the 1970s and 80s, before neuroplasticity became a widely accepted fact. Her pioneering Arrowsmith Program has since helped countless children and adults with learning disabilities to unlock their potential. ‘In most traditional special education programs, the premise is that the learner’s fixed. The learner is the learner, with their strengths and weaknesses,’ says Barbara. ‘The premise of our work is, we’re going to take this learner, and we’re going to change the capacity of the learner.’ Norman Doidge shared Barbara’s story in his bestseller The Brain That Changes Itself; she speaks for herself in her new book, The Woman Who Changed Her Brain.
The pioneer of neuroplasticity was born with severe learning disabilities. Undaunted, Barbara Arrowsmith-Young used her strengths to develop brain exercises to overcome her neurological deficits. She has gone on to change countless lives and inspire Miraculous Transformations from the Frontier of Brain Science.
Barbara Arrowsmith-Young, the Creator and Director of Arrowsmith School and Arrowsmith Program, and the author of the international best-selling book The Woman Who Changed Her Brain (, speaks at TedX Toronto about her pioneering work in the field of neuroplasticity. The Arrowsmith Program is based on the application of Barbara’s neuroscientific research, and for 40 years it has worked to help students strengthen the weak cognitive capacities underlying a range of learning difficulties.
Barbara is thrilled to be in Guelph to accept the 2012 Alumna of Honour Award from her Alma Mater, the University of Guelph, on Wednesday, March 27. On Thursday, March 28, Barbara will give a public presentation on how the Arrowsmith Program uses neuroplasticity to address learning disabilities, hosted by Guelph Christian School.
Barbara Arrowsmith-Young, author of “The Woman Who Changed Her Brain” will present on her work on Shaping the Brain at the Fourth Annual Queensland Epilepsy Symposium Thinking Outside The Box: Epilepsy
The Arrowsmith Program is not tutoring. It is a program within a school that addresses the underlying cognitive challenges that prevent our kids from learning. Within 2-4 years, the majority of kids with mild to severe learning and attention challenges join their classmates at grade level without compensations or aides. Pretty great stuff! Through neuroplasticity (changing the brain), the Arrowsmith program actually increases the learning capacities of students with learning and attention challlenges. So instead of compensating, the program actually changes the brain so a child can learn. There are over 30 years of proven life-changing results! The Arrowsmith Program could be the answer for your child or student.
Arrowsmith-Young’s lecture covers the personal and the universal. The personal is Arrowsmith-Young’s journey of discovery driven by her hunt for a solution to her own debilitating learning disorders leading to the integration of two lines of neuroscience research. The universal is that we all have a brain and by furthering our knowledge of how our brain shapes us through mediating our understanding of the world we can gain insight into our functioning and that of others. And most promising, that through our growing understanding of neuroplasticity, we now have the knowledge to develop treatments to shape our brains. It is a journey of understanding and transformation. Copies of Barbara’s book will be available for purchase and autographing.
In her presentation entitled “The Arrowsmith Program: Addressing Learning Disabilities—A Cognitive Approach,” Barbara Arrowsmith-Young will talk about her journey of discovery, the lines of research she combined, and the outcomes achieved over her 35 years as an educator and researcher. She will describe a number of learning disorders, from those that impact the learner in school to those that affect us in life. The focus will be on learning disorders that impact academic performance such as reading and writing, and some of the outcome studies demonstrating cognitive and academic performance change in these areas as a result of students engaging in the Arrowsmith Program's cognitive exercises. There will be a book signing after the event. Attendees may bring their own, or purchase a copy of The Woman Who Changed Her Brain at the door for $10.
Debbie Gilmore will talk about the Arrowsmith Program, the lines of research that were combined to develop the program and the outcomes achieved for individuals with learning difficulties over 35 years. Built on the principle of neuroplasticity, the Arrowsmith Program identifies, intervenes and strengthens the weak cognitive capacities that affect learning. A number of cognitive functions and dysfunctions will be described and how these impact on the learner in school to those that affect individuals in life. The focus will be on learning disorders that impact academic performance such as reading and writing and some of the studies demonstrating cognitive and academic performance change in these areas as a result of students engaging in the Arrowsmith Program's cognitive exercises.
St Andrew's College hosts An Evening with Barbara Arrowsmith-Young Barbara Arrowsmith-Young, author of the International Bestseller The Woman Who Changed Her Brain, and founder of the Arrowsmith Program, tells the compelling story of how she tapped into neuroscience research and used neuroplasticity to transform her brain and life, then went on to found the Arrowsmith Program. A cognitive program that addresses learning disabilities through neuroplasticity, the Arrowsmith Program is currently in 50 schools worldwide, including six in Australia and three in New Zealand.
Samuel Marsden Collegiate School hosts An Evening with Barbara Arrowsmith-Young. Barbara Arrowsmith-Young, author of the International Bestseller The Woman Who Changed Her Brain, and founder of the Arrowsmith Program, tells the compelling story of how she tapped into neuroscience research and used neuroplasticity to transform her brain and life, then went on to found the Arrowsmith Program. A cognitive program that addresses learning disabilities through neuroplasticity, the Arrowsmith Program is currently in schools worldwide, including Australia and New Zealand.
The Catholic Education Office presents The Link between Mental Health and Learning Difficulties. In this riveting lecture, special guest Barbara Arrowsmith-Young (author of international bestseller The Woman Who Changed Her Brain) will focus on the research findings linking mental health outcomes related to learning disabilities supported by the 'voices' of individual students, aged 11 to 63, describing their experiences. Barbara will also describe her own personal struggle with learning disabilities and its impact on her mental health in context with the research findings in this area. As the founder and Director of the Arrowsmith Program, Barbara continues to develop programs for students with learning disabilties and her program of cognitive exercises is implemented in schools in Canada, the U.S, Australia and New Zealand. She holds a B.A.Sc in Child Studies from the University of Guelph and a Master's degree in School Psychology from the University of Toronto. The lecture will also feature Debbie Gilmore (Arrowsmith Australian representative) and Dr Kate O'Brien (Assistant Director: Teaching & Learning, CEO Sydney) who will be exploring the Arrowsmith program, the cognitive functions the program can address and changes in learning characteristics. "Barbara Arrowsmith-Young is a pioneer, a bold and ingenious woman, deeply empathic and utterly determined. Rarely is hte person who makes a discovery the one with the defect. Barbara is the exception" - Normal Doidge, M.D., author of The Brain That Changes Itself Prepare to be engaged and inspired! Learn how the brain has an incredible ability to change and overcome learning problems. Deepen your understanding of the workings the brain and its profound impact on how we participate in the world. Please note that this is Barbara's only Sydney lecture for 2014.
Come out and learn about the revolutionary Arrowsmith Program. Learn how focused cognitive exercises can repair the areas of the brain that are hindered by a learning disability. The mission, and future, of Neuroplasticity in education will also be discussed. Dr. Andrea Sywulak is a child and family psychologist. She treats children from pre-school age through adolescence. Dr. Sywulak assesses children for ADD/ADHD and learning problems. She has spent over 20 years in practice, and is a supporter of Arrowsmith and ATG. ATG's Arrowsmith teachers, Rachel Oakley and Kate West will also be present at the event to speak to you about the classes, answer questions, and share student success stories.
In this presentation, Barbara Arrowsmith-Young will talk about her journey of discovery, the lines of research she combined and the outcomes achieved over her 35+ years as an educator and researcher. She will describe a number of learning disorders, from those that impact the learner in school to those that affect us in life. The focus will be on learning disorders that impact academic performance such as reading and writing and some of the outcome studies demonstrating cognitive and academic performance change in these areas as a result of students engaging in the Arrowsmith Program’s cognitive exercises.
In this presentation, Barbara Arrowsmith-Young will talk about her journey of discovery, the lines of research she combined and the outcomes achieved over her 35+ years as an educator and researcher. She will describe a number of learning disorders, from those that impact the learner in school to those that affect us in life. The focus will be on learning disorders that impact academic performance such as reading and writing and some of the outcome studies demonstrating cognitive and academic performance change in these areas as a result of students engaging in the Arrowsmith Program’s cognitive exercises.
Can Changing Your Brain Change Your Life? Implications of Neuroplasticity for Success – A Personal and Universal Journey Barbara Arrowsmith-Young will discuss the social, educational, mental health and economic costs for students with specific learning disabilities and the implications of using a cognitive program that drives neuroplastic change to address these difficulties. Barbara will talk about her journey of discovery, the lines of research she combined to create a cognitive program to address her specific learning problems along with the outcomes achieved over her 35 years as an educator and researcher. Barbara will describe how different cognitive functions impact learning and academic skill acquisition and discuss the outcomes/cognitive transformation related to a capacity based treatment approach to addressing specific learning disabilities.
Can Changing Your Brain Change Your Life? Implications of Neuroplasticity for Success – A Personal and Universal Journey Barbara Arrowsmith-Young will discuss the social, educational, mental health and economic costs for students with specific learning disabilities and the implications of using a cognitive program that drives neuroplastic change to address these difficulties. Barbara will talk about her journey of discovery, the lines of research she combined to create a cognitive program to address her specific learning problems along with the outcomes achieved over her 35 years as an educator and researcher. Barbara will describe how different cognitive functions impact learning and academic skill acquisition and discuss the outcomes/cognitive transformation related to a capacity based treatment approach to addressing specific learning disabilities.
Delight in the books & writers you love, & discover new ones at the Brisbane Writers Festival. Open your mind to a wide range of ideas & new ways of thinking with QLD’s most exciting annual celebration of stories & ideas. Brisbane Writers Festival, will engage your mind, body & soul with hundreds of events, featuring outstanding artists from around the world. Are you ready to open you mind? Festival highlights include Inspire, remarkable & thought-provoking presentations to make you think, feel and act.
Barbara Arrowsmith-Young, author of the International Bestseller The Woman Who Changed Her Brain, and founder of the Arrowsmith Program, will be coming to England in October 2014 and she will be presenting her story at UCL in London. The Woman Who Changed Her Brain tells the compelling story of how Barbara tapped into neuroscience research and used neuroplasticity to transform her brain and life, then went on to found the Arrowsmith Program (a cognitive program for students with learning disabilities). The Woman Who Changed Her Brain was the bestselling book at the Sydney Writer’s Festival and a Best Seller in Canada and Australia.
Barbara Arrowsmith Young speaking at the Neuroplasticity and Education: Strengthening the Connection conference presented by the Eaton Educational Group at the Westin Bayshore Hotel on October 25, 2013.
The conference planning team at the Learning Assistance Teachers Association (LATA) is excited to offer an outstanding professional development opportunity at the annual LATA conference, Neuroscience Meets Education: Success for Struggling Students. This year's keynote speaker approaches learning struggles from an optimistic point of view that, while it stems from her personal experience with learning difficulties, is supported by current brain development research. Workshop facilitators cover a range of intervention strategies that will equip BC educators working in a multi-faceted RTI environment to ensure that all students maximize their learning potential.
Born with severe learning disabilities that caused teachers to label her slow, stubborn, or worse, Barbara Arrowsmith-Young read and wrote everything backwards, struggled to process concepts in language, continually got lost, and could make no sense of an analog clock. But through her formidable memory and determination, she made her way to graduate school, where she chanced upon research that inspired her to invent cognitive exercises to "fix" her brain. Now the Director of Arrowsmith School, the author interweaves her personal tale with riveting case histories from her more than 30 years of working with both children and adults to restructure their own brains. The Woman Who Changed Her Brain powerfully and poignantly illustrates how the lives of children and adults struggling with learning disorders can be dramatically transformed. This remarkable book by a brilliant pathbreaker deepens our understanding of how the brain works and of the brain’s profound impact on how we participate in the world. Our brains shape us, but this book offers clear and hopeful evidence of the corollary: we can shape our brains.
Join us for an inspiring and informative discussion regarding Barbara Arrowsmith-Young’s journey of discovery, the lines of research she combined and the outcomes achieved over her 35 years as an educator and researcher in the field of Learning Disabilities. Barbara Arrowsmith-Young is the creator and director of Arrowsmith School and the Arrowsmith Program, and the author of the international best-selling book “The Woman Who Changed Her Brain”. Introduction by Howard Eaton, Ed.M. - Founder/Director Eaton Arrowsmith School and Author of Brain School.
Barbara Arrowsmith-Young returns to Holy Trinity Parish to share further her amazing story and the continued success of the Arrowsmith Program. The Holy Trinity Arrowsmith Program will share their journey to date with reflections from parents, students and teachers on the implementation of the Pilot and will announce the ongoing program.
The esteemed Barbara Arrowsmith, founder of the internationally acclaimed Arrowsmith Program and author of 'The Woman Who Changed Her Brain', is visiting Oakleigh Grammar in March 2017 to talk about her book and the program itself. This is an incredible opportunity to hear about how the Arrowsmith Program was formed, and its benefits to all who undertake it. It is also an amazing opportunity to meet Barbara, ask her questions. The evening will consist of an official opening of the Oakleigh Grammar Centre for the Arrowsmith Program by Barbara, followed by a talk and a Q&A session and book signing.
Barbara Arrowsmith-Young discusses her journey of discovery and innovation that lead to the creation of the Arrowsmith Program, and the research outcomes of a neuroplastic approach to addressing learning disabilities.
As lifelong learners we are all looking for an edge. You may be a student looking to achieve better grades or an employee looking to move up the corporate ladder. You may even be retired and looking for a means to improve and strengthen your cognitive capacities to ensure you are protecting/enhancing your most important asset, your brain. We welcome you to join us on Monday, April 10th at 6:45 pm as Arrowsmith School Peterborough will be hosting a conference on Enriching Minds, Changing held at the Peterborough Golf and Country Club (1030 Armour Road, Peterborough, Ontario). Our Executive Director, Debbie Gilmore will be presenting on our new Enrichment Program that will be available at the Peterborough School for learners of all ages. This program is designed to enhance your higher order reasoning and processing to understand and quickly grasp what is read and heard, insight, logical reasoning, seeing connections between ideas, cause and effect processing and mathematical reasoning. We encourage all who are interested in learning about our new program or would like to educate themselves further on the Arrowsmith Program and its positive neuroplastic effect to change the current capabilities/capacities of your brain.
Barbara Arrowsmith-Young discusses her journey of discovery and innovation that lead to the creation of the Arrowsmith Program, and the research outcomes of a neuroplastic approach to addressing learning disabilities.
Barbara Arrowsmith-Young discusses her journey of discovery and innovation that lead to the creation of the Arrowsmith Program, and the research outcomes of a neuroplastic approach to addressing learning disabilities.
Arrowsmith School hosts an evening with Sonia Nicolucci. Sonia will be joining us to help shine a light on Understanding Your Child’s Behaviour; How to Support Socialization, Independence, and Communication; and Preparing for Future Changes and Challenges.
Join Executive Director (and Arrowsmith Parent) Debbie Gilmore as she shares with you the latest updates on the ongoing Arrowsmith Program Research Projects. Debbie will also be outlining some of the new directions Arrowsmith School and Arrowsmith Program will be taking in order to make this powerful work more accessible.
The year 2017 marks the 115th anniversary of Alexander Luria's (1902-1977) birth, and the 40th anniversary of his death. To commemorate the life and scientific achievements of this world-renowned psychologist, the Yeltsyn Ural Federal University and the Moscow Lomonosov State University are collaborating with the Russian Psychological Association (RPA), the American Psychological Association (APA), the Tomsk State University, the Kemerovo Federal University, the International Society of Applied neuropsychology (ISAN), the International Society of Cultural-historical Activity Research (ISCAR), the Institute of Vygotsky in Portugal, the Center for Integrating Neuropsychology and Psychology (CINAPSI) in San Paulo, the Moscow Research Center of Developmental Neuropsy?hology, and the Irkutsk Research Center of Family Health and Human Reproduction. The congress will include plenary and thematic sessions (oral and poster presentations), round table discussions and evening lectures of the leading specialists in psychology and neuroscience from Russia and other countries.
In this presentation, Barbara Arrowsmith-Young talks about her journey of discovery, the lines of research she combined and the outcomes achieved over her 40 years as an educator and researcher. She will describe a number of learning disorders, from those that impact the learner in school to those that affect us in life. She will discuss ‘cognitive glitches’ – those areas of weakness that we are all familiar with and often explain away by saying, “I am just not good at navigating, recognizing faces, (fill in the blank).” She will discuss ‘cognitive mismatches’ – situations we find ourselves in where the demand of the task is incompatible with our cognitive functioning and the challenges this presents. Principles of neuroplasticity and the factors leading to both positive and negative brain change will be discussed as well as current research on outcomes of the methodology she developed.
Join the Eaton Arrowsmith community as we welcome Barbara Arrowsmith-Young, founder of the Arrowsmith Program, to Vancouver! She will be available for a question and answer session on Thursday July 12th from 3:30pm-4:30pm. The session will be held at the Univerity of British Columbia in the Pharmaceutical Sciences Building, located at 2405 Wesbrook Mall, Vancouver, BC V6T 1Z3.
Interested in brain health? If that is the case come to this session in Burnaby as we will have leaders in health care and health improvement speaking! We will have a panel of specialists present their approach to cognitive recovery. Our guest presenters will include: Heather Branscombe: Clinical Director of Abilities Neurological Rehabilitation. Heather has built a very successful career in rehabilitative medicine and is a leader in the greater rehabilitative health community as a physical therapist. Heather will serve as the master of ceremonies for the evening. Barbara Arrowsmith-Young: Barbara is a world-renowned leader in neuroplasticity and cognitive remediation. Dr. Gerry Ramogida: Will discuss how aerobic training impact cognition. Paul Peel, Registered Psychologist: A registered psychologist with a wide-ranging background in counselling and cognitive behavioural therapy. Paul will be presenting on meditation and brain health. Mark Watson: Will discuss why a integrated multi-modal approach is important to consider when seeking to improve outcomes to complex problems.
The Illawarra Grammar School offers the Arrowsmith Program, a program to help students with learning difficulties achieve their potential. Executive Director of the Arrowsmith Program, Debbie Gilmore will be visiting TIGS to share her personal experience and current research into neuroplasticity.
Arrowsmith School Toronto hosted an evening of learning about nutrition and brain health with Lubna Nazarani. The presentation helps us understand how foods can affect the brain. Lubna discusses ingredients that compromise learning and memory, explores optimal foods for brain function, covers what to look for on food labels, and discusses strategies to improve brain health. Participants are given simple tools to help them optimize their family's brain health. About Lubna Nazarani, MS, NNCP Lubna Nazarani has a Masters in Nutrition and Integrative Health from the Maryland University of Integrative Health. MUIH is one of the leading academic institutions in the United States for Integrative Health, uniting healing and wellness traditions with modern science-based research. She is a registered Natural Nutrition Clinical Practitioner, registered with the Canadian Association of Natural Nutritional Practitioners.
In this presentation, Barbara Arrowsmith-Young talks about her journey of discovery, the lines of research she combined and the outcomes achieved over her 35+ years as an educator and researcher. She describes a number of learning disorders, from those that impact the learner in school to those that affect us in life. She discusses 'cognitive glitches' - those areas of weakness that we are all familiar with and often explain away by saying, "I am just not good at navigating, recognizing faces, (fill in the blank)." She will discuss 'cognitive mismatches' - situations we find ourselves in where the demand of the task is incompatible with our cognitive functioning and the challenges this presents. Principles of neuroplasticity and the factors leading to both positive and negative brain change will be discussed.
In this presentation, Matthew will discuss how being connected to devices can have a negative impact on mental wellness. Based on recommendations from the Canadian Pediatric Society’s Digital Health Task Force, this presentation will cover how to get a good start by managing young children’s screen use, how to help older kids get the positive benefits of networked devices while avoiding their drawbacks, and how to teach teenagers to manage the digital stress that comes with their connected lives.
In this presentation, Debbie Gilmore, Arrowsmith's Executive Director, explores the neuroplastic paradigm, the concept of cognitive enhancement, and how targeted cognitive exercises can be used in the classroom to enhance the learning of all students. By enhancing the learner’s capacity to learn, the rate of learning can be accelerated across academic disciplines.
In this presentation, Debbie Gilmore, Arrowsmith's Executive Director, describes a number of learning difficulties, from those that impact the learner in school as well as in daily life. The focus will be on learning difficulties that impact academic performance, such as reading and writing, and some of the research studies demonstrating brain-related change and enhanced cognitive and academic performance as a result of engaging in a cognitive approach to addressing learning difficulties.
In this presentation, Debbie Gilmore, Arrosmith's Executive Director, describes a number of learning difficulties, from those that impact the learner in school as well as in daily life. The focus will be on learning difficulties that impact academic performance, such as reading and writing, and some of the research studies demonstrating brain-related change and enhanced cognitive and academic performance as a result of engaging in a cognitive approach to addressing learning difficulties.
In this presentation, Debbie Gilmore, Arrowsmith's Executive Director, explores the neuroplastic paradigm, the concept of cognitive enhancement, and how targeted cognitive exercises can be used in the classroom to enhance the learning of all students. By enhancing the learner’s capacity to learn, the rate of learning can be accelerated across academic disciplines.
This event involves presentations by three researchers currently investigating outcomes of the Arrowsmith Program. Dr. Greg Rose from Southern Illinois University, and Drs. Lara Boyd and Rachel Weber, both from University of British Columbia.
The 2019 SharpBrains Virtual Summit featured over forty of the world’s top experts and innovators working to improve brain health for all. Dr. Greg Rose, Director of the Center for Integrated Research in Cognitive and Neural Sciences at Southern Illinois University presented on How to promote brain health at scale: Examples in the workplace, K12 education and consumer tech
In this presentation, Barbara Arrowsmith-Young will talk about her journey of discovery, the lines of research she combined, and the outcomes achieved over her 40 years as an educator and researcher. She will describe a number of learning disorders, from those that impact the learner in school to those that affect us in life. She will discuss ‘cognitive glitches’ – those areas of weakness that we are all familiar with and often explain away by saying, “I am just not good at navigating, recognizing faces, (fill in the blank).” She will discuss ‘cognitive mismatches’ – situations we find ourselves in where the demand of the task is incompatible with our cognitive functioning and the challenges this presents. Principles of neuroplasticity and the factors leading to both positive and negative brain change will be discussed.
Dr. Greg Rose presents: The Benefits of Arrowsmith Training on Brain Connectivity and Neuropsychological Measures. Dr Greg Rose from Southern Illinois University presents his latest research findings on outcomes of the Arrowsmith Program. Dr Rose is currently undertaking three research studies on the Arrowsmith Program. He is also involved in an international systematic research effort to understand how the Arrowsmith Program changes brain functioning and how this translates into improved cognition.
In this presentation Barbara Arrowsmith-Young talks about how harnessing the principles of neuroplasticity leads to changes in the brain and how each individual can create a new reality for their future. She also discussed the latest research on the Arrowsmith Program which shows changes in the brain as well as academic, emotional, social and cognitive changes.
Does your child have a learning disability? The Arrowsmith Program can help! Come listen to our expert panel: Debbie Gilmore (Executive Director, Arrowsmith Program), Halton Hills Christian School Educations, Alumni, and current Arrowsmith students and parents for information on how this program can help to overcome your child’s learning difficulty
Come to Trent University's annual Ethics Lecture where Debbie Gilmore will raise the awareness of the impact of learning disabilities on education and society. Debbie Gilmore is the Executive Director of Arrowsmith Program in Canada. Her work is concerned with the fact that students with learning difficulties need more support in schools. Her work as a teacher, literacy adviser, assistant principal, and principal helped her understand the need to ‘unlock’ the potential of these students. She holds a Masters of Education and various Graduate Certificates in Education in a range of areas of diverse learning. She is this year’s speaker for the annual Kenneth Mark Drain Chair in Ethics lecture, which yearly celebrates a perspective on values or ethics in a way that engages with real-world situations.
Please join our Eaton Arrowsmith and Eaton Arrowsmith Adults community for a presentation by Barbara Arrowsmith-Young, Founder of the Arrowsmith Program. Barbara's presentation will be followed by a panel discussion with Barbara, Howard Eaton, Founder/Director of Eaton Arrowsmith and co-Founder of The Watson Centre Society for Brain Health and ABI Wellness and Mark Watson, co-Founder of The Watson Centre Society for Brain Health and ABI Wellness . Both Watson Centre and ABI Wellness use the Arrowsmith Program as an integral part of their platform to assist adults as they reclaim their lives after brain injury.
In this presentation Barbara Arrowsmith-Young talks about how harnessing the principles of neuroplasticity leads to changes in the brain and how each individual can create a new reality for their future. She discusses the latest research on the Arrowsmith Program which shows changes in the brain as well as cognitive, academic, and social-emotional well-being changes. She describes how a learning difficulty impacts the learner in school as well as in life and that the research shows that this reality is not lifelong and can be changed. The audience will gain insight into and begin to look at behaviour through a cognitive lens. They will build an understanding that through harnessing the principles of neuroplasticity we can change the brain and overcome learning challenges.
In this presentation Barbara Arrowsmith-Young will talk about her journey of discovery, the lines of research she combined to develop her innovative Program and the outcomes achieved over her 40 years as an educator and researcher. She will describe a range of learning disorders, from those that impact the learner in school to those that affect us in life. ‘Cognitive glitches’ – those areas of weakness that we are all familiar with and often explain away by saying, “I am just not good at navigating, recognizing faces, (fill in the blank) – will be discussed. Barbara will also explore ‘cognitive mismatches’ – situations we find ourselves in where the demand of the task is incompatible with our cognitive functioning and the difficulties this presents. The audience will gain insight into the principles of neuroplasticity and begin to look at behavior through a cognitive lens. They will build an understanding that through harnessing the principles of neuroplasticity we can shape our brain and overcome challenges.
The focus of this session is on describing various learning disabilities, from those that impact academic performance to those that affect us in life. Outcome studies demonstrating cognitive and academic performance change in these areas as a result of students engaging in the Arrowsmith Program’s cognitive exercises will be presented. Learner Outcomes - Participants will be able to: 1. Describe how learning and behavior can be viewed through a cognitive lens to gain better insight into a student’s cognitive profile, leading to better student support in the classroom. 2.Understand the brain’s ability to change leading to strengthened cognitive functions through targeted cognitive exercises using the application of neuroplasticity.
In this presentation Barbara Arrowsmith-Young talks about how harnessing the principles of neuroplasticity leads to changes in the brain and how each individual can create a new reality for their future. She discusses the latest research on the Arrowsmith Program which shows changes in the brain as well as academic, emotional, social and cognitive changes. She describes how a learning difficulty impacts the learner in school as well as in life and that the research shows that this reality is not lifelong and can be changed. The audience will gain insight into and begin to look at behaviour through a cognitive lens. They will build an understanding that through harnessing the principles of neuroplasticity we can change the brain and overcome learning challenges.
In this presentation Barbara Arrowsmith-Young talks about how harnessing the principles of neuroplasticity leads to changes in the brain and how each individual can create a new reality for their future. She discussed the latest research on the Arrowsmith Program which shows changes in the brain as well as academic, emotional, social and cognitive changes. She describes how a learning difficulty impacts the learner in school as well as in life and that the research shows that this reality is not lifelong and can be changed. The audience will gain insight into and begin to look at behaviour through a cognitive lens. They will build an understanding that through harnessing the principles of neuroplasticity we can change the brain and overcome learning challenges.
In this presentation Barbara Arrowsmith-Young talks about how harnessing the principles of neuroplasticity leads to changes in the brain and how each individual can create a new reality for their future. She discussed the latest research on the Arrowsmith Program which shows changes in the brain as well as academic, emotional, social and cognitive changes. She describes how a learning difficulty impacts the learner in school as well as in life and that the research shows that this reality is not lifelong and can be changed. The audience will gain insight into and begin to look at behaviour through a cognitive lens. They will build an understanding that through harnessing the principles of neuroplasticity we can change the brain and overcome learning challenges.
In this presentation Barbara Arrowsmith-Young talks about how harnessing the principles of neuroplasticity leads to changes in the brain and how each individual can create a new reality for their future. She discussed the latest research on the Arrowsmith Program which shows changes in the brain as well as academic, emotional, social and cognitive changes. She describes how a learning difficulty impacts the learner in school as well as in life and that the research shows that this reality is not lifelong and can be changed. The audience will gain insight into and begin to look at behaviour through a cognitive lens. They will build an understanding that through harnessing the principles of neuroplasticity we can change the brain and overcome learning challenges.
In this presentation Barbara Arrowsmith-Young talks about how harnessing the principles of neuroplasticity leads to changes in the brain and how each individual can create a new reality for their future. She discussed the latest research on the Arrowsmith Program which shows changes in the brain as well as academic, emotional, social and cognitive changes. She describes how a learning difficulty impacts the learner in school as well as in life and that the research shows that this reality is not lifelong and can be changed. The audience will gain insight into and begin to look at behaviour through a cognitive lens. They will build an understanding that through harnessing the principles of neuroplasticity we can change the brain and overcome learning challenges.
In this presentation Barbara Arrowsmith-Young talks about how harnessing the principles of neuroplasticity leads to changes in the brain and how each individual can create a new reality for their future. She discussed the latest research on the Arrowsmith Program which shows changes in the brain as well as academic, emotional, social and cognitive changes. She describes how a learning difficulty impacts the learner in school as well as in life and that the research shows that this reality is not lifelong and can be changed. The audience will gain insight into and begin to look at behaviour through a cognitive lens. They will build an understanding that through harnessing the principles of neuroplasticity we can change the brain and overcome learning challenges.
In this presentation Barbara Arrowsmith-Young talks about how harnessing the principles of neuroplasticity leads to changes in the brain and how each individual can create a new reality for their future. She discussed the latest research on the Arrowsmith Program which shows changes in the brain as well as academic, emotional, social and cognitive changes. She describes how a learning difficulty impacts the learner in school as well as in life and that the research shows that this reality is not lifelong and can be changed. The audience will gain insight into and begin to look at behaviour through a cognitive lens. They will build an understanding that through harnessing the principles of neuroplasticity we can change the brain and overcome learning challenges.
In this presentation Barbara Arrowsmith-Young talks about how harnessing the principles of neuroplasticity leads to changes in the brain and how each individual can create a new reality for their future. She discussed the latest research on the Arrowsmith Program which shows changes in the brain as well as academic, emotional, social and cognitive changes. She describes how a learning difficulty impacts the learner in school as well as in life and that the research shows that this reality is not lifelong and can be changed. The audience will gain insight into and begin to look at behaviour through a cognitive lens. They will build an understanding that through harnessing the principles of neuroplasticity we can change the brain and overcome learning challenges.
In this presentation Barbara Arrowsmith-Young talks about how harnessing the principles of neuroplasticity leads to changes in the brain and how each individual can create a new reality for their future. She discussed the latest research on the Arrowsmith Program which shows changes in the brain as well as academic, emotional, social and cognitive changes. She describes how a learning difficulty impacts the learner in school as well as in life and that the research shows that this reality is not lifelong and can be changed. The audience will gain insight into and begin to look at behaviour through a cognitive lens. They will build an understanding that through harnessing the principles of neuroplasticity we can change the brain and overcome learning challenges.
Watch Barbara present her latest research into the science of learning to a sold-out audience in Auckland New Zealand. This presentation provides insight through a cognitive lens into the range of cognitive ‘glitches’ leading to a learning challenge. It details Barbara’s journey of discovery, the lines of research she combined and the factors leading to brain change using the principles of neuroplasticity.
In this presentation Barbara Arrowsmith-Young talks about how harnessing the principles of neuroplasticity leads to changes in the brain and how each individual can create a new reality for their future. She discussed the latest research on the Arrowsmith Program which shows changes in the brain as well as academic, emotional, social and cognitive changes. She describes how a learning difficulty impacts the learner in school as well as in life and that the research shows that this reality is not lifelong and can be changed. The audience will gain insight into and begin to look at behaviour through a cognitive lens. They will build an understanding that through harnessing the principles of neuroplasticity we can change the brain and overcome learning challenges.
In this presentation Barbara Arrowsmith-Young talks about how harnessing the principles of neuroplasticity leads to changes in the brain and how each individual can create a new reality for their future. She discussed the latest research on the Arrowsmith Program which shows changes in the brain as well as academic, emotional, social and cognitive changes. She describes how a learning difficulty impacts the learner in school as well as in life and that the research shows that this reality is not lifelong and can be changed. The audience will gain insight into and begin to look at behaviour through a cognitive lens. They will build an understanding that through harnessing the principles of neuroplasticity we can change the brain and overcome learning challenges.
In this presentation Barbara Arrowsmith-Young talks about how harnessing the principles of neuroplasticity leads to changes in the brain and how each individual can create a new reality for their future. She discussed the latest research on the Arrowsmith Program which shows changes in the brain as well as academic, emotional, social and cognitive changes. She describes how a learning difficulty impacts the learner in school as well as in life and that the research shows that this reality is not lifelong and can be changed. The audience will gain insight into and begin to look at behaviour through a cognitive lens. They will build an understanding that through harnessing the principles of neuroplasticity we can change the brain and overcome learning challenges.
In this presentation Barbara Arrowsmith-Young talks about how harnessing the principles of neuroplasticity leads to changes in the brain and how each individual can create a new reality for their future. She discussed the latest research on the Arrowsmith Program which shows changes in the brain as well as academic, emotional, social and cognitive changes. She describes how a learning difficulty impacts the learner in school as well as in life and that the research shows that this reality is not lifelong and can be changed. The audience will gain insight into and begin to look at behaviour through a cognitive lens. They will build an understanding that through harnessing the principles of neuroplasticity we can change the brain and overcome learning challenges.
In this presentation Barbara Arrowsmith-Young talks about how harnessing the principles of neuroplasticity leads to changes in the brain and how each individual can create a new reality for their future. She discussed the latest research on the Arrowsmith Program which shows changes in the brain as well as academic, emotional, social and cognitive changes. She describes how a learning difficulty impacts the learner in school as well as in life and that the research shows that this reality is not lifelong and can be changed. The audience will gain insight into and begin to look at behaviour through a cognitive lens. They will build an understanding that through harnessing the principles of neuroplasticity we can change the brain and overcome learning challenges.
In this presentation Barbara Arrowsmith-Young talks about how harnessing the principles of neuroplasticity leads to changes in the brain and how each individual can create a new reality for their future. She discussed the latest research on the Arrowsmith Program which shows changes in the brain as well as academic, emotional, social and cognitive changes. She describes how a learning difficulty impacts the learner in school as well as in life and that the research shows that this reality is not lifelong and can be changed. The audience will gain insight into and begin to look at behaviour through a cognitive lens. They will build an understanding that through harnessing the principles of neuroplasticity we can change the brain and overcome learning challenges.
In this presentation Barbara Arrowsmith-Young talks about how harnessing the principles of neuroplasticity leads to changes in the brain and how each individual can create a new reality for their future. She discussed the latest research on the Arrowsmith Program which shows changes in the brain as well as academic, emotional, social and cognitive changes. She describes how a learning difficulty impacts the learner in school as well as in life and that the research shows that this reality is not lifelong and can be changed. The audience will gain insight into and begin to look at behaviour through a cognitive lens. They will build an understanding that through harnessing the principles of neuroplasticity we can change the brain and overcome learning challenges.
In this presentation Barbara Arrowsmith-Young talks about how harnessing the principles of neuroplasticity leads to changes in the brain and how each individual can create a new reality for their future. She discussed the latest research on the Arrowsmith Program which shows changes in the brain as well as academic, emotional, social and cognitive changes. She describes how a learning difficulty impacts the learner in school as well as in life and that the research shows that this reality is not lifelong and can be changed. The audience will gain insight into and begin to look at behaviour through a cognitive lens. They will build an understanding that through harnessing the principles of neuroplasticity we can change the brain and overcome learning challenges.
In this presentation Barbara Arrowsmith-Young talks about how harnessing the principles of neuroplasticity leads to changes in the brain and how each individual can create a new reality for their future. She discussed the latest research on the Arrowsmith Program which shows changes in the brain as well as academic, emotional, social and cognitive changes. She describes how a learning difficulty impacts the learner in schoool well as in life and that the research shows that this reality is not lifelong and can be changed. The audience will gain insight into and begin to look at behaviour through a cognitive lens. They will build an understanding that through harnessing the principles of neuroplasticity we can change the brain and overcome learning challenges.
In this presentation Barbara Arrowsmith-Young talks about how harnessing the principles of neuroplasticity leads to changes in the brain and how each individual can create a new reality for their future. She discussed the latest research on the Arrowsmith Program which shows changes in the brain as well as academic, emotional, social and cognitive changes. She describes how a learning difficulty impacts the learner in school as well as in life and that the research shows that this reality is not lifelong and can be changed. The audience will gain insight into and begin to look at behaviour through a cognitive lens. They will build an understanding that through harnessing the principles of neuroplasticity we can change the brain and overcome learning challenges.
The author of the game-changing book, The Woman Who Changed Her Brain, Barbara Arrowsmith-Young developed the Arrowsmith Program, which has helped thousands of families and is taught in schools around the world. Her book interweaves her personal story with case histories she has gathered from more than 40 years of working with both children and adults. We are thrilled to have Barbara Arrowsmith-Young sharing her incredible story with us.
Does your child have a learning disability? The Arrowsmith Program can help! Come listen to our expert panel: Debbie Gilmore (Executive Director, Arrowsmith Program), Halton Hills Christian School Educations, Alumni, and current Arrowsmith students and parents for information on how this program can help to overcome your child’s learning difficulty
Dr. Angela Peddle is an optometrist with a focus on vision therapy, neuro-rehabilitation, sports vision enhancement, pediatrics and special needs examinations. Dr. Peddle’s presentation, “Vision and Learning”, covers the following key areas: How vision develops and how development affects vision; important visual skills necessary for learning; signs of visual problems in school-age children; vision-related learning problems; and visual perceptual processing.
In this Meetup, Barbara Arrowsmith-Young discusses a cognitive function framework of understanding behaviour, the principles that drive neuroplastic change, insights into learning difficulties from current imaging research and research outcomes of a neuroplastic approach to addressing learning difficulties.
The Ontario Brain Injury Association (OBIA) and Brain Changes Initiative (BCI) are pleased to announce the development of a Distinguished Speaker’s Webinar series designed to inform front-line health care workers and professionals in the field of brain injury. This webinar in the 7-part series features Barbara Arrowsmith-Young, who will present Shaping the Brain: The Woman Who Changed Her Brain, and Enrico Quilico who will present Exercise for Rehabilitation after Brain Injury.
We go to school to learn and we learn with our brains. Barbara Arrowsmith-Young discusses how 'putting the brain in the education equation' transforms the learning capacities of all students and leads to indpenedent self-confident learners for life.
Imagine a place where neuroplasticity (brain plasticity) and education meet. Imagine schools where students are enhancing their cognitive functions in combination with learning and applying content and skills within the academic curriculum. This is a very real possibility using a capacity-based program involving the principles of neuroplasticity.
The concept of neuroplasticity brings hope – the brain is plastic and can change. What is difficult for educators is adopting the principles into their everyday work. There is a huge divide between education and neuroscience. This is the challenge currently facing education. This session will explore the neuroplastic paradigm, the concept of cognitive enhancement, and how targeted cognitive exercises can be
used in the classroom to enhance the learning of all students. Educators can learn about how student behavior can be viewed through a cognitive lens; about neuroplasticity and how and why it works, and how to integrate new knowledge into common practices.
It is possible to change the cognitive capacity of the learner in order to enhance learning of content, curriculum and academics more efficiently. It is possible to enhance reasoning and processing ability to understand and quickly grasp what is read and heard, insight, comprehension, logical reasoning, cause and effect processing, problem solving, mathematical reasoning, motor function and auditory memory, among many other cognitive functions. As the learner’s capacity to learn is enhanced using a cognitive program, the rate of learning can accelerate across academic disciplines.
The Arrowsmith Program is based on the philosophy that it is possible to enhance specific cognitive functions through targeted cognitive programs.
Join us as we unravel the fascinating ability of the human brain to adapt, rewire, and improve memory functions. Uncover how strengthened cognitive capacities through neuroplasticity can enhance your ability to recall and help you succeed in school, workplace, and in life.
Whether you're a student striving for academic excellence, a professional seeking to remember crucial details, or an individual looking to improve memory, this event will offer you the opportunity to unlock the full potential of your memory and help you regain control of your life.
Join us for a profound exploration of how neuroplasticity can reshape and enhance executive function. Discover the incredible adaptability of the human brain and how strengthening cognitive capacities through neuroplasticity can optimize your executive functions, leading to improved decision-making, strategic planning, and overall effectiveness.
Whether you're a professional aiming to excel in leadership roles, a student seeking to enhance organizational skills, or an individual looking to boost efficiency in daily tasks, this event will offer you insights that will empower you to harness the full potential of your executive functions.
Join us to unravel the profound ability of the human brain to adapt, rewire, and enhance key aspects of emotional intelligence, including self-awareness, empathy, and effective interpersonal relationships.
This event is tailored for professional seeking to thrive in team dynamics, a student navigating social interactions, or an individual looking to cultivate deeper connections. Learn how enhancing cognitive functions will empower you to navigate the complexities of social-emotional interactions with ease.
Join us as we explore the fascinating realm of neuroplasticity and its profound impact on ADHD, focus, and attention difficulties. Learn about the remarkable ability of the human brain to adapt and rewire itself, leading to enhanced focus, improved attention, and greater overall well-being.
Whether you're a student striving for academic success, a professional seeking to optimize your productivity, or an individual looking to feel more organized, this event is tailored to provide you with invaluable insights in how this can be done by strengthening cognitive capacities. From conquering the challenges of ADHD to thriving in various domains of life, including education, work, and personal pursuits, this event serves as a catalyst for your journey towards mastering focus and maximizing your potential.
Join us for this session where we delve into the remarkable world of neuroplasticity and its transformative impact on overcoming dysgraphia and dyslexia. Discover how neuroplasticity, the human brain’s extraordinary ability to rewire itself, can strengthen reading, writing, and comprehension capabilities.
Whether you are a student, a professional, or an individual seeking personal growth, this event will provide invaluable knowledge to help you navigate the world with confidence. From conquering the complexities of language to finding success in school, the workplace, and in all aspects of life, this event promises to be a catalyst for your journey toward unleashing your full potential.
Join Debbie Gilmore (Executive Officer at Arrowsmith) and Rita Margarita (European and Middle East Representative at Arrowsmith) as they present at The Developing Child Centre in Dubai, United Arab Emirates. If you're a professional seeking to recommend a program to parents, consider the Arrowsmith Program. Discover how the Arrowsmith Program can make a difference in your child’s life. Attend this information session to learn more about the program, meet the team, and connect with other parents and professionals. Unlock your child’s potential and pave the way for a brighter future.
Join Debbie Gilmore (Executive Officer at Arrowsmith) and Rita Margarita (European and Middle East Representative at Arrowsmith) as they present at The Developing Child Centre in Dubai, United Arab Emirates. If you are parents seeking a supportive, effective alternative to traditional learning methods, consider the Arrowsmith Program. Discover how the Arrowsmith Program can make a difference in your child’s life. Attend this information session to learn more about the program, meet the team, and connect with other parents and professionals. Unlock your child’s potential and pave the way for a brighter future.
Join us for this session where we delve into the remarkable world of neuroplasticity and its transformative impact on overcoming dyscalculia and math difficulties. Prepare to explore the fascinating realm of neuroplasticity and its remarkable ability to reshape the brain's numerical pathways, establishing a solid foundation in math.
This event is tailored for students, professionals, and individuals seeking personal growth, equipping them with invaluable knowledge to confidently navigate the intricate world of numbers. By unraveling the complexities of dyscalculia, participants will discover groundbreaking insights into harnessing the power of neuroplasticity to strengthen numerical fluency and problem-solving skills.
Calling all global educators, administrators and thought leaders – join this fascinating event on May 8th – either in Madrid or online!
Global Education Forum’s “EducAItion: Shaping the Future, Keeping Us Human” promises to be a dynamic event we contemplate the challenges and opportunities faced by education today.
Arrowsmith’s own Debbie Gilmore will be hosting a panel talk during the event - “AI and LifeLong Learning” will invite discussion and debate around the role of AI in learning. Don’t miss the opportunity to be inspired by leaders in the field, and consider how students can be prepared to be active learners and leaders.
Join us for an exclusive Question and Answer session with Debbie Gilmore, Executive Director of Arrowsmith Program Worldwide and Rita Margarita, UAE and Europe Representative to learn how to empower your child's cognitive growth. Discover more about the incredible Arrowsmith Program!
Join us as we unravel the fascinating ability of the human brain to adapt, rewire, and improve memory functions. Uncover how strengthened cognitive capacities through neuroplasticity can enhance your ability to recall and help you succeed in school, workplace, and in life.
Whether you're a student striving for academic excellence, a professional seeking to remember crucial details, or an individual looking to improve memory, this event will offer you the opportunity to unlock the full potential of your memory and help you regain control of your life.
Is your child having difficulty at school? Having trouble learning to read, understand or focus? Does your child have a diagnosis for learning difficulties including dyslexia, dyscalculia, dysgraphia, auditory processing, ADHD etc.. – try to reference a number of different disorders not just dyslexia
During Debbie’s presentation, you will discover how a learning difficulty does not have to be lifelong. Using a proven cognitive program, it is possible to overcome the learning difficulty combined with the nurturing environment and excellence of The Silkwood Way, you will discover a totally new approach to learning, setting your child up for success, not only at school but for their future.
Join us for a profound exploration of how neuroplasticity can reshape and enhance executive function. Discover the incredible adaptability of the human brain and how strengthening cognitive capacities through neuroplasticity can optimize your executive functions, leading to improved decision-making, strategic planning, and overall effectiveness.
Whether you're a professional aiming to excel in leadership roles, a student seeking to enhance organizational skills, or an individual looking to boost efficiency in daily tasks, this event will offer you insights that will empower you to harness the full potential of your executive functions.
This summer you can improve your chances for success with the Arrowsmith Program’s renowned methods for improving reasoning, processing speed, attention, and comprehension. Our Symbol Relations – Cognitive Intensive Program strengthens participants’ capacity to learn in school and engage meaningfully in life. Start your Arrowsmith journey this summer!
The Arrowsmith programme has been changing brains and lives at St Mark's School since 2015. We are excited to welcome Debbie Gilmore, Executive Director of Arrowsmith, back to Wellington. This presentation will focus on the stories of Arrowsmith at St Mark's, hearing the experiences of staff, and parents of students who are in the programme. We will also discuss more about what the Arrowsmith programme is and how can it benefit your child. There will also be an opportunity for you to ask questions and chat with staff and Debbie Gilmore.
Free PD sessions with practical solutions for help your learning support department.
During this presentation you will discover how every student can increase their attention and focus using a proven cognitive program provided at Plenty Valley Christian College. Discover the incredible adaptability of the human brain and how strengthening cognitive capacities can optimize executive functions, leading to improved decision-making, strategic planning and overall effectiveness.
Join Debbie Gilmore, Executive Director of the Arrowsmith program, on Monday, 17 June at midday for an insightful event designed for parents & people struggling with dyslexia or other forms of neurodiversity. Discover how our innovative approach addresses the underlying cognitive causes, helping bright students who are currently unable to thrive in the traditional education system. Learn about our full-time support options for young adults who may be refusing school due to trauma or consistent academic failure. Ensure a brighter future for your child’s mental health and educational success.
Is your child having difficulty at school? Has your child been diagnosed with dyslexia or dyscalculia? Does your child have attention difficulties?
During this presentation, you will discover how a learning difficulty like dyslexia or dyscalculia does not have to be lifelong. Using a proven cognitive program to overcome the learning difficulty combined with the nurturing environment at Teen Challenge, you will discover a totally new approach to learning, setting your child up for success, not only at school but for their future.
Is your child having difficulty at school? Has your child been diagnosed with dyslexia or dyscalculia? Does your child have attention difficulties?
During this presentation, you will discover how a learning difficulty like dyslexia or dyscalculia does not have to be lifelong. Using a proven cognitive program to overcome the learning difficulty combined with the nurturing environment at Teen Challenge, you will discover a totally new approach to learning, setting your child up for success, not only at school but for their future.
Join us to unravel the profound ability of the human brain to adapt, rewire, and enhance key aspects of emotional intelligence, including self-awareness, empathy, and effective interpersonal relationships.
This event is tailored for professional seeking to thrive in team dynamics, a student navigating social interactions, or an individual looking to cultivate deeper connections. Learn how enhancing cognitive functions will empower you to navigate the complexities of social-emotional interactions with ease.
This summer you can improve your chances for success with the Arrowsmith Program’s renowned methods for improving reasoning, processing speed, attention, and comprehension. Our Symbol Relations – Cognitive Intensive Program strengthens participants’ capacity to learn in school and engage meaningfully in life. Start your Arrowsmith journey this summer!
This summit, organized by James Lange, includes an incredible array of speakers who will share their advice and recommendations drawn from their respective fields of expertise. All speakers work in areas that help parents of children with disabilities either directly or through adjacent services.
Featured speakers include the three co-authors of the best-selling book, Retire Secure for Parents of a Child with a Disability. All three authors and many reviewers believe this is the best financial book for parents of a child with a disability. Their advice, recommendations, and guidance will help you optimize a long-term financial plan to provide for your child’s life-long security. Other speakers will focus on non-financial topics aimed at improving the family’s lifestyle, reducing anxiety and stress, and providing resources you can access after the Summit.
This event is designed to help you understand your / loved one's challenges with attention, reading, and learning difficulties.
During this presentation, you will discover how a learning difficulty like dyslexia or dyscalculia does not have to be lifelong. Using a proven cognitive program to overcome the learning difficulty combined with the nurturing environment at CoreSenses, you will discover a totally new approach to learning, setting your child up for success, not only at school but for their future.
Say goodbye to distractions and hello to action as we offer you the tools and strategies to enhance focus and comprehension. Don't miss out on this opportunity to take control of your / your loved one's learning journey. See you there!
At Arrowsmith, we understand learning disabilities and address them – head on – literally! Our students overcome learning challenges that are impeding their success by engaging in a program that activates neuroplastic change. By understanding your child through a cognitive lens, Arrowsmith can provide a program that addresses your child’s unique profile and learning needs.
At Arrowsmith, we understand learning disabilities and address them – head on – literally! Our students overcome learning challenges that are impeding their success by engaging in a program that activates neuroplastic change. By understanding your child through a cognitive lens, Arrowsmith can provide a program that addresses your child’s unique profile and learning needs.
We are thrilled to invite you to an exciting day of exploration, learning, and community. Experience Arrowsmith School and discover what makes our school a special place for individuals to thrive.
Join this 30-minute virtual session to equip yourself with key lessons and inspiration from the field of neuroscience and neuroeducation.
Learn about the brain processes that shape your students’ learning, performance and behaviours. Explore the research that shows these processes can be improved through targeted brain-based approaches.
Arrowsmith School is different from a traditional school, we see your child's potential beyond the classroom. We want to help your child succeed and thrive not only in academics but in life. Join our Online Open House to learn more about our program options and find out how we help transform our students' lives.
Empower your child to succeed at school through the Arrowsmith Program.
While many students attend Arrowsmith School Full-Time, Online and In-Person, others join Arrowsmith after their regular school day for 40 minutes daily, Monday to Friday, enhancing their capacity to learn and succeed. Flexible scheduling available and options from 7:45 am to 8:20pm Eastern Time Zone.
Learn more about the Arrowsmith Program and how your child can enhance their learning journey and academic success through a personalized program by attending this session.
Join this 30-minute virtual session to equip yourself with key lessons and inspiration from the field of neuroscience and neuroeducation.
Learn about the brain processes that shape your students’ learning, performance and behaviours. Explore the research that shows these processes can be improved through targeted brain-based approaches.
Empower your child to succeed at school through the Arrowsmith Program.
While many students attend Arrowsmith School Full-Time, Online and In-Person, others join Arrowsmith after their regular school day for 40 minutes daily, Monday to Friday, enhancing their capacity to learn and succeed. Flexible scheduling available and options from 7:45 am to 8:20pm Eastern Time Zone.
Learn more about the Arrowsmith Program and how your child can enhance their learning journey and academic success through a personalized program by attending this session.
Join us as we explore the fascinating realm of neuroplasticity and its profound impact on ADHD, focus, and attention difficulties. Learn about the remarkable ability of the human brain to adapt and rewire itself, leading to enhanced focus, improved attention, and greater overall well-being.
Whether you're a student striving for academic success, a professional seeking to optimize your productivity, or an individual looking to feel more organized, this event is tailored to provide you with invaluable insights in how this can be done by strengthening cognitive capacities. From conquering the challenges of ADHD to thriving in various domains of life, including education, work, and personal pursuits, this event serves as a catalyst for your journey towards mastering focus and maximizing your potential.
Join us for this session where we delve into the remarkable world of neuroplasticity and its transformative impact on overcoming dysgraphia and dyslexia. Find out how neuroplasticity, the human brain’s extraordinary ability to rewire itself, can strengthen reading, writing, and comprehension capabilities.
Whether you are a student, a professional, or an individual seeking personal growth, this event will provide invaluable knowledge to help you navigate the world with confidence. From conquering the complexities of language to finding success in school, the workplace, and in all aspects of life, this event promises to be a catalyst for your journey toward unleashing your full potential.
We are thrilled to invite you to an exciting day of exploration, learning, and community. Experience Arrowsmith School and discover what makes our school a special place for individuals to thrive.
Curious about brain’s role in the IB Programme and how cognitive programs can enrich the learning and teaching experience?
Join educators around the world to learn more about bringing the brain into IB classrooms.
Reserve your seat today.
Curious about brain’s role in the IB Programme and how cognitive programs can enrich the learning and teaching experience?
Join educators around the world to learn more about bringing the brain into IB classrooms.
Reserve your seat today.
Curious about brain’s role in the IB Programme and how cognitive programs can enrich the learning and teaching experience?
Join educators around the world to learn more about bringing the brain into IB classrooms.
Reserve your seat today.
Join us for this session where we delve into the remarkable world of neuroplasticity and its transformative impact on overcoming dyscalculia and math difficulties. Prepare to explore the fascinating realm of neuroplasticity and its remarkable ability to reshape the brain's numerical pathways, establishing a solid foundation in math.
This event is tailored for students, professionals, and individuals seeking personal growth, equipping them with invaluable knowledge to confidently navigate the intricate world of numbers. By unraveling the complexities of dyscalculia, participants will discover groundbreaking insights into harnessing the power of neuroplasticity to strengthen numerical fluency and problem-solving skills.
Does your child struggle with Math? Has your child been diagnosed with dyscalculia? Let’s explore the brain and what lies beneath this label.
In this webinar, parents will:
Join us as we unravel the fascinating ability of the human brain to adapt, rewire, and improve memory functions. Uncover how strengthened cognitive capacities through neuroplasticity can enhance your ability to recall and help you succeed in school, workplace, and in life.
Whether you're a student striving for academic excellence, a professional seeking to remember crucial details, or an individual looking to improve memory, this event will offer you the opportunity to unlock the full potential of your memory and help you regain control of your life.
Transforming student success begins with Social and Emotional Learning (SEL). Understanding the brain’s role in learning, educators can bring greater awareness and impact to their students’ resilience, emotional regulation, and communication.
It’s clear: social and emotional wellness is essential not just for academic achievement, but for preparing our students to thrive in an ever-changing world.
Join this webinar to discover how integrating brain-based approaches into your teaching can unlock the full potential of every student and create a supportive learning environment. Don’t miss this opportunity to lead the way in education.
Does your child struggle with memory? Has your child been diagnosed with working memory or auditory memory problems?
Let’s explore the brain and what lies beneath these labels.
In this session you will learn:
Join us for a profound exploration of how neuroplasticity can reshape and enhance executive function. Discover the incredible adaptability of the human brain and how strengthening cognitive capacities through neuroplasticity can optimize your executive functions, leading to improved decision-making, strategic planning, and overall effectiveness.
Whether you're a professional aiming to excel in leadership roles, a student seeking to enhance organizational skills, or an individual looking to boost efficiency in daily tasks, this event will offer you insights that will empower you to harness the full potential of your executive functions.
Join us to unravel the profound ability of the human brain to adapt, rewire, and enhance key aspects of emotional intelligence, including self-awareness, empathy, and effective interpersonal relationships.
This event is tailored for professional seeking to thrive in team dynamics, a student navigating social interactions, or an individual looking to cultivate deeper connections. Learn how enhancing cognitive functions will empower you to navigate the complexities of social-emotional interactions with ease.
Join us as we explore the fascinating realm of neuroplasticity and its profound impact on ADHD, focus, and attention difficulties. Learn about the remarkable ability of the human brain to adapt and rewire itself, leading to enhanced focus, improved attention, and greater overall well-being.
We are thrilled to invite you to an exciting day of exploration, learning, and community. Experience Arrowsmith School and discover what makes our school a special place for individuals to thrive.
Does your child struggle with attention and focus? Has your child been diagnosed with ADHD? Let’s explore the brain and what lies beneath this label.
Join Debbie Gilmore, Executive Director, Arrowsmith Program, as she dives into the factors behind focus and attention difficulties, including ADHD. Gain valuable insights into how these challenges affect daily life and well-being, and learn about innovative ways to support concentration and reduce distractions.
Is something getting in the way of your child's success in learning? Learning difficulties do not have to be lifelong. Your child can overcome their struggles through Arrowsmith. Find out more at our upcoming webinar.
We are thrilled to invite you to an exciting day of exploration, learning, and community. Experience Arrowsmith School and discover what makes our school a special place for individuals to thrive.
Join us for this session where we delve into the remarkable world of neuroplasticity and its transformative impact on overcoming dysgraphia and dyslexia. Find out how neuroplasticity, the human brain’s extraordinary ability to rewire itself, can strengthen reading, writing, and comprehension capabilities.
Interested in better understanding the root cognitive cause of learning disabilities?
Curious about the history of special education, and how modern science can inform a different approach?
Want to better understand how a brain-based solution can measurably improve the impact of learning disabilities?
In this webinar we will explore:
Does your child struggle with reading and writing? Has your child been diagnosed with dyslexia and dysgraphia? Let’s explore the brain and what lies beneath these labels.
Join us for this session where we delve into the remarkable world of neuroplasticity and its transformative impact on overcoming dyscalculia and math difficulties. Prepare to explore the fascinating realm of neuroplasticity and its remarkable ability to reshape the brain's numerical pathways, establishing a solid foundation in math.
Does your child struggle with understanding the world around them? Do they find it hard to make friends? Do they have poor self-esteem? Let’s explore the brain and what lies beneath these feelings and emotions.
Is something getting in the way of your child's success in learning? Learning difficulties do not have to be lifelong. Your child can overcome their struggles through Arrowsmith. Find out more at our upcoming webinar.
Join us as we unravel the fascinating ability of the human brain to adapt, rewire, and improve memory functions. Uncover how strengthened cognitive capacities through neuroplasticity can enhance your ability to recall and help you succeed in school, workplace, and in life.
Does your child struggle with planning and organizing? Do they find it hard to make decisions? Has your child been diagnosed with executive function difficulties? Let’s explore the brain and what lies beneath these labels.
In this webinar, we will examine the neuroscience behind diverse learners, including how and why students experience learning differently. We’ll explore how the brain processes information and how students’ unique cognitive profiles determine their school experiences.
Educators will also learn about the brain's adaptability, and how neuroeducational approaches can address diverse learning needs within an inclusive classroom. We’ll discuss research and share examples of schools providing cognitive programs as part of their equity and inclusion goals, and their dedication that all students succeed academically and socially.
Join us for a profound exploration of how neuroplasticity can reshape and enhance executive function. Discover the incredible adaptability of the human brain and how strengthening cognitive capacities through neuroplasticity can optimize your executive functions, leading to improved decision-making, strategic planning, and overall effectiveness.
We are thrilled to invite you to an exciting day of exploration, learning, and community. Experience Arrowsmith School and discover what makes our school a special place for individuals to full description
We are thrilled to invite you to an exciting day of exploration, learning, and community. Experience Arrowsmith School and discover what makes our school a special place for individuals to thrive.
Strengthen your child’s Symbol Relation’s cognitive function this summer, In-Person or Online, and begin a life changing journey.
Learn about the Arrowsmith Program provided at IngoC Cognitive Enhancement Centre.
Get insight into the principles of neuroplasticity and the factors leading to brain change.
Learn how we can look after our brain throughout our lives.
Learn about the range of cognitive functions and begin to see behaviour through a cognitive lens.
Join us to unravel the profound ability of the human brain to adapt, rewire, and enhance key aspects of emotional intelligence, including self-awareness, empathy, and effective interpersonal relationships.
Join us as we explore the fascinating realm of neuroplasticity and its profound impact on ADHD, focus, and attention difficulties. Learn about the remarkable ability of the human brain to adapt and full description
Join us as we explore the fascinating realm of neuroplasticity and its profound impact on ADHD, focus, and attention difficulties. Learn about the remarkable ability of the human brain to adapt and rewire itself, leading to enhanced focus, improved attention, and greater overall well-being.
Join us for a discussion on the neuroscience behind lifelong learning and human potential. Learn how the brain is responsible for both foundational academic skills as well those increasingly important competencies like problem-solving, collaboration, and perseverance.
This session will explore how cognitive programs can optimize the brain to promote a lifetime of academic and professional excellence, resilience, and personal growth across the lifetime. We’ll examine research and applications of programs that target the most important predictor of success and quality of life: the brain.
Join us for this session where we delve into the remarkable world of neuroplasticity and its transformative impact on overcoming dysgraphia and dyslexia. Find out how neuroplasticity, the human full description
Join us for this session where we delve into the remarkable world of neuroplasticity and its transformative impact on overcoming dysgraphia and dyslexia. Find out how neuroplasticity, the human brain’s extraordinary ability to rewire itself, can strengthen reading, writing, and comprehension capabilities.
Whether you are a student, a professional, or an individual seeking personal growth, this event will provide invaluable knowledge to help you navigate the world with confidence. From conquering the complexities of language to finding success in school, the workplace, and in all aspects of life, this event promises to be a catalyst for your journey toward unleashing your full potential.
Strengthen your child’s Symbol Relation’s cognitive function this summer, In-Person or Online, and begin a life changing journey.
We are thrilled to invite you to an exciting day of exploration, learning, and community. Experience Arrowsmith School and discover what makes our school a special place for individuals to full description
We are thrilled to invite you to an exciting day of exploration, learning, and community. Experience Arrowsmith School and discover what makes our school a special place for individuals to thrive.
Explore the challenges and opportunities AI presents for students' academic success and wellbeing. In this webinar, we will explore how a strong, resilient brain is essential for students. Presently – so they can thrive academically and social-emotionally, and soon – to navigate in a new world and workforce shaped by AI. Already, AI is reshaping the way students learn, engage, and interact with the world.
While AI offers opportunities, it also presents distractions, content overload, and misinformation. A brain capable of navigating this new landscape is essential. We will discuss programs that strengthen processes like cognitive flexibility, attention, and emotional regulation—all fundamental to learning and flourishing.
Join us for this session where we delve into the remarkable world of neuroplasticity and its transformative impact on overcoming dyscalculia and math difficulties. Prepare to explore the fascinating full description
Join us for this session where we delve into the remarkable world of neuroplasticity and its transformative impact on overcoming dyscalculia and math difficulties. Prepare to explore the fascinating realm of neuroplasticity and its remarkable ability to reshape the brain's numerical pathways, establishing a solid foundation in math.
Join us as we unravel the fascinating ability of the human brain to adapt, rewire, and improve memory functions. Uncover how strengthened cognitive capacities through neuroplasticity can enhance your full description
Join us as we unravel the fascinating ability of the human brain to adapt, rewire, and improve memory functions. Uncover how strengthened cognitive capacities through neuroplasticity can enhance your ability to recall and help you succeed in school, workplace, and in life.
In this webinar, we will examine the neuroscience behind diverse learners, including how and why students experience learning differently. We’ll explore how the brain processes information and how students’ unique cognitive profiles determine their school experiences.
Educators will also learn about the brain's adaptability, and how neuroeducational approaches can address diverse learning needs within an inclusive classroom. We’ll discuss research and share examples of schools providing cognitive programs as part of their equity and inclusion goals, and their dedication that all students succeed academically and socially.
We are thrilled to invite you to an exciting day of exploration, learning, and community. Experience Arrowsmith School and discover what makes our school a special place for individuals to full description
We are thrilled to invite you to an exciting day of exploration, learning, and community. Experience Arrowsmith School and discover what makes our school a special place for individuals to thrive.
Join us for a profound exploration of how neuroplasticity can reshape and enhance executive function. Discover the incredible adaptability of the human brain and how strengthening cognitive full description
Join us for a profound exploration of how neuroplasticity can reshape and enhance executive function. Discover the incredible adaptability of the human brain and how strengthening cognitive capacities through neuroplasticity can optimize your executive functions, leading to improved decision-making, strategic planning, and overall effectiveness.
Strengthen your child’s Symbol Relation’s cognitive function this summer, In-Person or Online, and begin a life changing journey.
Join us to unravel the profound ability of the human brain to adapt, rewire, and enhance key aspects of emotional intelligence, including self-awareness, empathy, and effective interpersonal full description
Join us to unravel the profound ability of the human brain to adapt, rewire, and enhance key aspects of emotional intelligence, including self-awareness, empathy, and effective interpersonal relationships.
Learning difficulties and disabilities do not have to be life-long. By strengthening the child’s capacity to learn with cognitive exercises tailored to their unique learning profile, students of all ages can transform their ability to learn.
Most parents agree that the last few years have disrupted and had a negative impact on their child’s learning, confidence, and emotional well-being. This has impacted this generation’s opportunities to thrive in school and life. The road to recovery is not out of reach. Strengthen your child’s brain with evidence-based Arrowsmith cognitive exercises and bridge the learning gap today.
Our brains are at the heart of our every move, thought, and interaction. Its intricate design shapes how we participate in the world, see ourselves, and understand others. This first of a 5-part series examines both our brain’s complexity and its uniqueness. We will explore the concept of ‘cognitive function’ and describe how specific intellectual processes work together to achieve the simplest to complex tasks. Our own cognitive profiles are as distinct as fingerprints. Gaining insight through a cognitive lens, therefore, allows us to better understand ourselves and others.
Building a stronger brain means achieving your best through cognitive enhancement. By engaging in targeted cognitive exercises, we can increase our cognitive capacity and lead a better life. This second part of the 5-part series analyzes the brain's role at school, in the workplace, at home, and throughout our lives. We will discuss the benefits of cognitive programming for all.
The first 10 years of school life are pivotal. What and how a child learns during this period determines the life they will create for themselves, and how they will contribute to the world. It is encouraging that many educators, professionals, and policymakers are recognizing that school curricula must evolve to meet the needs of today’s students. In fact, we would argue that a revolution is due. Part 3 of the Webinar Series will consider how the skills identified essential for our modern world, such as critical thinking, flexibility, emotional intelligence, are directly connected to specific cognitive functions. We will examine how a cognitive program can enhance underlying brain processes responsible for acquiring these 21st-century skills, fundamentally preparing students to be the leaders and shapers of tomorrow.
As we learn, our brains continually change. From toddlerhood to early childhood, all of life’s natural learning experiences—from lullabies to balancing blocks – are shaping the function and structure of circuits in the brain. When children go off to school, they need to adapt these circuits of their brains in new and profound ways as they learn how to translate letters into words, words into ideas, and numbers into mathematical concepts. This presentation examines this very exchange – how do our brains learn? What is happening as we read, write, or solve a math problem? How might this perspective shape our understanding of our own experiences, and that of our children and students? Is there really such thing as a “math person”? Join us to consider the brain’s role in learning, the science behind acquiring fundamental academic skills, and the potential to change the trajectory of traditional learning processes through a neuroplastic approach.
So far we’ve examined the role of the brain from different perspectives and different scenarios. This webinar takes us back to a core principle – how does it operate? What does its instructional manual look like? Unique from traditional educational assessments, a cognitive assessment goes beneath skills and performance and examines the functioning of the core cognitive functions that shape our lives. This assessment can be a user’s guide to understanding ourselves and others. Join us to learn more about how cognitive assessments can become an essential tool for understanding and improving our lives.
Learn how improving critical cognitive functionss can significantly change your brain’s ability to learn and process information. Join renowned brain change expert, Barbara Arrowsmith-Young, for a virtual event.
Barbara Arrowsmith-Young discusses her journey of discovery and innovation that lead to the creation of the Arrowsmith Program and the research outcomes of a neuroplastic approach to addressing learning disabilities.
An inspiring and uplifting story of a woman who overcame severe learning difficulties using cognitive exercises to improve brain function, as featured in Norman Doidge's book, The Brain That Changes Itself. She has gone on to help others through her learning programs based on practical applications of neuroplasticity. Barbara Arrowsmith-Young, Canada, best-selling author of The Woman Who Changed Her Brain; Director, Arrowsmith School and Arrowsmith Programs.
Brain Power Conference “Join the Revolution in Childhood Development” sponsored by The Brain Power Initiative The Royal Conservatory TELUS CENTRE FOR PERFORMANCE AND LEARNING Toronto, Ontario Conference website (speakers’ list and ticket information): Arrowsmith Program will be hosting a booth in the exhibition space Video introduction “The Woman Who Changed Her Brain” by Barbara Arrowsmith-Young preceding the panel, From the Family Room to the Classroom to the World”
The Canadian Arrowsmith Program is founded on the philosophy that it is possible to treat learning disabilities by identifying and strengthening cognitive capacities. Based on the personal experience of its developer, Barbara Arrowsmith-Young, the program uses a series of exercises designed to strengthen weak cognitive capacities and improve associated learning dysfunctions. In this presentation designed for parents and teachers of children with learning disabilities, Arrowsmith Young, whose autobiography The Woman Who Changed Her Brain was published this year, will outline the principles and practices of her program.
Barbara Arrowsmith-Young turned her life-defining learning disabilities into an unlikely asset. Unable to process language or decode symbols, she compensated with her fierce determination to learn, fuelled by a formidable memory. In graduate school, she chanced on research that held the key to reprogramming her own brain. This was in the 1970s and 80s, before neuroplasticity became a widely accepted fact. Her pioneering Arrowsmith Program has since helped countless children and adults with learning disabilities to unlock their potential. ‘In most traditional special education programs, the premise is that the learner’s fixed. The learner is the learner, with their strengths and weaknesses,’ says Barbara. ‘The premise of our work is, we’re going to take this learner, and we’re going to change the capacity of the learner.’ Norman Doidge shared Barbara’s story in his bestseller The Brain That Changes Itself; she speaks for herself in her new book, The Woman Who Changed Her Brain.
The pioneer of neuroplasticity was born with severe learning disabilities. Undaunted, Barbara Arrowsmith-Young used her strengths to develop brain exercises to overcome her neurological deficits. She has gone on to change countless lives and inspire Miraculous Transformations from the Frontier of Brain Science.
Barbara Arrowsmith-Young, the Creator and Director of Arrowsmith School and Arrowsmith Program, and the author of the international best-selling book The Woman Who Changed Her Brain (, speaks at TedX Toronto about her pioneering work in the field of neuroplasticity. The Arrowsmith Program is based on the application of Barbara’s neuroscientific research, and for 40 years it has worked to help students strengthen the weak cognitive capacities underlying a range of learning difficulties.
Barbara is thrilled to be in Guelph to accept the 2012 Alumna of Honour Award from her Alma Mater, the University of Guelph, on Wednesday, March 27. On Thursday, March 28, Barbara will give a public presentation on how the Arrowsmith Program uses neuroplasticity to address learning disabilities, hosted by Guelph Christian School.
Barbara Arrowsmith-Young, author of “The Woman Who Changed Her Brain” will present on her work on Shaping the Brain at the Fourth Annual Queensland Epilepsy Symposium Thinking Outside The Box: Epilepsy
The Arrowsmith Program is not tutoring. It is a program within a school that addresses the underlying cognitive challenges that prevent our kids from learning. Within 2-4 years, the majority of kids with mild to severe learning and attention challenges join their classmates at grade level without compensations or aides. Pretty great stuff! Through neuroplasticity (changing the brain), the Arrowsmith program actually increases the learning capacities of students with learning and attention challlenges. So instead of compensating, the program actually changes the brain so a child can learn. There are over 30 years of proven life-changing results! The Arrowsmith Program could be the answer for your child or student.
Arrowsmith-Young’s lecture covers the personal and the universal. The personal is Arrowsmith-Young’s journey of discovery driven by her hunt for a solution to her own debilitating learning disorders leading to the integration of two lines of neuroscience research. The universal is that we all have a brain and by furthering our knowledge of how our brain shapes us through mediating our understanding of the world we can gain insight into our functioning and that of others. And most promising, that through our growing understanding of neuroplasticity, we now have the knowledge to develop treatments to shape our brains. It is a journey of understanding and transformation. Copies of Barbara’s book will be available for purchase and autographing.
In her presentation entitled “The Arrowsmith Program: Addressing Learning Disabilities—A Cognitive Approach,” Barbara Arrowsmith-Young will talk about her journey of discovery, the lines of research she combined, and the outcomes achieved over her 35 years as an educator and researcher. She will describe a number of learning disorders, from those that impact the learner in school to those that affect us in life. The focus will be on learning disorders that impact academic performance such as reading and writing, and some of the outcome studies demonstrating cognitive and academic performance change in these areas as a result of students engaging in the Arrowsmith Program's cognitive exercises. There will be a book signing after the event. Attendees may bring their own, or purchase a copy of The Woman Who Changed Her Brain at the door for $10.
Debbie Gilmore will talk about the Arrowsmith Program, the lines of research that were combined to develop the program and the outcomes achieved for individuals with learning difficulties over 35 years. Built on the principle of neuroplasticity, the Arrowsmith Program identifies, intervenes and strengthens the weak cognitive capacities that affect learning. A number of cognitive functions and dysfunctions will be described and how these impact on the learner in school to those that affect individuals in life. The focus will be on learning disorders that impact academic performance such as reading and writing and some of the studies demonstrating cognitive and academic performance change in these areas as a result of students engaging in the Arrowsmith Program's cognitive exercises.
St Andrew's College hosts An Evening with Barbara Arrowsmith-Young Barbara Arrowsmith-Young, author of the International Bestseller The Woman Who Changed Her Brain, and founder of the Arrowsmith Program, tells the compelling story of how she tapped into neuroscience research and used neuroplasticity to transform her brain and life, then went on to found the Arrowsmith Program. A cognitive program that addresses learning disabilities through neuroplasticity, the Arrowsmith Program is currently in 50 schools worldwide, including six in Australia and three in New Zealand.
Samuel Marsden Collegiate School hosts An Evening with Barbara Arrowsmith-Young. Barbara Arrowsmith-Young, author of the International Bestseller The Woman Who Changed Her Brain, and founder of the Arrowsmith Program, tells the compelling story of how she tapped into neuroscience research and used neuroplasticity to transform her brain and life, then went on to found the Arrowsmith Program. A cognitive program that addresses learning disabilities through neuroplasticity, the Arrowsmith Program is currently in schools worldwide, including Australia and New Zealand.
The Catholic Education Office presents The Link between Mental Health and Learning Difficulties. In this riveting lecture, special guest Barbara Arrowsmith-Young (author of international bestseller The Woman Who Changed Her Brain) will focus on the research findings linking mental health outcomes related to learning disabilities supported by the 'voices' of individual students, aged 11 to 63, describing their experiences. Barbara will also describe her own personal struggle with learning disabilities and its impact on her mental health in context with the research findings in this area. As the founder and Director of the Arrowsmith Program, Barbara continues to develop programs for students with learning disabilties and her program of cognitive exercises is implemented in schools in Canada, the U.S, Australia and New Zealand. She holds a B.A.Sc in Child Studies from the University of Guelph and a Master's degree in School Psychology from the University of Toronto. The lecture will also feature Debbie Gilmore (Arrowsmith Australian representative) and Dr Kate O'Brien (Assistant Director: Teaching & Learning, CEO Sydney) who will be exploring the Arrowsmith program, the cognitive functions the program can address and changes in learning characteristics. "Barbara Arrowsmith-Young is a pioneer, a bold and ingenious woman, deeply empathic and utterly determined. Rarely is hte person who makes a discovery the one with the defect. Barbara is the exception" - Normal Doidge, M.D., author of The Brain That Changes Itself Prepare to be engaged and inspired! Learn how the brain has an incredible ability to change and overcome learning problems. Deepen your understanding of the workings the brain and its profound impact on how we participate in the world. Please note that this is Barbara's only Sydney lecture for 2014.
Come out and learn about the revolutionary Arrowsmith Program. Learn how focused cognitive exercises can repair the areas of the brain that are hindered by a learning disability. The mission, and future, of Neuroplasticity in education will also be discussed. Dr. Andrea Sywulak is a child and family psychologist. She treats children from pre-school age through adolescence. Dr. Sywulak assesses children for ADD/ADHD and learning problems. She has spent over 20 years in practice, and is a supporter of Arrowsmith and ATG. ATG's Arrowsmith teachers, Rachel Oakley and Kate West will also be present at the event to speak to you about the classes, answer questions, and share student success stories.
In this presentation, Barbara Arrowsmith-Young will talk about her journey of discovery, the lines of research she combined and the outcomes achieved over her 35+ years as an educator and researcher. She will describe a number of learning disorders, from those that impact the learner in school to those that affect us in life. The focus will be on learning disorders that impact academic performance such as reading and writing and some of the outcome studies demonstrating cognitive and academic performance change in these areas as a result of students engaging in the Arrowsmith Program’s cognitive exercises.
In this presentation, Barbara Arrowsmith-Young will talk about her journey of discovery, the lines of research she combined and the outcomes achieved over her 35+ years as an educator and researcher. She will describe a number of learning disorders, from those that impact the learner in school to those that affect us in life. The focus will be on learning disorders that impact academic performance such as reading and writing and some of the outcome studies demonstrating cognitive and academic performance change in these areas as a result of students engaging in the Arrowsmith Program’s cognitive exercises.
Can Changing Your Brain Change Your Life? Implications of Neuroplasticity for Success – A Personal and Universal Journey Barbara Arrowsmith-Young will discuss the social, educational, mental health and economic costs for students with specific learning disabilities and the implications of using a cognitive program that drives neuroplastic change to address these difficulties. Barbara will talk about her journey of discovery, the lines of research she combined to create a cognitive program to address her specific learning problems along with the outcomes achieved over her 35 years as an educator and researcher. Barbara will describe how different cognitive functions impact learning and academic skill acquisition and discuss the outcomes/cognitive transformation related to a capacity based treatment approach to addressing specific learning disabilities.
Can Changing Your Brain Change Your Life? Implications of Neuroplasticity for Success – A Personal and Universal Journey Barbara Arrowsmith-Young will discuss the social, educational, mental health and economic costs for students with specific learning disabilities and the implications of using a cognitive program that drives neuroplastic change to address these difficulties. Barbara will talk about her journey of discovery, the lines of research she combined to create a cognitive program to address her specific learning problems along with the outcomes achieved over her 35 years as an educator and researcher. Barbara will describe how different cognitive functions impact learning and academic skill acquisition and discuss the outcomes/cognitive transformation related to a capacity based treatment approach to addressing specific learning disabilities.
Delight in the books & writers you love, & discover new ones at the Brisbane Writers Festival. Open your mind to a wide range of ideas & new ways of thinking with QLD’s most exciting annual celebration of stories & ideas. Brisbane Writers Festival, will engage your mind, body & soul with hundreds of events, featuring outstanding artists from around the world. Are you ready to open you mind? Festival highlights include Inspire, remarkable & thought-provoking presentations to make you think, feel and act.
Barbara Arrowsmith-Young, author of the International Bestseller The Woman Who Changed Her Brain, and founder of the Arrowsmith Program, will be coming to England in October 2014 and she will be presenting her story at UCL in London. The Woman Who Changed Her Brain tells the compelling story of how Barbara tapped into neuroscience research and used neuroplasticity to transform her brain and life, then went on to found the Arrowsmith Program (a cognitive program for students with learning disabilities). The Woman Who Changed Her Brain was the bestselling book at the Sydney Writer’s Festival and a Best Seller in Canada and Australia.
Barbara Arrowsmith Young speaking at the Neuroplasticity and Education: Strengthening the Connection conference presented by the Eaton Educational Group at the Westin Bayshore Hotel on October 25, 2013.
The conference planning team at the Learning Assistance Teachers Association (LATA) is excited to offer an outstanding professional development opportunity at the annual LATA conference, Neuroscience Meets Education: Success for Struggling Students. This year's keynote speaker approaches learning struggles from an optimistic point of view that, while it stems from her personal experience with learning difficulties, is supported by current brain development research. Workshop facilitators cover a range of intervention strategies that will equip BC educators working in a multi-faceted RTI environment to ensure that all students maximize their learning potential.
Born with severe learning disabilities that caused teachers to label her slow, stubborn, or worse, Barbara Arrowsmith-Young read and wrote everything backwards, struggled to process concepts in language, continually got lost, and could make no sense of an analog clock. But through her formidable memory and determination, she made her way to graduate school, where she chanced upon research that inspired her to invent cognitive exercises to "fix" her brain. Now the Director of Arrowsmith School, the author interweaves her personal tale with riveting case histories from her more than 30 years of working with both children and adults to restructure their own brains. The Woman Who Changed Her Brain powerfully and poignantly illustrates how the lives of children and adults struggling with learning disorders can be dramatically transformed. This remarkable book by a brilliant pathbreaker deepens our understanding of how the brain works and of the brain’s profound impact on how we participate in the world. Our brains shape us, but this book offers clear and hopeful evidence of the corollary: we can shape our brains.
Join us for an inspiring and informative discussion regarding Barbara Arrowsmith-Young’s journey of discovery, the lines of research she combined and the outcomes achieved over her 35 years as an educator and researcher in the field of Learning Disabilities. Barbara Arrowsmith-Young is the creator and director of Arrowsmith School and the Arrowsmith Program, and the author of the international best-selling book “The Woman Who Changed Her Brain”. Introduction by Howard Eaton, Ed.M. - Founder/Director Eaton Arrowsmith School and Author of Brain School.
Barbara Arrowsmith-Young returns to Holy Trinity Parish to share further her amazing story and the continued success of the Arrowsmith Program. The Holy Trinity Arrowsmith Program will share their journey to date with reflections from parents, students and teachers on the implementation of the Pilot and will announce the ongoing program.
The esteemed Barbara Arrowsmith, founder of the internationally acclaimed Arrowsmith Program and author of 'The Woman Who Changed Her Brain', is visiting Oakleigh Grammar in March 2017 to talk about her book and the program itself. This is an incredible opportunity to hear about how the Arrowsmith Program was formed, and its benefits to all who undertake it. It is also an amazing opportunity to meet Barbara, ask her questions. The evening will consist of an official opening of the Oakleigh Grammar Centre for the Arrowsmith Program by Barbara, followed by a talk and a Q&A session and book signing.
Barbara Arrowsmith-Young discusses her journey of discovery and innovation that lead to the creation of the Arrowsmith Program, and the research outcomes of a neuroplastic approach to addressing learning disabilities.
As lifelong learners we are all looking for an edge. You may be a student looking to achieve better grades or an employee looking to move up the corporate ladder. You may even be retired and looking for a means to improve and strengthen your cognitive capacities to ensure you are protecting/enhancing your most important asset, your brain. We welcome you to join us on Monday, April 10th at 6:45 pm as Arrowsmith School Peterborough will be hosting a conference on Enriching Minds, Changing held at the Peterborough Golf and Country Club (1030 Armour Road, Peterborough, Ontario). Our Executive Director, Debbie Gilmore will be presenting on our new Enrichment Program that will be available at the Peterborough School for learners of all ages. This program is designed to enhance your higher order reasoning and processing to understand and quickly grasp what is read and heard, insight, logical reasoning, seeing connections between ideas, cause and effect processing and mathematical reasoning. We encourage all who are interested in learning about our new program or would like to educate themselves further on the Arrowsmith Program and its positive neuroplastic effect to change the current capabilities/capacities of your brain.
Barbara Arrowsmith-Young discusses her journey of discovery and innovation that lead to the creation of the Arrowsmith Program, and the research outcomes of a neuroplastic approach to addressing learning disabilities.
Barbara Arrowsmith-Young discusses her journey of discovery and innovation that lead to the creation of the Arrowsmith Program, and the research outcomes of a neuroplastic approach to addressing learning disabilities.
Arrowsmith School hosts an evening with Sonia Nicolucci. Sonia will be joining us to help shine a light on Understanding Your Child’s Behaviour; How to Support Socialization, Independence, and Communication; and Preparing for Future Changes and Challenges.
Join Executive Director (and Arrowsmith Parent) Debbie Gilmore as she shares with you the latest updates on the ongoing Arrowsmith Program Research Projects. Debbie will also be outlining some of the new directions Arrowsmith School and Arrowsmith Program will be taking in order to make this powerful work more accessible.
The year 2017 marks the 115th anniversary of Alexander Luria's (1902-1977) birth, and the 40th anniversary of his death. To commemorate the life and scientific achievements of this world-renowned psychologist, the Yeltsyn Ural Federal University and the Moscow Lomonosov State University are collaborating with the Russian Psychological Association (RPA), the American Psychological Association (APA), the Tomsk State University, the Kemerovo Federal University, the International Society of Applied neuropsychology (ISAN), the International Society of Cultural-historical Activity Research (ISCAR), the Institute of Vygotsky in Portugal, the Center for Integrating Neuropsychology and Psychology (CINAPSI) in San Paulo, the Moscow Research Center of Developmental Neuropsy?hology, and the Irkutsk Research Center of Family Health and Human Reproduction. The congress will include plenary and thematic sessions (oral and poster presentations), round table discussions and evening lectures of the leading specialists in psychology and neuroscience from Russia and other countries.
In this presentation, Barbara Arrowsmith-Young talks about her journey of discovery, the lines of research she combined and the outcomes achieved over her 40 years as an educator and researcher. She will describe a number of learning disorders, from those that impact the learner in school to those that affect us in life. She will discuss ‘cognitive glitches’ – those areas of weakness that we are all familiar with and often explain away by saying, “I am just not good at navigating, recognizing faces, (fill in the blank).” She will discuss ‘cognitive mismatches’ – situations we find ourselves in where the demand of the task is incompatible with our cognitive functioning and the challenges this presents. Principles of neuroplasticity and the factors leading to both positive and negative brain change will be discussed as well as current research on outcomes of the methodology she developed.
Join the Eaton Arrowsmith community as we welcome Barbara Arrowsmith-Young, founder of the Arrowsmith Program, to Vancouver! She will be available for a question and answer session on Thursday July 12th from 3:30pm-4:30pm. The session will be held at the Univerity of British Columbia in the Pharmaceutical Sciences Building, located at 2405 Wesbrook Mall, Vancouver, BC V6T 1Z3.
Interested in brain health? If that is the case come to this session in Burnaby as we will have leaders in health care and health improvement speaking! We will have a panel of specialists present their approach to cognitive recovery. Our guest presenters will include: Heather Branscombe: Clinical Director of Abilities Neurological Rehabilitation. Heather has built a very successful career in rehabilitative medicine and is a leader in the greater rehabilitative health community as a physical therapist. Heather will serve as the master of ceremonies for the evening. Barbara Arrowsmith-Young: Barbara is a world-renowned leader in neuroplasticity and cognitive remediation. Dr. Gerry Ramogida: Will discuss how aerobic training impact cognition. Paul Peel, Registered Psychologist: A registered psychologist with a wide-ranging background in counselling and cognitive behavioural therapy. Paul will be presenting on meditation and brain health. Mark Watson: Will discuss why a integrated multi-modal approach is important to consider when seeking to improve outcomes to complex problems.
The Illawarra Grammar School offers the Arrowsmith Program, a program to help students with learning difficulties achieve their potential. Executive Director of the Arrowsmith Program, Debbie Gilmore will be visiting TIGS to share her personal experience and current research into neuroplasticity.
Arrowsmith School Toronto hosted an evening of learning about nutrition and brain health with Lubna Nazarani. The presentation helps us understand how foods can affect the brain. Lubna discusses ingredients that compromise learning and memory, explores optimal foods for brain function, covers what to look for on food labels, and discusses strategies to improve brain health. Participants are given simple tools to help them optimize their family's brain health. About Lubna Nazarani, MS, NNCP Lubna Nazarani has a Masters in Nutrition and Integrative Health from the Maryland University of Integrative Health. MUIH is one of the leading academic institutions in the United States for Integrative Health, uniting healing and wellness traditions with modern science-based research. She is a registered Natural Nutrition Clinical Practitioner, registered with the Canadian Association of Natural Nutritional Practitioners.
In this presentation, Barbara Arrowsmith-Young talks about her journey of discovery, the lines of research she combined and the outcomes achieved over her 35+ years as an educator and researcher. She describes a number of learning disorders, from those that impact the learner in school to those that affect us in life. She discusses 'cognitive glitches' - those areas of weakness that we are all familiar with and often explain away by saying, "I am just not good at navigating, recognizing faces, (fill in the blank)." She will discuss 'cognitive mismatches' - situations we find ourselves in where the demand of the task is incompatible with our cognitive functioning and the challenges this presents. Principles of neuroplasticity and the factors leading to both positive and negative brain change will be discussed.
In this presentation, Matthew will discuss how being connected to devices can have a negative impact on mental wellness. Based on recommendations from the Canadian Pediatric Society’s Digital Health Task Force, this presentation will cover how to get a good start by managing young children’s screen use, how to help older kids get the positive benefits of networked devices while avoiding their drawbacks, and how to teach teenagers to manage the digital stress that comes with their connected lives.
In this presentation, Debbie Gilmore, Arrowsmith's Executive Director, explores the neuroplastic paradigm, the concept of cognitive enhancement, and how targeted cognitive exercises can be used in the classroom to enhance the learning of all students. By enhancing the learner’s capacity to learn, the rate of learning can be accelerated across academic disciplines.
In this presentation, Debbie Gilmore, Arrowsmith's Executive Director, describes a number of learning difficulties, from those that impact the learner in school as well as in daily life. The focus will be on learning difficulties that impact academic performance, such as reading and writing, and some of the research studies demonstrating brain-related change and enhanced cognitive and academic performance as a result of engaging in a cognitive approach to addressing learning difficulties.
In this presentation, Debbie Gilmore, Arrosmith's Executive Director, describes a number of learning difficulties, from those that impact the learner in school as well as in daily life. The focus will be on learning difficulties that impact academic performance, such as reading and writing, and some of the research studies demonstrating brain-related change and enhanced cognitive and academic performance as a result of engaging in a cognitive approach to addressing learning difficulties.
In this presentation, Debbie Gilmore, Arrowsmith's Executive Director, explores the neuroplastic paradigm, the concept of cognitive enhancement, and how targeted cognitive exercises can be used in the classroom to enhance the learning of all students. By enhancing the learner’s capacity to learn, the rate of learning can be accelerated across academic disciplines.
This event involves presentations by three researchers currently investigating outcomes of the Arrowsmith Program. Dr. Greg Rose from Southern Illinois University, and Drs. Lara Boyd and Rachel Weber, both from University of British Columbia.
The 2019 SharpBrains Virtual Summit featured over forty of the world’s top experts and innovators working to improve brain health for all. Dr. Greg Rose, Director of the Center for Integrated Research in Cognitive and Neural Sciences at Southern Illinois University presented on How to promote brain health at scale: Examples in the workplace, K12 education and consumer tech
In this presentation, Barbara Arrowsmith-Young will talk about her journey of discovery, the lines of research she combined, and the outcomes achieved over her 40 years as an educator and researcher. She will describe a number of learning disorders, from those that impact the learner in school to those that affect us in life. She will discuss ‘cognitive glitches’ – those areas of weakness that we are all familiar with and often explain away by saying, “I am just not good at navigating, recognizing faces, (fill in the blank).” She will discuss ‘cognitive mismatches’ – situations we find ourselves in where the demand of the task is incompatible with our cognitive functioning and the challenges this presents. Principles of neuroplasticity and the factors leading to both positive and negative brain change will be discussed.
Dr. Greg Rose presents: The Benefits of Arrowsmith Training on Brain Connectivity and Neuropsychological Measures. Dr Greg Rose from Southern Illinois University presents his latest research findings on outcomes of the Arrowsmith Program. Dr Rose is currently undertaking three research studies on the Arrowsmith Program. He is also involved in an international systematic research effort to understand how the Arrowsmith Program changes brain functioning and how this translates into improved cognition.
In this presentation Barbara Arrowsmith-Young talks about how harnessing the principles of neuroplasticity leads to changes in the brain and how each individual can create a new reality for their future. She also discussed the latest research on the Arrowsmith Program which shows changes in the brain as well as academic, emotional, social and cognitive changes.
Does your child have a learning disability? The Arrowsmith Program can help! Come listen to our expert panel: Debbie Gilmore (Executive Director, Arrowsmith Program), Halton Hills Christian School Educations, Alumni, and current Arrowsmith students and parents for information on how this program can help to overcome your child’s learning difficulty
Come to Trent University's annual Ethics Lecture where Debbie Gilmore will raise the awareness of the impact of learning disabilities on education and society. Debbie Gilmore is the Executive Director of Arrowsmith Program in Canada. Her work is concerned with the fact that students with learning difficulties need more support in schools. Her work as a teacher, literacy adviser, assistant principal, and principal helped her understand the need to ‘unlock’ the potential of these students. She holds a Masters of Education and various Graduate Certificates in Education in a range of areas of diverse learning. She is this year’s speaker for the annual Kenneth Mark Drain Chair in Ethics lecture, which yearly celebrates a perspective on values or ethics in a way that engages with real-world situations.
Please join our Eaton Arrowsmith and Eaton Arrowsmith Adults community for a presentation by Barbara Arrowsmith-Young, Founder of the Arrowsmith Program. Barbara's presentation will be followed by a panel discussion with Barbara, Howard Eaton, Founder/Director of Eaton Arrowsmith and co-Founder of The Watson Centre Society for Brain Health and ABI Wellness and Mark Watson, co-Founder of The Watson Centre Society for Brain Health and ABI Wellness . Both Watson Centre and ABI Wellness use the Arrowsmith Program as an integral part of their platform to assist adults as they reclaim their lives after brain injury.
In this presentation Barbara Arrowsmith-Young talks about how harnessing the principles of neuroplasticity leads to changes in the brain and how each individual can create a new reality for their future. She discusses the latest research on the Arrowsmith Program which shows changes in the brain as well as cognitive, academic, and social-emotional well-being changes. She describes how a learning difficulty impacts the learner in school as well as in life and that the research shows that this reality is not lifelong and can be changed. The audience will gain insight into and begin to look at behaviour through a cognitive lens. They will build an understanding that through harnessing the principles of neuroplasticity we can change the brain and overcome learning challenges.
In this presentation Barbara Arrowsmith-Young will talk about her journey of discovery, the lines of research she combined to develop her innovative Program and the outcomes achieved over her 40 years as an educator and researcher. She will describe a range of learning disorders, from those that impact the learner in school to those that affect us in life. ‘Cognitive glitches’ – those areas of weakness that we are all familiar with and often explain away by saying, “I am just not good at navigating, recognizing faces, (fill in the blank) – will be discussed. Barbara will also explore ‘cognitive mismatches’ – situations we find ourselves in where the demand of the task is incompatible with our cognitive functioning and the difficulties this presents. The audience will gain insight into the principles of neuroplasticity and begin to look at behavior through a cognitive lens. They will build an understanding that through harnessing the principles of neuroplasticity we can shape our brain and overcome challenges.
The focus of this session is on describing various learning disabilities, from those that impact academic performance to those that affect us in life. Outcome studies demonstrating cognitive and academic performance change in these areas as a result of students engaging in the Arrowsmith Program’s cognitive exercises will be presented. Learner Outcomes - Participants will be able to: 1. Describe how learning and behavior can be viewed through a cognitive lens to gain better insight into a student’s cognitive profile, leading to better student support in the classroom. 2.Understand the brain’s ability to change leading to strengthened cognitive functions through targeted cognitive exercises using the application of neuroplasticity.
In this presentation Barbara Arrowsmith-Young talks about how harnessing the principles of neuroplasticity leads to changes in the brain and how each individual can create a new reality for their future. She discusses the latest research on the Arrowsmith Program which shows changes in the brain as well as academic, emotional, social and cognitive changes. She describes how a learning difficulty impacts the learner in school as well as in life and that the research shows that this reality is not lifelong and can be changed. The audience will gain insight into and begin to look at behaviour through a cognitive lens. They will build an understanding that through harnessing the principles of neuroplasticity we can change the brain and overcome learning challenges.
In this presentation Barbara Arrowsmith-Young talks about how harnessing the principles of neuroplasticity leads to changes in the brain and how each individual can create a new reality for their future. She discussed the latest research on the Arrowsmith Program which shows changes in the brain as well as academic, emotional, social and cognitive changes. She describes how a learning difficulty impacts the learner in school as well as in life and that the research shows that this reality is not lifelong and can be changed. The audience will gain insight into and begin to look at behaviour through a cognitive lens. They will build an understanding that through harnessing the principles of neuroplasticity we can change the brain and overcome learning challenges.
In this presentation Barbara Arrowsmith-Young talks about how harnessing the principles of neuroplasticity leads to changes in the brain and how each individual can create a new reality for their future. She discussed the latest research on the Arrowsmith Program which shows changes in the brain as well as academic, emotional, social and cognitive changes. She describes how a learning difficulty impacts the learner in school as well as in life and that the research shows that this reality is not lifelong and can be changed. The audience will gain insight into and begin to look at behaviour through a cognitive lens. They will build an understanding that through harnessing the principles of neuroplasticity we can change the brain and overcome learning challenges.
In this presentation Barbara Arrowsmith-Young talks about how harnessing the principles of neuroplasticity leads to changes in the brain and how each individual can create a new reality for their future. She discussed the latest research on the Arrowsmith Program which shows changes in the brain as well as academic, emotional, social and cognitive changes. She describes how a learning difficulty impacts the learner in school as well as in life and that the research shows that this reality is not lifelong and can be changed. The audience will gain insight into and begin to look at behaviour through a cognitive lens. They will build an understanding that through harnessing the principles of neuroplasticity we can change the brain and overcome learning challenges.
In this presentation Barbara Arrowsmith-Young talks about how harnessing the principles of neuroplasticity leads to changes in the brain and how each individual can create a new reality for their future. She discussed the latest research on the Arrowsmith Program which shows changes in the brain as well as academic, emotional, social and cognitive changes. She describes how a learning difficulty impacts the learner in school as well as in life and that the research shows that this reality is not lifelong and can be changed. The audience will gain insight into and begin to look at behaviour through a cognitive lens. They will build an understanding that through harnessing the principles of neuroplasticity we can change the brain and overcome learning challenges.
In this presentation Barbara Arrowsmith-Young talks about how harnessing the principles of neuroplasticity leads to changes in the brain and how each individual can create a new reality for their future. She discussed the latest research on the Arrowsmith Program which shows changes in the brain as well as academic, emotional, social and cognitive changes. She describes how a learning difficulty impacts the learner in school as well as in life and that the research shows that this reality is not lifelong and can be changed. The audience will gain insight into and begin to look at behaviour through a cognitive lens. They will build an understanding that through harnessing the principles of neuroplasticity we can change the brain and overcome learning challenges.
In this presentation Barbara Arrowsmith-Young talks about how harnessing the principles of neuroplasticity leads to changes in the brain and how each individual can create a new reality for their future. She discussed the latest research on the Arrowsmith Program which shows changes in the brain as well as academic, emotional, social and cognitive changes. She describes how a learning difficulty impacts the learner in school as well as in life and that the research shows that this reality is not lifelong and can be changed. The audience will gain insight into and begin to look at behaviour through a cognitive lens. They will build an understanding that through harnessing the principles of neuroplasticity we can change the brain and overcome learning challenges.
In this presentation Barbara Arrowsmith-Young talks about how harnessing the principles of neuroplasticity leads to changes in the brain and how each individual can create a new reality for their future. She discussed the latest research on the Arrowsmith Program which shows changes in the brain as well as academic, emotional, social and cognitive changes. She describes how a learning difficulty impacts the learner in school as well as in life and that the research shows that this reality is not lifelong and can be changed. The audience will gain insight into and begin to look at behaviour through a cognitive lens. They will build an understanding that through harnessing the principles of neuroplasticity we can change the brain and overcome learning challenges.
In this presentation Barbara Arrowsmith-Young talks about how harnessing the principles of neuroplasticity leads to changes in the brain and how each individual can create a new reality for their future. She discussed the latest research on the Arrowsmith Program which shows changes in the brain as well as academic, emotional, social and cognitive changes. She describes how a learning difficulty impacts the learner in school as well as in life and that the research shows that this reality is not lifelong and can be changed. The audience will gain insight into and begin to look at behaviour through a cognitive lens. They will build an understanding that through harnessing the principles of neuroplasticity we can change the brain and overcome learning challenges.
Watch Barbara present her latest research into the science of learning to a sold-out audience in Auckland New Zealand. This presentation provides insight through a cognitive lens into the range of cognitive ‘glitches’ leading to a learning challenge. It details Barbara’s journey of discovery, the lines of research she combined and the factors leading to brain change using the principles of neuroplasticity.
In this presentation Barbara Arrowsmith-Young talks about how harnessing the principles of neuroplasticity leads to changes in the brain and how each individual can create a new reality for their future. She discussed the latest research on the Arrowsmith Program which shows changes in the brain as well as academic, emotional, social and cognitive changes. She describes how a learning difficulty impacts the learner in school as well as in life and that the research shows that this reality is not lifelong and can be changed. The audience will gain insight into and begin to look at behaviour through a cognitive lens. They will build an understanding that through harnessing the principles of neuroplasticity we can change the brain and overcome learning challenges.
In this presentation Barbara Arrowsmith-Young talks about how harnessing the principles of neuroplasticity leads to changes in the brain and how each individual can create a new reality for their future. She discussed the latest research on the Arrowsmith Program which shows changes in the brain as well as academic, emotional, social and cognitive changes. She describes how a learning difficulty impacts the learner in school as well as in life and that the research shows that this reality is not lifelong and can be changed. The audience will gain insight into and begin to look at behaviour through a cognitive lens. They will build an understanding that through harnessing the principles of neuroplasticity we can change the brain and overcome learning challenges.
In this presentation Barbara Arrowsmith-Young talks about how harnessing the principles of neuroplasticity leads to changes in the brain and how each individual can create a new reality for their future. She discussed the latest research on the Arrowsmith Program which shows changes in the brain as well as academic, emotional, social and cognitive changes. She describes how a learning difficulty impacts the learner in school as well as in life and that the research shows that this reality is not lifelong and can be changed. The audience will gain insight into and begin to look at behaviour through a cognitive lens. They will build an understanding that through harnessing the principles of neuroplasticity we can change the brain and overcome learning challenges.
In this presentation Barbara Arrowsmith-Young talks about how harnessing the principles of neuroplasticity leads to changes in the brain and how each individual can create a new reality for their future. She discussed the latest research on the Arrowsmith Program which shows changes in the brain as well as academic, emotional, social and cognitive changes. She describes how a learning difficulty impacts the learner in school as well as in life and that the research shows that this reality is not lifelong and can be changed. The audience will gain insight into and begin to look at behaviour through a cognitive lens. They will build an understanding that through harnessing the principles of neuroplasticity we can change the brain and overcome learning challenges.
In this presentation Barbara Arrowsmith-Young talks about how harnessing the principles of neuroplasticity leads to changes in the brain and how each individual can create a new reality for their future. She discussed the latest research on the Arrowsmith Program which shows changes in the brain as well as academic, emotional, social and cognitive changes. She describes how a learning difficulty impacts the learner in school as well as in life and that the research shows that this reality is not lifelong and can be changed. The audience will gain insight into and begin to look at behaviour through a cognitive lens. They will build an understanding that through harnessing the principles of neuroplasticity we can change the brain and overcome learning challenges.
In this presentation Barbara Arrowsmith-Young talks about how harnessing the principles of neuroplasticity leads to changes in the brain and how each individual can create a new reality for their future. She discussed the latest research on the Arrowsmith Program which shows changes in the brain as well as academic, emotional, social and cognitive changes. She describes how a learning difficulty impacts the learner in school as well as in life and that the research shows that this reality is not lifelong and can be changed. The audience will gain insight into and begin to look at behaviour through a cognitive lens. They will build an understanding that through harnessing the principles of neuroplasticity we can change the brain and overcome learning challenges.
In this presentation Barbara Arrowsmith-Young talks about how harnessing the principles of neuroplasticity leads to changes in the brain and how each individual can create a new reality for their future. She discussed the latest research on the Arrowsmith Program which shows changes in the brain as well as academic, emotional, social and cognitive changes. She describes how a learning difficulty impacts the learner in school as well as in life and that the research shows that this reality is not lifelong and can be changed. The audience will gain insight into and begin to look at behaviour through a cognitive lens. They will build an understanding that through harnessing the principles of neuroplasticity we can change the brain and overcome learning challenges.
In this presentation Barbara Arrowsmith-Young talks about how harnessing the principles of neuroplasticity leads to changes in the brain and how each individual can create a new reality for their future. She discussed the latest research on the Arrowsmith Program which shows changes in the brain as well as academic, emotional, social and cognitive changes. She describes how a learning difficulty impacts the learner in school as well as in life and that the research shows that this reality is not lifelong and can be changed. The audience will gain insight into and begin to look at behaviour through a cognitive lens. They will build an understanding that through harnessing the principles of neuroplasticity we can change the brain and overcome learning challenges.
In this presentation Barbara Arrowsmith-Young talks about how harnessing the principles of neuroplasticity leads to changes in the brain and how each individual can create a new reality for their future. She discussed the latest research on the Arrowsmith Program which shows changes in the brain as well as academic, emotional, social and cognitive changes. She describes how a learning difficulty impacts the learner in schoool well as in life and that the research shows that this reality is not lifelong and can be changed. The audience will gain insight into and begin to look at behaviour through a cognitive lens. They will build an understanding that through harnessing the principles of neuroplasticity we can change the brain and overcome learning challenges.
In this presentation Barbara Arrowsmith-Young talks about how harnessing the principles of neuroplasticity leads to changes in the brain and how each individual can create a new reality for their future. She discussed the latest research on the Arrowsmith Program which shows changes in the brain as well as academic, emotional, social and cognitive changes. She describes how a learning difficulty impacts the learner in school as well as in life and that the research shows that this reality is not lifelong and can be changed. The audience will gain insight into and begin to look at behaviour through a cognitive lens. They will build an understanding that through harnessing the principles of neuroplasticity we can change the brain and overcome learning challenges.
The author of the game-changing book, The Woman Who Changed Her Brain, Barbara Arrowsmith-Young developed the Arrowsmith Program, which has helped thousands of families and is taught in schools around the world. Her book interweaves her personal story with case histories she has gathered from more than 40 years of working with both children and adults. We are thrilled to have Barbara Arrowsmith-Young sharing her incredible story with us.
Does your child have a learning disability? The Arrowsmith Program can help! Come listen to our expert panel: Debbie Gilmore (Executive Director, Arrowsmith Program), Halton Hills Christian School Educations, Alumni, and current Arrowsmith students and parents for information on how this program can help to overcome your child’s learning difficulty
Dr. Angela Peddle is an optometrist with a focus on vision therapy, neuro-rehabilitation, sports vision enhancement, pediatrics and special needs examinations. Dr. Peddle’s presentation, “Vision and Learning”, covers the following key areas: How vision develops and how development affects vision; important visual skills necessary for learning; signs of visual problems in school-age children; vision-related learning problems; and visual perceptual processing.
In this Meetup, Barbara Arrowsmith-Young discusses a cognitive function framework of understanding behaviour, the principles that drive neuroplastic change, insights into learning difficulties from current imaging research and research outcomes of a neuroplastic approach to addressing learning difficulties.
The Ontario Brain Injury Association (OBIA) and Brain Changes Initiative (BCI) are pleased to announce the development of a Distinguished Speaker’s Webinar series designed to inform front-line health care workers and professionals in the field of brain injury. This webinar in the 7-part series features Barbara Arrowsmith-Young, who will present Shaping the Brain: The Woman Who Changed Her Brain, and Enrico Quilico who will present Exercise for Rehabilitation after Brain Injury.
We go to school to learn and we learn with our brains. Barbara Arrowsmith-Young discusses how 'putting the brain in the education equation' transforms the learning capacities of all students and leads to indpenedent self-confident learners for life.
Imagine a place where neuroplasticity (brain plasticity) and education meet. Imagine schools where students are enhancing their cognitive functions in combination with learning and applying content and skills within the academic curriculum. This is a very real possibility using a capacity-based program involving the principles of neuroplasticity.
The concept of neuroplasticity brings hope – the brain is plastic and can change. What is difficult for educators is adopting the principles into their everyday work. There is a huge divide between education and neuroscience. This is the challenge currently facing education. This session will explore the neuroplastic paradigm, the concept of cognitive enhancement, and how targeted cognitive exercises can be
used in the classroom to enhance the learning of all students. Educators can learn about how student behavior can be viewed through a cognitive lens; about neuroplasticity and how and why it works, and how to integrate new knowledge into common practices.
It is possible to change the cognitive capacity of the learner in order to enhance learning of content, curriculum and academics more efficiently. It is possible to enhance reasoning and processing ability to understand and quickly grasp what is read and heard, insight, comprehension, logical reasoning, cause and effect processing, problem solving, mathematical reasoning, motor function and auditory memory, among many other cognitive functions. As the learner’s capacity to learn is enhanced using a cognitive program, the rate of learning can accelerate across academic disciplines.
The Arrowsmith Program is based on the philosophy that it is possible to enhance specific cognitive functions through targeted cognitive programs.
Join us as we unravel the fascinating ability of the human brain to adapt, rewire, and improve memory functions. Uncover how strengthened cognitive capacities through neuroplasticity can enhance your ability to recall and help you succeed in school, workplace, and in life.
Whether you're a student striving for academic excellence, a professional seeking to remember crucial details, or an individual looking to improve memory, this event will offer you the opportunity to unlock the full potential of your memory and help you regain control of your life.
Join us for a profound exploration of how neuroplasticity can reshape and enhance executive function. Discover the incredible adaptability of the human brain and how strengthening cognitive capacities through neuroplasticity can optimize your executive functions, leading to improved decision-making, strategic planning, and overall effectiveness.
Whether you're a professional aiming to excel in leadership roles, a student seeking to enhance organizational skills, or an individual looking to boost efficiency in daily tasks, this event will offer you insights that will empower you to harness the full potential of your executive functions.
Join us to unravel the profound ability of the human brain to adapt, rewire, and enhance key aspects of emotional intelligence, including self-awareness, empathy, and effective interpersonal relationships.
This event is tailored for professional seeking to thrive in team dynamics, a student navigating social interactions, or an individual looking to cultivate deeper connections. Learn how enhancing cognitive functions will empower you to navigate the complexities of social-emotional interactions with ease.
Join us as we explore the fascinating realm of neuroplasticity and its profound impact on ADHD, focus, and attention difficulties. Learn about the remarkable ability of the human brain to adapt and rewire itself, leading to enhanced focus, improved attention, and greater overall well-being.
Whether you're a student striving for academic success, a professional seeking to optimize your productivity, or an individual looking to feel more organized, this event is tailored to provide you with invaluable insights in how this can be done by strengthening cognitive capacities. From conquering the challenges of ADHD to thriving in various domains of life, including education, work, and personal pursuits, this event serves as a catalyst for your journey towards mastering focus and maximizing your potential.
Join us for this session where we delve into the remarkable world of neuroplasticity and its transformative impact on overcoming dysgraphia and dyslexia. Discover how neuroplasticity, the human brain’s extraordinary ability to rewire itself, can strengthen reading, writing, and comprehension capabilities.
Whether you are a student, a professional, or an individual seeking personal growth, this event will provide invaluable knowledge to help you navigate the world with confidence. From conquering the complexities of language to finding success in school, the workplace, and in all aspects of life, this event promises to be a catalyst for your journey toward unleashing your full potential.
Join Debbie Gilmore (Executive Officer at Arrowsmith) and Rita Margarita (European and Middle East Representative at Arrowsmith) as they present at The Developing Child Centre in Dubai, United Arab Emirates. If you're a professional seeking to recommend a program to parents, consider the Arrowsmith Program. Discover how the Arrowsmith Program can make a difference in your child’s life. Attend this information session to learn more about the program, meet the team, and connect with other parents and professionals. Unlock your child’s potential and pave the way for a brighter future.
Join Debbie Gilmore (Executive Officer at Arrowsmith) and Rita Margarita (European and Middle East Representative at Arrowsmith) as they present at The Developing Child Centre in Dubai, United Arab Emirates. If you are parents seeking a supportive, effective alternative to traditional learning methods, consider the Arrowsmith Program. Discover how the Arrowsmith Program can make a difference in your child’s life. Attend this information session to learn more about the program, meet the team, and connect with other parents and professionals. Unlock your child’s potential and pave the way for a brighter future.
Join us for this session where we delve into the remarkable world of neuroplasticity and its transformative impact on overcoming dyscalculia and math difficulties. Prepare to explore the fascinating realm of neuroplasticity and its remarkable ability to reshape the brain's numerical pathways, establishing a solid foundation in math.
This event is tailored for students, professionals, and individuals seeking personal growth, equipping them with invaluable knowledge to confidently navigate the intricate world of numbers. By unraveling the complexities of dyscalculia, participants will discover groundbreaking insights into harnessing the power of neuroplasticity to strengthen numerical fluency and problem-solving skills.
Calling all global educators, administrators and thought leaders – join this fascinating event on May 8th – either in Madrid or online!
Global Education Forum’s “EducAItion: Shaping the Future, Keeping Us Human” promises to be a dynamic event we contemplate the challenges and opportunities faced by education today.
Arrowsmith’s own Debbie Gilmore will be hosting a panel talk during the event - “AI and LifeLong Learning” will invite discussion and debate around the role of AI in learning. Don’t miss the opportunity to be inspired by leaders in the field, and consider how students can be prepared to be active learners and leaders.
Join us for an exclusive Question and Answer session with Debbie Gilmore, Executive Director of Arrowsmith Program Worldwide and Rita Margarita, UAE and Europe Representative to learn how to empower your child's cognitive growth. Discover more about the incredible Arrowsmith Program!
Join us as we unravel the fascinating ability of the human brain to adapt, rewire, and improve memory functions. Uncover how strengthened cognitive capacities through neuroplasticity can enhance your ability to recall and help you succeed in school, workplace, and in life.
Whether you're a student striving for academic excellence, a professional seeking to remember crucial details, or an individual looking to improve memory, this event will offer you the opportunity to unlock the full potential of your memory and help you regain control of your life.
Is your child having difficulty at school? Having trouble learning to read, understand or focus? Does your child have a diagnosis for learning difficulties including dyslexia, dyscalculia, dysgraphia, auditory processing, ADHD etc.. – try to reference a number of different disorders not just dyslexia
During Debbie’s presentation, you will discover how a learning difficulty does not have to be lifelong. Using a proven cognitive program, it is possible to overcome the learning difficulty combined with the nurturing environment and excellence of The Silkwood Way, you will discover a totally new approach to learning, setting your child up for success, not only at school but for their future.
Join us for a profound exploration of how neuroplasticity can reshape and enhance executive function. Discover the incredible adaptability of the human brain and how strengthening cognitive capacities through neuroplasticity can optimize your executive functions, leading to improved decision-making, strategic planning, and overall effectiveness.
Whether you're a professional aiming to excel in leadership roles, a student seeking to enhance organizational skills, or an individual looking to boost efficiency in daily tasks, this event will offer you insights that will empower you to harness the full potential of your executive functions.
This summer you can improve your chances for success with the Arrowsmith Program’s renowned methods for improving reasoning, processing speed, attention, and comprehension. Our Symbol Relations – Cognitive Intensive Program strengthens participants’ capacity to learn in school and engage meaningfully in life. Start your Arrowsmith journey this summer!
The Arrowsmith programme has been changing brains and lives at St Mark's School since 2015. We are excited to welcome Debbie Gilmore, Executive Director of Arrowsmith, back to Wellington. This presentation will focus on the stories of Arrowsmith at St Mark's, hearing the experiences of staff, and parents of students who are in the programme. We will also discuss more about what the Arrowsmith programme is and how can it benefit your child. There will also be an opportunity for you to ask questions and chat with staff and Debbie Gilmore.
Free PD sessions with practical solutions for help your learning support department.
During this presentation you will discover how every student can increase their attention and focus using a proven cognitive program provided at Plenty Valley Christian College. Discover the incredible adaptability of the human brain and how strengthening cognitive capacities can optimize executive functions, leading to improved decision-making, strategic planning and overall effectiveness.
Join Debbie Gilmore, Executive Director of the Arrowsmith program, on Monday, 17 June at midday for an insightful event designed for parents & people struggling with dyslexia or other forms of neurodiversity. Discover how our innovative approach addresses the underlying cognitive causes, helping bright students who are currently unable to thrive in the traditional education system. Learn about our full-time support options for young adults who may be refusing school due to trauma or consistent academic failure. Ensure a brighter future for your child’s mental health and educational success.
Is your child having difficulty at school? Has your child been diagnosed with dyslexia or dyscalculia? Does your child have attention difficulties?
During this presentation, you will discover how a learning difficulty like dyslexia or dyscalculia does not have to be lifelong. Using a proven cognitive program to overcome the learning difficulty combined with the nurturing environment at Teen Challenge, you will discover a totally new approach to learning, setting your child up for success, not only at school but for their future.
Is your child having difficulty at school? Has your child been diagnosed with dyslexia or dyscalculia? Does your child have attention difficulties?
During this presentation, you will discover how a learning difficulty like dyslexia or dyscalculia does not have to be lifelong. Using a proven cognitive program to overcome the learning difficulty combined with the nurturing environment at Teen Challenge, you will discover a totally new approach to learning, setting your child up for success, not only at school but for their future.
Join us to unravel the profound ability of the human brain to adapt, rewire, and enhance key aspects of emotional intelligence, including self-awareness, empathy, and effective interpersonal relationships.
This event is tailored for professional seeking to thrive in team dynamics, a student navigating social interactions, or an individual looking to cultivate deeper connections. Learn how enhancing cognitive functions will empower you to navigate the complexities of social-emotional interactions with ease.
This summer you can improve your chances for success with the Arrowsmith Program’s renowned methods for improving reasoning, processing speed, attention, and comprehension. Our Symbol Relations – Cognitive Intensive Program strengthens participants’ capacity to learn in school and engage meaningfully in life. Start your Arrowsmith journey this summer!
This summit, organized by James Lange, includes an incredible array of speakers who will share their advice and recommendations drawn from their respective fields of expertise. All speakers work in areas that help parents of children with disabilities either directly or through adjacent services.
Featured speakers include the three co-authors of the best-selling book, Retire Secure for Parents of a Child with a Disability. All three authors and many reviewers believe this is the best financial book for parents of a child with a disability. Their advice, recommendations, and guidance will help you optimize a long-term financial plan to provide for your child’s life-long security. Other speakers will focus on non-financial topics aimed at improving the family’s lifestyle, reducing anxiety and stress, and providing resources you can access after the Summit.
This event is designed to help you understand your / loved one's challenges with attention, reading, and learning difficulties.
During this presentation, you will discover how a learning difficulty like dyslexia or dyscalculia does not have to be lifelong. Using a proven cognitive program to overcome the learning difficulty combined with the nurturing environment at CoreSenses, you will discover a totally new approach to learning, setting your child up for success, not only at school but for their future.
Say goodbye to distractions and hello to action as we offer you the tools and strategies to enhance focus and comprehension. Don't miss out on this opportunity to take control of your / your loved one's learning journey. See you there!
At Arrowsmith, we understand learning disabilities and address them – head on – literally! Our students overcome learning challenges that are impeding their success by engaging in a program that activates neuroplastic change. By understanding your child through a cognitive lens, Arrowsmith can provide a program that addresses your child’s unique profile and learning needs.
At Arrowsmith, we understand learning disabilities and address them – head on – literally! Our students overcome learning challenges that are impeding their success by engaging in a program that activates neuroplastic change. By understanding your child through a cognitive lens, Arrowsmith can provide a program that addresses your child’s unique profile and learning needs.
We are thrilled to invite you to an exciting day of exploration, learning, and community. Experience Arrowsmith School and discover what makes our school a special place for individuals to thrive.
Join this 30-minute virtual session to equip yourself with key lessons and inspiration from the field of neuroscience and neuroeducation.
Learn about the brain processes that shape your students’ learning, performance and behaviours. Explore the research that shows these processes can be improved through targeted brain-based approaches.
Arrowsmith School is different from a traditional school, we see your child's potential beyond the classroom. We want to help your child succeed and thrive not only in academics but in life. Join our Online Open House to learn more about our program options and find out how we help transform our students' lives.
Empower your child to succeed at school through the Arrowsmith Program.
While many students attend Arrowsmith School Full-Time, Online and In-Person, others join Arrowsmith after their regular school day for 40 minutes daily, Monday to Friday, enhancing their capacity to learn and succeed. Flexible scheduling available and options from 7:45 am to 8:20pm Eastern Time Zone.
Learn more about the Arrowsmith Program and how your child can enhance their learning journey and academic success through a personalized program by attending this session.
Join this 30-minute virtual session to equip yourself with key lessons and inspiration from the field of neuroscience and neuroeducation.
Learn about the brain processes that shape your students’ learning, performance and behaviours. Explore the research that shows these processes can be improved through targeted brain-based approaches.
Empower your child to succeed at school through the Arrowsmith Program.
While many students attend Arrowsmith School Full-Time, Online and In-Person, others join Arrowsmith after their regular school day for 40 minutes daily, Monday to Friday, enhancing their capacity to learn and succeed. Flexible scheduling available and options from 7:45 am to 8:20pm Eastern Time Zone.
Learn more about the Arrowsmith Program and how your child can enhance their learning journey and academic success through a personalized program by attending this session.
Join us as we explore the fascinating realm of neuroplasticity and its profound impact on ADHD, focus, and attention difficulties. Learn about the remarkable ability of the human brain to adapt and rewire itself, leading to enhanced focus, improved attention, and greater overall well-being.
Whether you're a student striving for academic success, a professional seeking to optimize your productivity, or an individual looking to feel more organized, this event is tailored to provide you with invaluable insights in how this can be done by strengthening cognitive capacities. From conquering the challenges of ADHD to thriving in various domains of life, including education, work, and personal pursuits, this event serves as a catalyst for your journey towards mastering focus and maximizing your potential.
Join us for this session where we delve into the remarkable world of neuroplasticity and its transformative impact on overcoming dysgraphia and dyslexia. Find out how neuroplasticity, the human brain’s extraordinary ability to rewire itself, can strengthen reading, writing, and comprehension capabilities.
Whether you are a student, a professional, or an individual seeking personal growth, this event will provide invaluable knowledge to help you navigate the world with confidence. From conquering the complexities of language to finding success in school, the workplace, and in all aspects of life, this event promises to be a catalyst for your journey toward unleashing your full potential.
We are thrilled to invite you to an exciting day of exploration, learning, and community. Experience Arrowsmith School and discover what makes our school a special place for individuals to thrive.
Curious about brain’s role in the IB Programme and how cognitive programs can enrich the learning and teaching experience?
Join educators around the world to learn more about bringing the brain into IB classrooms.
Reserve your seat today.
Curious about brain’s role in the IB Programme and how cognitive programs can enrich the learning and teaching experience?
Join educators around the world to learn more about bringing the brain into IB classrooms.
Reserve your seat today.
Curious about brain’s role in the IB Programme and how cognitive programs can enrich the learning and teaching experience?
Join educators around the world to learn more about bringing the brain into IB classrooms.
Reserve your seat today.
Join us for this session where we delve into the remarkable world of neuroplasticity and its transformative impact on overcoming dyscalculia and math difficulties. Prepare to explore the fascinating realm of neuroplasticity and its remarkable ability to reshape the brain's numerical pathways, establishing a solid foundation in math.
This event is tailored for students, professionals, and individuals seeking personal growth, equipping them with invaluable knowledge to confidently navigate the intricate world of numbers. By unraveling the complexities of dyscalculia, participants will discover groundbreaking insights into harnessing the power of neuroplasticity to strengthen numerical fluency and problem-solving skills.
Does your child struggle with Math? Has your child been diagnosed with dyscalculia? Let’s explore the brain and what lies beneath this label.
In this webinar, parents will:
Join us as we unravel the fascinating ability of the human brain to adapt, rewire, and improve memory functions. Uncover how strengthened cognitive capacities through neuroplasticity can enhance your ability to recall and help you succeed in school, workplace, and in life.
Whether you're a student striving for academic excellence, a professional seeking to remember crucial details, or an individual looking to improve memory, this event will offer you the opportunity to unlock the full potential of your memory and help you regain control of your life.
Transforming student success begins with Social and Emotional Learning (SEL). Understanding the brain’s role in learning, educators can bring greater awareness and impact to their students’ resilience, emotional regulation, and communication.
It’s clear: social and emotional wellness is essential not just for academic achievement, but for preparing our students to thrive in an ever-changing world.
Join this webinar to discover how integrating brain-based approaches into your teaching can unlock the full potential of every student and create a supportive learning environment. Don’t miss this opportunity to lead the way in education.
Does your child struggle with memory? Has your child been diagnosed with working memory or auditory memory problems?
Let’s explore the brain and what lies beneath these labels.
In this session you will learn:
Join us for a profound exploration of how neuroplasticity can reshape and enhance executive function. Discover the incredible adaptability of the human brain and how strengthening cognitive capacities through neuroplasticity can optimize your executive functions, leading to improved decision-making, strategic planning, and overall effectiveness.
Whether you're a professional aiming to excel in leadership roles, a student seeking to enhance organizational skills, or an individual looking to boost efficiency in daily tasks, this event will offer you insights that will empower you to harness the full potential of your executive functions.
Join us to unravel the profound ability of the human brain to adapt, rewire, and enhance key aspects of emotional intelligence, including self-awareness, empathy, and effective interpersonal relationships.
This event is tailored for professional seeking to thrive in team dynamics, a student navigating social interactions, or an individual looking to cultivate deeper connections. Learn how enhancing cognitive functions will empower you to navigate the complexities of social-emotional interactions with ease.
Join us as we explore the fascinating realm of neuroplasticity and its profound impact on ADHD, focus, and attention difficulties. Learn about the remarkable ability of the human brain to adapt and rewire itself, leading to enhanced focus, improved attention, and greater overall well-being.
We are thrilled to invite you to an exciting day of exploration, learning, and community. Experience Arrowsmith School and discover what makes our school a special place for individuals to thrive.
Does your child struggle with attention and focus? Has your child been diagnosed with ADHD? Let’s explore the brain and what lies beneath this label.
Join Debbie Gilmore, Executive Director, Arrowsmith Program, as she dives into the factors behind focus and attention difficulties, including ADHD. Gain valuable insights into how these challenges affect daily life and well-being, and learn about innovative ways to support concentration and reduce distractions.
Is something getting in the way of your child's success in learning? Learning difficulties do not have to be lifelong. Your child can overcome their struggles through Arrowsmith. Find out more at our upcoming webinar.
We are thrilled to invite you to an exciting day of exploration, learning, and community. Experience Arrowsmith School and discover what makes our school a special place for individuals to thrive.
Join us for this session where we delve into the remarkable world of neuroplasticity and its transformative impact on overcoming dysgraphia and dyslexia. Find out how neuroplasticity, the human brain’s extraordinary ability to rewire itself, can strengthen reading, writing, and comprehension capabilities.
Interested in better understanding the root cognitive cause of learning disabilities?
Curious about the history of special education, and how modern science can inform a different approach?
Want to better understand how a brain-based solution can measurably improve the impact of learning disabilities?
In this webinar we will explore:
Does your child struggle with reading and writing? Has your child been diagnosed with dyslexia and dysgraphia? Let’s explore the brain and what lies beneath these labels.
Join us for this session where we delve into the remarkable world of neuroplasticity and its transformative impact on overcoming dyscalculia and math difficulties. Prepare to explore the fascinating realm of neuroplasticity and its remarkable ability to reshape the brain's numerical pathways, establishing a solid foundation in math.
Does your child struggle with understanding the world around them? Do they find it hard to make friends? Do they have poor self-esteem? Let’s explore the brain and what lies beneath these feelings and emotions.
Is something getting in the way of your child's success in learning? Learning difficulties do not have to be lifelong. Your child can overcome their struggles through Arrowsmith. Find out more at our upcoming webinar.
Join us as we unravel the fascinating ability of the human brain to adapt, rewire, and improve memory functions. Uncover how strengthened cognitive capacities through neuroplasticity can enhance your ability to recall and help you succeed in school, workplace, and in life.
Does your child struggle with planning and organizing? Do they find it hard to make decisions? Has your child been diagnosed with executive function difficulties? Let’s explore the brain and what lies beneath these labels.
In this webinar, we will examine the neuroscience behind diverse learners, including how and why students experience learning differently. We’ll explore how the brain processes information and how students’ unique cognitive profiles determine their school experiences.
Educators will also learn about the brain's adaptability, and how neuroeducational approaches can address diverse learning needs within an inclusive classroom. We’ll discuss research and share examples of schools providing cognitive programs as part of their equity and inclusion goals, and their dedication that all students succeed academically and socially.
Join us for a profound exploration of how neuroplasticity can reshape and enhance executive function. Discover the incredible adaptability of the human brain and how strengthening cognitive capacities through neuroplasticity can optimize your executive functions, leading to improved decision-making, strategic planning, and overall effectiveness.
We are thrilled to invite you to an exciting day of exploration, learning, and community. Experience Arrowsmith School and discover what makes our school a special place for individuals to thrive.
Learn about the Arrowsmith Program provided at IngoC Cognitive Enhancement Centre.
Get insight into the principles of neuroplasticity and the factors leading to brain change.
Learn how we can look after our brain throughout our lives.
Learn about the range of cognitive functions and begin to see behaviour through a cognitive lens.
Join us to unravel the profound ability of the human brain to adapt, rewire, and enhance key aspects of emotional intelligence, including self-awareness, empathy, and effective interpersonal relationships.
Join us as we explore the fascinating realm of neuroplasticity and its profound impact on ADHD, focus, and attention difficulties. Learn about the remarkable ability of the human brain to adapt and rewire itself, leading to enhanced focus, improved attention, and greater overall well-being.
Join us for a discussion on the neuroscience behind lifelong learning and human potential. Learn how the brain is responsible for both foundational academic skills as well those increasingly important competencies like problem-solving, collaboration, and perseverance.
This session will explore how cognitive programs can optimize the brain to promote a lifetime of academic and professional excellence, resilience, and personal growth across the lifetime. We’ll examine research and applications of programs that target the most important predictor of success and quality of life: the brain.
Join us for this session where we delve into the remarkable world of neuroplasticity and its transformative impact on overcoming dysgraphia and dyslexia. Find out how neuroplasticity, the human brain’s extraordinary ability to rewire itself, can strengthen reading, writing, and comprehension capabilities.
Whether you are a student, a professional, or an individual seeking personal growth, this event will provide invaluable knowledge to help you navigate the world with confidence. From conquering the complexities of language to finding success in school, the workplace, and in all aspects of life, this event promises to be a catalyst for your journey toward unleashing your full potential.
We are thrilled to invite you to an exciting day of exploration, learning, and community. Experience Arrowsmith School and discover what makes our school a special place for individuals to thrive.
Explore the challenges and opportunities AI presents for students' academic success and wellbeing. In this webinar, we will explore how a strong, resilient brain is essential for students. Presently – so they can thrive academically and social-emotionally, and soon – to navigate in a new world and workforce shaped by AI. Already, AI is reshaping the way students learn, engage, and interact with the world.
While AI offers opportunities, it also presents distractions, content overload, and misinformation. A brain capable of navigating this new landscape is essential. We will discuss programs that strengthen processes like cognitive flexibility, attention, and emotional regulation—all fundamental to learning and flourishing.
Join us for this session where we delve into the remarkable world of neuroplasticity and its transformative impact on overcoming dyscalculia and math difficulties. Prepare to explore the fascinating realm of neuroplasticity and its remarkable ability to reshape the brain's numerical pathways, establishing a solid foundation in math.
Join us as we unravel the fascinating ability of the human brain to adapt, rewire, and improve memory functions. Uncover how strengthened cognitive capacities through neuroplasticity can enhance your ability to recall and help you succeed in school, workplace, and in life.
In this webinar, we will examine the neuroscience behind diverse learners, including how and why students experience learning differently. We’ll explore how the brain processes information and how students’ unique cognitive profiles determine their school experiences.
Educators will also learn about the brain's adaptability, and how neuroeducational approaches can address diverse learning needs within an inclusive classroom. We’ll discuss research and share examples of schools providing cognitive programs as part of their equity and inclusion goals, and their dedication that all students succeed academically and socially.
We are thrilled to invite you to an exciting day of exploration, learning, and community. Experience Arrowsmith School and discover what makes our school a special place for individuals to thrive.
Join us for a profound exploration of how neuroplasticity can reshape and enhance executive function. Discover the incredible adaptability of the human brain and how strengthening cognitive capacities through neuroplasticity can optimize your executive functions, leading to improved decision-making, strategic planning, and overall effectiveness.
Join us to unravel the profound ability of the human brain to adapt, rewire, and enhance key aspects of emotional intelligence, including self-awareness, empathy, and effective interpersonal relationships.
Experience Arrowsmith School and find out how building a stronger brain now pays dividends throughout life and experience our innovative cognitive exercises first-hand.
Learning difficulties and disabilities do not have to be life-long. By strengthening the child’s capacity to learn with cognitive exercises tailored to their unique learning profile, students of all full description
Learning difficulties and disabilities do not have to be life-long. By strengthening the child’s capacity to learn with cognitive exercises tailored to their unique learning profile, students of all ages can transform their ability to learn.
Most parents agree that the last few years have disrupted and had a negative impact on their child’s learning, confidence, and emotional well-being. This has impacted this generation’s opportunities full description
Most parents agree that the last few years have disrupted and had a negative impact on their child’s learning, confidence, and emotional well-being. This has impacted this generation’s opportunities to thrive in school and life. The road to recovery is not out of reach. Strengthen your child’s brain with evidence-based Arrowsmith cognitive exercises and bridge the learning gap today.
Our brains are at the heart of our every move, thought, and interaction. Its intricate design shapes how we participate in the world, see ourselves, and understand others. This first of a 5-part series examines both our brain’s complexity and its uniqueness. We will explore the concept of ‘cognitive function’ and describe how specific intellectual processes work together to achieve the simplest to complex tasks. Our own cognitive profiles are as distinct as fingerprints. Gaining insight through a cognitive lens, therefore, allows us to better understand ourselves and others.
Building a stronger brain means achieving your best through cognitive enhancement. By engaging in targeted cognitive exercises, we can increase our cognitive capacity and lead a better life. This second part of the 5-part series analyzes the brain's role at school, in the workplace, at home, and throughout our lives. We will discuss the benefits of cognitive programming for all.
The first 10 years of school life are pivotal. What and how a child learns during this period determines the life they will create for themselves, and how they will contribute to the world. It is encouraging that many educators, professionals, and policymakers are recognizing that school curricula must evolve to meet the needs of today’s students. In fact, we would argue that a revolution is due. Part 3 of the Webinar Series will consider how the skills identified essential for our modern world, such as critical thinking, flexibility, emotional intelligence, are directly connected to specific cognitive functions. We will examine how a cognitive program can enhance underlying brain processes responsible for acquiring these 21st-century skills, fundamentally preparing students to be the leaders and shapers of tomorrow.
As we learn, our brains continually change. From toddlerhood to early childhood, all of life’s natural learning experiences—from lullabies to balancing blocks – are shaping the function and structure of circuits in the brain. When children go off to school, they need to adapt these circuits of their brains in new and profound ways as they learn how to translate letters into words, words into ideas, and numbers into mathematical concepts. This presentation examines this very exchange – how do our brains learn? What is happening as we read, write, or solve a math problem? How might this perspective shape our understanding of our own experiences, and that of our children and students? Is there really such thing as a “math person”? Join us to consider the brain’s role in learning, the science behind acquiring fundamental academic skills, and the potential to change the trajectory of traditional learning processes through a neuroplastic approach.
So far we’ve examined the role of the brain from different perspectives and different scenarios. This webinar takes us back to a core principle – how does it operate? What does its instructional manual look like? Unique from traditional educational assessments, a cognitive assessment goes beneath skills and performance and examines the functioning of the core cognitive functions that shape our lives. This assessment can be a user’s guide to understanding ourselves and others. Join us to learn more about how cognitive assessments can become an essential tool for understanding and improving our lives.
Learn how improving critical cognitive functionss can significantly change your brain’s ability to learn and process information. Join renowned brain change expert, Barbara Arrowsmith-Young, for a virtual event.
Barbara Arrowsmith-Young discusses her journey of discovery and innovation that lead to the creation of the Arrowsmith Program and the research outcomes of a neuroplastic approach to addressing learning disabilities.
An inspiring and uplifting story of a woman who overcame severe learning difficulties using cognitive exercises to improve brain function, as featured in Norman Doidge's book, The Brain That Changes Itself. She has gone on to help others through her learning programs based on practical applications of neuroplasticity. Barbara Arrowsmith-Young, Canada, best-selling author of The Woman Who Changed Her Brain; Director, Arrowsmith School and Arrowsmith Programs.
Brain Power Conference “Join the Revolution in Childhood Development” sponsored by The Brain Power Initiative The Royal Conservatory TELUS CENTRE FOR PERFORMANCE AND LEARNING Toronto, Ontario Conference website (speakers’ list and ticket information): Arrowsmith Program will be hosting a booth in the exhibition space Video introduction “The Woman Who Changed Her Brain” by Barbara Arrowsmith-Young preceding the panel, From the Family Room to the Classroom to the World”
The Canadian Arrowsmith Program is founded on the philosophy that it is possible to treat learning disabilities by identifying and strengthening cognitive capacities. Based on the personal experience of its developer, Barbara Arrowsmith-Young, the program uses a series of exercises designed to strengthen weak cognitive capacities and improve associated learning dysfunctions. In this presentation designed for parents and teachers of children with learning disabilities, Arrowsmith Young, whose autobiography The Woman Who Changed Her Brain was published this year, will outline the principles and practices of her program.
Barbara Arrowsmith-Young turned her life-defining learning disabilities into an unlikely asset. Unable to process language or decode symbols, she compensated with her fierce determination to learn, fuelled by a formidable memory. In graduate school, she chanced on research that held the key to reprogramming her own brain. This was in the 1970s and 80s, before neuroplasticity became a widely accepted fact. Her pioneering Arrowsmith Program has since helped countless children and adults with learning disabilities to unlock their potential. ‘In most traditional special education programs, the premise is that the learner’s fixed. The learner is the learner, with their strengths and weaknesses,’ says Barbara. ‘The premise of our work is, we’re going to take this learner, and we’re going to change the capacity of the learner.’ Norman Doidge shared Barbara’s story in his bestseller The Brain That Changes Itself; she speaks for herself in her new book, The Woman Who Changed Her Brain.
The pioneer of neuroplasticity was born with severe learning disabilities. Undaunted, Barbara Arrowsmith-Young used her strengths to develop brain exercises to overcome her neurological deficits. She has gone on to change countless lives and inspire Miraculous Transformations from the Frontier of Brain Science.
Barbara Arrowsmith-Young, the Creator and Director of Arrowsmith School and Arrowsmith Program, and the author of the international best-selling book The Woman Who Changed Her Brain (, speaks at TedX Toronto about her pioneering work in the field of neuroplasticity. The Arrowsmith Program is based on the application of Barbara’s neuroscientific research, and for 40 years it has worked to help students strengthen the weak cognitive capacities underlying a range of learning difficulties.
Barbara is thrilled to be in Guelph to accept the 2012 Alumna of Honour Award from her Alma Mater, the University of Guelph, on Wednesday, March 27. On Thursday, March 28, Barbara will give a public presentation on how the Arrowsmith Program uses neuroplasticity to address learning disabilities, hosted by Guelph Christian School.
Barbara Arrowsmith-Young, author of “The Woman Who Changed Her Brain” will present on her work on Shaping the Brain at the Fourth Annual Queensland Epilepsy Symposium Thinking Outside The Box: Epilepsy
The Arrowsmith Program is not tutoring. It is a program within a school that addresses the underlying cognitive challenges that prevent our kids from learning. Within 2-4 years, the majority of kids with mild to severe learning and attention challenges join their classmates at grade level without compensations or aides. Pretty great stuff! Through neuroplasticity (changing the brain), the Arrowsmith program actually increases the learning capacities of students with learning and attention challlenges. So instead of compensating, the program actually changes the brain so a child can learn. There are over 30 years of proven life-changing results! The Arrowsmith Program could be the answer for your child or student.
Arrowsmith-Young’s lecture covers the personal and the universal. The personal is Arrowsmith-Young’s journey of discovery driven by her hunt for a solution to her own debilitating learning disorders leading to the integration of two lines of neuroscience research. The universal is that we all have a brain and by furthering our knowledge of how our brain shapes us through mediating our understanding of the world we can gain insight into our functioning and that of others. And most promising, that through our growing understanding of neuroplasticity, we now have the knowledge to develop treatments to shape our brains. It is a journey of understanding and transformation. Copies of Barbara’s book will be available for purchase and autographing.
In her presentation entitled “The Arrowsmith Program: Addressing Learning Disabilities—A Cognitive Approach,” Barbara Arrowsmith-Young will talk about her journey of discovery, the lines of research she combined, and the outcomes achieved over her 35 years as an educator and researcher. She will describe a number of learning disorders, from those that impact the learner in school to those that affect us in life. The focus will be on learning disorders that impact academic performance such as reading and writing, and some of the outcome studies demonstrating cognitive and academic performance change in these areas as a result of students engaging in the Arrowsmith Program's cognitive exercises. There will be a book signing after the event. Attendees may bring their own, or purchase a copy of The Woman Who Changed Her Brain at the door for $10.
Debbie Gilmore will talk about the Arrowsmith Program, the lines of research that were combined to develop the program and the outcomes achieved for individuals with learning difficulties over 35 years. Built on the principle of neuroplasticity, the Arrowsmith Program identifies, intervenes and strengthens the weak cognitive capacities that affect learning. A number of cognitive functions and dysfunctions will be described and how these impact on the learner in school to those that affect individuals in life. The focus will be on learning disorders that impact academic performance such as reading and writing and some of the studies demonstrating cognitive and academic performance change in these areas as a result of students engaging in the Arrowsmith Program's cognitive exercises.
St Andrew's College hosts An Evening with Barbara Arrowsmith-Young Barbara Arrowsmith-Young, author of the International Bestseller The Woman Who Changed Her Brain, and founder of the Arrowsmith Program, tells the compelling story of how she tapped into neuroscience research and used neuroplasticity to transform her brain and life, then went on to found the Arrowsmith Program. A cognitive program that addresses learning disabilities through neuroplasticity, the Arrowsmith Program is currently in 50 schools worldwide, including six in Australia and three in New Zealand.
Samuel Marsden Collegiate School hosts An Evening with Barbara Arrowsmith-Young. Barbara Arrowsmith-Young, author of the International Bestseller The Woman Who Changed Her Brain, and founder of the Arrowsmith Program, tells the compelling story of how she tapped into neuroscience research and used neuroplasticity to transform her brain and life, then went on to found the Arrowsmith Program. A cognitive program that addresses learning disabilities through neuroplasticity, the Arrowsmith Program is currently in schools worldwide, including Australia and New Zealand.
The Catholic Education Office presents The Link between Mental Health and Learning Difficulties. In this riveting lecture, special guest Barbara Arrowsmith-Young (author of international bestseller The Woman Who Changed Her Brain) will focus on the research findings linking mental health outcomes related to learning disabilities supported by the 'voices' of individual students, aged 11 to 63, describing their experiences. Barbara will also describe her own personal struggle with learning disabilities and its impact on her mental health in context with the research findings in this area. As the founder and Director of the Arrowsmith Program, Barbara continues to develop programs for students with learning disabilties and her program of cognitive exercises is implemented in schools in Canada, the U.S, Australia and New Zealand. She holds a B.A.Sc in Child Studies from the University of Guelph and a Master's degree in School Psychology from the University of Toronto. The lecture will also feature Debbie Gilmore (Arrowsmith Australian representative) and Dr Kate O'Brien (Assistant Director: Teaching & Learning, CEO Sydney) who will be exploring the Arrowsmith program, the cognitive functions the program can address and changes in learning characteristics. "Barbara Arrowsmith-Young is a pioneer, a bold and ingenious woman, deeply empathic and utterly determined. Rarely is hte person who makes a discovery the one with the defect. Barbara is the exception" - Normal Doidge, M.D., author of The Brain That Changes Itself Prepare to be engaged and inspired! Learn how the brain has an incredible ability to change and overcome learning problems. Deepen your understanding of the workings the brain and its profound impact on how we participate in the world. Please note that this is Barbara's only Sydney lecture for 2014.
Come out and learn about the revolutionary Arrowsmith Program. Learn how focused cognitive exercises can repair the areas of the brain that are hindered by a learning disability. The mission, and future, of Neuroplasticity in education will also be discussed. Dr. Andrea Sywulak is a child and family psychologist. She treats children from pre-school age through adolescence. Dr. Sywulak assesses children for ADD/ADHD and learning problems. She has spent over 20 years in practice, and is a supporter of Arrowsmith and ATG. ATG's Arrowsmith teachers, Rachel Oakley and Kate West will also be present at the event to speak to you about the classes, answer questions, and share student success stories.
In this presentation, Barbara Arrowsmith-Young will talk about her journey of discovery, the lines of research she combined and the outcomes achieved over her 35+ years as an educator and researcher. She will describe a number of learning disorders, from those that impact the learner in school to those that affect us in life. The focus will be on learning disorders that impact academic performance such as reading and writing and some of the outcome studies demonstrating cognitive and academic performance change in these areas as a result of students engaging in the Arrowsmith Program’s cognitive exercises.
In this presentation, Barbara Arrowsmith-Young will talk about her journey of discovery, the lines of research she combined and the outcomes achieved over her 35+ years as an educator and researcher. She will describe a number of learning disorders, from those that impact the learner in school to those that affect us in life. The focus will be on learning disorders that impact academic performance such as reading and writing and some of the outcome studies demonstrating cognitive and academic performance change in these areas as a result of students engaging in the Arrowsmith Program’s cognitive exercises.
Can Changing Your Brain Change Your Life? Implications of Neuroplasticity for Success – A Personal and Universal Journey Barbara Arrowsmith-Young will discuss the social, educational, mental health and economic costs for students with specific learning disabilities and the implications of using a cognitive program that drives neuroplastic change to address these difficulties. Barbara will talk about her journey of discovery, the lines of research she combined to create a cognitive program to address her specific learning problems along with the outcomes achieved over her 35 years as an educator and researcher. Barbara will describe how different cognitive functions impact learning and academic skill acquisition and discuss the outcomes/cognitive transformation related to a capacity based treatment approach to addressing specific learning disabilities.
Can Changing Your Brain Change Your Life? Implications of Neuroplasticity for Success – A Personal and Universal Journey Barbara Arrowsmith-Young will discuss the social, educational, mental health and economic costs for students with specific learning disabilities and the implications of using a cognitive program that drives neuroplastic change to address these difficulties. Barbara will talk about her journey of discovery, the lines of research she combined to create a cognitive program to address her specific learning problems along with the outcomes achieved over her 35 years as an educator and researcher. Barbara will describe how different cognitive functions impact learning and academic skill acquisition and discuss the outcomes/cognitive transformation related to a capacity based treatment approach to addressing specific learning disabilities.
Delight in the books & writers you love, & discover new ones at the Brisbane Writers Festival. Open your mind to a wide range of ideas & new ways of thinking with QLD’s most exciting annual celebration of stories & ideas. Brisbane Writers Festival, will engage your mind, body & soul with hundreds of events, featuring outstanding artists from around the world. Are you ready to open you mind? Festival highlights include Inspire, remarkable & thought-provoking presentations to make you think, feel and act.
Barbara Arrowsmith-Young, author of the International Bestseller The Woman Who Changed Her Brain, and founder of the Arrowsmith Program, will be coming to England in October 2014 and she will be presenting her story at UCL in London. The Woman Who Changed Her Brain tells the compelling story of how Barbara tapped into neuroscience research and used neuroplasticity to transform her brain and life, then went on to found the Arrowsmith Program (a cognitive program for students with learning disabilities). The Woman Who Changed Her Brain was the bestselling book at the Sydney Writer’s Festival and a Best Seller in Canada and Australia.
Barbara Arrowsmith Young speaking at the Neuroplasticity and Education: Strengthening the Connection conference presented by the Eaton Educational Group at the Westin Bayshore Hotel on October 25, 2013.
The conference planning team at the Learning Assistance Teachers Association (LATA) is excited to offer an outstanding professional development opportunity at the annual LATA conference, Neuroscience Meets Education: Success for Struggling Students. This year's keynote speaker approaches learning struggles from an optimistic point of view that, while it stems from her personal experience with learning difficulties, is supported by current brain development research. Workshop facilitators cover a range of intervention strategies that will equip BC educators working in a multi-faceted RTI environment to ensure that all students maximize their learning potential.
Born with severe learning disabilities that caused teachers to label her slow, stubborn, or worse, Barbara Arrowsmith-Young read and wrote everything backwards, struggled to process concepts in language, continually got lost, and could make no sense of an analog clock. But through her formidable memory and determination, she made her way to graduate school, where she chanced upon research that inspired her to invent cognitive exercises to "fix" her brain. Now the Director of Arrowsmith School, the author interweaves her personal tale with riveting case histories from her more than 30 years of working with both children and adults to restructure their own brains. The Woman Who Changed Her Brain powerfully and poignantly illustrates how the lives of children and adults struggling with learning disorders can be dramatically transformed. This remarkable book by a brilliant pathbreaker deepens our understanding of how the brain works and of the brain’s profound impact on how we participate in the world. Our brains shape us, but this book offers clear and hopeful evidence of the corollary: we can shape our brains.
Join us for an inspiring and informative discussion regarding Barbara Arrowsmith-Young’s journey of discovery, the lines of research she combined and the outcomes achieved over her 35 years as an educator and researcher in the field of Learning Disabilities. Barbara Arrowsmith-Young is the creator and director of Arrowsmith School and the Arrowsmith Program, and the author of the international best-selling book “The Woman Who Changed Her Brain”. Introduction by Howard Eaton, Ed.M. - Founder/Director Eaton Arrowsmith School and Author of Brain School.
Barbara Arrowsmith-Young returns to Holy Trinity Parish to share further her amazing story and the continued success of the Arrowsmith Program. The Holy Trinity Arrowsmith Program will share their journey to date with reflections from parents, students and teachers on the implementation of the Pilot and will announce the ongoing program.
The esteemed Barbara Arrowsmith, founder of the internationally acclaimed Arrowsmith Program and author of 'The Woman Who Changed Her Brain', is visiting Oakleigh Grammar in March 2017 to talk about her book and the program itself. This is an incredible opportunity to hear about how the Arrowsmith Program was formed, and its benefits to all who undertake it. It is also an amazing opportunity to meet Barbara, ask her questions. The evening will consist of an official opening of the Oakleigh Grammar Centre for the Arrowsmith Program by Barbara, followed by a talk and a Q&A session and book signing.
Barbara Arrowsmith-Young discusses her journey of discovery and innovation that lead to the creation of the Arrowsmith Program, and the research outcomes of a neuroplastic approach to addressing learning disabilities.
As lifelong learners we are all looking for an edge. You may be a student looking to achieve better grades or an employee looking to move up the corporate ladder. You may even be retired and looking for a means to improve and strengthen your cognitive capacities to ensure you are protecting/enhancing your most important asset, your brain. We welcome you to join us on Monday, April 10th at 6:45 pm as Arrowsmith School Peterborough will be hosting a conference on Enriching Minds, Changing held at the Peterborough Golf and Country Club (1030 Armour Road, Peterborough, Ontario). Our Executive Director, Debbie Gilmore will be presenting on our new Enrichment Program that will be available at the Peterborough School for learners of all ages. This program is designed to enhance your higher order reasoning and processing to understand and quickly grasp what is read and heard, insight, logical reasoning, seeing connections between ideas, cause and effect processing and mathematical reasoning. We encourage all who are interested in learning about our new program or would like to educate themselves further on the Arrowsmith Program and its positive neuroplastic effect to change the current capabilities/capacities of your brain.
Barbara Arrowsmith-Young discusses her journey of discovery and innovation that lead to the creation of the Arrowsmith Program, and the research outcomes of a neuroplastic approach to addressing learning disabilities.
Barbara Arrowsmith-Young discusses her journey of discovery and innovation that lead to the creation of the Arrowsmith Program, and the research outcomes of a neuroplastic approach to addressing learning disabilities.
Arrowsmith School hosts an evening with Sonia Nicolucci. Sonia will be joining us to help shine a light on Understanding Your Child’s Behaviour; How to Support Socialization, Independence, and Communication; and Preparing for Future Changes and Challenges.
Join Executive Director (and Arrowsmith Parent) Debbie Gilmore as she shares with you the latest updates on the ongoing Arrowsmith Program Research Projects. Debbie will also be outlining some of the new directions Arrowsmith School and Arrowsmith Program will be taking in order to make this powerful work more accessible.
The year 2017 marks the 115th anniversary of Alexander Luria's (1902-1977) birth, and the 40th anniversary of his death. To commemorate the life and scientific achievements of this world-renowned psychologist, the Yeltsyn Ural Federal University and the Moscow Lomonosov State University are collaborating with the Russian Psychological Association (RPA), the American Psychological Association (APA), the Tomsk State University, the Kemerovo Federal University, the International Society of Applied neuropsychology (ISAN), the International Society of Cultural-historical Activity Research (ISCAR), the Institute of Vygotsky in Portugal, the Center for Integrating Neuropsychology and Psychology (CINAPSI) in San Paulo, the Moscow Research Center of Developmental Neuropsy?hology, and the Irkutsk Research Center of Family Health and Human Reproduction. The congress will include plenary and thematic sessions (oral and poster presentations), round table discussions and evening lectures of the leading specialists in psychology and neuroscience from Russia and other countries.
In this presentation, Barbara Arrowsmith-Young talks about her journey of discovery, the lines of research she combined and the outcomes achieved over her 40 years as an educator and researcher. She will describe a number of learning disorders, from those that impact the learner in school to those that affect us in life. She will discuss ‘cognitive glitches’ – those areas of weakness that we are all familiar with and often explain away by saying, “I am just not good at navigating, recognizing faces, (fill in the blank).” She will discuss ‘cognitive mismatches’ – situations we find ourselves in where the demand of the task is incompatible with our cognitive functioning and the challenges this presents. Principles of neuroplasticity and the factors leading to both positive and negative brain change will be discussed as well as current research on outcomes of the methodology she developed.
Join the Eaton Arrowsmith community as we welcome Barbara Arrowsmith-Young, founder of the Arrowsmith Program, to Vancouver! She will be available for a question and answer session on Thursday July 12th from 3:30pm-4:30pm. The session will be held at the Univerity of British Columbia in the Pharmaceutical Sciences Building, located at 2405 Wesbrook Mall, Vancouver, BC V6T 1Z3.
Interested in brain health? If that is the case come to this session in Burnaby as we will have leaders in health care and health improvement speaking! We will have a panel of specialists present their approach to cognitive recovery. Our guest presenters will include: Heather Branscombe: Clinical Director of Abilities Neurological Rehabilitation. Heather has built a very successful career in rehabilitative medicine and is a leader in the greater rehabilitative health community as a physical therapist. Heather will serve as the master of ceremonies for the evening. Barbara Arrowsmith-Young: Barbara is a world-renowned leader in neuroplasticity and cognitive remediation. Dr. Gerry Ramogida: Will discuss how aerobic training impact cognition. Paul Peel, Registered Psychologist: A registered psychologist with a wide-ranging background in counselling and cognitive behavioural therapy. Paul will be presenting on meditation and brain health. Mark Watson: Will discuss why a integrated multi-modal approach is important to consider when seeking to improve outcomes to complex problems.
The Illawarra Grammar School offers the Arrowsmith Program, a program to help students with learning difficulties achieve their potential. Executive Director of the Arrowsmith Program, Debbie Gilmore will be visiting TIGS to share her personal experience and current research into neuroplasticity.
Arrowsmith School Toronto hosted an evening of learning about nutrition and brain health with Lubna Nazarani. The presentation helps us understand how foods can affect the brain. Lubna discusses ingredients that compromise learning and memory, explores optimal foods for brain function, covers what to look for on food labels, and discusses strategies to improve brain health. Participants are given simple tools to help them optimize their family's brain health. About Lubna Nazarani, MS, NNCP Lubna Nazarani has a Masters in Nutrition and Integrative Health from the Maryland University of Integrative Health. MUIH is one of the leading academic institutions in the United States for Integrative Health, uniting healing and wellness traditions with modern science-based research. She is a registered Natural Nutrition Clinical Practitioner, registered with the Canadian Association of Natural Nutritional Practitioners.
In this presentation, Barbara Arrowsmith-Young talks about her journey of discovery, the lines of research she combined and the outcomes achieved over her 35+ years as an educator and researcher. She describes a number of learning disorders, from those that impact the learner in school to those that affect us in life. She discusses 'cognitive glitches' - those areas of weakness that we are all familiar with and often explain away by saying, "I am just not good at navigating, recognizing faces, (fill in the blank)." She will discuss 'cognitive mismatches' - situations we find ourselves in where the demand of the task is incompatible with our cognitive functioning and the challenges this presents. Principles of neuroplasticity and the factors leading to both positive and negative brain change will be discussed.
In this presentation, Matthew will discuss how being connected to devices can have a negative impact on mental wellness. Based on recommendations from the Canadian Pediatric Society’s Digital Health Task Force, this presentation will cover how to get a good start by managing young children’s screen use, how to help older kids get the positive benefits of networked devices while avoiding their drawbacks, and how to teach teenagers to manage the digital stress that comes with their connected lives.
In this presentation, Debbie Gilmore, Arrowsmith's Executive Director, explores the neuroplastic paradigm, the concept of cognitive enhancement, and how targeted cognitive exercises can be used in the classroom to enhance the learning of all students. By enhancing the learner’s capacity to learn, the rate of learning can be accelerated across academic disciplines.
In this presentation, Debbie Gilmore, Arrowsmith's Executive Director, describes a number of learning difficulties, from those that impact the learner in school as well as in daily life. The focus will be on learning difficulties that impact academic performance, such as reading and writing, and some of the research studies demonstrating brain-related change and enhanced cognitive and academic performance as a result of engaging in a cognitive approach to addressing learning difficulties.
In this presentation, Debbie Gilmore, Arrosmith's Executive Director, describes a number of learning difficulties, from those that impact the learner in school as well as in daily life. The focus will be on learning difficulties that impact academic performance, such as reading and writing, and some of the research studies demonstrating brain-related change and enhanced cognitive and academic performance as a result of engaging in a cognitive approach to addressing learning difficulties.
In this presentation, Debbie Gilmore, Arrowsmith's Executive Director, explores the neuroplastic paradigm, the concept of cognitive enhancement, and how targeted cognitive exercises can be used in the classroom to enhance the learning of all students. By enhancing the learner’s capacity to learn, the rate of learning can be accelerated across academic disciplines.
This event involves presentations by three researchers currently investigating outcomes of the Arrowsmith Program. Dr. Greg Rose from Southern Illinois University, and Drs. Lara Boyd and Rachel Weber, both from University of British Columbia.
The 2019 SharpBrains Virtual Summit featured over forty of the world’s top experts and innovators working to improve brain health for all. Dr. Greg Rose, Director of the Center for Integrated Research in Cognitive and Neural Sciences at Southern Illinois University presented on How to promote brain health at scale: Examples in the workplace, K12 education and consumer tech
In this presentation, Barbara Arrowsmith-Young will talk about her journey of discovery, the lines of research she combined, and the outcomes achieved over her 40 years as an educator and researcher. She will describe a number of learning disorders, from those that impact the learner in school to those that affect us in life. She will discuss ‘cognitive glitches’ – those areas of weakness that we are all familiar with and often explain away by saying, “I am just not good at navigating, recognizing faces, (fill in the blank).” She will discuss ‘cognitive mismatches’ – situations we find ourselves in where the demand of the task is incompatible with our cognitive functioning and the challenges this presents. Principles of neuroplasticity and the factors leading to both positive and negative brain change will be discussed.
Dr. Greg Rose presents: The Benefits of Arrowsmith Training on Brain Connectivity and Neuropsychological Measures. Dr Greg Rose from Southern Illinois University presents his latest research findings on outcomes of the Arrowsmith Program. Dr Rose is currently undertaking three research studies on the Arrowsmith Program. He is also involved in an international systematic research effort to understand how the Arrowsmith Program changes brain functioning and how this translates into improved cognition.
In this presentation Barbara Arrowsmith-Young talks about how harnessing the principles of neuroplasticity leads to changes in the brain and how each individual can create a new reality for their future. She also discussed the latest research on the Arrowsmith Program which shows changes in the brain as well as academic, emotional, social and cognitive changes.
Does your child have a learning disability? The Arrowsmith Program can help! Come listen to our expert panel: Debbie Gilmore (Executive Director, Arrowsmith Program), Halton Hills Christian School Educations, Alumni, and current Arrowsmith students and parents for information on how this program can help to overcome your child’s learning difficulty
Come to Trent University's annual Ethics Lecture where Debbie Gilmore will raise the awareness of the impact of learning disabilities on education and society. Debbie Gilmore is the Executive Director of Arrowsmith Program in Canada. Her work is concerned with the fact that students with learning difficulties need more support in schools. Her work as a teacher, literacy adviser, assistant principal, and principal helped her understand the need to ‘unlock’ the potential of these students. She holds a Masters of Education and various Graduate Certificates in Education in a range of areas of diverse learning. She is this year’s speaker for the annual Kenneth Mark Drain Chair in Ethics lecture, which yearly celebrates a perspective on values or ethics in a way that engages with real-world situations.
Please join our Eaton Arrowsmith and Eaton Arrowsmith Adults community for a presentation by Barbara Arrowsmith-Young, Founder of the Arrowsmith Program. Barbara's presentation will be followed by a panel discussion with Barbara, Howard Eaton, Founder/Director of Eaton Arrowsmith and co-Founder of The Watson Centre Society for Brain Health and ABI Wellness and Mark Watson, co-Founder of The Watson Centre Society for Brain Health and ABI Wellness . Both Watson Centre and ABI Wellness use the Arrowsmith Program as an integral part of their platform to assist adults as they reclaim their lives after brain injury.
In this presentation Barbara Arrowsmith-Young talks about how harnessing the principles of neuroplasticity leads to changes in the brain and how each individual can create a new reality for their future. She discusses the latest research on the Arrowsmith Program which shows changes in the brain as well as cognitive, academic, and social-emotional well-being changes. She describes how a learning difficulty impacts the learner in school as well as in life and that the research shows that this reality is not lifelong and can be changed. The audience will gain insight into and begin to look at behaviour through a cognitive lens. They will build an understanding that through harnessing the principles of neuroplasticity we can change the brain and overcome learning challenges.
In this presentation Barbara Arrowsmith-Young will talk about her journey of discovery, the lines of research she combined to develop her innovative Program and the outcomes achieved over her 40 years as an educator and researcher. She will describe a range of learning disorders, from those that impact the learner in school to those that affect us in life. ‘Cognitive glitches’ – those areas of weakness that we are all familiar with and often explain away by saying, “I am just not good at navigating, recognizing faces, (fill in the blank) – will be discussed. Barbara will also explore ‘cognitive mismatches’ – situations we find ourselves in where the demand of the task is incompatible with our cognitive functioning and the difficulties this presents. The audience will gain insight into the principles of neuroplasticity and begin to look at behavior through a cognitive lens. They will build an understanding that through harnessing the principles of neuroplasticity we can shape our brain and overcome challenges.
The focus of this session is on describing various learning disabilities, from those that impact academic performance to those that affect us in life. Outcome studies demonstrating cognitive and academic performance change in these areas as a result of students engaging in the Arrowsmith Program’s cognitive exercises will be presented. Learner Outcomes - Participants will be able to: 1. Describe how learning and behavior can be viewed through a cognitive lens to gain better insight into a student’s cognitive profile, leading to better student support in the classroom. 2.Understand the brain’s ability to change leading to strengthened cognitive functions through targeted cognitive exercises using the application of neuroplasticity.
In this presentation Barbara Arrowsmith-Young talks about how harnessing the principles of neuroplasticity leads to changes in the brain and how each individual can create a new reality for their future. She discusses the latest research on the Arrowsmith Program which shows changes in the brain as well as academic, emotional, social and cognitive changes. She describes how a learning difficulty impacts the learner in school as well as in life and that the research shows that this reality is not lifelong and can be changed. The audience will gain insight into and begin to look at behaviour through a cognitive lens. They will build an understanding that through harnessing the principles of neuroplasticity we can change the brain and overcome learning challenges.
In this presentation Barbara Arrowsmith-Young talks about how harnessing the principles of neuroplasticity leads to changes in the brain and how each individual can create a new reality for their future. She discussed the latest research on the Arrowsmith Program which shows changes in the brain as well as academic, emotional, social and cognitive changes. She describes how a learning difficulty impacts the learner in school as well as in life and that the research shows that this reality is not lifelong and can be changed. The audience will gain insight into and begin to look at behaviour through a cognitive lens. They will build an understanding that through harnessing the principles of neuroplasticity we can change the brain and overcome learning challenges.
In this presentation Barbara Arrowsmith-Young talks about how harnessing the principles of neuroplasticity leads to changes in the brain and how each individual can create a new reality for their future. She discussed the latest research on the Arrowsmith Program which shows changes in the brain as well as academic, emotional, social and cognitive changes. She describes how a learning difficulty impacts the learner in school as well as in life and that the research shows that this reality is not lifelong and can be changed. The audience will gain insight into and begin to look at behaviour through a cognitive lens. They will build an understanding that through harnessing the principles of neuroplasticity we can change the brain and overcome learning challenges.
In this presentation Barbara Arrowsmith-Young talks about how harnessing the principles of neuroplasticity leads to changes in the brain and how each individual can create a new reality for their future. She discussed the latest research on the Arrowsmith Program which shows changes in the brain as well as academic, emotional, social and cognitive changes. She describes how a learning difficulty impacts the learner in school as well as in life and that the research shows that this reality is not lifelong and can be changed. The audience will gain insight into and begin to look at behaviour through a cognitive lens. They will build an understanding that through harnessing the principles of neuroplasticity we can change the brain and overcome learning challenges.
In this presentation Barbara Arrowsmith-Young talks about how harnessing the principles of neuroplasticity leads to changes in the brain and how each individual can create a new reality for their future. She discussed the latest research on the Arrowsmith Program which shows changes in the brain as well as academic, emotional, social and cognitive changes. She describes how a learning difficulty impacts the learner in school as well as in life and that the research shows that this reality is not lifelong and can be changed. The audience will gain insight into and begin to look at behaviour through a cognitive lens. They will build an understanding that through harnessing the principles of neuroplasticity we can change the brain and overcome learning challenges.
In this presentation Barbara Arrowsmith-Young talks about how harnessing the principles of neuroplasticity leads to changes in the brain and how each individual can create a new reality for their future. She discussed the latest research on the Arrowsmith Program which shows changes in the brain as well as academic, emotional, social and cognitive changes. She describes how a learning difficulty impacts the learner in school as well as in life and that the research shows that this reality is not lifelong and can be changed. The audience will gain insight into and begin to look at behaviour through a cognitive lens. They will build an understanding that through harnessing the principles of neuroplasticity we can change the brain and overcome learning challenges.
In this presentation Barbara Arrowsmith-Young talks about how harnessing the principles of neuroplasticity leads to changes in the brain and how each individual can create a new reality for their future. She discussed the latest research on the Arrowsmith Program which shows changes in the brain as well as academic, emotional, social and cognitive changes. She describes how a learning difficulty impacts the learner in school as well as in life and that the research shows that this reality is not lifelong and can be changed. The audience will gain insight into and begin to look at behaviour through a cognitive lens. They will build an understanding that through harnessing the principles of neuroplasticity we can change the brain and overcome learning challenges.
In this presentation Barbara Arrowsmith-Young talks about how harnessing the principles of neuroplasticity leads to changes in the brain and how each individual can create a new reality for their future. She discussed the latest research on the Arrowsmith Program which shows changes in the brain as well as academic, emotional, social and cognitive changes. She describes how a learning difficulty impacts the learner in school as well as in life and that the research shows that this reality is not lifelong and can be changed. The audience will gain insight into and begin to look at behaviour through a cognitive lens. They will build an understanding that through harnessing the principles of neuroplasticity we can change the brain and overcome learning challenges.
In this presentation Barbara Arrowsmith-Young talks about how harnessing the principles of neuroplasticity leads to changes in the brain and how each individual can create a new reality for their future. She discussed the latest research on the Arrowsmith Program which shows changes in the brain as well as academic, emotional, social and cognitive changes. She describes how a learning difficulty impacts the learner in school as well as in life and that the research shows that this reality is not lifelong and can be changed. The audience will gain insight into and begin to look at behaviour through a cognitive lens. They will build an understanding that through harnessing the principles of neuroplasticity we can change the brain and overcome learning challenges.
Watch Barbara present her latest research into the science of learning to a sold-out audience in Auckland New Zealand. This presentation provides insight through a cognitive lens into the range of cognitive ‘glitches’ leading to a learning challenge. It details Barbara’s journey of discovery, the lines of research she combined and the factors leading to brain change using the principles of neuroplasticity.
In this presentation Barbara Arrowsmith-Young talks about how harnessing the principles of neuroplasticity leads to changes in the brain and how each individual can create a new reality for their future. She discussed the latest research on the Arrowsmith Program which shows changes in the brain as well as academic, emotional, social and cognitive changes. She describes how a learning difficulty impacts the learner in school as well as in life and that the research shows that this reality is not lifelong and can be changed. The audience will gain insight into and begin to look at behaviour through a cognitive lens. They will build an understanding that through harnessing the principles of neuroplasticity we can change the brain and overcome learning challenges.
In this presentation Barbara Arrowsmith-Young talks about how harnessing the principles of neuroplasticity leads to changes in the brain and how each individual can create a new reality for their future. She discussed the latest research on the Arrowsmith Program which shows changes in the brain as well as academic, emotional, social and cognitive changes. She describes how a learning difficulty impacts the learner in school as well as in life and that the research shows that this reality is not lifelong and can be changed. The audience will gain insight into and begin to look at behaviour through a cognitive lens. They will build an understanding that through harnessing the principles of neuroplasticity we can change the brain and overcome learning challenges.
In this presentation Barbara Arrowsmith-Young talks about how harnessing the principles of neuroplasticity leads to changes in the brain and how each individual can create a new reality for their future. She discussed the latest research on the Arrowsmith Program which shows changes in the brain as well as academic, emotional, social and cognitive changes. She describes how a learning difficulty impacts the learner in school as well as in life and that the research shows that this reality is not lifelong and can be changed. The audience will gain insight into and begin to look at behaviour through a cognitive lens. They will build an understanding that through harnessing the principles of neuroplasticity we can change the brain and overcome learning challenges.
In this presentation Barbara Arrowsmith-Young talks about how harnessing the principles of neuroplasticity leads to changes in the brain and how each individual can create a new reality for their future. She discussed the latest research on the Arrowsmith Program which shows changes in the brain as well as academic, emotional, social and cognitive changes. She describes how a learning difficulty impacts the learner in school as well as in life and that the research shows that this reality is not lifelong and can be changed. The audience will gain insight into and begin to look at behaviour through a cognitive lens. They will build an understanding that through harnessing the principles of neuroplasticity we can change the brain and overcome learning challenges.
In this presentation Barbara Arrowsmith-Young talks about how harnessing the principles of neuroplasticity leads to changes in the brain and how each individual can create a new reality for their future. She discussed the latest research on the Arrowsmith Program which shows changes in the brain as well as academic, emotional, social and cognitive changes. She describes how a learning difficulty impacts the learner in school as well as in life and that the research shows that this reality is not lifelong and can be changed. The audience will gain insight into and begin to look at behaviour through a cognitive lens. They will build an understanding that through harnessing the principles of neuroplasticity we can change the brain and overcome learning challenges.
In this presentation Barbara Arrowsmith-Young talks about how harnessing the principles of neuroplasticity leads to changes in the brain and how each individual can create a new reality for their future. She discussed the latest research on the Arrowsmith Program which shows changes in the brain as well as academic, emotional, social and cognitive changes. She describes how a learning difficulty impacts the learner in school as well as in life and that the research shows that this reality is not lifelong and can be changed. The audience will gain insight into and begin to look at behaviour through a cognitive lens. They will build an understanding that through harnessing the principles of neuroplasticity we can change the brain and overcome learning challenges.
In this presentation Barbara Arrowsmith-Young talks about how harnessing the principles of neuroplasticity leads to changes in the brain and how each individual can create a new reality for their future. She discussed the latest research on the Arrowsmith Program which shows changes in the brain as well as academic, emotional, social and cognitive changes. She describes how a learning difficulty impacts the learner in school as well as in life and that the research shows that this reality is not lifelong and can be changed. The audience will gain insight into and begin to look at behaviour through a cognitive lens. They will build an understanding that through harnessing the principles of neuroplasticity we can change the brain and overcome learning challenges.
In this presentation Barbara Arrowsmith-Young talks about how harnessing the principles of neuroplasticity leads to changes in the brain and how each individual can create a new reality for their future. She discussed the latest research on the Arrowsmith Program which shows changes in the brain as well as academic, emotional, social and cognitive changes. She describes how a learning difficulty impacts the learner in school as well as in life and that the research shows that this reality is not lifelong and can be changed. The audience will gain insight into and begin to look at behaviour through a cognitive lens. They will build an understanding that through harnessing the principles of neuroplasticity we can change the brain and overcome learning challenges.
In this presentation Barbara Arrowsmith-Young talks about how harnessing the principles of neuroplasticity leads to changes in the brain and how each individual can create a new reality for their future. She discussed the latest research on the Arrowsmith Program which shows changes in the brain as well as academic, emotional, social and cognitive changes. She describes how a learning difficulty impacts the learner in schoool well as in life and that the research shows that this reality is not lifelong and can be changed. The audience will gain insight into and begin to look at behaviour through a cognitive lens. They will build an understanding that through harnessing the principles of neuroplasticity we can change the brain and overcome learning challenges.
In this presentation Barbara Arrowsmith-Young talks about how harnessing the principles of neuroplasticity leads to changes in the brain and how each individual can create a new reality for their future. She discussed the latest research on the Arrowsmith Program which shows changes in the brain as well as academic, emotional, social and cognitive changes. She describes how a learning difficulty impacts the learner in school as well as in life and that the research shows that this reality is not lifelong and can be changed. The audience will gain insight into and begin to look at behaviour through a cognitive lens. They will build an understanding that through harnessing the principles of neuroplasticity we can change the brain and overcome learning challenges.
The author of the game-changing book, The Woman Who Changed Her Brain, Barbara Arrowsmith-Young developed the Arrowsmith Program, which has helped thousands of families and is taught in schools around the world. Her book interweaves her personal story with case histories she has gathered from more than 40 years of working with both children and adults. We are thrilled to have Barbara Arrowsmith-Young sharing her incredible story with us.
Does your child have a learning disability? The Arrowsmith Program can help! Come listen to our expert panel: Debbie Gilmore (Executive Director, Arrowsmith Program), Halton Hills Christian School Educations, Alumni, and current Arrowsmith students and parents for information on how this program can help to overcome your child’s learning difficulty
Dr. Angela Peddle is an optometrist with a focus on vision therapy, neuro-rehabilitation, sports vision enhancement, pediatrics and special needs examinations. Dr. Peddle’s presentation, “Vision and Learning”, covers the following key areas: How vision develops and how development affects vision; important visual skills necessary for learning; signs of visual problems in school-age children; vision-related learning problems; and visual perceptual processing.
In this Meetup, Barbara Arrowsmith-Young discusses a cognitive function framework of understanding behaviour, the principles that drive neuroplastic change, insights into learning difficulties from current imaging research and research outcomes of a neuroplastic approach to addressing learning difficulties.
The Ontario Brain Injury Association (OBIA) and Brain Changes Initiative (BCI) are pleased to announce the development of a Distinguished Speaker’s Webinar series designed to inform front-line health care workers and professionals in the field of brain injury. This webinar in the 7-part series features Barbara Arrowsmith-Young, who will present Shaping the Brain: The Woman Who Changed Her Brain, and Enrico Quilico who will present Exercise for Rehabilitation after Brain Injury.
We go to school to learn and we learn with our brains. Barbara Arrowsmith-Young discusses how 'putting the brain in the education equation' transforms the learning capacities of all students and leads to indpenedent self-confident learners for life.
Imagine a place where neuroplasticity (brain plasticity) and education meet. Imagine schools where students are enhancing their cognitive functions in combination with learning and applying content and skills within the academic curriculum. This is a very real possibility using a capacity-based program involving the principles of neuroplasticity.
The concept of neuroplasticity brings hope – the brain is plastic and can change. What is difficult for educators is adopting the principles into their everyday work. There is a huge divide between education and neuroscience. This is the challenge currently facing education. This session will explore the neuroplastic paradigm, the concept of cognitive enhancement, and how targeted cognitive exercises can be
used in the classroom to enhance the learning of all students. Educators can learn about how student behavior can be viewed through a cognitive lens; about neuroplasticity and how and why it works, and how to integrate new knowledge into common practices.
It is possible to change the cognitive capacity of the learner in order to enhance learning of content, curriculum and academics more efficiently. It is possible to enhance reasoning and processing ability to understand and quickly grasp what is read and heard, insight, comprehension, logical reasoning, cause and effect processing, problem solving, mathematical reasoning, motor function and auditory memory, among many other cognitive functions. As the learner’s capacity to learn is enhanced using a cognitive program, the rate of learning can accelerate across academic disciplines.
The Arrowsmith Program is based on the philosophy that it is possible to enhance specific cognitive functions through targeted cognitive programs.
Join us as we unravel the fascinating ability of the human brain to adapt, rewire, and improve memory functions. Uncover how strengthened cognitive capacities through neuroplasticity can enhance your ability to recall and help you succeed in school, workplace, and in life.
Whether you're a student striving for academic excellence, a professional seeking to remember crucial details, or an individual looking to improve memory, this event will offer you the opportunity to unlock the full potential of your memory and help you regain control of your life.
Join us for a profound exploration of how neuroplasticity can reshape and enhance executive function. Discover the incredible adaptability of the human brain and how strengthening cognitive capacities through neuroplasticity can optimize your executive functions, leading to improved decision-making, strategic planning, and overall effectiveness.
Whether you're a professional aiming to excel in leadership roles, a student seeking to enhance organizational skills, or an individual looking to boost efficiency in daily tasks, this event will offer you insights that will empower you to harness the full potential of your executive functions.
Join us to unravel the profound ability of the human brain to adapt, rewire, and enhance key aspects of emotional intelligence, including self-awareness, empathy, and effective interpersonal relationships.
This event is tailored for professional seeking to thrive in team dynamics, a student navigating social interactions, or an individual looking to cultivate deeper connections. Learn how enhancing cognitive functions will empower you to navigate the complexities of social-emotional interactions with ease.
Join us as we explore the fascinating realm of neuroplasticity and its profound impact on ADHD, focus, and attention difficulties. Learn about the remarkable ability of the human brain to adapt and rewire itself, leading to enhanced focus, improved attention, and greater overall well-being.
Whether you're a student striving for academic success, a professional seeking to optimize your productivity, or an individual looking to feel more organized, this event is tailored to provide you with invaluable insights in how this can be done by strengthening cognitive capacities. From conquering the challenges of ADHD to thriving in various domains of life, including education, work, and personal pursuits, this event serves as a catalyst for your journey towards mastering focus and maximizing your potential.
Join us for this session where we delve into the remarkable world of neuroplasticity and its transformative impact on overcoming dysgraphia and dyslexia. Discover how neuroplasticity, the human brain’s extraordinary ability to rewire itself, can strengthen reading, writing, and comprehension capabilities.
Whether you are a student, a professional, or an individual seeking personal growth, this event will provide invaluable knowledge to help you navigate the world with confidence. From conquering the complexities of language to finding success in school, the workplace, and in all aspects of life, this event promises to be a catalyst for your journey toward unleashing your full potential.
Join Debbie Gilmore (Executive Officer at Arrowsmith) and Rita Margarita (European and Middle East Representative at Arrowsmith) as they present at The Developing Child Centre in Dubai, United Arab Emirates. If you're a professional seeking to recommend a program to parents, consider the Arrowsmith Program. Discover how the Arrowsmith Program can make a difference in your child’s life. Attend this information session to learn more about the program, meet the team, and connect with other parents and professionals. Unlock your child’s potential and pave the way for a brighter future.
Join Debbie Gilmore (Executive Officer at Arrowsmith) and Rita Margarita (European and Middle East Representative at Arrowsmith) as they present at The Developing Child Centre in Dubai, United Arab Emirates. If you are parents seeking a supportive, effective alternative to traditional learning methods, consider the Arrowsmith Program. Discover how the Arrowsmith Program can make a difference in your child’s life. Attend this information session to learn more about the program, meet the team, and connect with other parents and professionals. Unlock your child’s potential and pave the way for a brighter future.
Join us for this session where we delve into the remarkable world of neuroplasticity and its transformative impact on overcoming dyscalculia and math difficulties. Prepare to explore the fascinating realm of neuroplasticity and its remarkable ability to reshape the brain's numerical pathways, establishing a solid foundation in math.
This event is tailored for students, professionals, and individuals seeking personal growth, equipping them with invaluable knowledge to confidently navigate the intricate world of numbers. By unraveling the complexities of dyscalculia, participants will discover groundbreaking insights into harnessing the power of neuroplasticity to strengthen numerical fluency and problem-solving skills.
Calling all global educators, administrators and thought leaders – join this fascinating event on May 8th – either in Madrid or online!
Global Education Forum’s “EducAItion: Shaping the Future, Keeping Us Human” promises to be a dynamic event we contemplate the challenges and opportunities faced by education today.
Arrowsmith’s own Debbie Gilmore will be hosting a panel talk during the event - “AI and LifeLong Learning” will invite discussion and debate around the role of AI in learning. Don’t miss the opportunity to be inspired by leaders in the field, and consider how students can be prepared to be active learners and leaders.
Join us for an exclusive Question and Answer session with Debbie Gilmore, Executive Director of Arrowsmith Program Worldwide and Rita Margarita, UAE and Europe Representative to learn how to empower your child's cognitive growth. Discover more about the incredible Arrowsmith Program!
Join us as we unravel the fascinating ability of the human brain to adapt, rewire, and improve memory functions. Uncover how strengthened cognitive capacities through neuroplasticity can enhance your ability to recall and help you succeed in school, workplace, and in life.
Whether you're a student striving for academic excellence, a professional seeking to remember crucial details, or an individual looking to improve memory, this event will offer you the opportunity to unlock the full potential of your memory and help you regain control of your life.
Is your child having difficulty at school? Having trouble learning to read, understand or focus? Does your child have a diagnosis for learning difficulties including dyslexia, dyscalculia, dysgraphia, auditory processing, ADHD etc.. – try to reference a number of different disorders not just dyslexia
During Debbie’s presentation, you will discover how a learning difficulty does not have to be lifelong. Using a proven cognitive program, it is possible to overcome the learning difficulty combined with the nurturing environment and excellence of The Silkwood Way, you will discover a totally new approach to learning, setting your child up for success, not only at school but for their future.
Join us for a profound exploration of how neuroplasticity can reshape and enhance executive function. Discover the incredible adaptability of the human brain and how strengthening cognitive capacities through neuroplasticity can optimize your executive functions, leading to improved decision-making, strategic planning, and overall effectiveness.
Whether you're a professional aiming to excel in leadership roles, a student seeking to enhance organizational skills, or an individual looking to boost efficiency in daily tasks, this event will offer you insights that will empower you to harness the full potential of your executive functions.
This summer you can improve your chances for success with the Arrowsmith Program’s renowned methods for improving reasoning, processing speed, attention, and comprehension. Our Symbol Relations – Cognitive Intensive Program strengthens participants’ capacity to learn in school and engage meaningfully in life. Start your Arrowsmith journey this summer!
The Arrowsmith programme has been changing brains and lives at St Mark's School since 2015. We are excited to welcome Debbie Gilmore, Executive Director of Arrowsmith, back to Wellington. This presentation will focus on the stories of Arrowsmith at St Mark's, hearing the experiences of staff, and parents of students who are in the programme. We will also discuss more about what the Arrowsmith programme is and how can it benefit your child. There will also be an opportunity for you to ask questions and chat with staff and Debbie Gilmore.
Free PD sessions with practical solutions for help your learning support department.
During this presentation you will discover how every student can increase their attention and focus using a proven cognitive program provided at Plenty Valley Christian College. Discover the incredible adaptability of the human brain and how strengthening cognitive capacities can optimize executive functions, leading to improved decision-making, strategic planning and overall effectiveness.
Join Debbie Gilmore, Executive Director of the Arrowsmith program, on Monday, 17 June at midday for an insightful event designed for parents & people struggling with dyslexia or other forms of neurodiversity. Discover how our innovative approach addresses the underlying cognitive causes, helping bright students who are currently unable to thrive in the traditional education system. Learn about our full-time support options for young adults who may be refusing school due to trauma or consistent academic failure. Ensure a brighter future for your child’s mental health and educational success.
Is your child having difficulty at school? Has your child been diagnosed with dyslexia or dyscalculia? Does your child have attention difficulties?
During this presentation, you will discover how a learning difficulty like dyslexia or dyscalculia does not have to be lifelong. Using a proven cognitive program to overcome the learning difficulty combined with the nurturing environment at Teen Challenge, you will discover a totally new approach to learning, setting your child up for success, not only at school but for their future.
Is your child having difficulty at school? Has your child been diagnosed with dyslexia or dyscalculia? Does your child have attention difficulties?
During this presentation, you will discover how a learning difficulty like dyslexia or dyscalculia does not have to be lifelong. Using a proven cognitive program to overcome the learning difficulty combined with the nurturing environment at Teen Challenge, you will discover a totally new approach to learning, setting your child up for success, not only at school but for their future.
Join us to unravel the profound ability of the human brain to adapt, rewire, and enhance key aspects of emotional intelligence, including self-awareness, empathy, and effective interpersonal relationships.
This event is tailored for professional seeking to thrive in team dynamics, a student navigating social interactions, or an individual looking to cultivate deeper connections. Learn how enhancing cognitive functions will empower you to navigate the complexities of social-emotional interactions with ease.
This summer you can improve your chances for success with the Arrowsmith Program’s renowned methods for improving reasoning, processing speed, attention, and comprehension. Our Symbol Relations – Cognitive Intensive Program strengthens participants’ capacity to learn in school and engage meaningfully in life. Start your Arrowsmith journey this summer!
This summit, organized by James Lange, includes an incredible array of speakers who will share their advice and recommendations drawn from their respective fields of expertise. All speakers work in areas that help parents of children with disabilities either directly or through adjacent services.
Featured speakers include the three co-authors of the best-selling book, Retire Secure for Parents of a Child with a Disability. All three authors and many reviewers believe this is the best financial book for parents of a child with a disability. Their advice, recommendations, and guidance will help you optimize a long-term financial plan to provide for your child’s life-long security. Other speakers will focus on non-financial topics aimed at improving the family’s lifestyle, reducing anxiety and stress, and providing resources you can access after the Summit.
This event is designed to help you understand your / loved one's challenges with attention, reading, and learning difficulties.
During this presentation, you will discover how a learning difficulty like dyslexia or dyscalculia does not have to be lifelong. Using a proven cognitive program to overcome the learning difficulty combined with the nurturing environment at CoreSenses, you will discover a totally new approach to learning, setting your child up for success, not only at school but for their future.
Say goodbye to distractions and hello to action as we offer you the tools and strategies to enhance focus and comprehension. Don't miss out on this opportunity to take control of your / your loved one's learning journey. See you there!
At Arrowsmith, we understand learning disabilities and address them – head on – literally! Our students overcome learning challenges that are impeding their success by engaging in a program that activates neuroplastic change. By understanding your child through a cognitive lens, Arrowsmith can provide a program that addresses your child’s unique profile and learning needs.
At Arrowsmith, we understand learning disabilities and address them – head on – literally! Our students overcome learning challenges that are impeding their success by engaging in a program that activates neuroplastic change. By understanding your child through a cognitive lens, Arrowsmith can provide a program that addresses your child’s unique profile and learning needs.
We are thrilled to invite you to an exciting day of exploration, learning, and community. Experience Arrowsmith School and discover what makes our school a special place for individuals to thrive.
Join this 30-minute virtual session to equip yourself with key lessons and inspiration from the field of neuroscience and neuroeducation.
Learn about the brain processes that shape your students’ learning, performance and behaviours. Explore the research that shows these processes can be improved through targeted brain-based approaches.
Arrowsmith School is different from a traditional school, we see your child's potential beyond the classroom. We want to help your child succeed and thrive not only in academics but in life. Join our Online Open House to learn more about our program options and find out how we help transform our students' lives.
Empower your child to succeed at school through the Arrowsmith Program.
While many students attend Arrowsmith School Full-Time, Online and In-Person, others join Arrowsmith after their regular school day for 40 minutes daily, Monday to Friday, enhancing their capacity to learn and succeed. Flexible scheduling available and options from 7:45 am to 8:20pm Eastern Time Zone.
Learn more about the Arrowsmith Program and how your child can enhance their learning journey and academic success through a personalized program by attending this session.
Join this 30-minute virtual session to equip yourself with key lessons and inspiration from the field of neuroscience and neuroeducation.
Learn about the brain processes that shape your students’ learning, performance and behaviours. Explore the research that shows these processes can be improved through targeted brain-based approaches.
Empower your child to succeed at school through the Arrowsmith Program.
While many students attend Arrowsmith School Full-Time, Online and In-Person, others join Arrowsmith after their regular school day for 40 minutes daily, Monday to Friday, enhancing their capacity to learn and succeed. Flexible scheduling available and options from 7:45 am to 8:20pm Eastern Time Zone.
Learn more about the Arrowsmith Program and how your child can enhance their learning journey and academic success through a personalized program by attending this session.
Join us as we explore the fascinating realm of neuroplasticity and its profound impact on ADHD, focus, and attention difficulties. Learn about the remarkable ability of the human brain to adapt and rewire itself, leading to enhanced focus, improved attention, and greater overall well-being.
Whether you're a student striving for academic success, a professional seeking to optimize your productivity, or an individual looking to feel more organized, this event is tailored to provide you with invaluable insights in how this can be done by strengthening cognitive capacities. From conquering the challenges of ADHD to thriving in various domains of life, including education, work, and personal pursuits, this event serves as a catalyst for your journey towards mastering focus and maximizing your potential.
Join us for this session where we delve into the remarkable world of neuroplasticity and its transformative impact on overcoming dysgraphia and dyslexia. Find out how neuroplasticity, the human brain’s extraordinary ability to rewire itself, can strengthen reading, writing, and comprehension capabilities.
Whether you are a student, a professional, or an individual seeking personal growth, this event will provide invaluable knowledge to help you navigate the world with confidence. From conquering the complexities of language to finding success in school, the workplace, and in all aspects of life, this event promises to be a catalyst for your journey toward unleashing your full potential.
We are thrilled to invite you to an exciting day of exploration, learning, and community. Experience Arrowsmith School and discover what makes our school a special place for individuals to thrive.
Curious about brain’s role in the IB Programme and how cognitive programs can enrich the learning and teaching experience?
Join educators around the world to learn more about bringing the brain into IB classrooms.
Reserve your seat today.
Curious about brain’s role in the IB Programme and how cognitive programs can enrich the learning and teaching experience?
Join educators around the world to learn more about bringing the brain into IB classrooms.
Reserve your seat today.
Curious about brain’s role in the IB Programme and how cognitive programs can enrich the learning and teaching experience?
Join educators around the world to learn more about bringing the brain into IB classrooms.
Reserve your seat today.
Join us for this session where we delve into the remarkable world of neuroplasticity and its transformative impact on overcoming dyscalculia and math difficulties. Prepare to explore the fascinating realm of neuroplasticity and its remarkable ability to reshape the brain's numerical pathways, establishing a solid foundation in math.
This event is tailored for students, professionals, and individuals seeking personal growth, equipping them with invaluable knowledge to confidently navigate the intricate world of numbers. By unraveling the complexities of dyscalculia, participants will discover groundbreaking insights into harnessing the power of neuroplasticity to strengthen numerical fluency and problem-solving skills.
Does your child struggle with Math? Has your child been diagnosed with dyscalculia? Let’s explore the brain and what lies beneath this label.
In this webinar, parents will:
Join us as we unravel the fascinating ability of the human brain to adapt, rewire, and improve memory functions. Uncover how strengthened cognitive capacities through neuroplasticity can enhance your ability to recall and help you succeed in school, workplace, and in life.
Whether you're a student striving for academic excellence, a professional seeking to remember crucial details, or an individual looking to improve memory, this event will offer you the opportunity to unlock the full potential of your memory and help you regain control of your life.
Transforming student success begins with Social and Emotional Learning (SEL). Understanding the brain’s role in learning, educators can bring greater awareness and impact to their students’ resilience, emotional regulation, and communication.
It’s clear: social and emotional wellness is essential not just for academic achievement, but for preparing our students to thrive in an ever-changing world.
Join this webinar to discover how integrating brain-based approaches into your teaching can unlock the full potential of every student and create a supportive learning environment. Don’t miss this opportunity to lead the way in education.
Does your child struggle with memory? Has your child been diagnosed with working memory or auditory memory problems?
Let’s explore the brain and what lies beneath these labels.
In this session you will learn:
Join us for a profound exploration of how neuroplasticity can reshape and enhance executive function. Discover the incredible adaptability of the human brain and how strengthening cognitive capacities through neuroplasticity can optimize your executive functions, leading to improved decision-making, strategic planning, and overall effectiveness.
Whether you're a professional aiming to excel in leadership roles, a student seeking to enhance organizational skills, or an individual looking to boost efficiency in daily tasks, this event will offer you insights that will empower you to harness the full potential of your executive functions.
Join us to unravel the profound ability of the human brain to adapt, rewire, and enhance key aspects of emotional intelligence, including self-awareness, empathy, and effective interpersonal relationships.
This event is tailored for professional seeking to thrive in team dynamics, a student navigating social interactions, or an individual looking to cultivate deeper connections. Learn how enhancing cognitive functions will empower you to navigate the complexities of social-emotional interactions with ease.
Join us as we explore the fascinating realm of neuroplasticity and its profound impact on ADHD, focus, and attention difficulties. Learn about the remarkable ability of the human brain to adapt and rewire itself, leading to enhanced focus, improved attention, and greater overall well-being.
We are thrilled to invite you to an exciting day of exploration, learning, and community. Experience Arrowsmith School and discover what makes our school a special place for individuals to thrive.
Does your child struggle with attention and focus? Has your child been diagnosed with ADHD? Let’s explore the brain and what lies beneath this label.
Join Debbie Gilmore, Executive Director, Arrowsmith Program, as she dives into the factors behind focus and attention difficulties, including ADHD. Gain valuable insights into how these challenges affect daily life and well-being, and learn about innovative ways to support concentration and reduce distractions.
Is something getting in the way of your child's success in learning? Learning difficulties do not have to be lifelong. Your child can overcome their struggles through Arrowsmith. Find out more at our upcoming webinar.
We are thrilled to invite you to an exciting day of exploration, learning, and community. Experience Arrowsmith School and discover what makes our school a special place for individuals to thrive.
Join us for this session where we delve into the remarkable world of neuroplasticity and its transformative impact on overcoming dysgraphia and dyslexia. Find out how neuroplasticity, the human brain’s extraordinary ability to rewire itself, can strengthen reading, writing, and comprehension capabilities.
Interested in better understanding the root cognitive cause of learning disabilities?
Curious about the history of special education, and how modern science can inform a different approach?
Want to better understand how a brain-based solution can measurably improve the impact of learning disabilities?
In this webinar we will explore:
Does your child struggle with reading and writing? Has your child been diagnosed with dyslexia and dysgraphia? Let’s explore the brain and what lies beneath these labels.
Join us for this session where we delve into the remarkable world of neuroplasticity and its transformative impact on overcoming dyscalculia and math difficulties. Prepare to explore the fascinating realm of neuroplasticity and its remarkable ability to reshape the brain's numerical pathways, establishing a solid foundation in math.
Does your child struggle with understanding the world around them? Do they find it hard to make friends? Do they have poor self-esteem? Let’s explore the brain and what lies beneath these feelings and emotions.
Is something getting in the way of your child's success in learning? Learning difficulties do not have to be lifelong. Your child can overcome their struggles through Arrowsmith. Find out more at our full description
Is something getting in the way of your child's success in learning? Learning difficulties do not have to be lifelong. Your child can overcome their struggles through Arrowsmith. Find out more at our upcoming webinar.
Join us as we unravel the fascinating ability of the human brain to adapt, rewire, and improve memory functions. Uncover how strengthened cognitive capacities through neuroplasticity can enhance your ability to recall and help you succeed in school, workplace, and in life.
Does your child struggle with planning and organizing? Do they find it hard to make decisions? Has your child been diagnosed with executive function difficulties? Let’s explore the brain and what lies beneath these labels.
In this webinar, we will examine the neuroscience behind diverse learners, including how and why students experience learning differently. We’ll explore how the brain processes information and how students’ unique cognitive profiles determine their school experiences.
Educators will also learn about the brain's adaptability, and how neuroeducational approaches can address diverse learning needs within an inclusive classroom. We’ll discuss research and share examples of schools providing cognitive programs as part of their equity and inclusion goals, and their dedication that all students succeed academically and socially.
Join us for a profound exploration of how neuroplasticity can reshape and enhance executive function. Discover the incredible adaptability of the human brain and how strengthening cognitive capacities through neuroplasticity can optimize your executive functions, leading to improved decision-making, strategic planning, and overall effectiveness.
We are thrilled to invite you to an exciting day of exploration, learning, and community. Experience Arrowsmith School and discover what makes our school a special place for individuals to thrive.
Learn about the Arrowsmith Program provided at IngoC Cognitive Enhancement Centre.
Get insight into the principles of neuroplasticity and the factors leading to brain change.
Learn how we can look after our brain throughout our lives.
Learn about the range of cognitive functions and begin to see behaviour through a cognitive lens.
Join us to unravel the profound ability of the human brain to adapt, rewire, and enhance key aspects of emotional intelligence, including self-awareness, empathy, and effective interpersonal relationships.
Join us as we explore the fascinating realm of neuroplasticity and its profound impact on ADHD, focus, and attention difficulties. Learn about the remarkable ability of the human brain to adapt and rewire itself, leading to enhanced focus, improved attention, and greater overall well-being.
Join us for a discussion on the neuroscience behind lifelong learning and human potential. Learn how the brain is responsible for both foundational academic skills as well those increasingly important competencies like problem-solving, collaboration, and perseverance.
This session will explore how cognitive programs can optimize the brain to promote a lifetime of academic and professional excellence, resilience, and personal growth across the lifetime. We’ll examine research and applications of programs that target the most important predictor of success and quality of life: the brain.
Join us for this session where we delve into the remarkable world of neuroplasticity and its transformative impact on overcoming dysgraphia and dyslexia. Find out how neuroplasticity, the human brain’s extraordinary ability to rewire itself, can strengthen reading, writing, and comprehension capabilities.
Whether you are a student, a professional, or an individual seeking personal growth, this event will provide invaluable knowledge to help you navigate the world with confidence. From conquering the complexities of language to finding success in school, the workplace, and in all aspects of life, this event promises to be a catalyst for your journey toward unleashing your full potential.
We are thrilled to invite you to an exciting day of exploration, learning, and community. Experience Arrowsmith School and discover what makes our school a special place for individuals to thrive.
Explore the challenges and opportunities AI presents for students' academic success and wellbeing. In this webinar, we will explore how a strong, resilient brain is essential for students. Presently – so they can thrive academically and social-emotionally, and soon – to navigate in a new world and workforce shaped by AI. Already, AI is reshaping the way students learn, engage, and interact with the world.
While AI offers opportunities, it also presents distractions, content overload, and misinformation. A brain capable of navigating this new landscape is essential. We will discuss programs that strengthen processes like cognitive flexibility, attention, and emotional regulation—all fundamental to learning and flourishing.
Join us for this session where we delve into the remarkable world of neuroplasticity and its transformative impact on overcoming dyscalculia and math difficulties. Prepare to explore the fascinating realm of neuroplasticity and its remarkable ability to reshape the brain's numerical pathways, establishing a solid foundation in math.
Join us as we unravel the fascinating ability of the human brain to adapt, rewire, and improve memory functions. Uncover how strengthened cognitive capacities through neuroplasticity can enhance your ability to recall and help you succeed in school, workplace, and in life.
In this webinar, we will examine the neuroscience behind diverse learners, including how and why students experience learning differently. We’ll explore how the brain processes information and how students’ unique cognitive profiles determine their school experiences.
Educators will also learn about the brain's adaptability, and how neuroeducational approaches can address diverse learning needs within an inclusive classroom. We’ll discuss research and share examples of schools providing cognitive programs as part of their equity and inclusion goals, and their dedication that all students succeed academically and socially.
We are thrilled to invite you to an exciting day of exploration, learning, and community. Experience Arrowsmith School and discover what makes our school a special place for individuals to thrive.
Join us for a profound exploration of how neuroplasticity can reshape and enhance executive function. Discover the incredible adaptability of the human brain and how strengthening cognitive capacities through neuroplasticity can optimize your executive functions, leading to improved decision-making, strategic planning, and overall effectiveness.
Join us to unravel the profound ability of the human brain to adapt, rewire, and enhance key aspects of emotional intelligence, including self-awareness, empathy, and effective interpersonal relationships.
Learning difficulties and disabilities do not have to be life-long. By strengthening the child’s capacity to learn with cognitive exercises tailored to their unique learning profile, students of all ages can transform their ability to learn.
Most parents agree that the last few years have disrupted and had a negative impact on their child’s learning, confidence, and emotional well-being. This has impacted this generation’s opportunities to thrive in school and life. The road to recovery is not out of reach. Strengthen your child’s brain with evidence-based Arrowsmith cognitive exercises and bridge the learning gap today.
Our brains are at the heart of our every move, thought, and interaction. Its intricate design shapes how we participate in the world, see ourselves, and understand others. This first of a 5-part series examines both our brain’s complexity and its uniqueness. We will explore the concept of ‘cognitive function’ and describe how specific intellectual processes work together to achieve the simplest to complex tasks. Our own cognitive profiles are as distinct as fingerprints. Gaining insight through a cognitive lens, therefore, allows us to better understand ourselves and others.
Building a stronger brain means achieving your best through cognitive enhancement. By engaging in targeted cognitive exercises, we can increase our cognitive capacity and lead a better life. This second part of the 5-part series analyzes the brain's role at school, in the workplace, at home, and throughout our lives. We will discuss the benefits of cognitive programming for all.
The first 10 years of school life are pivotal. What and how a child learns during this period determines the life they will create for themselves, and how they will contribute to the world. It is encouraging that many educators, professionals, and policymakers are recognizing that school curricula must evolve to meet the needs of today’s students. In fact, we would argue that a revolution is due. Part 3 of the Webinar Series will consider how the skills identified essential for our modern world, such as critical thinking, flexibility, emotional intelligence, are directly connected to specific cognitive functions. We will examine how a cognitive program can enhance underlying brain processes responsible for acquiring these 21st-century skills, fundamentally preparing students to be the leaders and shapers of tomorrow.
As we learn, our brains continually change. From toddlerhood to early childhood, all of life’s natural learning experiences—from lullabies to balancing blocks – are shaping the function and structure of circuits in the brain. When children go off to school, they need to adapt these circuits of their brains in new and profound ways as they learn how to translate letters into words, words into ideas, and numbers into mathematical concepts. This presentation examines this very exchange – how do our brains learn? What is happening as we read, write, or solve a math problem? How might this perspective shape our understanding of our own experiences, and that of our children and students? Is there really such thing as a “math person”? Join us to consider the brain’s role in learning, the science behind acquiring fundamental academic skills, and the potential to change the trajectory of traditional learning processes through a neuroplastic approach.
So far we’ve examined the role of the brain from different perspectives and different scenarios. This webinar takes us back to a core principle – how does it operate? What does its instructional manual look like? Unique from traditional educational assessments, a cognitive assessment goes beneath skills and performance and examines the functioning of the core cognitive functions that shape our lives. This assessment can be a user’s guide to understanding ourselves and others. Join us to learn more about how cognitive assessments can become an essential tool for understanding and improving our lives.
Learn how improving critical cognitive functionss can significantly change your brain’s ability to learn and process information. Join renowned brain change expert, Barbara Arrowsmith-Young, for a virtual event.
Barbara Arrowsmith-Young discusses her journey of discovery and innovation that lead to the creation of the Arrowsmith Program and the research outcomes of a neuroplastic approach to addressing learning disabilities.
An inspiring and uplifting story of a woman who overcame severe learning difficulties using cognitive exercises to improve brain function, as featured in Norman Doidge's book, The Brain That Changes Itself. She has gone on to help others through her learning programs based on practical applications of neuroplasticity. Barbara Arrowsmith-Young, Canada, best-selling author of The Woman Who Changed Her Brain; Director, Arrowsmith School and Arrowsmith Programs.
Brain Power Conference “Join the Revolution in Childhood Development” sponsored by The Brain Power Initiative The Royal Conservatory TELUS CENTRE FOR PERFORMANCE AND LEARNING Toronto, Ontario Conference website (speakers’ list and ticket information): Arrowsmith Program will be hosting a booth in the exhibition space Video introduction “The Woman Who Changed Her Brain” by Barbara Arrowsmith-Young preceding the panel, From the Family Room to the Classroom to the World”
The Canadian Arrowsmith Program is founded on the philosophy that it is possible to treat learning disabilities by identifying and strengthening cognitive capacities. Based on the personal experience of its developer, Barbara Arrowsmith-Young, the program uses a series of exercises designed to strengthen weak cognitive capacities and improve associated learning dysfunctions. In this presentation designed for parents and teachers of children with learning disabilities, Arrowsmith Young, whose autobiography The Woman Who Changed Her Brain was published this year, will outline the principles and practices of her program.
Barbara Arrowsmith-Young turned her life-defining learning disabilities into an unlikely asset. Unable to process language or decode symbols, she compensated with her fierce determination to learn, fuelled by a formidable memory. In graduate school, she chanced on research that held the key to reprogramming her own brain. This was in the 1970s and 80s, before neuroplasticity became a widely accepted fact. Her pioneering Arrowsmith Program has since helped countless children and adults with learning disabilities to unlock their potential. ‘In most traditional special education programs, the premise is that the learner’s fixed. The learner is the learner, with their strengths and weaknesses,’ says Barbara. ‘The premise of our work is, we’re going to take this learner, and we’re going to change the capacity of the learner.’ Norman Doidge shared Barbara’s story in his bestseller The Brain That Changes Itself; she speaks for herself in her new book, The Woman Who Changed Her Brain.
The pioneer of neuroplasticity was born with severe learning disabilities. Undaunted, Barbara Arrowsmith-Young used her strengths to develop brain exercises to overcome her neurological deficits. She has gone on to change countless lives and inspire Miraculous Transformations from the Frontier of Brain Science.
Barbara Arrowsmith-Young, the Creator and Director of Arrowsmith School and Arrowsmith Program, and the author of the international best-selling book The Woman Who Changed Her Brain (, speaks at TedX Toronto about her pioneering work in the field of neuroplasticity. The Arrowsmith Program is based on the application of Barbara’s neuroscientific research, and for 40 years it has worked to help students strengthen the weak cognitive capacities underlying a range of learning difficulties.
Barbara is thrilled to be in Guelph to accept the 2012 Alumna of Honour Award from her Alma Mater, the University of Guelph, on Wednesday, March 27. On Thursday, March 28, Barbara will give a public presentation on how the Arrowsmith Program uses neuroplasticity to address learning disabilities, hosted by Guelph Christian School.
Barbara Arrowsmith-Young, author of “The Woman Who Changed Her Brain” will present on her work on Shaping the Brain at the Fourth Annual Queensland Epilepsy Symposium Thinking Outside The Box: Epilepsy
The Arrowsmith Program is not tutoring. It is a program within a school that addresses the underlying cognitive challenges that prevent our kids from learning. Within 2-4 years, the majority of kids with mild to severe learning and attention challenges join their classmates at grade level without compensations or aides. Pretty great stuff! Through neuroplasticity (changing the brain), the Arrowsmith program actually increases the learning capacities of students with learning and attention challlenges. So instead of compensating, the program actually changes the brain so a child can learn. There are over 30 years of proven life-changing results! The Arrowsmith Program could be the answer for your child or student.
Arrowsmith-Young’s lecture covers the personal and the universal. The personal is Arrowsmith-Young’s journey of discovery driven by her hunt for a solution to her own debilitating learning disorders leading to the integration of two lines of neuroscience research. The universal is that we all have a brain and by furthering our knowledge of how our brain shapes us through mediating our understanding of the world we can gain insight into our functioning and that of others. And most promising, that through our growing understanding of neuroplasticity, we now have the knowledge to develop treatments to shape our brains. It is a journey of understanding and transformation. Copies of Barbara’s book will be available for purchase and autographing.
In her presentation entitled “The Arrowsmith Program: Addressing Learning Disabilities—A Cognitive Approach,” Barbara Arrowsmith-Young will talk about her journey of discovery, the lines of research she combined, and the outcomes achieved over her 35 years as an educator and researcher. She will describe a number of learning disorders, from those that impact the learner in school to those that affect us in life. The focus will be on learning disorders that impact academic performance such as reading and writing, and some of the outcome studies demonstrating cognitive and academic performance change in these areas as a result of students engaging in the Arrowsmith Program's cognitive exercises. There will be a book signing after the event. Attendees may bring their own, or purchase a copy of The Woman Who Changed Her Brain at the door for $10.
Debbie Gilmore will talk about the Arrowsmith Program, the lines of research that were combined to develop the program and the outcomes achieved for individuals with learning difficulties over 35 years. Built on the principle of neuroplasticity, the Arrowsmith Program identifies, intervenes and strengthens the weak cognitive capacities that affect learning. A number of cognitive functions and dysfunctions will be described and how these impact on the learner in school to those that affect individuals in life. The focus will be on learning disorders that impact academic performance such as reading and writing and some of the studies demonstrating cognitive and academic performance change in these areas as a result of students engaging in the Arrowsmith Program's cognitive exercises.
St Andrew's College hosts An Evening with Barbara Arrowsmith-Young Barbara Arrowsmith-Young, author of the International Bestseller The Woman Who Changed Her Brain, and founder of the Arrowsmith Program, tells the compelling story of how she tapped into neuroscience research and used neuroplasticity to transform her brain and life, then went on to found the Arrowsmith Program. A cognitive program that addresses learning disabilities through neuroplasticity, the Arrowsmith Program is currently in 50 schools worldwide, including six in Australia and three in New Zealand.
Samuel Marsden Collegiate School hosts An Evening with Barbara Arrowsmith-Young. Barbara Arrowsmith-Young, author of the International Bestseller The Woman Who Changed Her Brain, and founder of the Arrowsmith Program, tells the compelling story of how she tapped into neuroscience research and used neuroplasticity to transform her brain and life, then went on to found the Arrowsmith Program. A cognitive program that addresses learning disabilities through neuroplasticity, the Arrowsmith Program is currently in schools worldwide, including Australia and New Zealand.
The Catholic Education Office presents The Link between Mental Health and Learning Difficulties. In this riveting lecture, special guest Barbara Arrowsmith-Young (author of international bestseller The Woman Who Changed Her Brain) will focus on the research findings linking mental health outcomes related to learning disabilities supported by the 'voices' of individual students, aged 11 to 63, describing their experiences. Barbara will also describe her own personal struggle with learning disabilities and its impact on her mental health in context with the research findings in this area. As the founder and Director of the Arrowsmith Program, Barbara continues to develop programs for students with learning disabilties and her program of cognitive exercises is implemented in schools in Canada, the U.S, Australia and New Zealand. She holds a B.A.Sc in Child Studies from the University of Guelph and a Master's degree in School Psychology from the University of Toronto. The lecture will also feature Debbie Gilmore (Arrowsmith Australian representative) and Dr Kate O'Brien (Assistant Director: Teaching & Learning, CEO Sydney) who will be exploring the Arrowsmith program, the cognitive functions the program can address and changes in learning characteristics. "Barbara Arrowsmith-Young is a pioneer, a bold and ingenious woman, deeply empathic and utterly determined. Rarely is hte person who makes a discovery the one with the defect. Barbara is the exception" - Normal Doidge, M.D., author of The Brain That Changes Itself Prepare to be engaged and inspired! Learn how the brain has an incredible ability to change and overcome learning problems. Deepen your understanding of the workings the brain and its profound impact on how we participate in the world. Please note that this is Barbara's only Sydney lecture for 2014.
Come out and learn about the revolutionary Arrowsmith Program. Learn how focused cognitive exercises can repair the areas of the brain that are hindered by a learning disability. The mission, and future, of Neuroplasticity in education will also be discussed. Dr. Andrea Sywulak is a child and family psychologist. She treats children from pre-school age through adolescence. Dr. Sywulak assesses children for ADD/ADHD and learning problems. She has spent over 20 years in practice, and is a supporter of Arrowsmith and ATG. ATG's Arrowsmith teachers, Rachel Oakley and Kate West will also be present at the event to speak to you about the classes, answer questions, and share student success stories.
In this presentation, Barbara Arrowsmith-Young will talk about her journey of discovery, the lines of research she combined and the outcomes achieved over her 35+ years as an educator and researcher. She will describe a number of learning disorders, from those that impact the learner in school to those that affect us in life. The focus will be on learning disorders that impact academic performance such as reading and writing and some of the outcome studies demonstrating cognitive and academic performance change in these areas as a result of students engaging in the Arrowsmith Program’s cognitive exercises.
In this presentation, Barbara Arrowsmith-Young will talk about her journey of discovery, the lines of research she combined and the outcomes achieved over her 35+ years as an educator and researcher. She will describe a number of learning disorders, from those that impact the learner in school to those that affect us in life. The focus will be on learning disorders that impact academic performance such as reading and writing and some of the outcome studies demonstrating cognitive and academic performance change in these areas as a result of students engaging in the Arrowsmith Program’s cognitive exercises.
Can Changing Your Brain Change Your Life? Implications of Neuroplasticity for Success – A Personal and Universal Journey Barbara Arrowsmith-Young will discuss the social, educational, mental health and economic costs for students with specific learning disabilities and the implications of using a cognitive program that drives neuroplastic change to address these difficulties. Barbara will talk about her journey of discovery, the lines of research she combined to create a cognitive program to address her specific learning problems along with the outcomes achieved over her 35 years as an educator and researcher. Barbara will describe how different cognitive functions impact learning and academic skill acquisition and discuss the outcomes/cognitive transformation related to a capacity based treatment approach to addressing specific learning disabilities.
Can Changing Your Brain Change Your Life? Implications of Neuroplasticity for Success – A Personal and Universal Journey Barbara Arrowsmith-Young will discuss the social, educational, mental health and economic costs for students with specific learning disabilities and the implications of using a cognitive program that drives neuroplastic change to address these difficulties. Barbara will talk about her journey of discovery, the lines of research she combined to create a cognitive program to address her specific learning problems along with the outcomes achieved over her 35 years as an educator and researcher. Barbara will describe how different cognitive functions impact learning and academic skill acquisition and discuss the outcomes/cognitive transformation related to a capacity based treatment approach to addressing specific learning disabilities.
Delight in the books & writers you love, & discover new ones at the Brisbane Writers Festival. Open your mind to a wide range of ideas & new ways of thinking with QLD’s most exciting annual celebration of stories & ideas. Brisbane Writers Festival, will engage your mind, body & soul with hundreds of events, featuring outstanding artists from around the world. Are you ready to open you mind? Festival highlights include Inspire, remarkable & thought-provoking presentations to make you think, feel and act.
Barbara Arrowsmith-Young, author of the International Bestseller The Woman Who Changed Her Brain, and founder of the Arrowsmith Program, will be coming to England in October 2014 and she will be presenting her story at UCL in London. The Woman Who Changed Her Brain tells the compelling story of how Barbara tapped into neuroscience research and used neuroplasticity to transform her brain and life, then went on to found the Arrowsmith Program (a cognitive program for students with learning disabilities). The Woman Who Changed Her Brain was the bestselling book at the Sydney Writer’s Festival and a Best Seller in Canada and Australia.
Barbara Arrowsmith Young speaking at the Neuroplasticity and Education: Strengthening the Connection conference presented by the Eaton Educational Group at the Westin Bayshore Hotel on October 25, 2013.
The conference planning team at the Learning Assistance Teachers Association (LATA) is excited to offer an outstanding professional development opportunity at the annual LATA conference, Neuroscience Meets Education: Success for Struggling Students. This year's keynote speaker approaches learning struggles from an optimistic point of view that, while it stems from her personal experience with learning difficulties, is supported by current brain development research. Workshop facilitators cover a range of intervention strategies that will equip BC educators working in a multi-faceted RTI environment to ensure that all students maximize their learning potential.
Born with severe learning disabilities that caused teachers to label her slow, stubborn, or worse, Barbara Arrowsmith-Young read and wrote everything backwards, struggled to process concepts in language, continually got lost, and could make no sense of an analog clock. But through her formidable memory and determination, she made her way to graduate school, where she chanced upon research that inspired her to invent cognitive exercises to "fix" her brain. Now the Director of Arrowsmith School, the author interweaves her personal tale with riveting case histories from her more than 30 years of working with both children and adults to restructure their own brains. The Woman Who Changed Her Brain powerfully and poignantly illustrates how the lives of children and adults struggling with learning disorders can be dramatically transformed. This remarkable book by a brilliant pathbreaker deepens our understanding of how the brain works and of the brain’s profound impact on how we participate in the world. Our brains shape us, but this book offers clear and hopeful evidence of the corollary: we can shape our brains.
Join us for an inspiring and informative discussion regarding Barbara Arrowsmith-Young’s journey of discovery, the lines of research she combined and the outcomes achieved over her 35 years as an educator and researcher in the field of Learning Disabilities. Barbara Arrowsmith-Young is the creator and director of Arrowsmith School and the Arrowsmith Program, and the author of the international best-selling book “The Woman Who Changed Her Brain”. Introduction by Howard Eaton, Ed.M. - Founder/Director Eaton Arrowsmith School and Author of Brain School.
Barbara Arrowsmith-Young returns to Holy Trinity Parish to share further her amazing story and the continued success of the Arrowsmith Program. The Holy Trinity Arrowsmith Program will share their journey to date with reflections from parents, students and teachers on the implementation of the Pilot and will announce the ongoing program.
The esteemed Barbara Arrowsmith, founder of the internationally acclaimed Arrowsmith Program and author of 'The Woman Who Changed Her Brain', is visiting Oakleigh Grammar in March 2017 to talk about her book and the program itself. This is an incredible opportunity to hear about how the Arrowsmith Program was formed, and its benefits to all who undertake it. It is also an amazing opportunity to meet Barbara, ask her questions. The evening will consist of an official opening of the Oakleigh Grammar Centre for the Arrowsmith Program by Barbara, followed by a talk and a Q&A session and book signing.
Barbara Arrowsmith-Young discusses her journey of discovery and innovation that lead to the creation of the Arrowsmith Program, and the research outcomes of a neuroplastic approach to addressing learning disabilities.
As lifelong learners we are all looking for an edge. You may be a student looking to achieve better grades or an employee looking to move up the corporate ladder. You may even be retired and looking for a means to improve and strengthen your cognitive capacities to ensure you are protecting/enhancing your most important asset, your brain. We welcome you to join us on Monday, April 10th at 6:45 pm as Arrowsmith School Peterborough will be hosting a conference on Enriching Minds, Changing held at the Peterborough Golf and Country Club (1030 Armour Road, Peterborough, Ontario). Our Executive Director, Debbie Gilmore will be presenting on our new Enrichment Program that will be available at the Peterborough School for learners of all ages. This program is designed to enhance your higher order reasoning and processing to understand and quickly grasp what is read and heard, insight, logical reasoning, seeing connections between ideas, cause and effect processing and mathematical reasoning. We encourage all who are interested in learning about our new program or would like to educate themselves further on the Arrowsmith Program and its positive neuroplastic effect to change the current capabilities/capacities of your brain.
Barbara Arrowsmith-Young discusses her journey of discovery and innovation that lead to the creation of the Arrowsmith Program, and the research outcomes of a neuroplastic approach to addressing learning disabilities.
Barbara Arrowsmith-Young discusses her journey of discovery and innovation that lead to the creation of the Arrowsmith Program, and the research outcomes of a neuroplastic approach to addressing learning disabilities.
Arrowsmith School hosts an evening with Sonia Nicolucci. Sonia will be joining us to help shine a light on Understanding Your Child’s Behaviour; How to Support Socialization, Independence, and Communication; and Preparing for Future Changes and Challenges.
Join Executive Director (and Arrowsmith Parent) Debbie Gilmore as she shares with you the latest updates on the ongoing Arrowsmith Program Research Projects. Debbie will also be outlining some of the new directions Arrowsmith School and Arrowsmith Program will be taking in order to make this powerful work more accessible.
The year 2017 marks the 115th anniversary of Alexander Luria's (1902-1977) birth, and the 40th anniversary of his death. To commemorate the life and scientific achievements of this world-renowned psychologist, the Yeltsyn Ural Federal University and the Moscow Lomonosov State University are collaborating with the Russian Psychological Association (RPA), the American Psychological Association (APA), the Tomsk State University, the Kemerovo Federal University, the International Society of Applied neuropsychology (ISAN), the International Society of Cultural-historical Activity Research (ISCAR), the Institute of Vygotsky in Portugal, the Center for Integrating Neuropsychology and Psychology (CINAPSI) in San Paulo, the Moscow Research Center of Developmental Neuropsy?hology, and the Irkutsk Research Center of Family Health and Human Reproduction. The congress will include plenary and thematic sessions (oral and poster presentations), round table discussions and evening lectures of the leading specialists in psychology and neuroscience from Russia and other countries.
In this presentation, Barbara Arrowsmith-Young talks about her journey of discovery, the lines of research she combined and the outcomes achieved over her 40 years as an educator and researcher. She will describe a number of learning disorders, from those that impact the learner in school to those that affect us in life. She will discuss ‘cognitive glitches’ – those areas of weakness that we are all familiar with and often explain away by saying, “I am just not good at navigating, recognizing faces, (fill in the blank).” She will discuss ‘cognitive mismatches’ – situations we find ourselves in where the demand of the task is incompatible with our cognitive functioning and the challenges this presents. Principles of neuroplasticity and the factors leading to both positive and negative brain change will be discussed as well as current research on outcomes of the methodology she developed.
Join the Eaton Arrowsmith community as we welcome Barbara Arrowsmith-Young, founder of the Arrowsmith Program, to Vancouver! She will be available for a question and answer session on Thursday July 12th from 3:30pm-4:30pm. The session will be held at the Univerity of British Columbia in the Pharmaceutical Sciences Building, located at 2405 Wesbrook Mall, Vancouver, BC V6T 1Z3.
Interested in brain health? If that is the case come to this session in Burnaby as we will have leaders in health care and health improvement speaking! We will have a panel of specialists present their approach to cognitive recovery. Our guest presenters will include: Heather Branscombe: Clinical Director of Abilities Neurological Rehabilitation. Heather has built a very successful career in rehabilitative medicine and is a leader in the greater rehabilitative health community as a physical therapist. Heather will serve as the master of ceremonies for the evening. Barbara Arrowsmith-Young: Barbara is a world-renowned leader in neuroplasticity and cognitive remediation. Dr. Gerry Ramogida: Will discuss how aerobic training impact cognition. Paul Peel, Registered Psychologist: A registered psychologist with a wide-ranging background in counselling and cognitive behavioural therapy. Paul will be presenting on meditation and brain health. Mark Watson: Will discuss why a integrated multi-modal approach is important to consider when seeking to improve outcomes to complex problems.
The Illawarra Grammar School offers the Arrowsmith Program, a program to help students with learning difficulties achieve their potential. Executive Director of the Arrowsmith Program, Debbie Gilmore will be visiting TIGS to share her personal experience and current research into neuroplasticity.
Arrowsmith School Toronto hosted an evening of learning about nutrition and brain health with Lubna Nazarani. The presentation helps us understand how foods can affect the brain. Lubna discusses ingredients that compromise learning and memory, explores optimal foods for brain function, covers what to look for on food labels, and discusses strategies to improve brain health. Participants are given simple tools to help them optimize their family's brain health. About Lubna Nazarani, MS, NNCP Lubna Nazarani has a Masters in Nutrition and Integrative Health from the Maryland University of Integrative Health. MUIH is one of the leading academic institutions in the United States for Integrative Health, uniting healing and wellness traditions with modern science-based research. She is a registered Natural Nutrition Clinical Practitioner, registered with the Canadian Association of Natural Nutritional Practitioners.
In this presentation, Barbara Arrowsmith-Young talks about her journey of discovery, the lines of research she combined and the outcomes achieved over her 35+ years as an educator and researcher. She describes a number of learning disorders, from those that impact the learner in school to those that affect us in life. She discusses 'cognitive glitches' - those areas of weakness that we are all familiar with and often explain away by saying, "I am just not good at navigating, recognizing faces, (fill in the blank)." She will discuss 'cognitive mismatches' - situations we find ourselves in where the demand of the task is incompatible with our cognitive functioning and the challenges this presents. Principles of neuroplasticity and the factors leading to both positive and negative brain change will be discussed.
In this presentation, Matthew will discuss how being connected to devices can have a negative impact on mental wellness. Based on recommendations from the Canadian Pediatric Society’s Digital Health Task Force, this presentation will cover how to get a good start by managing young children’s screen use, how to help older kids get the positive benefits of networked devices while avoiding their drawbacks, and how to teach teenagers to manage the digital stress that comes with their connected lives.
In this presentation, Debbie Gilmore, Arrowsmith's Executive Director, explores the neuroplastic paradigm, the concept of cognitive enhancement, and how targeted cognitive exercises can be used in the classroom to enhance the learning of all students. By enhancing the learner’s capacity to learn, the rate of learning can be accelerated across academic disciplines.
In this presentation, Debbie Gilmore, Arrowsmith's Executive Director, describes a number of learning difficulties, from those that impact the learner in school as well as in daily life. The focus will be on learning difficulties that impact academic performance, such as reading and writing, and some of the research studies demonstrating brain-related change and enhanced cognitive and academic performance as a result of engaging in a cognitive approach to addressing learning difficulties.
In this presentation, Debbie Gilmore, Arrosmith's Executive Director, describes a number of learning difficulties, from those that impact the learner in school as well as in daily life. The focus will be on learning difficulties that impact academic performance, such as reading and writing, and some of the research studies demonstrating brain-related change and enhanced cognitive and academic performance as a result of engaging in a cognitive approach to addressing learning difficulties.
In this presentation, Debbie Gilmore, Arrowsmith's Executive Director, explores the neuroplastic paradigm, the concept of cognitive enhancement, and how targeted cognitive exercises can be used in the classroom to enhance the learning of all students. By enhancing the learner’s capacity to learn, the rate of learning can be accelerated across academic disciplines.
This event involves presentations by three researchers currently investigating outcomes of the Arrowsmith Program. Dr. Greg Rose from Southern Illinois University, and Drs. Lara Boyd and Rachel Weber, both from University of British Columbia.
The 2019 SharpBrains Virtual Summit featured over forty of the world’s top experts and innovators working to improve brain health for all. Dr. Greg Rose, Director of the Center for Integrated Research in Cognitive and Neural Sciences at Southern Illinois University presented on How to promote brain health at scale: Examples in the workplace, K12 education and consumer tech
In this presentation, Barbara Arrowsmith-Young will talk about her journey of discovery, the lines of research she combined, and the outcomes achieved over her 40 years as an educator and researcher. She will describe a number of learning disorders, from those that impact the learner in school to those that affect us in life. She will discuss ‘cognitive glitches’ – those areas of weakness that we are all familiar with and often explain away by saying, “I am just not good at navigating, recognizing faces, (fill in the blank).” She will discuss ‘cognitive mismatches’ – situations we find ourselves in where the demand of the task is incompatible with our cognitive functioning and the challenges this presents. Principles of neuroplasticity and the factors leading to both positive and negative brain change will be discussed.
Dr. Greg Rose presents: The Benefits of Arrowsmith Training on Brain Connectivity and Neuropsychological Measures. Dr Greg Rose from Southern Illinois University presents his latest research findings on outcomes of the Arrowsmith Program. Dr Rose is currently undertaking three research studies on the Arrowsmith Program. He is also involved in an international systematic research effort to understand how the Arrowsmith Program changes brain functioning and how this translates into improved cognition.
In this presentation Barbara Arrowsmith-Young talks about how harnessing the principles of neuroplasticity leads to changes in the brain and how each individual can create a new reality for their future. She also discussed the latest research on the Arrowsmith Program which shows changes in the brain as well as academic, emotional, social and cognitive changes.
Does your child have a learning disability? The Arrowsmith Program can help! Come listen to our expert panel: Debbie Gilmore (Executive Director, Arrowsmith Program), Halton Hills Christian School Educations, Alumni, and current Arrowsmith students and parents for information on how this program can help to overcome your child’s learning difficulty
Come to Trent University's annual Ethics Lecture where Debbie Gilmore will raise the awareness of the impact of learning disabilities on education and society. Debbie Gilmore is the Executive Director of Arrowsmith Program in Canada. Her work is concerned with the fact that students with learning difficulties need more support in schools. Her work as a teacher, literacy adviser, assistant principal, and principal helped her understand the need to ‘unlock’ the potential of these students. She holds a Masters of Education and various Graduate Certificates in Education in a range of areas of diverse learning. She is this year’s speaker for the annual Kenneth Mark Drain Chair in Ethics lecture, which yearly celebrates a perspective on values or ethics in a way that engages with real-world situations.
Please join our Eaton Arrowsmith and Eaton Arrowsmith Adults community for a presentation by Barbara Arrowsmith-Young, Founder of the Arrowsmith Program. Barbara's presentation will be followed by a panel discussion with Barbara, Howard Eaton, Founder/Director of Eaton Arrowsmith and co-Founder of The Watson Centre Society for Brain Health and ABI Wellness and Mark Watson, co-Founder of The Watson Centre Society for Brain Health and ABI Wellness . Both Watson Centre and ABI Wellness use the Arrowsmith Program as an integral part of their platform to assist adults as they reclaim their lives after brain injury.
In this presentation Barbara Arrowsmith-Young talks about how harnessing the principles of neuroplasticity leads to changes in the brain and how each individual can create a new reality for their future. She discusses the latest research on the Arrowsmith Program which shows changes in the brain as well as cognitive, academic, and social-emotional well-being changes. She describes how a learning difficulty impacts the learner in school as well as in life and that the research shows that this reality is not lifelong and can be changed. The audience will gain insight into and begin to look at behaviour through a cognitive lens. They will build an understanding that through harnessing the principles of neuroplasticity we can change the brain and overcome learning challenges.
In this presentation Barbara Arrowsmith-Young will talk about her journey of discovery, the lines of research she combined to develop her innovative Program and the outcomes achieved over her 40 years as an educator and researcher. She will describe a range of learning disorders, from those that impact the learner in school to those that affect us in life. ‘Cognitive glitches’ – those areas of weakness that we are all familiar with and often explain away by saying, “I am just not good at navigating, recognizing faces, (fill in the blank) – will be discussed. Barbara will also explore ‘cognitive mismatches’ – situations we find ourselves in where the demand of the task is incompatible with our cognitive functioning and the difficulties this presents. The audience will gain insight into the principles of neuroplasticity and begin to look at behavior through a cognitive lens. They will build an understanding that through harnessing the principles of neuroplasticity we can shape our brain and overcome challenges.
The focus of this session is on describing various learning disabilities, from those that impact academic performance to those that affect us in life. Outcome studies demonstrating cognitive and academic performance change in these areas as a result of students engaging in the Arrowsmith Program’s cognitive exercises will be presented. Learner Outcomes - Participants will be able to: 1. Describe how learning and behavior can be viewed through a cognitive lens to gain better insight into a student’s cognitive profile, leading to better student support in the classroom. 2.Understand the brain’s ability to change leading to strengthened cognitive functions through targeted cognitive exercises using the application of neuroplasticity.
In this presentation Barbara Arrowsmith-Young talks about how harnessing the principles of neuroplasticity leads to changes in the brain and how each individual can create a new reality for their future. She discusses the latest research on the Arrowsmith Program which shows changes in the brain as well as academic, emotional, social and cognitive changes. She describes how a learning difficulty impacts the learner in school as well as in life and that the research shows that this reality is not lifelong and can be changed. The audience will gain insight into and begin to look at behaviour through a cognitive lens. They will build an understanding that through harnessing the principles of neuroplasticity we can change the brain and overcome learning challenges.
In this presentation Barbara Arrowsmith-Young talks about how harnessing the principles of neuroplasticity leads to changes in the brain and how each individual can create a new reality for their future. She discussed the latest research on the Arrowsmith Program which shows changes in the brain as well as academic, emotional, social and cognitive changes. She describes how a learning difficulty impacts the learner in school as well as in life and that the research shows that this reality is not lifelong and can be changed. The audience will gain insight into and begin to look at behaviour through a cognitive lens. They will build an understanding that through harnessing the principles of neuroplasticity we can change the brain and overcome learning challenges.
In this presentation Barbara Arrowsmith-Young talks about how harnessing the principles of neuroplasticity leads to changes in the brain and how each individual can create a new reality for their future. She discussed the latest research on the Arrowsmith Program which shows changes in the brain as well as academic, emotional, social and cognitive changes. She describes how a learning difficulty impacts the learner in school as well as in life and that the research shows that this reality is not lifelong and can be changed. The audience will gain insight into and begin to look at behaviour through a cognitive lens. They will build an understanding that through harnessing the principles of neuroplasticity we can change the brain and overcome learning challenges.
In this presentation Barbara Arrowsmith-Young talks about how harnessing the principles of neuroplasticity leads to changes in the brain and how each individual can create a new reality for their future. She discussed the latest research on the Arrowsmith Program which shows changes in the brain as well as academic, emotional, social and cognitive changes. She describes how a learning difficulty impacts the learner in school as well as in life and that the research shows that this reality is not lifelong and can be changed. The audience will gain insight into and begin to look at behaviour through a cognitive lens. They will build an understanding that through harnessing the principles of neuroplasticity we can change the brain and overcome learning challenges.
In this presentation Barbara Arrowsmith-Young talks about how harnessing the principles of neuroplasticity leads to changes in the brain and how each individual can create a new reality for their future. She discussed the latest research on the Arrowsmith Program which shows changes in the brain as well as academic, emotional, social and cognitive changes. She describes how a learning difficulty impacts the learner in school as well as in life and that the research shows that this reality is not lifelong and can be changed. The audience will gain insight into and begin to look at behaviour through a cognitive lens. They will build an understanding that through harnessing the principles of neuroplasticity we can change the brain and overcome learning challenges.
In this presentation Barbara Arrowsmith-Young talks about how harnessing the principles of neuroplasticity leads to changes in the brain and how each individual can create a new reality for their future. She discussed the latest research on the Arrowsmith Program which shows changes in the brain as well as academic, emotional, social and cognitive changes. She describes how a learning difficulty impacts the learner in school as well as in life and that the research shows that this reality is not lifelong and can be changed. The audience will gain insight into and begin to look at behaviour through a cognitive lens. They will build an understanding that through harnessing the principles of neuroplasticity we can change the brain and overcome learning challenges.
In this presentation Barbara Arrowsmith-Young talks about how harnessing the principles of neuroplasticity leads to changes in the brain and how each individual can create a new reality for their future. She discussed the latest research on the Arrowsmith Program which shows changes in the brain as well as academic, emotional, social and cognitive changes. She describes how a learning difficulty impacts the learner in school as well as in life and that the research shows that this reality is not lifelong and can be changed. The audience will gain insight into and begin to look at behaviour through a cognitive lens. They will build an understanding that through harnessing the principles of neuroplasticity we can change the brain and overcome learning challenges.
In this presentation Barbara Arrowsmith-Young talks about how harnessing the principles of neuroplasticity leads to changes in the brain and how each individual can create a new reality for their future. She discussed the latest research on the Arrowsmith Program which shows changes in the brain as well as academic, emotional, social and cognitive changes. She describes how a learning difficulty impacts the learner in school as well as in life and that the research shows that this reality is not lifelong and can be changed. The audience will gain insight into and begin to look at behaviour through a cognitive lens. They will build an understanding that through harnessing the principles of neuroplasticity we can change the brain and overcome learning challenges.
In this presentation Barbara Arrowsmith-Young talks about how harnessing the principles of neuroplasticity leads to changes in the brain and how each individual can create a new reality for their future. She discussed the latest research on the Arrowsmith Program which shows changes in the brain as well as academic, emotional, social and cognitive changes. She describes how a learning difficulty impacts the learner in school as well as in life and that the research shows that this reality is not lifelong and can be changed. The audience will gain insight into and begin to look at behaviour through a cognitive lens. They will build an understanding that through harnessing the principles of neuroplasticity we can change the brain and overcome learning challenges.
Watch Barbara present her latest research into the science of learning to a sold-out audience in Auckland New Zealand. This presentation provides insight through a cognitive lens into the range of cognitive ‘glitches’ leading to a learning challenge. It details Barbara’s journey of discovery, the lines of research she combined and the factors leading to brain change using the principles of neuroplasticity.
In this presentation Barbara Arrowsmith-Young talks about how harnessing the principles of neuroplasticity leads to changes in the brain and how each individual can create a new reality for their future. She discussed the latest research on the Arrowsmith Program which shows changes in the brain as well as academic, emotional, social and cognitive changes. She describes how a learning difficulty impacts the learner in school as well as in life and that the research shows that this reality is not lifelong and can be changed. The audience will gain insight into and begin to look at behaviour through a cognitive lens. They will build an understanding that through harnessing the principles of neuroplasticity we can change the brain and overcome learning challenges.
In this presentation Barbara Arrowsmith-Young talks about how harnessing the principles of neuroplasticity leads to changes in the brain and how each individual can create a new reality for their future. She discussed the latest research on the Arrowsmith Program which shows changes in the brain as well as academic, emotional, social and cognitive changes. She describes how a learning difficulty impacts the learner in school as well as in life and that the research shows that this reality is not lifelong and can be changed. The audience will gain insight into and begin to look at behaviour through a cognitive lens. They will build an understanding that through harnessing the principles of neuroplasticity we can change the brain and overcome learning challenges.
In this presentation Barbara Arrowsmith-Young talks about how harnessing the principles of neuroplasticity leads to changes in the brain and how each individual can create a new reality for their future. She discussed the latest research on the Arrowsmith Program which shows changes in the brain as well as academic, emotional, social and cognitive changes. She describes how a learning difficulty impacts the learner in school as well as in life and that the research shows that this reality is not lifelong and can be changed. The audience will gain insight into and begin to look at behaviour through a cognitive lens. They will build an understanding that through harnessing the principles of neuroplasticity we can change the brain and overcome learning challenges.
In this presentation Barbara Arrowsmith-Young talks about how harnessing the principles of neuroplasticity leads to changes in the brain and how each individual can create a new reality for their future. She discussed the latest research on the Arrowsmith Program which shows changes in the brain as well as academic, emotional, social and cognitive changes. She describes how a learning difficulty impacts the learner in school as well as in life and that the research shows that this reality is not lifelong and can be changed. The audience will gain insight into and begin to look at behaviour through a cognitive lens. They will build an understanding that through harnessing the principles of neuroplasticity we can change the brain and overcome learning challenges.
In this presentation Barbara Arrowsmith-Young talks about how harnessing the principles of neuroplasticity leads to changes in the brain and how each individual can create a new reality for their future. She discussed the latest research on the Arrowsmith Program which shows changes in the brain as well as academic, emotional, social and cognitive changes. She describes how a learning difficulty impacts the learner in school as well as in life and that the research shows that this reality is not lifelong and can be changed. The audience will gain insight into and begin to look at behaviour through a cognitive lens. They will build an understanding that through harnessing the principles of neuroplasticity we can change the brain and overcome learning challenges.
In this presentation Barbara Arrowsmith-Young talks about how harnessing the principles of neuroplasticity leads to changes in the brain and how each individual can create a new reality for their future. She discussed the latest research on the Arrowsmith Program which shows changes in the brain as well as academic, emotional, social and cognitive changes. She describes how a learning difficulty impacts the learner in school as well as in life and that the research shows that this reality is not lifelong and can be changed. The audience will gain insight into and begin to look at behaviour through a cognitive lens. They will build an understanding that through harnessing the principles of neuroplasticity we can change the brain and overcome learning challenges.
In this presentation Barbara Arrowsmith-Young talks about how harnessing the principles of neuroplasticity leads to changes in the brain and how each individual can create a new reality for their future. She discussed the latest research on the Arrowsmith Program which shows changes in the brain as well as academic, emotional, social and cognitive changes. She describes how a learning difficulty impacts the learner in school as well as in life and that the research shows that this reality is not lifelong and can be changed. The audience will gain insight into and begin to look at behaviour through a cognitive lens. They will build an understanding that through harnessing the principles of neuroplasticity we can change the brain and overcome learning challenges.
In this presentation Barbara Arrowsmith-Young talks about how harnessing the principles of neuroplasticity leads to changes in the brain and how each individual can create a new reality for their future. She discussed the latest research on the Arrowsmith Program which shows changes in the brain as well as academic, emotional, social and cognitive changes. She describes how a learning difficulty impacts the learner in school as well as in life and that the research shows that this reality is not lifelong and can be changed. The audience will gain insight into and begin to look at behaviour through a cognitive lens. They will build an understanding that through harnessing the principles of neuroplasticity we can change the brain and overcome learning challenges.
In this presentation Barbara Arrowsmith-Young talks about how harnessing the principles of neuroplasticity leads to changes in the brain and how each individual can create a new reality for their future. She discussed the latest research on the Arrowsmith Program which shows changes in the brain as well as academic, emotional, social and cognitive changes. She describes how a learning difficulty impacts the learner in schoool well as in life and that the research shows that this reality is not lifelong and can be changed. The audience will gain insight into and begin to look at behaviour through a cognitive lens. They will build an understanding that through harnessing the principles of neuroplasticity we can change the brain and overcome learning challenges.
In this presentation Barbara Arrowsmith-Young talks about how harnessing the principles of neuroplasticity leads to changes in the brain and how each individual can create a new reality for their future. She discussed the latest research on the Arrowsmith Program which shows changes in the brain as well as academic, emotional, social and cognitive changes. She describes how a learning difficulty impacts the learner in school as well as in life and that the research shows that this reality is not lifelong and can be changed. The audience will gain insight into and begin to look at behaviour through a cognitive lens. They will build an understanding that through harnessing the principles of neuroplasticity we can change the brain and overcome learning challenges.
The author of the game-changing book, The Woman Who Changed Her Brain, Barbara Arrowsmith-Young developed the Arrowsmith Program, which has helped thousands of families and is taught in schools around the world. Her book interweaves her personal story with case histories she has gathered from more than 40 years of working with both children and adults. We are thrilled to have Barbara Arrowsmith-Young sharing her incredible story with us.
Does your child have a learning disability? The Arrowsmith Program can help! Come listen to our expert panel: Debbie Gilmore (Executive Director, Arrowsmith Program), Halton Hills Christian School Educations, Alumni, and current Arrowsmith students and parents for information on how this program can help to overcome your child’s learning difficulty
Dr. Angela Peddle is an optometrist with a focus on vision therapy, neuro-rehabilitation, sports vision enhancement, pediatrics and special needs examinations. Dr. Peddle’s presentation, “Vision and Learning”, covers the following key areas: How vision develops and how development affects vision; important visual skills necessary for learning; signs of visual problems in school-age children; vision-related learning problems; and visual perceptual processing.
In this Meetup, Barbara Arrowsmith-Young discusses a cognitive function framework of understanding behaviour, the principles that drive neuroplastic change, insights into learning difficulties from current imaging research and research outcomes of a neuroplastic approach to addressing learning difficulties.
The Ontario Brain Injury Association (OBIA) and Brain Changes Initiative (BCI) are pleased to announce the development of a Distinguished Speaker’s Webinar series designed to inform front-line health care workers and professionals in the field of brain injury. This webinar in the 7-part series features Barbara Arrowsmith-Young, who will present Shaping the Brain: The Woman Who Changed Her Brain, and Enrico Quilico who will present Exercise for Rehabilitation after Brain Injury.
We go to school to learn and we learn with our brains. Barbara Arrowsmith-Young discusses how 'putting the brain in the education equation' transforms the learning capacities of all students and leads to indpenedent self-confident learners for life.
Imagine a place where neuroplasticity (brain plasticity) and education meet. Imagine schools where students are enhancing their cognitive functions in combination with learning and applying content and skills within the academic curriculum. This is a very real possibility using a capacity-based program involving the principles of neuroplasticity.
The concept of neuroplasticity brings hope – the brain is plastic and can change. What is difficult for educators is adopting the principles into their everyday work. There is a huge divide between education and neuroscience. This is the challenge currently facing education. This session will explore the neuroplastic paradigm, the concept of cognitive enhancement, and how targeted cognitive exercises can be
used in the classroom to enhance the learning of all students. Educators can learn about how student behavior can be viewed through a cognitive lens; about neuroplasticity and how and why it works, and how to integrate new knowledge into common practices.
It is possible to change the cognitive capacity of the learner in order to enhance learning of content, curriculum and academics more efficiently. It is possible to enhance reasoning and processing ability to understand and quickly grasp what is read and heard, insight, comprehension, logical reasoning, cause and effect processing, problem solving, mathematical reasoning, motor function and auditory memory, among many other cognitive functions. As the learner’s capacity to learn is enhanced using a cognitive program, the rate of learning can accelerate across academic disciplines.
The Arrowsmith Program is based on the philosophy that it is possible to enhance specific cognitive functions through targeted cognitive programs.
Join us as we unravel the fascinating ability of the human brain to adapt, rewire, and improve memory functions. Uncover how strengthened cognitive capacities through neuroplasticity can enhance your ability to recall and help you succeed in school, workplace, and in life.
Whether you're a student striving for academic excellence, a professional seeking to remember crucial details, or an individual looking to improve memory, this event will offer you the opportunity to unlock the full potential of your memory and help you regain control of your life.
Join us for a profound exploration of how neuroplasticity can reshape and enhance executive function. Discover the incredible adaptability of the human brain and how strengthening cognitive capacities through neuroplasticity can optimize your executive functions, leading to improved decision-making, strategic planning, and overall effectiveness.
Whether you're a professional aiming to excel in leadership roles, a student seeking to enhance organizational skills, or an individual looking to boost efficiency in daily tasks, this event will offer you insights that will empower you to harness the full potential of your executive functions.
Join us to unravel the profound ability of the human brain to adapt, rewire, and enhance key aspects of emotional intelligence, including self-awareness, empathy, and effective interpersonal relationships.
This event is tailored for professional seeking to thrive in team dynamics, a student navigating social interactions, or an individual looking to cultivate deeper connections. Learn how enhancing cognitive functions will empower you to navigate the complexities of social-emotional interactions with ease.
Join us as we explore the fascinating realm of neuroplasticity and its profound impact on ADHD, focus, and attention difficulties. Learn about the remarkable ability of the human brain to adapt and rewire itself, leading to enhanced focus, improved attention, and greater overall well-being.
Whether you're a student striving for academic success, a professional seeking to optimize your productivity, or an individual looking to feel more organized, this event is tailored to provide you with invaluable insights in how this can be done by strengthening cognitive capacities. From conquering the challenges of ADHD to thriving in various domains of life, including education, work, and personal pursuits, this event serves as a catalyst for your journey towards mastering focus and maximizing your potential.
Join us for this session where we delve into the remarkable world of neuroplasticity and its transformative impact on overcoming dysgraphia and dyslexia. Discover how neuroplasticity, the human brain’s extraordinary ability to rewire itself, can strengthen reading, writing, and comprehension capabilities.
Whether you are a student, a professional, or an individual seeking personal growth, this event will provide invaluable knowledge to help you navigate the world with confidence. From conquering the complexities of language to finding success in school, the workplace, and in all aspects of life, this event promises to be a catalyst for your journey toward unleashing your full potential.
Join Debbie Gilmore (Executive Officer at Arrowsmith) and Rita Margarita (European and Middle East Representative at Arrowsmith) as they present at The Developing Child Centre in Dubai, United Arab Emirates. If you're a professional seeking to recommend a program to parents, consider the Arrowsmith Program. Discover how the Arrowsmith Program can make a difference in your child’s life. Attend this information session to learn more about the program, meet the team, and connect with other parents and professionals. Unlock your child’s potential and pave the way for a brighter future.
Join Debbie Gilmore (Executive Officer at Arrowsmith) and Rita Margarita (European and Middle East Representative at Arrowsmith) as they present at The Developing Child Centre in Dubai, United Arab Emirates. If you are parents seeking a supportive, effective alternative to traditional learning methods, consider the Arrowsmith Program. Discover how the Arrowsmith Program can make a difference in your child’s life. Attend this information session to learn more about the program, meet the team, and connect with other parents and professionals. Unlock your child’s potential and pave the way for a brighter future.
Join us for this session where we delve into the remarkable world of neuroplasticity and its transformative impact on overcoming dyscalculia and math difficulties. Prepare to explore the fascinating realm of neuroplasticity and its remarkable ability to reshape the brain's numerical pathways, establishing a solid foundation in math.
This event is tailored for students, professionals, and individuals seeking personal growth, equipping them with invaluable knowledge to confidently navigate the intricate world of numbers. By unraveling the complexities of dyscalculia, participants will discover groundbreaking insights into harnessing the power of neuroplasticity to strengthen numerical fluency and problem-solving skills.
Calling all global educators, administrators and thought leaders – join this fascinating event on May 8th – either in Madrid or online!
Global Education Forum’s “EducAItion: Shaping the Future, Keeping Us Human” promises to be a dynamic event we contemplate the challenges and opportunities faced by education today.
Arrowsmith’s own Debbie Gilmore will be hosting a panel talk during the event - “AI and LifeLong Learning” will invite discussion and debate around the role of AI in learning. Don’t miss the opportunity to be inspired by leaders in the field, and consider how students can be prepared to be active learners and leaders.
Join us for an exclusive Question and Answer session with Debbie Gilmore, Executive Director of Arrowsmith Program Worldwide and Rita Margarita, UAE and Europe Representative to learn how to empower your child's cognitive growth. Discover more about the incredible Arrowsmith Program!
Join us as we unravel the fascinating ability of the human brain to adapt, rewire, and improve memory functions. Uncover how strengthened cognitive capacities through neuroplasticity can enhance your ability to recall and help you succeed in school, workplace, and in life.
Whether you're a student striving for academic excellence, a professional seeking to remember crucial details, or an individual looking to improve memory, this event will offer you the opportunity to unlock the full potential of your memory and help you regain control of your life.
Is your child having difficulty at school? Having trouble learning to read, understand or focus? Does your child have a diagnosis for learning difficulties including dyslexia, dyscalculia, dysgraphia, auditory processing, ADHD etc.. – try to reference a number of different disorders not just dyslexia
During Debbie’s presentation, you will discover how a learning difficulty does not have to be lifelong. Using a proven cognitive program, it is possible to overcome the learning difficulty combined with the nurturing environment and excellence of The Silkwood Way, you will discover a totally new approach to learning, setting your child up for success, not only at school but for their future.
Join us for a profound exploration of how neuroplasticity can reshape and enhance executive function. Discover the incredible adaptability of the human brain and how strengthening cognitive capacities through neuroplasticity can optimize your executive functions, leading to improved decision-making, strategic planning, and overall effectiveness.
Whether you're a professional aiming to excel in leadership roles, a student seeking to enhance organizational skills, or an individual looking to boost efficiency in daily tasks, this event will offer you insights that will empower you to harness the full potential of your executive functions.
This summer you can improve your chances for success with the Arrowsmith Program’s renowned methods for improving reasoning, processing speed, attention, and comprehension. Our Symbol Relations – Cognitive Intensive Program strengthens participants’ capacity to learn in school and engage meaningfully in life. Start your Arrowsmith journey this summer!
The Arrowsmith programme has been changing brains and lives at St Mark's School since 2015. We are excited to welcome Debbie Gilmore, Executive Director of Arrowsmith, back to Wellington. This presentation will focus on the stories of Arrowsmith at St Mark's, hearing the experiences of staff, and parents of students who are in the programme. We will also discuss more about what the Arrowsmith programme is and how can it benefit your child. There will also be an opportunity for you to ask questions and chat with staff and Debbie Gilmore.
Free PD sessions with practical solutions for help your learning support department.
During this presentation you will discover how every student can increase their attention and focus using a proven cognitive program provided at Plenty Valley Christian College. Discover the incredible adaptability of the human brain and how strengthening cognitive capacities can optimize executive functions, leading to improved decision-making, strategic planning and overall effectiveness.
Join Debbie Gilmore, Executive Director of the Arrowsmith program, on Monday, 17 June at midday for an insightful event designed for parents & people struggling with dyslexia or other forms of neurodiversity. Discover how our innovative approach addresses the underlying cognitive causes, helping bright students who are currently unable to thrive in the traditional education system. Learn about our full-time support options for young adults who may be refusing school due to trauma or consistent academic failure. Ensure a brighter future for your child’s mental health and educational success.
Is your child having difficulty at school? Has your child been diagnosed with dyslexia or dyscalculia? Does your child have attention difficulties?
During this presentation, you will discover how a learning difficulty like dyslexia or dyscalculia does not have to be lifelong. Using a proven cognitive program to overcome the learning difficulty combined with the nurturing environment at Teen Challenge, you will discover a totally new approach to learning, setting your child up for success, not only at school but for their future.
Is your child having difficulty at school? Has your child been diagnosed with dyslexia or dyscalculia? Does your child have attention difficulties?
During this presentation, you will discover how a learning difficulty like dyslexia or dyscalculia does not have to be lifelong. Using a proven cognitive program to overcome the learning difficulty combined with the nurturing environment at Teen Challenge, you will discover a totally new approach to learning, setting your child up for success, not only at school but for their future.
Join us to unravel the profound ability of the human brain to adapt, rewire, and enhance key aspects of emotional intelligence, including self-awareness, empathy, and effective interpersonal relationships.
This event is tailored for professional seeking to thrive in team dynamics, a student navigating social interactions, or an individual looking to cultivate deeper connections. Learn how enhancing cognitive functions will empower you to navigate the complexities of social-emotional interactions with ease.
This summer you can improve your chances for success with the Arrowsmith Program’s renowned methods for improving reasoning, processing speed, attention, and comprehension. Our Symbol Relations – Cognitive Intensive Program strengthens participants’ capacity to learn in school and engage meaningfully in life. Start your Arrowsmith journey this summer!
This summit, organized by James Lange, includes an incredible array of speakers who will share their advice and recommendations drawn from their respective fields of expertise. All speakers work in areas that help parents of children with disabilities either directly or through adjacent services.
Featured speakers include the three co-authors of the best-selling book, Retire Secure for Parents of a Child with a Disability. All three authors and many reviewers believe this is the best financial book for parents of a child with a disability. Their advice, recommendations, and guidance will help you optimize a long-term financial plan to provide for your child’s life-long security. Other speakers will focus on non-financial topics aimed at improving the family’s lifestyle, reducing anxiety and stress, and providing resources you can access after the Summit.
This event is designed to help you understand your / loved one's challenges with attention, reading, and learning difficulties.
During this presentation, you will discover how a learning difficulty like dyslexia or dyscalculia does not have to be lifelong. Using a proven cognitive program to overcome the learning difficulty combined with the nurturing environment at CoreSenses, you will discover a totally new approach to learning, setting your child up for success, not only at school but for their future.
Say goodbye to distractions and hello to action as we offer you the tools and strategies to enhance focus and comprehension. Don't miss out on this opportunity to take control of your / your loved one's learning journey. See you there!
At Arrowsmith, we understand learning disabilities and address them – head on – literally! Our students overcome learning challenges that are impeding their success by engaging in a program that activates neuroplastic change. By understanding your child through a cognitive lens, Arrowsmith can provide a program that addresses your child’s unique profile and learning needs.
At Arrowsmith, we understand learning disabilities and address them – head on – literally! Our students overcome learning challenges that are impeding their success by engaging in a program that activates neuroplastic change. By understanding your child through a cognitive lens, Arrowsmith can provide a program that addresses your child’s unique profile and learning needs.
We are thrilled to invite you to an exciting day of exploration, learning, and community. Experience Arrowsmith School and discover what makes our school a special place for individuals to thrive.
Join this 30-minute virtual session to equip yourself with key lessons and inspiration from the field of neuroscience and neuroeducation.
Learn about the brain processes that shape your students’ learning, performance and behaviours. Explore the research that shows these processes can be improved through targeted brain-based approaches.
Arrowsmith School is different from a traditional school, we see your child's potential beyond the classroom. We want to help your child succeed and thrive not only in academics but in life. Join our Online Open House to learn more about our program options and find out how we help transform our students' lives.
Empower your child to succeed at school through the Arrowsmith Program.
While many students attend Arrowsmith School Full-Time, Online and In-Person, others join Arrowsmith after their regular school day for 40 minutes daily, Monday to Friday, enhancing their capacity to learn and succeed. Flexible scheduling available and options from 7:45 am to 8:20pm Eastern Time Zone.
Learn more about the Arrowsmith Program and how your child can enhance their learning journey and academic success through a personalized program by attending this session.
Join this 30-minute virtual session to equip yourself with key lessons and inspiration from the field of neuroscience and neuroeducation.
Learn about the brain processes that shape your students’ learning, performance and behaviours. Explore the research that shows these processes can be improved through targeted brain-based approaches.
Empower your child to succeed at school through the Arrowsmith Program.
While many students attend Arrowsmith School Full-Time, Online and In-Person, others join Arrowsmith after their regular school day for 40 minutes daily, Monday to Friday, enhancing their capacity to learn and succeed. Flexible scheduling available and options from 7:45 am to 8:20pm Eastern Time Zone.
Learn more about the Arrowsmith Program and how your child can enhance their learning journey and academic success through a personalized program by attending this session.
Join us as we explore the fascinating realm of neuroplasticity and its profound impact on ADHD, focus, and attention difficulties. Learn about the remarkable ability of the human brain to adapt and rewire itself, leading to enhanced focus, improved attention, and greater overall well-being.
Whether you're a student striving for academic success, a professional seeking to optimize your productivity, or an individual looking to feel more organized, this event is tailored to provide you with invaluable insights in how this can be done by strengthening cognitive capacities. From conquering the challenges of ADHD to thriving in various domains of life, including education, work, and personal pursuits, this event serves as a catalyst for your journey towards mastering focus and maximizing your potential.
Join us for this session where we delve into the remarkable world of neuroplasticity and its transformative impact on overcoming dysgraphia and dyslexia. Find out how neuroplasticity, the human brain’s extraordinary ability to rewire itself, can strengthen reading, writing, and comprehension capabilities.
Whether you are a student, a professional, or an individual seeking personal growth, this event will provide invaluable knowledge to help you navigate the world with confidence. From conquering the complexities of language to finding success in school, the workplace, and in all aspects of life, this event promises to be a catalyst for your journey toward unleashing your full potential.
We are thrilled to invite you to an exciting day of exploration, learning, and community. Experience Arrowsmith School and discover what makes our school a special place for individuals to thrive.
Curious about brain’s role in the IB Programme and how cognitive programs can enrich the learning and teaching experience?
Join educators around the world to learn more about bringing the brain into IB classrooms.
Reserve your seat today.
Curious about brain’s role in the IB Programme and how cognitive programs can enrich the learning and teaching experience?
Join educators around the world to learn more about bringing the brain into IB classrooms.
Reserve your seat today.
Curious about brain’s role in the IB Programme and how cognitive programs can enrich the learning and teaching experience?
Join educators around the world to learn more about bringing the brain into IB classrooms.
Reserve your seat today.
Join us for this session where we delve into the remarkable world of neuroplasticity and its transformative impact on overcoming dyscalculia and math difficulties. Prepare to explore the fascinating realm of neuroplasticity and its remarkable ability to reshape the brain's numerical pathways, establishing a solid foundation in math.
This event is tailored for students, professionals, and individuals seeking personal growth, equipping them with invaluable knowledge to confidently navigate the intricate world of numbers. By unraveling the complexities of dyscalculia, participants will discover groundbreaking insights into harnessing the power of neuroplasticity to strengthen numerical fluency and problem-solving skills.
Does your child struggle with Math? Has your child been diagnosed with dyscalculia? Let’s explore the brain and what lies beneath this label.
In this webinar, parents will:
Join us as we unravel the fascinating ability of the human brain to adapt, rewire, and improve memory functions. Uncover how strengthened cognitive capacities through neuroplasticity can enhance your ability to recall and help you succeed in school, workplace, and in life.
Whether you're a student striving for academic excellence, a professional seeking to remember crucial details, or an individual looking to improve memory, this event will offer you the opportunity to unlock the full potential of your memory and help you regain control of your life.
Transforming student success begins with Social and Emotional Learning (SEL). Understanding the brain’s role in learning, educators can bring greater awareness and impact to their students’ resilience, emotional regulation, and communication.
It’s clear: social and emotional wellness is essential not just for academic achievement, but for preparing our students to thrive in an ever-changing world.
Join this webinar to discover how integrating brain-based approaches into your teaching can unlock the full potential of every student and create a supportive learning environment. Don’t miss this opportunity to lead the way in education.
Does your child struggle with memory? Has your child been diagnosed with working memory or auditory memory problems?
Let’s explore the brain and what lies beneath these labels.
In this session you will learn:
Join us for a profound exploration of how neuroplasticity can reshape and enhance executive function. Discover the incredible adaptability of the human brain and how strengthening cognitive capacities through neuroplasticity can optimize your executive functions, leading to improved decision-making, strategic planning, and overall effectiveness.
Whether you're a professional aiming to excel in leadership roles, a student seeking to enhance organizational skills, or an individual looking to boost efficiency in daily tasks, this event will offer you insights that will empower you to harness the full potential of your executive functions.
Join us to unravel the profound ability of the human brain to adapt, rewire, and enhance key aspects of emotional intelligence, including self-awareness, empathy, and effective interpersonal relationships.
This event is tailored for professional seeking to thrive in team dynamics, a student navigating social interactions, or an individual looking to cultivate deeper connections. Learn how enhancing cognitive functions will empower you to navigate the complexities of social-emotional interactions with ease.
Join us as we explore the fascinating realm of neuroplasticity and its profound impact on ADHD, focus, and attention difficulties. Learn about the remarkable ability of the human brain to adapt and rewire itself, leading to enhanced focus, improved attention, and greater overall well-being.
We are thrilled to invite you to an exciting day of exploration, learning, and community. Experience Arrowsmith School and discover what makes our school a special place for individuals to thrive.
Does your child struggle with attention and focus? Has your child been diagnosed with ADHD? Let’s explore the brain and what lies beneath this label.
Join Debbie Gilmore, Executive Director, Arrowsmith Program, as she dives into the factors behind focus and attention difficulties, including ADHD. Gain valuable insights into how these challenges affect daily life and well-being, and learn about innovative ways to support concentration and reduce distractions.
Is something getting in the way of your child's success in learning? Learning difficulties do not have to be lifelong. Your child can overcome their struggles through Arrowsmith. Find out more at our upcoming webinar.
We are thrilled to invite you to an exciting day of exploration, learning, and community. Experience Arrowsmith School and discover what makes our school a special place for individuals to thrive.
Join us for this session where we delve into the remarkable world of neuroplasticity and its transformative impact on overcoming dysgraphia and dyslexia. Find out how neuroplasticity, the human brain’s extraordinary ability to rewire itself, can strengthen reading, writing, and comprehension capabilities.
Interested in better understanding the root cognitive cause of learning disabilities?
Curious about the history of special education, and how modern science can inform a different approach?
Want to better understand how a brain-based solution can measurably improve the impact of learning disabilities?
In this webinar we will explore:
Does your child struggle with reading and writing? Has your child been diagnosed with dyslexia and dysgraphia? Let’s explore the brain and what lies beneath these labels.
Join us for this session where we delve into the remarkable world of neuroplasticity and its transformative impact on overcoming dyscalculia and math difficulties. Prepare to explore the fascinating realm of neuroplasticity and its remarkable ability to reshape the brain's numerical pathways, establishing a solid foundation in math.
Does your child struggle with understanding the world around them? Do they find it hard to make friends? Do they have poor self-esteem? Let’s explore the brain and what lies beneath these feelings and emotions.
Is something getting in the way of your child's success in learning? Learning difficulties do not have to be lifelong. Your child can overcome their struggles through Arrowsmith. Find out more at our upcoming webinar.
Join us as we unravel the fascinating ability of the human brain to adapt, rewire, and improve memory functions. Uncover how strengthened cognitive capacities through neuroplasticity can enhance your ability to recall and help you succeed in school, workplace, and in life.
Does your child struggle with planning and organizing? Do they find it hard to make decisions? Has your child been diagnosed with executive function difficulties? Let’s explore the brain and what lies beneath these labels.
In this webinar, we will examine the neuroscience behind diverse learners, including how and why students experience learning differently. We’ll explore how the brain processes information and how students’ unique cognitive profiles determine their school experiences.
Educators will also learn about the brain's adaptability, and how neuroeducational approaches can address diverse learning needs within an inclusive classroom. We’ll discuss research and share examples of schools providing cognitive programs as part of their equity and inclusion goals, and their dedication that all students succeed academically and socially.
Join us for a profound exploration of how neuroplasticity can reshape and enhance executive function. Discover the incredible adaptability of the human brain and how strengthening cognitive capacities through neuroplasticity can optimize your executive functions, leading to improved decision-making, strategic planning, and overall effectiveness.
We are thrilled to invite you to an exciting day of exploration, learning, and community. Experience Arrowsmith School and discover what makes our school a special place for individuals to thrive.
Learn about the Arrowsmith Program provided at IngoC Cognitive Enhancement Centre.
Get insight into the principles of neuroplasticity and the factors leading to brain change.
Learn how we can look after our brain throughout our lives.
Learn about the range of cognitive functions and begin to see behaviour through a cognitive lens.
Join us to unravel the profound ability of the human brain to adapt, rewire, and enhance key aspects of emotional intelligence, including self-awareness, empathy, and effective interpersonal relationships.
Join us as we explore the fascinating realm of neuroplasticity and its profound impact on ADHD, focus, and attention difficulties. Learn about the remarkable ability of the human brain to adapt and rewire itself, leading to enhanced focus, improved attention, and greater overall well-being.
Join us for a discussion on the neuroscience behind lifelong learning and human potential. Learn how the brain is responsible for both foundational academic skills as well those increasingly important competencies like problem-solving, collaboration, and perseverance.
This session will explore how cognitive programs can optimize the brain to promote a lifetime of academic and professional excellence, resilience, and personal growth across the lifetime. We’ll examine research and applications of programs that target the most important predictor of success and quality of life: the brain.
Join us for this session where we delve into the remarkable world of neuroplasticity and its transformative impact on overcoming dysgraphia and dyslexia. Find out how neuroplasticity, the human brain’s extraordinary ability to rewire itself, can strengthen reading, writing, and comprehension capabilities.
Whether you are a student, a professional, or an individual seeking personal growth, this event will provide invaluable knowledge to help you navigate the world with confidence. From conquering the complexities of language to finding success in school, the workplace, and in all aspects of life, this event promises to be a catalyst for your journey toward unleashing your full potential.
We are thrilled to invite you to an exciting day of exploration, learning, and community. Experience Arrowsmith School and discover what makes our school a special place for individuals to thrive.
Explore the challenges and opportunities AI presents for students' academic success and wellbeing. In this webinar, we will explore how a strong, resilient brain is essential for students. Presently – so they can thrive academically and social-emotionally, and soon – to navigate in a new world and workforce shaped by AI. Already, AI is reshaping the way students learn, engage, and interact with the world.
While AI offers opportunities, it also presents distractions, content overload, and misinformation. A brain capable of navigating this new landscape is essential. We will discuss programs that strengthen processes like cognitive flexibility, attention, and emotional regulation—all fundamental to learning and flourishing.
Join us for this session where we delve into the remarkable world of neuroplasticity and its transformative impact on overcoming dyscalculia and math difficulties. Prepare to explore the fascinating realm of neuroplasticity and its remarkable ability to reshape the brain's numerical pathways, establishing a solid foundation in math.
Join us as we unravel the fascinating ability of the human brain to adapt, rewire, and improve memory functions. Uncover how strengthened cognitive capacities through neuroplasticity can enhance your ability to recall and help you succeed in school, workplace, and in life.
In this webinar, we will examine the neuroscience behind diverse learners, including how and why students experience learning differently. We’ll explore how the brain processes information and how students’ unique cognitive profiles determine their school experiences.
Educators will also learn about the brain's adaptability, and how neuroeducational approaches can address diverse learning needs within an inclusive classroom. We’ll discuss research and share examples of schools providing cognitive programs as part of their equity and inclusion goals, and their dedication that all students succeed academically and socially.
We are thrilled to invite you to an exciting day of exploration, learning, and community. Experience Arrowsmith School and discover what makes our school a special place for individuals to thrive.
Join us for a profound exploration of how neuroplasticity can reshape and enhance executive function. Discover the incredible adaptability of the human brain and how strengthening cognitive capacities through neuroplasticity can optimize your executive functions, leading to improved decision-making, strategic planning, and overall effectiveness.
Join us to unravel the profound ability of the human brain to adapt, rewire, and enhance key aspects of emotional intelligence, including self-awareness, empathy, and effective interpersonal relationships.
Learning difficulties and disabilities do not have to be life-long. By strengthening the child’s capacity to learn with cognitive exercises tailored to their unique learning profile, students of all ages can transform their ability to learn.
Most parents agree that the last few years have disrupted and had a negative impact on their child’s learning, confidence, and emotional well-being. This has impacted this generation’s opportunities to thrive in school and life. The road to recovery is not out of reach. Strengthen your child’s brain with evidence-based Arrowsmith cognitive exercises and bridge the learning gap today.
Our brains are at the heart of our every move, thought, and interaction. Its intricate design shapes how we participate in the world, see ourselves, and understand others. This first of a 5-part series examines both our brain’s complexity and its uniqueness. We will explore the concept of ‘cognitive function’ and describe how specific intellectual processes work together to achieve the simplest to complex tasks. Our own cognitive profiles are as distinct as fingerprints. Gaining insight through a cognitive lens, therefore, allows us to better understand ourselves and others.
Building a stronger brain means achieving your best through cognitive enhancement. By engaging in targeted cognitive exercises, we can increase our cognitive capacity and lead a better life. This second part of the 5-part series analyzes the brain's role at school, in the workplace, at home, and throughout our lives. We will discuss the benefits of cognitive programming for all.
The first 10 years of school life are pivotal. What and how a child learns during this period determines the life they will create for themselves, and how they will contribute to the world. It is encouraging that many educators, professionals, and policymakers are recognizing that school curricula must evolve to meet the needs of today’s students. In fact, we would argue that a revolution is due. Part 3 of the Webinar Series will consider how the skills identified essential for our modern world, such as critical thinking, flexibility, emotional intelligence, are directly connected to specific cognitive functions. We will examine how a cognitive program can enhance underlying brain processes responsible for acquiring these 21st-century skills, fundamentally preparing students to be the leaders and shapers of tomorrow.
As we learn, our brains continually change. From toddlerhood to early childhood, all of life’s natural learning experiences—from lullabies to balancing blocks – are shaping the function and structure of circuits in the brain. When children go off to school, they need to adapt these circuits of their brains in new and profound ways as they learn how to translate letters into words, words into ideas, and numbers into mathematical concepts. This presentation examines this very exchange – how do our brains learn? What is happening as we read, write, or solve a math problem? How might this perspective shape our understanding of our own experiences, and that of our children and students? Is there really such thing as a “math person”? Join us to consider the brain’s role in learning, the science behind acquiring fundamental academic skills, and the potential to change the trajectory of traditional learning processes through a neuroplastic approach.
So far we’ve examined the role of the brain from different perspectives and different scenarios. This webinar takes us back to a core principle – how does it operate? What does its instructional manual look like? Unique from traditional educational assessments, a cognitive assessment goes beneath skills and performance and examines the functioning of the core cognitive functions that shape our lives. This assessment can be a user’s guide to understanding ourselves and others. Join us to learn more about how cognitive assessments can become an essential tool for understanding and improving our lives.
Learn how improving critical cognitive functionss can significantly change your brain’s ability to learn and process information. Join renowned brain change expert, Barbara Arrowsmith-Young, for a virtual event.
Barbara Arrowsmith-Young discusses her journey of discovery and innovation that lead to the creation of the Arrowsmith Program and the research outcomes of a neuroplastic approach to addressing learning disabilities.
An inspiring and uplifting story of a woman who overcame severe learning difficulties using cognitive exercises to improve brain function, as featured in Norman Doidge's book, The Brain That Changes Itself. She has gone on to help others through her learning programs based on practical applications of neuroplasticity. Barbara Arrowsmith-Young, Canada, best-selling author of The Woman Who Changed Her Brain; Director, Arrowsmith School and Arrowsmith Programs.
Brain Power Conference “Join the Revolution in Childhood Development” sponsored by The Brain Power Initiative The Royal Conservatory TELUS CENTRE FOR PERFORMANCE AND LEARNING Toronto, Ontario full description
Brain Power Conference “Join the Revolution in Childhood Development” sponsored by The Brain Power Initiative The Royal Conservatory TELUS CENTRE FOR PERFORMANCE AND LEARNING Toronto, Ontario Conference website (speakers’ list and ticket information): Arrowsmith Program will be hosting a booth in the exhibition space Video introduction “The Woman Who Changed Her Brain” by Barbara Arrowsmith-Young preceding the panel, From the Family Room to the Classroom to the World”
The Canadian Arrowsmith Program is founded on the philosophy that it is possible to treat learning disabilities by identifying and strengthening cognitive capacities. Based on the personal experience of its developer, Barbara Arrowsmith-Young, the program uses a series of exercises designed to strengthen weak cognitive capacities and improve associated learning dysfunctions. In this presentation designed for parents and teachers of children with learning disabilities, Arrowsmith Young, whose autobiography The Woman Who Changed Her Brain was published this year, will outline the principles and practices of her program.
Barbara Arrowsmith-Young turned her life-defining learning disabilities into an unlikely asset. Unable to process language or decode symbols, she compensated with her fierce determination to learn, fuelled by a formidable memory. In graduate school, she chanced on research that held the key to reprogramming her own brain. This was in the 1970s and 80s, before neuroplasticity became a widely accepted fact. Her pioneering Arrowsmith Program has since helped countless children and adults with learning disabilities to unlock their potential. ‘In most traditional special education programs, the premise is that the learner’s fixed. The learner is the learner, with their strengths and weaknesses,’ says Barbara. ‘The premise of our work is, we’re going to take this learner, and we’re going to change the capacity of the learner.’ Norman Doidge shared Barbara’s story in his bestseller The Brain That Changes Itself; she speaks for herself in her new book, The Woman Who Changed Her Brain.
The pioneer of neuroplasticity was born with severe learning disabilities. Undaunted, Barbara Arrowsmith-Young used her strengths to develop brain exercises to overcome her neurological deficits. She has gone on to change countless lives and inspire Miraculous Transformations from the Frontier of Brain Science.
An Evening with Barbara Arrowsmith-Young Founder of the Arrowsmith Program Author of the bestselling book: The Woman Who Changed Her Brain Hosted by Arrowsmith School Peterborough
Barbara Arrowsmith-Young, the Creator and Director of Arrowsmith School and Arrowsmith Program, and the author of the international best-selling book The Woman Who Changed Her Brain full description
Barbara Arrowsmith-Young, the Creator and Director of Arrowsmith School and Arrowsmith Program, and the author of the international best-selling book The Woman Who Changed Her Brain (, speaks at TedX Toronto about her pioneering work in the field of neuroplasticity. The Arrowsmith Program is based on the application of Barbara’s neuroscientific research, and for 40 years it has worked to help students strengthen the weak cognitive capacities underlying a range of learning difficulties.
Barbara is thrilled to be in Guelph to accept the 2012 Alumna of Honour Award from her Alma Mater, the University of Guelph, on Wednesday, March 27. On Thursday, March 28, Barbara will give a public presentation on how the Arrowsmith Program uses neuroplasticity to address learning disabilities, hosted by Guelph Christian School.
Barbara Arrowsmith-Young, author of “The Woman Who Changed Her Brain” will present on her work on Shaping the Brain at the Fourth Annual Queensland Epilepsy Symposium Thinking Outside The Box: Epilepsy
The Arrowsmith Program is not tutoring. It is a program within a school that addresses the underlying cognitive challenges that prevent our kids from learning. Within 2-4 years, the majority of kids with mild to severe learning and attention challenges join their classmates at grade level without compensations or aides. Pretty great stuff! Through neuroplasticity (changing the brain), the Arrowsmith program actually increases the learning capacities of students with learning and attention challlenges. So instead of compensating, the program actually changes the brain so a child can learn. There are over 30 years of proven life-changing results! The Arrowsmith Program could be the answer for your child or student.
Arrowsmith-Young’s lecture covers the personal and the universal. The personal is Arrowsmith-Young’s journey of discovery driven by her hunt for a solution to her own debilitating learning disorders leading to the integration of two lines of neuroscience research. The universal is that we all have a brain and by furthering our knowledge of how our brain shapes us through mediating our understanding of the world we can gain insight into our functioning and that of others. And most promising, that through our growing understanding of neuroplasticity, we now have the knowledge to develop treatments to shape our brains. It is a journey of understanding and transformation. Copies of Barbara’s book will be available for purchase and autographing.
In her presentation entitled “The Arrowsmith Program: Addressing Learning Disabilities—A Cognitive Approach,” Barbara Arrowsmith-Young will talk about her journey of discovery, the lines of research she combined, and the outcomes achieved over her 35 years as an educator and researcher. She will describe a number of learning disorders, from those that impact the learner in school to those that affect us in life. The focus will be on learning disorders that impact academic performance such as reading and writing, and some of the outcome studies demonstrating cognitive and academic performance change in these areas as a result of students engaging in the Arrowsmith Program's cognitive exercises. There will be a book signing after the event. Attendees may bring their own, or purchase a copy of The Woman Who Changed Her Brain at the door for $10.
Debbie Gilmore will talk about the Arrowsmith Program, the lines of research that were combined to develop the program and the outcomes achieved for individuals with learning difficulties over 35 years. Built on the principle of neuroplasticity, the Arrowsmith Program identifies, intervenes and strengthens the weak cognitive capacities that affect learning. A number of cognitive functions and dysfunctions will be described and how these impact on the learner in school to those that affect individuals in life. The focus will be on learning disorders that impact academic performance such as reading and writing and some of the studies demonstrating cognitive and academic performance change in these areas as a result of students engaging in the Arrowsmith Program's cognitive exercises.
St Andrew's College hosts An Evening with Barbara Arrowsmith-Young Barbara Arrowsmith-Young, author of the International Bestseller The Woman Who Changed Her Brain, and founder of the Arrowsmith Program, tells the compelling story of how she tapped into neuroscience research and used neuroplasticity to transform her brain and life, then went on to found the Arrowsmith Program. A cognitive program that addresses learning disabilities through neuroplasticity, the Arrowsmith Program is currently in 50 schools worldwide, including six in Australia and three in New Zealand.
Samuel Marsden Collegiate School hosts An Evening with Barbara Arrowsmith-Young. Barbara Arrowsmith-Young, author of the International Bestseller The Woman Who Changed Her Brain, and founder of the Arrowsmith Program, tells the compelling story of how she tapped into neuroscience research and used neuroplasticity to transform her brain and life, then went on to found the Arrowsmith Program. A cognitive program that addresses learning disabilities through neuroplasticity, the Arrowsmith Program is currently in schools worldwide, including Australia and New Zealand.
The Catholic Education Office presents The Link between Mental Health and Learning Difficulties. In this riveting lecture, special guest Barbara Arrowsmith-Young (author of international bestseller The Woman Who Changed Her Brain) will focus on the research findings linking mental health outcomes related to learning disabilities supported by the 'voices' of individual students, aged 11 to 63, describing their experiences. Barbara will also describe her own personal struggle with learning disabilities and its impact on her mental health in context with the research findings in this area. As the founder and Director of the Arrowsmith Program, Barbara continues to develop programs for students with learning disabilties and her program of cognitive exercises is implemented in schools in Canada, the U.S, Australia and New Zealand. She holds a B.A.Sc in Child Studies from the University of Guelph and a Master's degree in School Psychology from the University of Toronto. The lecture will also feature Debbie Gilmore (Arrowsmith Australian representative) and Dr Kate O'Brien (Assistant Director: Teaching & Learning, CEO Sydney) who will be exploring the Arrowsmith program, the cognitive functions the program can address and changes in learning characteristics. "Barbara Arrowsmith-Young is a pioneer, a bold and ingenious woman, deeply empathic and utterly determined. Rarely is hte person who makes a discovery the one with the defect. Barbara is the exception" - Normal Doidge, M.D., author of The Brain That Changes Itself Prepare to be engaged and inspired! Learn how the brain has an incredible ability to change and overcome learning problems. Deepen your understanding of the workings the brain and its profound impact on how we participate in the world. Please note that this is Barbara's only Sydney lecture for 2014.
Come out and learn about the revolutionary Arrowsmith Program. Learn how focused cognitive exercises can repair the areas of the brain that are hindered by a learning disability. The mission, and future, of Neuroplasticity in education will also be discussed. Dr. Andrea Sywulak is a child and family psychologist. She treats children from pre-school age through adolescence. Dr. Sywulak assesses children for ADD/ADHD and learning problems. She has spent over 20 years in practice, and is a supporter of Arrowsmith and ATG. ATG's Arrowsmith teachers, Rachel Oakley and Kate West will also be present at the event to speak to you about the classes, answer questions, and share student success stories.
In this presentation, Barbara Arrowsmith-Young will talk about her journey of discovery, the lines of research she combined and the outcomes achieved over her 35+ years as an educator and researcher. She will describe a number of learning disorders, from those that impact the learner in school to those that affect us in life. The focus will be on learning disorders that impact academic performance such as reading and writing and some of the outcome studies demonstrating cognitive and academic performance change in these areas as a result of students engaging in the Arrowsmith Program’s cognitive exercises.
In this presentation, Barbara Arrowsmith-Young will talk about her journey of discovery, the lines of research she combined and the outcomes achieved over her 35+ years as an educator and researcher. She will describe a number of learning disorders, from those that impact the learner in school to those that affect us in life. The focus will be on learning disorders that impact academic performance such as reading and writing and some of the outcome studies demonstrating cognitive and academic performance change in these areas as a result of students engaging in the Arrowsmith Program’s cognitive exercises.
How to drive neuroplastic change as an adult and ways to keep our cognitive edge as we age.
Can Changing Your Brain Change Your Life? Implications of Neuroplasticity for Success – A Personal and Universal Journey Barbara Arrowsmith-Young will discuss the social, educational, mental health and economic costs for students with specific learning disabilities and the implications of using a cognitive program that drives neuroplastic change to address these difficulties. Barbara will talk about her journey of discovery, the lines of research she combined to create a cognitive program to address her specific learning problems along with the outcomes achieved over her 35 years as an educator and researcher. Barbara will describe how different cognitive functions impact learning and academic skill acquisition and discuss the outcomes/cognitive transformation related to a capacity based treatment approach to addressing specific learning disabilities.
Can Changing Your Brain Change Your Life? Implications of Neuroplasticity for Success – A Personal and Universal Journey Barbara Arrowsmith-Young will discuss the social, educational, mental health and economic costs for students with specific learning disabilities and the implications of using a cognitive program that drives neuroplastic change to address these difficulties. Barbara will talk about her journey of discovery, the lines of research she combined to create a cognitive program to address her specific learning problems along with the outcomes achieved over her 35 years as an educator and researcher. Barbara will describe how different cognitive functions impact learning and academic skill acquisition and discuss the outcomes/cognitive transformation related to a capacity based treatment approach to addressing specific learning disabilities.
Delight in the books & writers you love, & discover new ones at the Brisbane Writers Festival. Open your mind to a wide range of ideas & new ways of thinking with QLD’s most exciting annual celebration of stories & ideas. Brisbane Writers Festival, will engage your mind, body & soul with hundreds of events, featuring outstanding artists from around the world. Are you ready to open you mind? Festival highlights include Inspire, remarkable & thought-provoking presentations to make you think, feel and act.
Barbara Arrowsmith-Young discusses the connection between learning disabilities and mental health issues from a research and personal perspective.
Barbara Arrowsmith-Young, author of the International Bestseller The Woman Who Changed Her Brain, and founder of the Arrowsmith Program, will be coming to England in October 2014 and she will be presenting her story at UCL in London. The Woman Who Changed Her Brain tells the compelling story of how Barbara tapped into neuroscience research and used neuroplasticity to transform her brain and life, then went on to found the Arrowsmith Program (a cognitive program for students with learning disabilities). The Woman Who Changed Her Brain was the bestselling book at the Sydney Writer’s Festival and a Best Seller in Canada and Australia.
Barbara Arrowsmith Young speaking at the Neuroplasticity and Education: Strengthening the Connection conference presented by the Eaton Educational Group at the Westin Bayshore Hotel on October 25, 2013.
The conference planning team at the Learning Assistance Teachers Association (LATA) is excited to offer an outstanding professional development opportunity at the annual LATA conference, Neuroscience Meets Education: Success for Struggling Students. This year's keynote speaker approaches learning struggles from an optimistic point of view that, while it stems from her personal experience with learning difficulties, is supported by current brain development research. Workshop facilitators cover a range of intervention strategies that will equip BC educators working in a multi-faceted RTI environment to ensure that all students maximize their learning potential.
Barbara Arrowsmith-Young discusses the connection between learning disabilities and mental health issues from a research and personal perspective.
Barbara Arrowsmith-Young visited Google's office in Seattle, WA to discuss her book "The Woman Who Changed Her Brain" and the latest research in cognitive transformation.
Born with severe learning disabilities that caused teachers to label her slow, stubborn, or worse, Barbara Arrowsmith-Young read and wrote everything backwards, struggled to process concepts in language, continually got lost, and could make no sense of an analog clock. But through her formidable memory and determination, she made her way to graduate school, where she chanced upon research that inspired her to invent cognitive exercises to "fix" her brain. Now the Director of Arrowsmith School, the author interweaves her personal tale with riveting case histories from her more than 30 years of working with both children and adults to restructure their own brains. The Woman Who Changed Her Brain powerfully and poignantly illustrates how the lives of children and adults struggling with learning disorders can be dramatically transformed. This remarkable book by a brilliant pathbreaker deepens our understanding of how the brain works and of the brain’s profound impact on how we participate in the world. Our brains shape us, but this book offers clear and hopeful evidence of the corollary: we can shape our brains.
Join us for an inspiring and informative discussion regarding Barbara Arrowsmith-Young’s journey of discovery, the lines of research she combined and the outcomes achieved over her 35 years as an educator and researcher in the field of Learning Disabilities. Barbara Arrowsmith-Young is the creator and director of Arrowsmith School and the Arrowsmith Program, and the author of the international best-selling book “The Woman Who Changed Her Brain”. Introduction by Howard Eaton, Ed.M. - Founder/Director Eaton Arrowsmith School and Author of Brain School.
Barbara Arrowsmith-Young returns to Holy Trinity Parish to share further her amazing story and the continued success of the Arrowsmith Program. The Holy Trinity Arrowsmith Program will share their journey to date with reflections from parents, students and teachers on the implementation of the Pilot and will announce the ongoing program.
The esteemed Barbara Arrowsmith, founder of the internationally acclaimed Arrowsmith Program and author of 'The Woman Who Changed Her Brain', is visiting Oakleigh Grammar in March 2017 to talk about her book and the program itself. This is an incredible opportunity to hear about how the Arrowsmith Program was formed, and its benefits to all who undertake it. It is also an amazing opportunity to meet Barbara, ask her questions. The evening will consist of an official opening of the Oakleigh Grammar Centre for the Arrowsmith Program by Barbara, followed by a talk and a Q&A session and book signing.
Barbara Arrowsmith-Young discusses her journey of discovery and innovation that lead to the creation of the Arrowsmith Program, and the research outcomes of a neuroplastic approach to addressing learning disabilities.
As lifelong learners we are all looking for an edge. You may be a student looking to achieve better grades or an employee looking to move up the corporate ladder. You may even be retired and looking full description
As lifelong learners we are all looking for an edge. You may be a student looking to achieve better grades or an employee looking to move up the corporate ladder. You may even be retired and looking for a means to improve and strengthen your cognitive capacities to ensure you are protecting/enhancing your most important asset, your brain. We welcome you to join us on Monday, April 10th at 6:45 pm as Arrowsmith School Peterborough will be hosting a conference on Enriching Minds, Changing held at the Peterborough Golf and Country Club (1030 Armour Road, Peterborough, Ontario). Our Executive Director, Debbie Gilmore will be presenting on our new Enrichment Program that will be available at the Peterborough School for learners of all ages. This program is designed to enhance your higher order reasoning and processing to understand and quickly grasp what is read and heard, insight, logical reasoning, seeing connections between ideas, cause and effect processing and mathematical reasoning. We encourage all who are interested in learning about our new program or would like to educate themselves further on the Arrowsmith Program and its positive neuroplastic effect to change the current capabilities/capacities of your brain.
Barbara Arrowsmith-Young discusses her journey of discovery and innovation that lead to the creation of the Arrowsmith Program, and the research outcomes of a neuroplastic approach to addressing learning disabilities.
Barbara Arrowsmith-Young discusses her journey of discovery and innovation that lead to the creation of the Arrowsmith Program, and the research outcomes of a neuroplastic approach to addressing learning disabilities.
Arrowsmith School hosts an evening with Sonia Nicolucci. Sonia will be joining us to help shine a light on Understanding Your Child’s Behaviour; How to Support Socialization, Independence, and full description
Arrowsmith School hosts an evening with Sonia Nicolucci. Sonia will be joining us to help shine a light on Understanding Your Child’s Behaviour; How to Support Socialization, Independence, and Communication; and Preparing for Future Changes and Challenges.
Join Executive Director (and Arrowsmith Parent) Debbie Gilmore as she shares with you the latest updates on the ongoing Arrowsmith Program Research Projects. Debbie will also be outlining some of the full description
Join Executive Director (and Arrowsmith Parent) Debbie Gilmore as she shares with you the latest updates on the ongoing Arrowsmith Program Research Projects. Debbie will also be outlining some of the new directions Arrowsmith School and Arrowsmith Program will be taking in order to make this powerful work more accessible.
The year 2017 marks the 115th anniversary of Alexander Luria's (1902-1977) birth, and the 40th anniversary of his death. To commemorate the life and scientific achievements of this world-renowned psychologist, the Yeltsyn Ural Federal University and the Moscow Lomonosov State University are collaborating with the Russian Psychological Association (RPA), the American Psychological Association (APA), the Tomsk State University, the Kemerovo Federal University, the International Society of Applied neuropsychology (ISAN), the International Society of Cultural-historical Activity Research (ISCAR), the Institute of Vygotsky in Portugal, the Center for Integrating Neuropsychology and Psychology (CINAPSI) in San Paulo, the Moscow Research Center of Developmental Neuropsy?hology, and the Irkutsk Research Center of Family Health and Human Reproduction. The congress will include plenary and thematic sessions (oral and poster presentations), round table discussions and evening lectures of the leading specialists in psychology and neuroscience from Russia and other countries.
In this presentation, Barbara Arrowsmith-Young talks about her journey of discovery, the lines of research she combined and the outcomes achieved over her 40 years as an educator and researcher. She will describe a number of learning disorders, from those that impact the learner in school to those that affect us in life. She will discuss ‘cognitive glitches’ – those areas of weakness that we are all familiar with and often explain away by saying, “I am just not good at navigating, recognizing faces, (fill in the blank).” She will discuss ‘cognitive mismatches’ – situations we find ourselves in where the demand of the task is incompatible with our cognitive functioning and the challenges this presents. Principles of neuroplasticity and the factors leading to both positive and negative brain change will be discussed as well as current research on outcomes of the methodology she developed.
Join the Eaton Arrowsmith community as we welcome Barbara Arrowsmith-Young, founder of the Arrowsmith Program, to Vancouver! She will be available for a question and answer session on Thursday July 12th from 3:30pm-4:30pm. The session will be held at the Univerity of British Columbia in the Pharmaceutical Sciences Building, located at 2405 Wesbrook Mall, Vancouver, BC V6T 1Z3.
Interested in brain health? If that is the case come to this session in Burnaby as we will have leaders in health care and health improvement speaking! We will have a panel of specialists present their approach to cognitive recovery. Our guest presenters will include: Heather Branscombe: Clinical Director of Abilities Neurological Rehabilitation. Heather has built a very successful career in rehabilitative medicine and is a leader in the greater rehabilitative health community as a physical therapist. Heather will serve as the master of ceremonies for the evening. Barbara Arrowsmith-Young: Barbara is a world-renowned leader in neuroplasticity and cognitive remediation. Dr. Gerry Ramogida: Will discuss how aerobic training impact cognition. Paul Peel, Registered Psychologist: A registered psychologist with a wide-ranging background in counselling and cognitive behavioural therapy. Paul will be presenting on meditation and brain health. Mark Watson: Will discuss why a integrated multi-modal approach is important to consider when seeking to improve outcomes to complex problems.
The Illawarra Grammar School offers the Arrowsmith Program, a program to help students with learning difficulties achieve their potential. Executive Director of the Arrowsmith Program, Debbie Gilmore will be visiting TIGS to share her personal experience and current research into neuroplasticity.
Arrowsmith School Toronto hosted an evening of learning about nutrition and brain health with Lubna Nazarani. The presentation helps us understand how foods can affect the brain. Lubna discusses full description
Arrowsmith School Toronto hosted an evening of learning about nutrition and brain health with Lubna Nazarani. The presentation helps us understand how foods can affect the brain. Lubna discusses ingredients that compromise learning and memory, explores optimal foods for brain function, covers what to look for on food labels, and discusses strategies to improve brain health. Participants are given simple tools to help them optimize their family's brain health. About Lubna Nazarani, MS, NNCP Lubna Nazarani has a Masters in Nutrition and Integrative Health from the Maryland University of Integrative Health. MUIH is one of the leading academic institutions in the United States for Integrative Health, uniting healing and wellness traditions with modern science-based research. She is a registered Natural Nutrition Clinical Practitioner, registered with the Canadian Association of Natural Nutritional Practitioners.
In this presentation, Barbara Arrowsmith-Young talks about her journey of discovery, the lines of research she combined and the outcomes achieved over her 35+ years as an educator and researcher. She describes a number of learning disorders, from those that impact the learner in school to those that affect us in life. She discusses 'cognitive glitches' - those areas of weakness that we are all familiar with and often explain away by saying, "I am just not good at navigating, recognizing faces, (fill in the blank)." She will discuss 'cognitive mismatches' - situations we find ourselves in where the demand of the task is incompatible with our cognitive functioning and the challenges this presents. Principles of neuroplasticity and the factors leading to both positive and negative brain change will be discussed.
In this presentation, Matthew will discuss how being connected to devices can have a negative impact on mental wellness. Based on recommendations from the Canadian Pediatric Society’s Digital Health full description
In this presentation, Matthew will discuss how being connected to devices can have a negative impact on mental wellness. Based on recommendations from the Canadian Pediatric Society’s Digital Health Task Force, this presentation will cover how to get a good start by managing young children’s screen use, how to help older kids get the positive benefits of networked devices while avoiding their drawbacks, and how to teach teenagers to manage the digital stress that comes with their connected lives.
In this presentation, Debbie Gilmore, Arrowsmith's Executive Director, explores the neuroplastic paradigm, the concept of cognitive enhancement, and how targeted cognitive exercises can be used in the classroom to enhance the learning of all students. By enhancing the learner’s capacity to learn, the rate of learning can be accelerated across academic disciplines.
In this presentation, Debbie Gilmore, Arrowsmith's Executive Director, describes a number of learning difficulties, from those that impact the learner in school as well as in daily life. The focus will be on learning difficulties that impact academic performance, such as reading and writing, and some of the research studies demonstrating brain-related change and enhanced cognitive and academic performance as a result of engaging in a cognitive approach to addressing learning difficulties.
In this presentation, Debbie Gilmore, Arrosmith's Executive Director, describes a number of learning difficulties, from those that impact the learner in school as well as in daily life. The focus will be on learning difficulties that impact academic performance, such as reading and writing, and some of the research studies demonstrating brain-related change and enhanced cognitive and academic performance as a result of engaging in a cognitive approach to addressing learning difficulties.
In this presentation, Debbie Gilmore, Arrowsmith's Executive Director, explores the neuroplastic paradigm, the concept of cognitive enhancement, and how targeted cognitive exercises can be used in the classroom to enhance the learning of all students. By enhancing the learner’s capacity to learn, the rate of learning can be accelerated across academic disciplines.
This event involves presentations by three researchers currently investigating outcomes of the Arrowsmith Program. Dr. Greg Rose from Southern Illinois University, and Drs. Lara Boyd and Rachel Weber, both from University of British Columbia.
The 2019 SharpBrains Virtual Summit featured over forty of the world’s top experts and innovators working to improve brain health for all. Dr. Greg Rose, Director of the Center for Integrated full description
The 2019 SharpBrains Virtual Summit featured over forty of the world’s top experts and innovators working to improve brain health for all. Dr. Greg Rose, Director of the Center for Integrated Research in Cognitive and Neural Sciences at Southern Illinois University presented on How to promote brain health at scale: Examples in the workplace, K12 education and consumer tech
In this presentation, Barbara Arrowsmith-Young will talk about her journey of discovery, the lines of research she combined, and the outcomes achieved over her 40 years as an educator and researcher. She will describe a number of learning disorders, from those that impact the learner in school to those that affect us in life. She will discuss ‘cognitive glitches’ – those areas of weakness that we are all familiar with and often explain away by saying, “I am just not good at navigating, recognizing faces, (fill in the blank).” She will discuss ‘cognitive mismatches’ – situations we find ourselves in where the demand of the task is incompatible with our cognitive functioning and the challenges this presents. Principles of neuroplasticity and the factors leading to both positive and negative brain change will be discussed.
The following topics are discussed: principles to drive neuroplastic change; how our unique cogntive profile drives our behaviour; and the outcomes of a neuroplastic approach to enhancing learning.
Dr. Greg Rose presents: The Benefits of Arrowsmith Training on Brain Connectivity and Neuropsychological Measures. Dr Greg Rose from Southern Illinois University presents his latest research findings full description
Dr. Greg Rose presents: The Benefits of Arrowsmith Training on Brain Connectivity and Neuropsychological Measures. Dr Greg Rose from Southern Illinois University presents his latest research findings on outcomes of the Arrowsmith Program. Dr Rose is currently undertaking three research studies on the Arrowsmith Program. He is also involved in an international systematic research effort to understand how the Arrowsmith Program changes brain functioning and how this translates into improved cognition.
In this presentation Barbara Arrowsmith-Young talks about how harnessing the principles of neuroplasticity leads to changes in the brain and how each individual can create a new reality for their future. She also discussed the latest research on the Arrowsmith Program which shows changes in the brain as well as academic, emotional, social and cognitive changes.
Does your child have a learning disability? The Arrowsmith Program can help! Come listen to our expert panel: Debbie Gilmore (Executive Director, Arrowsmith Program), Halton Hills Christian School Educations, Alumni, and current Arrowsmith students and parents for information on how this program can help to overcome your child’s learning difficulty
Come to Trent University's annual Ethics Lecture where Debbie Gilmore will raise the awareness of the impact of learning disabilities on education and society. Debbie Gilmore is the Executive Director of Arrowsmith Program in Canada. Her work is concerned with the fact that students with learning difficulties need more support in schools. Her work as a teacher, literacy adviser, assistant principal, and principal helped her understand the need to ‘unlock’ the potential of these students. She holds a Masters of Education and various Graduate Certificates in Education in a range of areas of diverse learning. She is this year’s speaker for the annual Kenneth Mark Drain Chair in Ethics lecture, which yearly celebrates a perspective on values or ethics in a way that engages with real-world situations.
A presentation by Barbara Arrowsmith-Young, Founder of the Arrowsmith Program. Key principles of a neuroplastic cognitive program and its outcomes are discussed.
Please join our Eaton Arrowsmith and Eaton Arrowsmith Adults community for a presentation by Barbara Arrowsmith-Young, Founder of the Arrowsmith Program. Barbara's presentation will be followed by a panel discussion with Barbara, Howard Eaton, Founder/Director of Eaton Arrowsmith and co-Founder of The Watson Centre Society for Brain Health and ABI Wellness and Mark Watson, co-Founder of The Watson Centre Society for Brain Health and ABI Wellness . Both Watson Centre and ABI Wellness use the Arrowsmith Program as an integral part of their platform to assist adults as they reclaim their lives after brain injury.
In this presentation Barbara Arrowsmith-Young talks about how harnessing the principles of neuroplasticity leads to changes in the brain and how each individual can create a new reality for their future. She discusses the latest research on the Arrowsmith Program which shows changes in the brain as well as cognitive, academic, and social-emotional well-being changes. She describes how a learning difficulty impacts the learner in school as well as in life and that the research shows that this reality is not lifelong and can be changed. The audience will gain insight into and begin to look at behaviour through a cognitive lens. They will build an understanding that through harnessing the principles of neuroplasticity we can change the brain and overcome learning challenges.
In this presentation Barbara Arrowsmith-Young will talk about her journey of discovery, the lines of research she combined to develop her innovative Program and the outcomes achieved over her 40 years as an educator and researcher. She will describe a range of learning disorders, from those that impact the learner in school to those that affect us in life. ‘Cognitive glitches’ – those areas of weakness that we are all familiar with and often explain away by saying, “I am just not good at navigating, recognizing faces, (fill in the blank) – will be discussed. Barbara will also explore ‘cognitive mismatches’ – situations we find ourselves in where the demand of the task is incompatible with our cognitive functioning and the difficulties this presents. The audience will gain insight into the principles of neuroplasticity and begin to look at behavior through a cognitive lens. They will build an understanding that through harnessing the principles of neuroplasticity we can shape our brain and overcome challenges.
The focus of this session is on describing various learning disabilities, from those that impact academic performance to those that affect us in life. Outcome studies demonstrating cognitive and academic performance change in these areas as a result of students engaging in the Arrowsmith Program’s cognitive exercises will be presented. Learner Outcomes - Participants will be able to: 1. Describe how learning and behavior can be viewed through a cognitive lens to gain better insight into a student’s cognitive profile, leading to better student support in the classroom. 2.Understand the brain’s ability to change leading to strengthened cognitive functions through targeted cognitive exercises using the application of neuroplasticity.
In this presentation Barbara Arrowsmith-Young talks about how harnessing the principles of neuroplasticity leads to changes in the brain and how each individual can create a new reality for their future. She discusses the latest research on the Arrowsmith Program which shows changes in the brain as well as academic, emotional, social and cognitive changes. She describes how a learning difficulty impacts the learner in school as well as in life and that the research shows that this reality is not lifelong and can be changed. The audience will gain insight into and begin to look at behaviour through a cognitive lens. They will build an understanding that through harnessing the principles of neuroplasticity we can change the brain and overcome learning challenges.
In this presentation Barbara Arrowsmith-Young talks about how harnessing the principles of neuroplasticity leads to changes in the brain and how each individual can create a new reality for their future. She discussed the latest research on the Arrowsmith Program which shows changes in the brain as well as academic, emotional, social and cognitive changes. She describes how a learning difficulty impacts the learner in school as well as in life and that the research shows that this reality is not lifelong and can be changed. The audience will gain insight into and begin to look at behaviour through a cognitive lens. They will build an understanding that through harnessing the principles of neuroplasticity we can change the brain and overcome learning challenges.
In this presentation Barbara Arrowsmith-Young talks about how harnessing the principles of neuroplasticity leads to changes in the brain and how each individual can create a new reality for their future. She discussed the latest research on the Arrowsmith Program which shows changes in the brain as well as academic, emotional, social and cognitive changes. She describes how a learning difficulty impacts the learner in school as well as in life and that the research shows that this reality is not lifelong and can be changed. The audience will gain insight into and begin to look at behaviour through a cognitive lens. They will build an understanding that through harnessing the principles of neuroplasticity we can change the brain and overcome learning challenges.
In this presentation Barbara Arrowsmith-Young talks about how harnessing the principles of neuroplasticity leads to changes in the brain and how each individual can create a new reality for their future. She discussed the latest research on the Arrowsmith Program which shows changes in the brain as well as academic, emotional, social and cognitive changes. She describes how a learning difficulty impacts the learner in school as well as in life and that the research shows that this reality is not lifelong and can be changed. The audience will gain insight into and begin to look at behaviour through a cognitive lens. They will build an understanding that through harnessing the principles of neuroplasticity we can change the brain and overcome learning challenges.
In this presentation Barbara Arrowsmith-Young talks about how harnessing the principles of neuroplasticity leads to changes in the brain and how each individual can create a new reality for their future. She discussed the latest research on the Arrowsmith Program which shows changes in the brain as well as academic, emotional, social and cognitive changes. She describes how a learning difficulty impacts the learner in school as well as in life and that the research shows that this reality is not lifelong and can be changed. The audience will gain insight into and begin to look at behaviour through a cognitive lens. They will build an understanding that through harnessing the principles of neuroplasticity we can change the brain and overcome learning challenges.
In this presentation Barbara Arrowsmith-Young talks about how harnessing the principles of neuroplasticity leads to changes in the brain and how each individual can create a new reality for their future. She discussed the latest research on the Arrowsmith Program which shows changes in the brain as well as academic, emotional, social and cognitive changes. She describes how a learning difficulty impacts the learner in school as well as in life and that the research shows that this reality is not lifelong and can be changed. The audience will gain insight into and begin to look at behaviour through a cognitive lens. They will build an understanding that through harnessing the principles of neuroplasticity we can change the brain and overcome learning challenges.
In this presentation Barbara Arrowsmith-Young talks about how harnessing the principles of neuroplasticity leads to changes in the brain and how each individual can create a new reality for their full description
In this presentation Barbara Arrowsmith-Young talks about how harnessing the principles of neuroplasticity leads to changes in the brain and how each individual can create a new reality for their future. She discussed the latest research on the Arrowsmith Program which shows changes in the brain as well as academic, emotional, social and cognitive changes. She describes how a learning difficulty impacts the learner in school as well as in life and that the research shows that this reality is not lifelong and can be changed. The audience will gain insight into and begin to look at behaviour through a cognitive lens. They will build an understanding that through harnessing the principles of neuroplasticity we can change the brain and overcome learning challenges.
In this presentation Barbara Arrowsmith-Young talks about how harnessing the principles of neuroplasticity leads to changes in the brain and how each individual can create a new reality for their future. She discussed the latest research on the Arrowsmith Program which shows changes in the brain as well as academic, emotional, social and cognitive changes. She describes how a learning difficulty impacts the learner in school as well as in life and that the research shows that this reality is not lifelong and can be changed. The audience will gain insight into and begin to look at behaviour through a cognitive lens. They will build an understanding that through harnessing the principles of neuroplasticity we can change the brain and overcome learning challenges.
In this presentation Barbara Arrowsmith-Young talks about how harnessing the principles of neuroplasticity leads to changes in the brain and how each individual can create a new reality for their future. She discussed the latest research on the Arrowsmith Program which shows changes in the brain as well as academic, emotional, social and cognitive changes. She describes how a learning difficulty impacts the learner in school as well as in life and that the research shows that this reality is not lifelong and can be changed. The audience will gain insight into and begin to look at behaviour through a cognitive lens. They will build an understanding that through harnessing the principles of neuroplasticity we can change the brain and overcome learning challenges.
Watch Barbara present her latest research into the science of learning to a sold-out audience in Auckland New Zealand. This presentation provides insight through a cognitive lens into the range of cognitive ‘glitches’ leading to a learning challenge. It details Barbara’s journey of discovery, the lines of research she combined and the factors leading to brain change using the principles of neuroplasticity.
In this presentation Barbara Arrowsmith-Young talks about how harnessing the principles of neuroplasticity leads to changes in the brain and how each individual can create a new reality for their future. She discussed the latest research on the Arrowsmith Program which shows changes in the brain as well as academic, emotional, social and cognitive changes. She describes how a learning difficulty impacts the learner in school as well as in life and that the research shows that this reality is not lifelong and can be changed. The audience will gain insight into and begin to look at behaviour through a cognitive lens. They will build an understanding that through harnessing the principles of neuroplasticity we can change the brain and overcome learning challenges.
In this presentation Barbara Arrowsmith-Young talks about how harnessing the principles of neuroplasticity leads to changes in the brain and how each individual can create a new reality for their future. She discussed the latest research on the Arrowsmith Program which shows changes in the brain as well as academic, emotional, social and cognitive changes. She describes how a learning difficulty impacts the learner in school as well as in life and that the research shows that this reality is not lifelong and can be changed. The audience will gain insight into and begin to look at behaviour through a cognitive lens. They will build an understanding that through harnessing the principles of neuroplasticity we can change the brain and overcome learning challenges.
In this presentation Barbara Arrowsmith-Young talks about how harnessing the principles of neuroplasticity leads to changes in the brain and how each individual can create a new reality for their future. She discussed the latest research on the Arrowsmith Program which shows changes in the brain as well as academic, emotional, social and cognitive changes. She describes how a learning difficulty impacts the learner in school as well as in life and that the research shows that this reality is not lifelong and can be changed. The audience will gain insight into and begin to look at behaviour through a cognitive lens. They will build an understanding that through harnessing the principles of neuroplasticity we can change the brain and overcome learning challenges.
In this presentation Barbara Arrowsmith-Young talks about how harnessing the principles of neuroplasticity leads to changes in the brain and how each individual can create a new reality for their future. She discussed the latest research on the Arrowsmith Program which shows changes in the brain as well as academic, emotional, social and cognitive changes. She describes how a learning difficulty impacts the learner in school as well as in life and that the research shows that this reality is not lifelong and can be changed. The audience will gain insight into and begin to look at behaviour through a cognitive lens. They will build an understanding that through harnessing the principles of neuroplasticity we can change the brain and overcome learning challenges.
In this presentation Barbara Arrowsmith-Young talks about how harnessing the principles of neuroplasticity leads to changes in the brain and how each individual can create a new reality for their future. She discussed the latest research on the Arrowsmith Program which shows changes in the brain as well as academic, emotional, social and cognitive changes. She describes how a learning difficulty impacts the learner in school as well as in life and that the research shows that this reality is not lifelong and can be changed. The audience will gain insight into and begin to look at behaviour through a cognitive lens. They will build an understanding that through harnessing the principles of neuroplasticity we can change the brain and overcome learning challenges.
In this presentation Barbara Arrowsmith-Young talks about how harnessing the principles of neuroplasticity leads to changes in the brain and how each individual can create a new reality for their future. She discussed the latest research on the Arrowsmith Program which shows changes in the brain as well as academic, emotional, social and cognitive changes. She describes how a learning difficulty impacts the learner in school as well as in life and that the research shows that this reality is not lifelong and can be changed. The audience will gain insight into and begin to look at behaviour through a cognitive lens. They will build an understanding that through harnessing the principles of neuroplasticity we can change the brain and overcome learning challenges.
In this presentation Barbara Arrowsmith-Young talks about how harnessing the principles of neuroplasticity leads to changes in the brain and how each individual can create a new reality for their future. She discussed the latest research on the Arrowsmith Program which shows changes in the brain as well as academic, emotional, social and cognitive changes. She describes how a learning difficulty impacts the learner in school as well as in life and that the research shows that this reality is not lifelong and can be changed. The audience will gain insight into and begin to look at behaviour through a cognitive lens. They will build an understanding that through harnessing the principles of neuroplasticity we can change the brain and overcome learning challenges.
In this presentation Barbara Arrowsmith-Young talks about how harnessing the principles of neuroplasticity leads to changes in the brain and how each individual can create a new reality for their future. She discussed the latest research on the Arrowsmith Program which shows changes in the brain as well as academic, emotional, social and cognitive changes. She describes how a learning difficulty impacts the learner in school as well as in life and that the research shows that this reality is not lifelong and can be changed. The audience will gain insight into and begin to look at behaviour through a cognitive lens. They will build an understanding that through harnessing the principles of neuroplasticity we can change the brain and overcome learning challenges.
In this presentation Barbara Arrowsmith-Young talks about how harnessing the principles of neuroplasticity leads to changes in the brain and how each individual can create a new reality for their future. She discussed the latest research on the Arrowsmith Program which shows changes in the brain as well as academic, emotional, social and cognitive changes. She describes how a learning difficulty impacts the learner in schoool well as in life and that the research shows that this reality is not lifelong and can be changed. The audience will gain insight into and begin to look at behaviour through a cognitive lens. They will build an understanding that through harnessing the principles of neuroplasticity we can change the brain and overcome learning challenges.
In this presentation Barbara Arrowsmith-Young talks about how harnessing the principles of neuroplasticity leads to changes in the brain and how each individual can create a new reality for their future. She discussed the latest research on the Arrowsmith Program which shows changes in the brain as well as academic, emotional, social and cognitive changes. She describes how a learning difficulty impacts the learner in school as well as in life and that the research shows that this reality is not lifelong and can be changed. The audience will gain insight into and begin to look at behaviour through a cognitive lens. They will build an understanding that through harnessing the principles of neuroplasticity we can change the brain and overcome learning challenges.
The author of the game-changing book, The Woman Who Changed Her Brain, Barbara Arrowsmith-Young developed the Arrowsmith Program, which has helped thousands of families and is taught in schools around the world. Her book interweaves her personal story with case histories she has gathered from more than 40 years of working with both children and adults. We are thrilled to have Barbara Arrowsmith-Young sharing her incredible story with us.
Does your child have a learning disability? The Arrowsmith Program can help! Come listen to our expert panel: Debbie Gilmore (Executive Director, Arrowsmith Program), Halton Hills Christian School Educations, Alumni, and current Arrowsmith students and parents for information on how this program can help to overcome your child’s learning difficulty
Matthew Johnson speaks about how you can take control of your children’s screen usage to maximize the positive benefits of technology on their lives.
Dr. Angela Peddle is an optometrist with a focus on vision therapy, neuro-rehabilitation, sports vision enhancement, pediatrics and special needs examinations. Dr. Peddle’s presentation, “Vision and full description
Dr. Angela Peddle is an optometrist with a focus on vision therapy, neuro-rehabilitation, sports vision enhancement, pediatrics and special needs examinations. Dr. Peddle’s presentation, “Vision and Learning”, covers the following key areas: How vision develops and how development affects vision; important visual skills necessary for learning; signs of visual problems in school-age children; vision-related learning problems; and visual perceptual processing.
In this Meetup, Barbara Arrowsmith-Young discusses a cognitive function framework of understanding behaviour, the principles that drive neuroplastic change, insights into learning difficulties from full description
In this Meetup, Barbara Arrowsmith-Young discusses a cognitive function framework of understanding behaviour, the principles that drive neuroplastic change, insights into learning difficulties from current imaging research and research outcomes of a neuroplastic approach to addressing learning difficulties.
The Ontario Brain Injury Association (OBIA) and Brain Changes Initiative (BCI) are pleased to announce the development of a Distinguished Speaker’s Webinar series designed to inform front-line health full description
The Ontario Brain Injury Association (OBIA) and Brain Changes Initiative (BCI) are pleased to announce the development of a Distinguished Speaker’s Webinar series designed to inform front-line health care workers and professionals in the field of brain injury. This webinar in the 7-part series features Barbara Arrowsmith-Young, who will present Shaping the Brain: The Woman Who Changed Her Brain, and Enrico Quilico who will present Exercise for Rehabilitation after Brain Injury.
We go to school to learn and we learn with our brains. Barbara Arrowsmith-Young discusses how 'putting the brain in the education equation' transforms the learning capacities of all students and leads to indpenedent self-confident learners for life.
Andrea Peirson speaks about what cognitive functions are and the benefits of strengthening them with the principles of neuroplasticity in our classroom and education settings.
Imagine a place where neuroplasticity (brain plasticity) and education meet. Imagine schools where students are enhancing their cognitive functions in combination with learning and applying content full description
Imagine a place where neuroplasticity (brain plasticity) and education meet. Imagine schools where students are enhancing their cognitive functions in combination with learning and applying content and skills within the academic curriculum. This is a very real possibility using a capacity-based program involving the principles of neuroplasticity.
The concept of neuroplasticity brings hope – the brain is plastic and can change. What is difficult for educators is adopting the principles into their everyday work. There is a huge divide between education and neuroscience. This is the challenge currently facing education. This session will explore the neuroplastic paradigm, the concept of cognitive enhancement, and how targeted cognitive exercises can be
used in the classroom to enhance the learning of all students. Educators can learn about how student behavior can be viewed through a cognitive lens; about neuroplasticity and how and why it works, and how to integrate new knowledge into common practices.
It is possible to change the cognitive capacity of the learner in order to enhance learning of content, curriculum and academics more efficiently. It is possible to enhance reasoning and processing ability to understand and quickly grasp what is read and heard, insight, comprehension, logical reasoning, cause and effect processing, problem solving, mathematical reasoning, motor function and auditory memory, among many other cognitive functions. As the learner’s capacity to learn is enhanced using a cognitive program, the rate of learning can accelerate across academic disciplines.
The Arrowsmith Program is based on the philosophy that it is possible to enhance specific cognitive functions through targeted cognitive programs.
Join us as we unravel the fascinating ability of the human brain to adapt, rewire, and improve memory functions. Uncover how strengthened cognitive capacities through neuroplasticity can enhance your full description
Join us as we unravel the fascinating ability of the human brain to adapt, rewire, and improve memory functions. Uncover how strengthened cognitive capacities through neuroplasticity can enhance your ability to recall and help you succeed in school, workplace, and in life.
Whether you're a student striving for academic excellence, a professional seeking to remember crucial details, or an individual looking to improve memory, this event will offer you the opportunity to unlock the full potential of your memory and help you regain control of your life.
Join us for a profound exploration of how neuroplasticity can reshape and enhance executive function. Discover the incredible adaptability of the human brain and how strengthening cognitive full description
Join us for a profound exploration of how neuroplasticity can reshape and enhance executive function. Discover the incredible adaptability of the human brain and how strengthening cognitive capacities through neuroplasticity can optimize your executive functions, leading to improved decision-making, strategic planning, and overall effectiveness.
Whether you're a professional aiming to excel in leadership roles, a student seeking to enhance organizational skills, or an individual looking to boost efficiency in daily tasks, this event will offer you insights that will empower you to harness the full potential of your executive functions.
Join us to unravel the profound ability of the human brain to adapt, rewire, and enhance key aspects of emotional intelligence, including self-awareness, empathy, and effective interpersonal full description
Join us to unravel the profound ability of the human brain to adapt, rewire, and enhance key aspects of emotional intelligence, including self-awareness, empathy, and effective interpersonal relationships.
This event is tailored for professional seeking to thrive in team dynamics, a student navigating social interactions, or an individual looking to cultivate deeper connections. Learn how enhancing cognitive functions will empower you to navigate the complexities of social-emotional interactions with ease.
Join us as we explore the fascinating realm of neuroplasticity and its profound impact on ADHD, focus, and attention difficulties. Learn about the remarkable ability of the human brain to adapt and full description
Join us as we explore the fascinating realm of neuroplasticity and its profound impact on ADHD, focus, and attention difficulties. Learn about the remarkable ability of the human brain to adapt and rewire itself, leading to enhanced focus, improved attention, and greater overall well-being.
Whether you're a student striving for academic success, a professional seeking to optimize your productivity, or an individual looking to feel more organized, this event is tailored to provide you with invaluable insights in how this can be done by strengthening cognitive capacities. From conquering the challenges of ADHD to thriving in various domains of life, including education, work, and personal pursuits, this event serves as a catalyst for your journey towards mastering focus and maximizing your potential.
Join us for this session where we delve into the remarkable world of neuroplasticity and its transformative impact on overcoming dysgraphia and dyslexia. Discover how neuroplasticity, the human full description
Join us for this session where we delve into the remarkable world of neuroplasticity and its transformative impact on overcoming dysgraphia and dyslexia. Discover how neuroplasticity, the human brain’s extraordinary ability to rewire itself, can strengthen reading, writing, and comprehension capabilities.
Whether you are a student, a professional, or an individual seeking personal growth, this event will provide invaluable knowledge to help you navigate the world with confidence. From conquering the complexities of language to finding success in school, the workplace, and in all aspects of life, this event promises to be a catalyst for your journey toward unleashing your full potential.
Join Debbie Gilmore (Executive Officer at Arrowsmith) and Rita Margarita (European and Middle East Representative at Arrowsmith) as they present at The Developing Child Centre in Dubai, United Arab Emirates. If you're a professional seeking to recommend a program to parents, consider the Arrowsmith Program. Discover how the Arrowsmith Program can make a difference in your child’s life. Attend this information session to learn more about the program, meet the team, and connect with other parents and professionals. Unlock your child’s potential and pave the way for a brighter future.
Join Debbie Gilmore (Executive Officer at Arrowsmith) and Rita Margarita (European and Middle East Representative at Arrowsmith) as they present at The Developing Child Centre in Dubai, United Arab Emirates. If you are parents seeking a supportive, effective alternative to traditional learning methods, consider the Arrowsmith Program. Discover how the Arrowsmith Program can make a difference in your child’s life. Attend this information session to learn more about the program, meet the team, and connect with other parents and professionals. Unlock your child’s potential and pave the way for a brighter future.
Join us for this session where we delve into the remarkable world of neuroplasticity and its transformative impact on overcoming dyscalculia and math difficulties. Prepare to explore the fascinating full description
Join us for this session where we delve into the remarkable world of neuroplasticity and its transformative impact on overcoming dyscalculia and math difficulties. Prepare to explore the fascinating realm of neuroplasticity and its remarkable ability to reshape the brain's numerical pathways, establishing a solid foundation in math.
This event is tailored for students, professionals, and individuals seeking personal growth, equipping them with invaluable knowledge to confidently navigate the intricate world of numbers. By unraveling the complexities of dyscalculia, participants will discover groundbreaking insights into harnessing the power of neuroplasticity to strengthen numerical fluency and problem-solving skills.
Calling all global educators, administrators and thought leaders – join this fascinating event on May 8th – either in Madrid or online!
Global Education Forum’s “EducAItion: Shaping the Future, Keeping Us Human” promises to be a dynamic event we contemplate the challenges and opportunities faced by education today.
Arrowsmith’s own Debbie Gilmore will be hosting a panel talk during the event - “AI and LifeLong Learning” will invite discussion and debate around the role of AI in learning. Don’t miss the opportunity to be inspired by leaders in the field, and consider how students can be prepared to be active learners and leaders.
Join us for an exclusive Question and Answer session with Debbie Gilmore, Executive Director of Arrowsmith Program Worldwide and Rita Margarita, UAE and Europe Representative to learn how to empower your child's cognitive growth. Discover more about the incredible Arrowsmith Program!
Join us as we unravel the fascinating ability of the human brain to adapt, rewire, and improve memory functions. Uncover how strengthened cognitive capacities through neuroplasticity can enhance your full description
Join us as we unravel the fascinating ability of the human brain to adapt, rewire, and improve memory functions. Uncover how strengthened cognitive capacities through neuroplasticity can enhance your ability to recall and help you succeed in school, workplace, and in life.
Whether you're a student striving for academic excellence, a professional seeking to remember crucial details, or an individual looking to improve memory, this event will offer you the opportunity to unlock the full potential of your memory and help you regain control of your life.
Is your child having difficulty at school? Having trouble learning to read, understand or focus? Does your child have a diagnosis for learning difficulties including dyslexia, dyscalculia, dysgraphia, auditory processing, ADHD etc.. – try to reference a number of different disorders not just dyslexia
During Debbie’s presentation, you will discover how a learning difficulty does not have to be lifelong. Using a proven cognitive program, it is possible to overcome the learning difficulty combined with the nurturing environment and excellence of The Silkwood Way, you will discover a totally new approach to learning, setting your child up for success, not only at school but for their future.
Join us for a profound exploration of how neuroplasticity can reshape and enhance executive function. Discover the incredible adaptability of the human brain and how strengthening cognitive full description
Join us for a profound exploration of how neuroplasticity can reshape and enhance executive function. Discover the incredible adaptability of the human brain and how strengthening cognitive capacities through neuroplasticity can optimize your executive functions, leading to improved decision-making, strategic planning, and overall effectiveness.
Whether you're a professional aiming to excel in leadership roles, a student seeking to enhance organizational skills, or an individual looking to boost efficiency in daily tasks, this event will offer you insights that will empower you to harness the full potential of your executive functions.
This summer you can improve your chances for success with the Arrowsmith Program’s renowned methods for improving reasoning, processing speed, attention, and comprehension. Our Symbol Relations – full description
This summer you can improve your chances for success with the Arrowsmith Program’s renowned methods for improving reasoning, processing speed, attention, and comprehension. Our Symbol Relations – Cognitive Intensive Program strengthens participants’ capacity to learn in school and engage meaningfully in life. Start your Arrowsmith journey this summer!
The Arrowsmith programme has been changing brains and lives at St Mark's School since 2015. We are excited to welcome Debbie Gilmore, Executive Director of Arrowsmith, back to Wellington. This presentation will focus on the stories of Arrowsmith at St Mark's, hearing the experiences of staff, and parents of students who are in the programme. We will also discuss more about what the Arrowsmith programme is and how can it benefit your child. There will also be an opportunity for you to ask questions and chat with staff and Debbie Gilmore.
Free PD sessions with practical solutions for help your learning support department.
During this presentation you will discover how every student can increase their attention and focus using a proven cognitive program provided at Plenty Valley Christian College. Discover the incredible adaptability of the human brain and how strengthening cognitive capacities can optimize executive functions, leading to improved decision-making, strategic planning and overall effectiveness.
Join Debbie Gilmore, Executive Director of the Arrowsmith program, on Monday, 17 June at midday for an insightful event designed for parents & people struggling with dyslexia or other forms of neurodiversity. Discover how our innovative approach addresses the underlying cognitive causes, helping bright students who are currently unable to thrive in the traditional education system. Learn about our full-time support options for young adults who may be refusing school due to trauma or consistent academic failure. Ensure a brighter future for your child’s mental health and educational success.
Is your child having difficulty at school? Has your child been diagnosed with dyslexia or dyscalculia? Does your child have attention difficulties?
During this presentation, you will discover how a learning difficulty like dyslexia or dyscalculia does not have to be lifelong. Using a proven cognitive program to overcome the learning difficulty combined with the nurturing environment at Teen Challenge, you will discover a totally new approach to learning, setting your child up for success, not only at school but for their future.
Is your child having difficulty at school? Has your child been diagnosed with dyslexia or dyscalculia? Does your child have attention difficulties?
During this presentation, you will discover how a learning difficulty like dyslexia or dyscalculia does not have to be lifelong. Using a proven cognitive program to overcome the learning difficulty combined with the nurturing environment at Teen Challenge, you will discover a totally new approach to learning, setting your child up for success, not only at school but for their future.
Join us to unravel the profound ability of the human brain to adapt, rewire, and enhance key aspects of emotional intelligence, including self-awareness, empathy, and effective interpersonal full description
Join us to unravel the profound ability of the human brain to adapt, rewire, and enhance key aspects of emotional intelligence, including self-awareness, empathy, and effective interpersonal relationships.
This event is tailored for professional seeking to thrive in team dynamics, a student navigating social interactions, or an individual looking to cultivate deeper connections. Learn how enhancing cognitive functions will empower you to navigate the complexities of social-emotional interactions with ease.
This summer you can improve your chances for success with the Arrowsmith Program’s renowned methods for improving reasoning, processing speed, attention, and comprehension. Our Symbol Relations – full description
This summer you can improve your chances for success with the Arrowsmith Program’s renowned methods for improving reasoning, processing speed, attention, and comprehension. Our Symbol Relations – Cognitive Intensive Program strengthens participants’ capacity to learn in school and engage meaningfully in life. Start your Arrowsmith journey this summer!
This summit, organized by James Lange, includes an incredible array of speakers who will share their advice and recommendations drawn from their respective fields of expertise. All speakers work in areas that help parents of children with disabilities either directly or through adjacent services.
Featured speakers include the three co-authors of the best-selling book, Retire Secure for Parents of a Child with a Disability. All three authors and many reviewers believe this is the best financial book for parents of a child with a disability. Their advice, recommendations, and guidance will help you optimize a long-term financial plan to provide for your child’s life-long security. Other speakers will focus on non-financial topics aimed at improving the family’s lifestyle, reducing anxiety and stress, and providing resources you can access after the Summit.
This event is designed to help you understand your / loved one's challenges with attention, reading, and learning difficulties.
During this presentation, you will discover how a learning difficulty like dyslexia or dyscalculia does not have to be lifelong. Using a proven cognitive program to overcome the learning difficulty combined with the nurturing environment at CoreSenses, you will discover a totally new approach to learning, setting your child up for success, not only at school but for their future.
Say goodbye to distractions and hello to action as we offer you the tools and strategies to enhance focus and comprehension. Don't miss out on this opportunity to take control of your / your loved one's learning journey. See you there!
At Arrowsmith, we understand learning disabilities and address them – head on – literally! Our students overcome learning challenges that are impeding their success by engaging in a program that full description
At Arrowsmith, we understand learning disabilities and address them – head on – literally! Our students overcome learning challenges that are impeding their success by engaging in a program that activates neuroplastic change. By understanding your child through a cognitive lens, Arrowsmith can provide a program that addresses your child’s unique profile and learning needs.
At Arrowsmith, we understand learning disabilities and address them – head on – literally! Our students overcome learning challenges that are impeding their success by engaging in a program that full description
At Arrowsmith, we understand learning disabilities and address them – head on – literally! Our students overcome learning challenges that are impeding their success by engaging in a program that activates neuroplastic change. By understanding your child through a cognitive lens, Arrowsmith can provide a program that addresses your child’s unique profile and learning needs.
We are thrilled to invite you to an exciting day of exploration, learning, and community. Experience Arrowsmith School and discover what makes our school a special place for individuals to full description
We are thrilled to invite you to an exciting day of exploration, learning, and community. Experience Arrowsmith School and discover what makes our school a special place for individuals to thrive.
Join this 30-minute virtual session to equip yourself with key lessons and inspiration from the field of neuroscience and neuroeducation.
Learn about the brain processes that shape your students’ learning, performance and behaviours. Explore the research that shows these processes can be improved through targeted brain-based approaches.
Arrowsmith School is different from a traditional school, we see your child's potential beyond the classroom. We want to help your child succeed and thrive not only in academics but in life. Join our full description
Arrowsmith School is different from a traditional school, we see your child's potential beyond the classroom. We want to help your child succeed and thrive not only in academics but in life. Join our Online Open House to learn more about our program options and find out how we help transform our students' lives.
Empower your child to succeed at school through the Arrowsmith Program. While many students attend Arrowsmith School Full-Time, Online and In-Person, others join Arrowsmith after their regular school full description
Empower your child to succeed at school through the Arrowsmith Program.
While many students attend Arrowsmith School Full-Time, Online and In-Person, others join Arrowsmith after their regular school day for 40 minutes daily, Monday to Friday, enhancing their capacity to learn and succeed. Flexible scheduling available and options from 7:45 am to 8:20pm Eastern Time Zone.
Learn more about the Arrowsmith Program and how your child can enhance their learning journey and academic success through a personalized program by attending this session.
Join this 30-minute virtual session to equip yourself with key lessons and inspiration from the field of neuroscience and neuroeducation.
Learn about the brain processes that shape your students’ learning, performance and behaviours. Explore the research that shows these processes can be improved through targeted brain-based approaches.
Debbie Gilmore, Executive Director of Arrowsmith, will be at the IB Global Conference held this year from October 17 - 19 in Budapest, Hungary.
Empower your child to succeed at school through the Arrowsmith Program. While many students attend Arrowsmith School Full-Time, Online and In-Person, others join Arrowsmith after their regular school full description
Empower your child to succeed at school through the Arrowsmith Program.
While many students attend Arrowsmith School Full-Time, Online and In-Person, others join Arrowsmith after their regular school day for 40 minutes daily, Monday to Friday, enhancing their capacity to learn and succeed. Flexible scheduling available and options from 7:45 am to 8:20pm Eastern Time Zone.
Learn more about the Arrowsmith Program and how your child can enhance their learning journey and academic success through a personalized program by attending this session.
Join us as we explore the fascinating realm of neuroplasticity and its profound impact on ADHD, focus, and attention difficulties. Learn about the remarkable ability of the human brain to adapt and full description
Join us as we explore the fascinating realm of neuroplasticity and its profound impact on ADHD, focus, and attention difficulties. Learn about the remarkable ability of the human brain to adapt and rewire itself, leading to enhanced focus, improved attention, and greater overall well-being.
Whether you're a student striving for academic success, a professional seeking to optimize your productivity, or an individual looking to feel more organized, this event is tailored to provide you with invaluable insights in how this can be done by strengthening cognitive capacities. From conquering the challenges of ADHD to thriving in various domains of life, including education, work, and personal pursuits, this event serves as a catalyst for your journey towards mastering focus and maximizing your potential.
Join us for this session where we delve into the remarkable world of neuroplasticity and its transformative impact on overcoming dysgraphia and dyslexia. Find out how neuroplasticity, the human full description
Join us for this session where we delve into the remarkable world of neuroplasticity and its transformative impact on overcoming dysgraphia and dyslexia. Find out how neuroplasticity, the human brain’s extraordinary ability to rewire itself, can strengthen reading, writing, and comprehension capabilities.
Whether you are a student, a professional, or an individual seeking personal growth, this event will provide invaluable knowledge to help you navigate the world with confidence. From conquering the complexities of language to finding success in school, the workplace, and in all aspects of life, this event promises to be a catalyst for your journey toward unleashing your full potential.
We are thrilled to invite you to an exciting day of exploration, learning, and community. Experience Arrowsmith School and discover what makes our school a special place for individuals to full description
We are thrilled to invite you to an exciting day of exploration, learning, and community. Experience Arrowsmith School and discover what makes our school a special place for individuals to thrive.
Curious about brain’s role in the IB Programme and how cognitive programs can enrich the learning and teaching experience?
Join educators around the world to learn more about bringing the brain into IB classrooms.
Reserve your seat today.
Curious about brain’s role in the IB Programme and how cognitive programs can enrich the learning and teaching experience?
Join educators around the world to learn more about bringing the brain into IB classrooms.
Reserve your seat today.
Curious about brain’s role in the IB Programme and how cognitive programs can enrich the learning and teaching experience?
Join educators around the world to learn more about bringing the brain into IB classrooms.
Reserve your seat today.
Join us for this session where we delve into the remarkable world of neuroplasticity and its transformative impact on overcoming dyscalculia and math difficulties. Prepare to explore the fascinating full description
Join us for this session where we delve into the remarkable world of neuroplasticity and its transformative impact on overcoming dyscalculia and math difficulties. Prepare to explore the fascinating realm of neuroplasticity and its remarkable ability to reshape the brain's numerical pathways, establishing a solid foundation in math.
This event is tailored for students, professionals, and individuals seeking personal growth, equipping them with invaluable knowledge to confidently navigate the intricate world of numbers. By unraveling the complexities of dyscalculia, participants will discover groundbreaking insights into harnessing the power of neuroplasticity to strengthen numerical fluency and problem-solving skills.
Does your child struggle with Math? Has your child been diagnosed with dyscalculia? Let’s explore the brain and what lies beneath this label.
In this webinar, parents will:
Join us as we unravel the fascinating ability of the human brain to adapt, rewire, and improve memory functions. Uncover how strengthened cognitive capacities through neuroplasticity can enhance your full description
Join us as we unravel the fascinating ability of the human brain to adapt, rewire, and improve memory functions. Uncover how strengthened cognitive capacities through neuroplasticity can enhance your ability to recall and help you succeed in school, workplace, and in life.
Whether you're a student striving for academic excellence, a professional seeking to remember crucial details, or an individual looking to improve memory, this event will offer you the opportunity to unlock the full potential of your memory and help you regain control of your life.
Transforming student success begins with Social and Emotional Learning (SEL). Understanding the brain’s role in learning, educators can bring greater awareness and impact to their students’ resilience, emotional regulation, and communication.
It’s clear: social and emotional wellness is essential not just for academic achievement, but for preparing our students to thrive in an ever-changing world.
Join this webinar to discover how integrating brain-based approaches into your teaching can unlock the full potential of every student and create a supportive learning environment. Don’t miss this opportunity to lead the way in education.
Does your child struggle with memory? Has your child been diagnosed with working memory or auditory memory problems?
Let’s explore the brain and what lies beneath these labels.
In this session you will learn:
Join us for a profound exploration of how neuroplasticity can reshape and enhance executive function. Discover the incredible adaptability of the human brain and how strengthening cognitive full description
Join us for a profound exploration of how neuroplasticity can reshape and enhance executive function. Discover the incredible adaptability of the human brain and how strengthening cognitive capacities through neuroplasticity can optimize your executive functions, leading to improved decision-making, strategic planning, and overall effectiveness.
Whether you're a professional aiming to excel in leadership roles, a student seeking to enhance organizational skills, or an individual looking to boost efficiency in daily tasks, this event will offer you insights that will empower you to harness the full potential of your executive functions.
Join us to unravel the profound ability of the human brain to adapt, rewire, and enhance key aspects of emotional intelligence, including self-awareness, empathy, and effective interpersonal full description
Join us to unravel the profound ability of the human brain to adapt, rewire, and enhance key aspects of emotional intelligence, including self-awareness, empathy, and effective interpersonal relationships.
This event is tailored for professional seeking to thrive in team dynamics, a student navigating social interactions, or an individual looking to cultivate deeper connections. Learn how enhancing cognitive functions will empower you to navigate the complexities of social-emotional interactions with ease.
Join us as we explore the fascinating realm of neuroplasticity and its profound impact on ADHD, focus, and attention difficulties. Learn about the remarkable ability of the human brain to adapt and rewire itself, leading to enhanced focus, improved attention, and greater overall well-being.
We are thrilled to invite you to an exciting day of exploration, learning, and community. Experience Arrowsmith School and discover what makes our school a special place for individuals to full description
We are thrilled to invite you to an exciting day of exploration, learning, and community. Experience Arrowsmith School and discover what makes our school a special place for individuals to thrive.
Does your child struggle with attention and focus? Has your child been diagnosed with ADHD? Let’s explore the brain and what lies beneath this label.
Join Debbie Gilmore, Executive Director, Arrowsmith Program, as she dives into the factors behind focus and attention difficulties, including ADHD. Gain valuable insights into how these challenges affect daily life and well-being, and learn about innovative ways to support concentration and reduce distractions.
Is something getting in the way of your child's success in learning? Learning difficulties do not have to be lifelong. Your child can overcome their struggles through Arrowsmith. Find out more at our full description
Is something getting in the way of your child's success in learning? Learning difficulties do not have to be lifelong. Your child can overcome their struggles through Arrowsmith. Find out more at our upcoming webinar.
We are thrilled to invite you to an exciting day of exploration, learning, and community. Experience Arrowsmith School and discover what makes our school a special place for individuals to full description
We are thrilled to invite you to an exciting day of exploration, learning, and community. Experience Arrowsmith School and discover what makes our school a special place for individuals to thrive.
Join us for this session where we delve into the remarkable world of neuroplasticity and its transformative impact on overcoming dysgraphia and dyslexia. Find out how neuroplasticity, the human brain’s extraordinary ability to rewire itself, can strengthen reading, writing, and comprehension capabilities.
Interested in better understanding the root cognitive cause of learning disabilities?
Curious about the history of special education, and how modern science can inform a different approach?
Want to better understand how a brain-based solution can measurably improve the impact of learning disabilities?
In this webinar we will explore:
Does your child struggle with reading and writing? Has your child been diagnosed with dyslexia and dysgraphia? Let’s explore the brain and what lies beneath these labels.
Join us for this session where we delve into the remarkable world of neuroplasticity and its transformative impact on overcoming dyscalculia and math difficulties. Prepare to explore the fascinating realm of neuroplasticity and its remarkable ability to reshape the brain's numerical pathways, establishing a solid foundation in math.
Does your child struggle with understanding the world around them? Do they find it hard to make friends? Do they have poor self-esteem? Let’s explore the brain and what lies beneath these feelings and emotions.
Is something getting in the way of your child's success in learning? Learning difficulties do not have to be lifelong. Your child can overcome their struggles through Arrowsmith. Find out more at our upcoming webinar.
Strengthen your child’s Symbol Relation’s cognitive function this summer, In-Person or Online, and begin a life changing journey.
Join us as we unravel the fascinating ability of the human brain to adapt, rewire, and improve memory functions. Uncover how strengthened cognitive capacities through neuroplasticity can enhance your ability to recall and help you succeed in school, workplace, and in life.
Does your child struggle with planning and organizing? Do they find it hard to make decisions? Has your child been diagnosed with executive function difficulties? Let’s explore the brain and what lies beneath these labels.
In this webinar, we will examine the neuroscience behind diverse learners, including how and why students experience learning differently. We’ll explore how the brain processes information and how students’ unique cognitive profiles determine their school experiences.
Educators will also learn about the brain's adaptability, and how neuroeducational approaches can address diverse learning needs within an inclusive classroom. We’ll discuss research and share examples of schools providing cognitive programs as part of their equity and inclusion goals, and their dedication that all students succeed academically and socially.
Join us for a profound exploration of how neuroplasticity can reshape and enhance executive function. Discover the incredible adaptability of the human brain and how strengthening cognitive capacities through neuroplasticity can optimize your executive functions, leading to improved decision-making, strategic planning, and overall effectiveness.
We are thrilled to invite you to an exciting day of exploration, learning, and community. Experience Arrowsmith School and discover what makes our school a special place for individuals to thrive.
Learn about the Arrowsmith Program provided at IngoC Cognitive Enhancement Centre.
Get insight into the principles of neuroplasticity and the factors leading to brain change.
Learn how we can look after our brain throughout our lives.
Learn about the range of cognitive functions and begin to see behaviour through a cognitive lens.
Join us to unravel the profound ability of the human brain to adapt, rewire, and enhance key aspects of emotional intelligence, including self-awareness, empathy, and effective interpersonal relationships.
Join us as we explore the fascinating realm of neuroplasticity and its profound impact on ADHD, focus, and attention difficulties. Learn about the remarkable ability of the human brain to adapt and rewire itself, leading to enhanced focus, improved attention, and greater overall well-being.
Join us for a discussion on the neuroscience behind lifelong learning and human potential. Learn how the brain is responsible for both foundational academic skills as well those increasingly important competencies like problem-solving, collaboration, and perseverance.
This session will explore how cognitive programs can optimize the brain to promote a lifetime of academic and professional excellence, resilience, and personal growth across the lifetime. We’ll examine research and applications of programs that target the most important predictor of success and quality of life: the brain.
Join us for this session where we delve into the remarkable world of neuroplasticity and its transformative impact on overcoming dysgraphia and dyslexia. Find out how neuroplasticity, the human brain’s extraordinary ability to rewire itself, can strengthen reading, writing, and comprehension capabilities.
Whether you are a student, a professional, or an individual seeking personal growth, this event will provide invaluable knowledge to help you navigate the world with confidence. From conquering the complexities of language to finding success in school, the workplace, and in all aspects of life, this event promises to be a catalyst for your journey toward unleashing your full potential.
We are thrilled to invite you to an exciting day of exploration, learning, and community. Experience Arrowsmith School and discover what makes our school a special place for individuals to thrive.
Explore the challenges and opportunities AI presents for students' academic success and wellbeing. In this webinar, we will explore how a strong, resilient brain is essential for students. Presently – so they can thrive academically and social-emotionally, and soon – to navigate in a new world and workforce shaped by AI. Already, AI is reshaping the way students learn, engage, and interact with the world.
While AI offers opportunities, it also presents distractions, content overload, and misinformation. A brain capable of navigating this new landscape is essential. We will discuss programs that strengthen processes like cognitive flexibility, attention, and emotional regulation—all fundamental to learning and flourishing.
Join us for this session where we delve into the remarkable world of neuroplasticity and its transformative impact on overcoming dyscalculia and math difficulties. Prepare to explore the fascinating realm of neuroplasticity and its remarkable ability to reshape the brain's numerical pathways, establishing a solid foundation in math.
Join us as we unravel the fascinating ability of the human brain to adapt, rewire, and improve memory functions. Uncover how strengthened cognitive capacities through neuroplasticity can enhance your ability to recall and help you succeed in school, workplace, and in life.
In this webinar, we will examine the neuroscience behind diverse learners, including how and why students experience learning differently. We’ll explore how the brain processes information and how students’ unique cognitive profiles determine their school experiences.
Educators will also learn about the brain's adaptability, and how neuroeducational approaches can address diverse learning needs within an inclusive classroom. We’ll discuss research and share examples of schools providing cognitive programs as part of their equity and inclusion goals, and their dedication that all students succeed academically and socially.
We are thrilled to invite you to an exciting day of exploration, learning, and community. Experience Arrowsmith School and discover what makes our school a special place for individuals to thrive.
Join us for a profound exploration of how neuroplasticity can reshape and enhance executive function. Discover the incredible adaptability of the human brain and how strengthening cognitive capacities through neuroplasticity can optimize your executive functions, leading to improved decision-making, strategic planning, and overall effectiveness.
Join us to unravel the profound ability of the human brain to adapt, rewire, and enhance key aspects of emotional intelligence, including self-awareness, empathy, and effective interpersonal relationships.
Arrowsmith frequently hosts and participates in various industry-focused events. View them at